The Best Film Never Released
12 March 2004
I saw Colin Fitz at the Long Island Film Festival in 1997, and have been waiting ever since to see it again. This film is a perfect example of all that is wrong with the film business -- not because there's anything wrong with the movie. The problem is that this film should have been a big hit, but was never even released. I understand there was a legal battle involving the film that hampered efforts to get distribution, but I don't think that was the only problem. I believe that no distributor was willing to sign on because they didn't know how to sell a film about two guys spending the night in a cemetery. How about this: "This is a great, intelligent, well-acted, hilarious movie. You'll love it!" But unfortunately, it had no big stars, and no explosions, and you couldn't sum up the story in three words, so it was left to die alone. How sad. If you ever have the chance to see this movie, by all means do so. You will not be disappointed.
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