Identity crisis
23 February 2022
Unfortunately the streak of dc churning out bad animated movies continues, seems like they have long lost the quality they use to be known for.

The problem with this movie is that it does not know what it wants to be. I wont give specific spoilers but basically watching this movie is like watching 3 completely seperate movies with completely seperate tones that have been poorly edited together.

Movie 1: One minute you will be watching a pseudo-stealth scene with overly overenthusiastic jazz blaring as the movie tries to pass itself off as an animated james bond/mission impossible/man from uncle type of vibe.

Movie 2: Then it will suddenly be very very very childish and the action will have worse planning and animation than something like totally spies if anyone remembers that. The "choreography" makes no sense, there will be items/bullets that clearly just phase through characters.

Movie 3: Then despite all the childishness every single character in this movie, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, species, every breathing being in this movie gets all hot and flustered and falls completely under catwomans control because apparently every syllable out of her mouth is an innuendo?

So there you have it, I am aware she is supposed to be a manipulative character, that she uses her appeal to her advantage but its just so poorly done, she seduces hardened mass murdering gangsters by making 1 passing comment about a "pinch", its so poorly written and since the tone is often about as childish as the teletubbies it makes for a very jarring and very weird watch. It is like DC/WB had a few ideas for potential catwoman movies but couldnt decide which one to fund so they just lazily mashed them all together. What we are left with is an action movie with some of the most tame and poorly done action sequences in DC's history, a heist movie with no tension, no stakes , no build up and no pay off and a childrens movie that has every other character constantly getting aroused and flustered just by being within 10 feet of catwoman.

It really is a shame because DC have a million movies about heroes and they have a handful about villians and 1 or 2 about anti heroes, so making one about a character who operates in more of a grey area could have been a nice change of pace. Unfortunately this is simply a mess.
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