Review of Iron Man

Iron Man (2008)
The movie that kicked of the MCU
4 May 2016
Iron Man is one of the best adaptations of comic book entertainment to the world of film. In my view only the Christian Bale Batman is as excellent a story and production as the tale of the Iron Man. Robert Downey Jnr is fantastically cast as Tony Stark, playboy industrialist and genius. As a weapons manufacturer and womaniser, Stark is set up as a character without morals and with only his own quest for pleasure able to match his inquisitive desire to build bigger and better weapons. It all goes wrong within moments of the opening credits though as on a trip to Afghanistan (and trust me it really does look like Afghanistan) his convoy is attacked and he is taken prisoner. From there, Stark builds the foundation of his Iron Man.

It is the first part of the film that is truly awesome. Downey Jnr's own decadent lifestyle plays so well into the character of Stark and the arrogance that accompanies a genius who knows his position is delicious. His winning way with people and the awe with which the squaddies look up to him in the moment before his convoy is hit are moments of cinematic greatness.

The part of the film where robots are fighting each other is less fun. I'm not a fan of the Transformers film and I didn't like the same robot action here. The process that turns Stark into the Iron Man both in the cave and then when perfecting the suit in California are what makes this film work so excellently.

There are plot holes just as there are in any blockbuster. The sentimentality of the reporting on a refugee crisis is cringeworthy. The deliberate attempt to de-Arabise the terrorist group is pointless as those who fail to see the difference still won't while those who do will not be convinced. Despite all that this is still a great film. Jeff Bridges is a great presence and his bald pate and beard make his character really stand out. Bridges carries a sophistication in his characterisation that makes him a believable Chief Executive weighing up every situation to his own best advantage. Even Gwyneth Paltrow puts in a decent turn helped by an excellent mop of hair. All in all a great start to the MCU
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