Review of Fat Albert

Fat Albert (2004)
A Tremendous Kids Movie...Fun For Their Parents as Well
30 December 2004
The reviews I've read for Fat Albert have been disheartening and for the most part, non-reflective of this movie.

Too many critics cannot put aside their pretentiousness and evaluate this and other movies of the genre for what they are...children's entertainment.

From this standpoint, Fat Albert stands above most of what I have seen with my kids in recent years. Beside a wonderful dose of nostalgia for boomers, this is a movie packed with humor, solid entertainment, decency, and important lessons about life. To me, that's what children's entertainment is about.

And there were bonuses for adults as well...

I thought the cast suceeded in capturing what we loved about the cartoon characters. Dumb Donald, Mush Mouth, Fat Albert were all on target and delivered more to love in their human form.

I also appreciated the movie's ability to laugh at itself. I cracked up when The Cosby Kids were waiting outside the girl's apartment the morning after they met. They didn't need to sleep, eat, or go to the bathroom...because hey hey hey, they're cartoon characters.

Lastly, the connection to the girl's grandfather Al was a lovely tie-in and the scene at the cemetery where the grown up Cosby gang paid tribute to their friend was sentimental without being sappy.

Can I pick apart small things about the movie? Absolutely! However, this movie provided my family and myself with such good feelings, smiles, and conversation afterwards that there is no need to bother.

Compare this with other kids movies that are chock full of scatological humor and impending sexuality and you will see that Fat Albert stands far and above.

This movie was funny, thoughtful, and brought back many a wonderful memory. Go see it.
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