pretty to look at but what's the point?
13 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this film and for the life of me, I really can't understand why the movie was made. After all, nothing of earth-shaking importance takes place and I really feel no connection to the spoiled characters.

King Ferdinando of Naples is dying at the beginning of the film. This maid describes him as a wonderful man and most of the rest of the movie is a flashback from early in his reign. We see him as an obnoxious brat who is crowned king and follow him through his early reign as he sees to continue to behave like a spoiled child. Other than having fun and having sexual conquests, the guy seems unconcerned about anyone else. Then, he is married to the extremely beautiful Princess Carolina from Austria. At first they hit it off fine and have a wonderful sex life (though no mention is made of his people or responsibilities as king). Later, he gets bored and starts boinking another woman, so Carolina begins sleeping around as well. And that is ALL there is to the movie. I could care less about them and considering that Naples was far from the most important kingdom at the time, I really don't know why the characters merited a movie,...except maybe as an excuse to show a lot of naked bodies.

Sumptuous to look at but devoid of depth or interest.
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