Review of The Mist

The Mist (2007)
RUN!! Don't stare at it and scream!
27 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I really expected a lot coming into this movie considering it had a rating on this site of 7.5. The entire time I found myself yelling, "What are you doing?!" Almost everything the characters did was "horror film stereotypical". As monsters ran towards them, they stood there and screamed instead of running. The crazy lady trying to kill a ten year old child somehow had acquired a huge band of followers within 24 hours who also felt that somehow God would appreciate it it they stabbed the child to death, along with the Army guy. It made absolutely no sense why anyone would listen to her at all. They should have duct taped her mouth shut from the beginning. Overall, I was extremely annoyed by how predictable this movie was and how I felt like I needed to dumb myself down in order to watch it. I couldn't think logically about anything that was happening or else I would have turned it off, so I had to pretend that it was convincing just so I could finish watching it. The ending made me totally nauseas. No one would EVER do what this man did. You battle the monsters for days and risk your life repeatedly and then you think that running out of gas means QUIT?! No, you would not shoot two old people, your own ten year old son, and the woman holding him and spare yourself. That is ridiculous. The personalities that these people had we not the type of personalities that would accept giving up, and the fact that they didn't join the crazy lady's band of insanity shows that the man was not a psycho and would not have shot his child in the head and not himself. I realize it was to spare them from the monsters, but no one in their right mind could do that. Every "mission" he went on was life threatening, and all of those people put their lives at risk by getting in that car, so why commit suicide?? They wouldn't. It was stupid.
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