Alien 3 (1992)
Massively underrated. Silly, silly people.
5 June 2012
Make no mistake; Alien 3 has flaws, all of which are right up on the screen for you to see and hear. Noted for having a script which was being written alongside principle photography - it shows: Dialogue swings from great to terrible in a heartbeat, identikit prisoners suddenly start to develop a glimmer of character.....then vanish without a trace. Vincent Ward's original idea sounded brilliant but gutless suits saw fit to butcher it and force out a rushed lovechild of the first two films (one alien/bigger group of humans). The best example of the problematic script comes when Dillon asks Ripley how she got impregnated by the alien and she replies with; "I don't know, in hypersleep I guess." For a franchise that had already built an established mythology that simply wasn't good enough. I saw it when I was fifteen (just managed to pass for eighteen) and even then I could tell it had problems.......but I absolutely loved it.

All these negative reviews are understandable but have any of you seen the restored version? Probably not. If you still haven't seen this film then ONLY watch that version as the original cut has the biggest plot hole of all time. I feel that with this newer version Alien 3 can be enjoyed for what it is: Dark, viciously nihilistic, visually stunning, atmospheric and a great standalone sci-fi film. No, it doesn't sit very well with Alien and Aliens, and Fincher was obviously up against it the whole time, but a poor film? No. Too much hard work and style is present and correct for that to be true. You people do disappoint me so.
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