The Librarians (2014–2018)
D for Effort.
9 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Awkwardness. In all things this show is bad. Choreography is horrible, action is cheesy, story premise is flimsy and acting is 'meh'.

There was a lot of potential in the mass of historic and mythological stuff behind the show (films, although they were bad as well) but the production is horrible in all aspects.

It could have been done better, the producers should have watched the pilot and said: "Nope, lets re-shoot XX% of that", and done it better. This seemed that each scene was done in one take.

Very cheesy one liners and puns. The solutions to problems where way too convenient. You know it when first scene is disarming a nuke the size of a lunch box, is a secondary priority to opening a box that contains a "mystical Nazi gem", that has just been sitting in a warehouse in Germany for 70 years. Oh and the disarm code is the same for both. Who wrote that...i mean come on.

I seriously lost interest in this with the horrible fight scenes with the 3rd rate ninja's.

No good Sci-Fi/Fantasy shows. And we know why, because no one wants to invest in them when they are done like this. This causes capitol-flight in the industry.

Sorry there is no future to this show. If there is, then there are too many people brain-dead and with low expectations. Gave it a 2, because at least the effects where half way decent for a show that obviously was on a horrible budget. And if it wasn't on a horrible budget some one must be kicking themselves now, because they just wasted a bunch of cash on a C-List Fantasy show. There are Youtube independents that are better than this.

For shame i say, for shame!
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