Mary Poppins (1964)
Entertaining and heartwarming.
7 September 2007
Genre: Family film with real people, Julie Andrews, musical, positive feeling.

Main characters: Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews), Bert (Dick van Dyke), Jane and Michael.

What happens: Jane and Michael need a nanny, after their last one went off in huff. What Mr. Banks doesn't expect is a nanny arriving responding to an advert he tore up and threw in the fireplace..!

My thoughts: This is a very lovely film, charming for both children and adults. You are likely to enjoy the songs, the actors or/and the story. Those who have read the book/s may think of this as a little bit of a mess of P.L Travers's work, but of course if you haven't read them then you will definitely think otherwise. This film also has a good amount of humour, performed mainly by Julie Andrews and Glynnis John ( :-) ).

Whatever you have read the book or not, you will love this film in at least one little way or another. If you do not, then I am sorry that I have failed you and maybe you like horror films or something like that. If I have not, then I am glad you enjoyed this and maybe then you will be interested in reading the book.

Recommended to: Families and people who like musicals. Enjoy! :-)
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