A disturbing mix of terror and tedium
26 June 2000
When we took my 2-year old to see the Tigger movie, maybe our expectations were a little high. A.A.Milne's stories have been stretched a little too thin by Disney over the years, but that doesn't keep us from putting on our Tigger golf shirts and heading to the multiplex to give it a try.

I knew we were in for a long evening when the first ad was our first exposure to "Dinosaur". My 2-year old was, shall we say, less than pleased with the T-Rex scene. The theater was filled with scattered, muffled cries.

The Tigger movie itself was down-right dull. It start off with a little of the bouncy wackiness we'd come to expect, then the rest of the movie Tigger seems to just drag his tail around and mope. All through the movie, my daughter taps me in the side and says "Daddy, why is Tigger sad? Daddy, why is Tigger sad? Daddy, why is Tigger sad?" Thank goodness my watch has a backlight on it.

Disney has come out with some real gems lately (Mulan, Toy Story 2, and Tarzan are both 9's in my ballot), but the Tigger movie seems like little more than Disney's declaration that mopes like me will continue to shell out $18 to have the family bored to tears.
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