Interesting, but not as sexy as Amuck
3 August 2006
My main reason for seeing this film was due to the fact that's directed by Silvio Amandio, the same man who directed the Giallo masterpiece 'Amuck', as well as the very nice 'Smile Before Death'. This film is often mistaken for a Giallo, but I knew it wasn't before I began watching it, so no disappointment there. All I really wanted from this film was an erotic extravaganza similar to the other two Amandio films that I'd seen, and when I looked at the plot description; it seemed as though I was going to get one. The plot focuses on a relationship between a daughter and her father's wife to be. This relationship is ripe for heinous sexual activity, and when you throw the daughter's 'not too clever, but sexually efficient' boyfriend into the mix; you know there's going to be a lot of nude scenes. Silvio Amandio obviously enjoys filming lesbian scenes, and may even be a bit of a pervert as all three films that I've seen from him have an astute lesbian angle...and that's certainly no bad thing. Anyway, the main plot focuses on the idea of the daughter trying to rid herself of her future step mother.

I've got to say that I absolutely loved the style of the film. It feels very seventies, and the central location; a beach setting looks gorgeous with its golden sand and crystal clear waters. It also provides the film with a distinct fantasy style, which might have gone well with the sex themes if they were more well done. The lead women are both your typically sexy Italians, but their scenes together aren't very tender and feel a little too rehearsed; strange coming from a man who shot possibly the best lesbian scene ever filmed in Amuck. Gloria Guida spends a lot of the film with little or no clothes on, which is nice as she has a great body; while Italian horror star Dagmar Lassander provides the film with a suitably sexy older woman performance. The plot isn't very deep, and it's clearly more of a premise for Amandio to shoot sex scenes from. This isn't a big problem; however, as the film is mostly interesting all the way through and while there's no violence or gore, the central character does impose a rather vicious screen presence. It's easy to feel sorry for Dagmar Lassander's character by the end, although the ending itself left me rather cold. Overall, I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to find this film; but it's certainly not bad.
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