All Is Lost (2013)
Very Lazy Writing Sinks this Film Early On
29 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ho! Wow, the writers really screwed up this film which should have been a lay-up. Did they even bother to talk with a single person who has spent more than an hour on a sailboat or did they just wing it from their experience on some Catalina Island booze cruise? The first problem he faced was an act of god, as they say, and not his fault but just about every problem after that was the result of his own stupidity and very poor seamanship. The movie is like what not to do if you have an emergency in a small boat at sea.

So he hits a container putting a nice hole in his starboard side about 2 feet X 2 feet. No biggie. He has resin to patch it up which he does incompetently. For some reason he loses all electrical power. Why his engine doesn't work isn't explained (and no back-up outboard motor for a yacht this size?).

His sailing skills during the storm were basically non-existent. You don't wait until the excrement hits the fan to put up your storm jib and reef the living daylights out of your mainsail. Once again, what about his engine? To broach a boat of that size you really have to mess up royally, like letting yourself get hit right on the beam with a huge swell. Why would you go below during a storm in the first damn place? Ever heard the expression "All Hands on Deck?" I think that applies here. You can sleep and shave after the squall. In the end the fact that his vessel goes down had little or nothing to do with the hole from the container. He simply screwed up during the storm.

Rule number 1 through 99 is WATER! It's the most important thing to consider when you finally abandon ship. These days with all of the survival foods available you could last for months in a life raft and some people do. Read Adrift where the dude survived for 67 days and crosses the Atlantic after sinking almost immediately after hitting a container in the dead of night. I would imagine that most life rafts come with a solar still water purifier which is little more than a blow-up beach ball. Just why he didn't prep his life boat after he hit the container was something I was wondering about way before his ship sank. His boat had plenty of fresh water and he can't carry 20 gallons on to the raft? They probably felt the dire water situation added drama but it made him look like a clumsy child. His crappy solar still wouldn't produce enough to keep him alive long.

I doubt that anyone has ever learned celestial navigation on their own in a life raft at sea. I don't think it works that way. And why even bother trying to find your position when you have no means of propulsion in the water. He had way bigger problems to worry about, like water.

In this day and age I find it very hard to believe that he would have no sort of communication. How about a two-way radio? Jesus, they go for about $20 these days and are a lot better for signaling a passing ship than a flare. Most ships these days won't even have anyone looking out at the sea. Why would they?

And then he sets his own craft on fire which might happen if you start a fire in a plastic container in the middle of your rubber raft. He doesn't deserve to survive. What a complete waste of what could have been a great movie. A great movie would have been the survival tale of a really experienced and highly resourceful seaman, not like this bungling fool. The end.
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