17 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Don't believe all those reviews that say "the last scene will haunt you for ages", it might as well not. If you're like me, you'll probably won't get any closure at the end, just sitting there with a "was that it?" face, wishing you wouldn't spend two hours of your life on something that dull and shallow.

Comparing this to "Seven" is ridiculous. In "Seven", you had a gripping story, gory killings and a few "holy sh.." plot twists. This movie is a linear narrative about couple of stupid clueless cops running around in circles, randomly busting and torturing vulnerable people without any reason. Most of the traces go nowhere, most of the "Chekhov's guns" never fire.

I didn't like "Zodiac", and I didn't like this movie. Looks like the writers of both just tried too much to recreate the "actual events", forgetting that the real life isn't so interesting to watch on the screen.

Oh yeah, some good cinematography. But that's it.
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