Casanova 70 (1965)
One the most underrated Italian sex comedy of all time!!
13 April 2021
Regarded as the best Italian actor for all times, Mastroianni, usually saw their contenders thru his rear-mirror in the dust, although has been a multi-faceted actor, he works out better on soft-sex comedies like this, the brilliant director Mario Monicelli co-wrote the story and screenplay as well, the outcome is fresh and beautiful designed, about the amorous adventures of OTAN's Major Andrea Rossi (Mastroianni) as mid-age unmarried man supposedly sexually impotent under normal conditions, just on extremely jeopardy he got an erection, thus he fails steadly with easy girls, fulfilled by gorgeous women this odd Casanova re-telling their affairs with countless woman with a famous psychoanalyst, who analyze him and states as sexual deviant.

However the Psychoanalyst gave to him an weird advice, he must thinking in those black silk stocking and black lingerie, then Andrea replays that he likes it on the women, which the Psychoanalyst corrects him saying that "You must wearing it like I do", suggesting Andrea forget the women and joint himself in the opposite team, the startled Andrea leaves the doctor's office soon as can, one thing is be impotent, but queer is out of question whatsoever, the grieved Andrea thereafter has many dangerous cases, making sex on the Napoleon's bed at Versailles castle meanwhile has been a touring on there, later posing as doctor to certify a girl's maidenhead, betraying his own superior on OTAN with his gorgeous wife sending previously a telegram like it was sent by herself, well in fact the troublemaker Andrea in dire straits all the time.

Magnificent Italian sex comedy without be appealing at all, utterly lustful, the stellar casting of breathtaking pretty girls, as Virna Lisi, Michèle Mercier, Marisa Mell, Liana Orfei, Beba Loncar, Moira Orfei, Margareth Lee and others hot girls, we must recognized that Marcello Mastroianni should not be paid for this job, nonetheless besides to get all those monuments girls as free he got the a lot of money, what lucky guy on hell, I didn't stop laughing on entire picture, please don't miss it for nothing!!

Thanks for reading.

Resume: First watch: 2021 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 9.
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