9 1/2 Including Seven Civilizations
19 July 2002
Speaking for myself, this is the most rewarding Fellini experience I have had. That's because in his early work, where one takes risks, he was very less ambitious narrative-wise than his later work. But then when he got to the later more complex ideas, he already could fall back on technique. Here, he was near suicide, completely out of his wig. And the results are remarkable.

8 1/2 is one of the best films ever made. It blends layers of reality including that of the film itself. It explores sex. It is direct and honest. It has passion and controlled vision. But it is _too_ well shaped, in fact it is rather glossy and stylish. The competence and gloss and control fight the honesty and spontaneity. In 8 1/2 the controlling devil won. Here, the chaotic one and the results are harder to read, but better.

Seven civilizations on top of one another. Fellini portraying himself as among ridiculous characters and not seeing himself as equally ridiculous. Many film images of images from other films that did not work and a (very) few that do or will.

A camera that shifts in and out of control like a schizophrenic -- a narrative that may be brilliant or just random, reminding us of the unclear difference. A feeling of hungry crew and entourage members eager to jump at any inspiration from the great one. A feeling of desolation when the great one fully realizes he is alone. Some exasperation at not just sex, but the incessant commenting on sex and the style associated with sex and the thin rewards from real sex as compared to fabricated sex.

I suppose it all depends on what you want from a film and how much coloring you are prepared to do. But this is a good one. Found on disc 2 of the 8 1/2 DVD.

Ted's Rating -- 3 of 4: Worth watching.
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