13 January 2006
I'm a big fan of bad movies. Loved Glitter, loved Crossroads, and for some of the same reasons I loved the first 2 Left Behind movies.

As a Christian seeing this movie which was marketed to Christians (in addition to a movie that might help evangelize to non-believers), I have the following to say. All the people who loved it on this site were the main targets for the movie. So they were going to love it no matter what. But the movie has horrible acting, dialogue, and is pretty much a snooze. The first two actually had more genuine drama to it, even though they were still cheese.

The theology behind the movie is about 200 years old, a man-made innovation into Christianity that never existed in the prior 1800 years of the faith and has no biblical basis. They've been calling for the rapture for years, and will continue to do so forever. Jack Kinsella (Hal Lindsey's best bud) last year said he'd be surprised to see 2006. Well now he'll be surprised to see 2007...and 2040. It will go on forever. Essentially, the "rapture" as they understand it will actually not happen till the very end as any plain reading of the text states. So don't worry, no one will be left behind.

Since it is such a terrible movie, it will fail as an evangelizing tool to "nonbelievers". It will just get the rapture-ites all excited. But one day they will come to the same conclusion the Millerites came to when the end never arrived when they thought...that they were wrong and should get with the program.

Bottom line? If you like bad movies like Glitter for entertainment and laugh value see both Omega Codes. Those are funny-bad movies. This one is just a stinker.
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