Batman Begins (2005)
Nolan is the real superhero
22 June 2006
To tell the truth, I thought the Batman franchise could never be saved, and I was really let down that I may never see my favorite superhero in a good movie ever again. Then I saw the preview to Batman Begins, I didn't really know what to think. New Batman. New Alfred. New story. New style. I wasn't sure why I wanted it 'the old way', but maybe I wanted to the actors in the Batman films I grew up with, to revive themselves and make a good Batman movie. I wanted Robin and sadly, Batgirl, alongside Batman saving the world from another familiar villain.

I heard Batman Begins, and I thought great, this was called "Batman" in 1989, selfishly I said, "I want something new!".

But, of course being a big Batman fan, I went opening night to Begings. 2 and half hours later, like the rest of the audience was completely blown away. It was the only movie I had ever been to (and yes I have been to some great ones) where the crowd claps and the end. This was not just golf claps for a popcorn clip, this was a standing ovation for 10:30 pm show in a crowded theater in Austin, Texas.

I never would have thought this would have worked, even with Nolan directing. But I was wrong, so wrong. After seeing the X-Mens and Spidermans, I clearly thought Marvel had the upperhand and DC was just simply trying to keep up, again, so wrong.

Nolan gave us a dark, gritty, and pleasantly realistic, view of Batman. Bale gives a tremendous performance as both Batman and Bruce Wayne. Michael Caine was a fabulous Alfred, and Morgan Freeman almost stole the show as Luscious Fox.

Even though X-Men and Spiderman(all of them) are wonderful superhero movies, Batman Begins, is just a good, no, great movie. And I think that is what blew people away, that it wasn't just some superhero, special effect, hero gets girl, good guy wins movie, it was a truly dark and well crafted movie, and it maybe stupid to say, but it didn't even feel like you were watching a superhero movie.

I don't even think Burton, and his animated style(which works), could have revived this troubled series, that Schumaker wrecked, because like Fantastic Four and Daredevil, tried over do it and give us the latter part of things.

So, here is to you Chris Nolan. You saved a franchise. You made an unforgettable movie, that will be remembered as the best superhero movie of all time, but just an all around great and unforgettable movie classic.
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