Unwarranted Backlash
12 November 2019
Seems like literally everyone's a critic these days, huh?

Terminator: Dark Fate is guilty of almost everything that people are now "accusing" it of. Yes, it kills John Connor in the opening few minutes. Yes, it rehashes the plot of a superior movie in T2 ...

But the one star reviews are nothing short of ridiculous. Viewing it as a continuation of the Terminator story, yeah, it's not the best in the franchise. But it's certainly the best of the sequels that have followed T2 so far. not a very high bar, people say. Yeah, maybe so.

But T:DF is undeniably an exciting ride, with slick special effects, great set pieces, and a decent storyline, penned by James Cameron himself. Seriously, if you want any continuation of this franchise at all, you need to allow Cameron to tell his story.

The backlash aimed at this movie is absolutely ridiculous. I'm not going to claim that it's a masterpiece, but to me, it feels like most people are jumping on board with the one star reviews just to seem relevant and superior.

This movies does for Terminator what The Force Awakens did for Star Wars. The Force Awakens got it's fair share of criticism, but in general, people gave it a CHANCE and were a little pragmatic about it.

Again, if we want the story to continue, we need to introduce new characters and tell the story from their perspective. John Connor is dead because they TRIED to keep him alive, and found it impossible to tell the story believably. So Cameron has moved on and brought us a sequel that reboots the franchise.

If you don't want further sequels, fine. Don't watch. But this over the top reaction from people is going to serious impact Cameron's chances of even getting the opportunity to tell the 3 movie arc that this installment has started.

On it's own merits, this movie easily deserves 6 to 7 stars, and people whining about feminism and the derivative nature of the plot need to stop pusing their own narrative and realize that almost EVERY movie is derivative in one way or another.

Again, watch it or don't. But giving overly negative reviews helps no one.
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