Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Season 2: Lazy. Season 3: Excellent
26 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 2 Review I really want to like Picard, I really do. But the show keeps annoying me with the lazy writing. I am half way through season 2 and have to write this review just to rant about my grievances.

So Picard and gang get sent to an alternative timeline by Q, where the Federation is a xenophobic fascist empire. So far, so "mirror, mirror". Picard and gang decide to travel back in time (like Star Trek 4) to set things right.

This could work as a story. It SHOULD work as a story. But there are so many dumb decision and nonsensical story elements, that I keep having to shout at my TV.

Upon arriving in the new timeline, Picard and friends are arguably the most powerful people in their society (president, general, head of secret police, head of alien experimentation, fleet captain). They manage to throw this advantage away within the space of minutes.

Upon arriving in 2024, they crash in spectacular fashion near Picard's abandoned vineyard in France. No-one sees this or comes to investigate. How uninhabited do the writers think France is?

Afterwards, the ship has power for transporters and cloaking device, but not internal heating? Really?!?!?!

They transport into major cities in broad daylight repeatedly, yet no one sees them except a small child.

The failure of their communicators over long distances in this period (maybe I missed why this happens) is continuously used to prevent vital information being passed between characters. Yet no one thinks to buy a mobile phone, or hack the mobile phone network with their communicators (yet, they can hack police computers in seconds, by hand).

No one thinks to replicate any money or ID.

Seven can drive a car, but only apparently with her foot flat on the floor, thus once again throwing away their advantage in seconds for the writers to lazily get a car chase sequence into the story.

They kill people without any sign of remorse. And yet when Elnor dies, the writers try to tell the audience how tragic this is. If you treat the taking of life so casually, don't expect the audience to feel anything when a main character dies.

Picard teleports to coordinates without any idea where it will take him. Surely you would look up the location on a map before going?

And on and on it goes...a decent premise pissed away by lazy writing. It is unnecessary and insulting to the audience. Please make it better.

Season 3 Review Clearly the show-runners listened to me ;-) Almost all of the new characters have been jettisoned (alas not literally) and the plot is interesting, the stakes feel real and high, and the dialogue is on point.

I thoroughly enjoyed season 3 - it was everything that Picard should have been from the start!
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