Funny and unpredictable
14 February 2008
Mickey,Donald and Goofy star in this cute musical as three janitors who dream of becoming musketeers because three of them saved them when they were young.When Pete is trying to steal Queen Minnie's thrown,he is hoping that his henchmen are doing a good job in kidnapping Minnie but when one fail attempt to "kidnap" Minnie(they thought they had to kill her)got in the way,Minnie wants musketeer bodyguards and Pete knows he's screwed but an idea comes to his head and he hires Mickey,Donald and,Goofy to become musketeers and protect her.But when Minnie was in a time of need when the henchmen kidnap her Donald hides only leaving Goofy and Mickey behind.Mickey and Goofy succeed but Minnie isn't safe for long....

This a good tale on how Mickey's,Donald's and Goofy's dream come true as they go on wacky adventures and do hilarious stuff that can get them into trouble.The songs in it are good for an animated movie and the plot is perfect and goes at a good Pace.No matter what Mickey,Donald and Goofy do their friendship is never broken and they stick together in attempts to stop Pete in becoming king of France and its never too late to see this movie.This a good movie that could make your kids who are fans of Mickey Mouse to be quiet for at least an hour and a few minutes but you watch it too its great!
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