Revoltingly violent; ridiculous plot, sad reflection of today's "entertainment"
26 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In the first 5 minutes of this abhorrently violent film, one of the film's protagonists is literally sliced in half, length-wise, from top to bottom, by a (yawn) hot, Asian-looking, double-amputee with some sort of "slasher foot-prosthetics" on her tawny, spandex-clad limbs. Yes, you read that right. Not only are the physics involved in this ludicrous action simply impossible, there is NO blood--nothing. Just an insipidly-dumb, ill-conceived effect designed to make sadistic killing "funny" and elicit a cheap "ooh!" from the audience.

But wait--there's more. In another disturbing scene, a church full of "Westboro Baptist"-style fundamentalist bigots beat, claw, and slash each other to death to the musical accompaniment of the "Free Bird" ending guitar solo. I guess mass murder is cool and fun if it's scored to some popular music and if the victims are just ignorant bigots; hey, no foul, no crime. Are we supposed to cheer this? There are other nauseating violent scenarios, all shot in the latest hi-tech digital slow-motion, freeze-frame camera work that makes rednecks and "real men" squeal in ecstasy. Oh yeah-and at the end, the hero's "prize" for "saving the world"? Why, what every alcohol-numbed fratboy/ socially-challenged gamer dreams of; (read this with a Swedish accent)"sex in the asshole" with a winsome, blond Scandinavian princess. I kid you not, folks. This is the shallowest, lowest-common-denominator script-writing.

This movie is an utterly disgusting and pathetic reflection of what passes for "entertainment" in today's mentally-damaged world of desensitized adults raised on UFC blood sport, graphic "head shots" in ultra-violent video games and a lack of real moral role models from our authority figures and heroes. It's a world of violence for violence' sake, and graphic violence as "entertainment". I felt dirty and stained after sitting through this turkey with my fiancé's friends on our double-date. Hopefully, you'll never have to experience the indignity...
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