Deadpool 2 (2018)
Could have been better
4 June 2018
I'm pretty mixed about this movie. I would say that it was better overall than the first Deadpool in terms of plot, but it wasn't nearly as funny as the first.

The jokes in DP2 were a carbon copy of the original ones, but they felt too forced and fell flat more often than not. There were still scenes where I was laughing out loud, but they did not come as often as the first Deadpool. Unfortunately I think they became just a little too aware of how they could push this type of comedy and just went too far with the references and little in-jokes.

I'm also mixed on the characters. Deadpool is more or less the same, as is Dopinder and most of the other side characters. I REALLY enjoyed Cable and also thought Domino was ok. Unfortunately I was very much disappointed in how they used Negasonic Teenage Warhead. In the first movie she played a useful role as the young, nihilistic, attitudinal brat that contrasted with Deadpool's over the top exuberance. In DP2 she was only there to showcase that she was a lesbian. I'm sure there is plenty of more meaningful footage of her collecting dust on the cutting room floor, because she just felt like half a character. The same thing goes for Yukio. A completely pointless character other than as a political tool.

Overall it just felt like they took themselves way too seriously this time around. The first Deadpool was so clearly a gamble of a movie that they treated it as the character should be treated. This time around it felt more like a corporate owned studio movie that had to tick off their list of items/political commentary that they always need to cover rather than just making it a fun movie.
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