Garbage Pail Kids (1988– )
not nearly as bad as you might think
2 July 2004
I remember watching this cartoon as a child and it's not nearly as bad as some people made it out to be. Yes, it is a real cartoon and it did air in various countries around the world, although apparently not in America. After looking at quite a few of the actual Garbage Pail Kids cards, I would parents had good reason to be concerned about a cartoon based on the cards. I don't care much myself for the cards, because I think they were gross and disgusting in the 1980s and they're gross and disgusting now. I will admit that some of them are kind of funny.

The cartoon itself was actually my first introduction to the Garbage Pail Kids. I didn't find out about the trading cards and the infamous 1987 live action movie (MacKenzie Astin's greatest role, next to that bit on The Facts of Life! :-) until much later. I actually viewed the Kids more as superheroes than anything. Well, you had Clogged Duane, who could turn his body into goo and slide through things, much like Nickelodeon's Alex Mack. And there was Patty, who could stretch her body and contort her face into silly shapes, much like Plastic Man or Mr. Fantastic, or even Elongated Man. There was Elliot Mess, who could take apart his body and hold his head in his hands. (I'm not sure how this power benefited him, other than he could use his head as a bowling ball. Well, anyway, that is using his head! Ha! I kill me! Okay, but seriously...) Split Kit was kind of the James Dean type dude, who could split himself into half nice kid and half bad dude. Then there was Janet, who could wipe her face clean and move it to her left hand and would talk with her hand. Literally, people would have to talk to the hand! And her face would be blank. (Again, I'm not sure of the point of this "power".)

Anyway, the Kids actually went around and helped people (sort of) and it was quite funny. It really wasn't as bad as the cards. That portion would usually be half of the show and the other half would have movie parodies. There were parodies of famous movies like the Indiana Jones trilogy, The Fly, and the Superman movies. I still remember "The Fry" parody and the "Supernerd" parody. Both were very funny. I was even able to acquire two episodes of this rare series and it was just as I remembered from a few scant years ago. Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Whoa, Whoa, Oh, Oh,.... (Yeah, I remember the theme song too) Garbage Pail Kids - the cartoon was pretty cool. I don't think I would get into collecting the cards and I haven't made myself watch the movie yet, but if you can find the cartoon you might want to check it out.
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