This time Angelopoulos has surpassed all limits of pretentious and boredom!
2 October 2008
As I am the only Greek living in Latvia who can actually speak Latvian, I was asked by the Latvian Academy of Culture to do a simultaneous translation for the screening of this film. Having seen some Theo Angelopoulos films before and bearing in mind that dialogue is minimal, meaning that there would not be much to do, I accepted albeit with a heavy heart. This time Angelopoulos (a rich lefty who gets lots of cash from the lefties at the Greek Cinema Centre) has surpassed all limits of pretentiousness and boredom!. This is actually even more boring than "Eternity and a Day" or "Journey to Kithyra". The only thing I was looking for after this 160 minute torture was a bottle of whisky and some violent Korean movie to lift up my spirits. After Angelopoulos even Steven Seagal is God. Avoid him like the plague and laugh out of town any pretentious lefty who finds meaning in Angelopoulos' (non)existent crappy symbolism. Great movie for 50 year old rich communists or one brain cell first year sociology students.
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