Review of Homefront

Homefront (1991–1993)
Homefront - An excellent series from the golden age
3 December 2006
I remember the first time I saw "Homefront". It aired on Norwegian television back in 1994-95. Unfortunately I never got to see all the 41 episodes. I really hope I get the chance to see it all one day. This is one of the greatest series I've ever seen. I have been interested in the music from the WWII-era since I was a little kid (still do) but I really got a close look at the 1940's through this series and it made me even more fascinated by this era. I felt that this series gave me a more easier and gentle introduction to the life in the 1940's then the old black and white documentaries do. I love the music, the way people dressed, the cars and most importantly the morale among the people back then. Much more politeness and respect among people. Unfortunately this is getting more and more rare these days. I think this series could also be very educational for other generations in the same way it affected me. I really hope this series is launched on DVD really soon so I can show it to other people I know so there will more fans in the future. NB! Did I tell you that I learned how to knit my tie through this series? Big thanks to Mr.Al Kahn doing his tie on the Pearl Roadhouse!
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