Partly Cloudy (2009)
One unlucky stork
9 June 2009
Last year I got my very first Blu-ray and it was the Pixar short films collection volume 1, then I saw some of them for the very first time including the short Lifted, the short that was theatrically released with Pixar's 2007 feature Ratatouille, I haven't write a comment of that Brad Bird film but I loved it when I saw it on the big screen back in 2007 however and as I wrote I saw the short Lifted until last year's August. And I do saw WALL*E last year on the big screen but as for today I haven't seen the Academy Award nominee short film Presto so in other words for some reason in my city (at least in the screenings I attended) the traditional short film wasn't showed before Ratatouille and WALL*E (I didn't saw Cars on the big screen) so frankly was very nice that before Up (which I saw, in 3-D, last Friday night) we got to see the short, we got to see Partly Cloudy.

I have still to see Your Friend the Rat, Presto and BURN-E but so far my favourite short from the 00s is For the Birds (with the exception of Mike's New Car, Boundin' and Lifted I just loved the shorts from the 00s included in the volume 1 of the Pixar short films collection) and while Partly Cloudy is not as hilarious as For the Birds I really liked it and definitely was great to watch it on the big screen. It is about the storks bringing the babies, about the life- creator clouds, about one particular cloud that creates the babies that no stork would like to bring to the parents, about one particular stork that works with that particular cloud, about one unlucky stork. Is quite funny and after all some stork has to do that job! And believe me you will love the unlucky stork! Then Partly Cloudy is simply more good stuff to add to the mostly great Pixar catalog of short films.
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