A classic Harryhausen cheesfest
19 September 2012
Clash of the Titans! A story of daring adventurers, on the spot romance and cheesy dialogue can be considered a classic but is very much flawed both for better and worse.The setting of Greek mythology opens up a gateway to a whole cast of "epic" stop-motion creatures which is Ray Harryhausen's specialty but if you've never tried stop-motion before it may be harder to appreciate his great work which is the best part of this film As for the films weaknesses, it has many. However my biggest complaint is just how dated it feels. It looks and sounds like a film from the 1960's, like another Hausen picture "Jason and the Argonauts". The characters are fairly 2-dimensional and the romance sub-plot is a bit confusing with just how silly it is but at the same time it works to the films advantage. Its silly but entertaining, sometimes you'll be laughing your arse off but in a good way. The film doesn't exactly take its self seriously. When it comes down to it the films at its best when there's monsters on the screen, especially one fight with a medusa which blew me away but I won't spoil it, but besides that its not particularly strong in the other categories. I give a strong recommendation nonetheless for just how entertaining it is. If you see it in a shop, don't hesitate to pick it up.
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