Satan conduit le Bal.
18 July 2022
Baudelaire referred to the Devil as the one who 'jerks the strings that make us dance.' This horribly fascinating personage has not unsurprisingly been portrayed with relish by such notable talents as Emil Jannings, Gustaf Gruendgens, Jules Berry, Gerard Philippe, Michel Simon, Yves Montand, Walter Huston, Claude Rains, Edward Arnold, Ray Walston et al.

Here Ray Milland plays the part in his third film for director John Farrow. Mr. Milland's persona has always had something of the Mephistophelian about it and he is perfect casting. The mortal whose soul he craves is played by Thomas Mitchell as that rare creature, a politician with a conscience. A nice surprise to see George Macready for once on the side of the angels and regular guy Fred Clark as one of Satan's minions. As one would expect Audrey Totter is good at playing 'bad'.

Oodles of atmophere supplied by cinematographer Lionel Linden, a wonderfully eerie score by Franz Waxman and excellent art design by Franz Bachelin. Story by pulp writer Mindret Lord and screenplay by Jonathen Latimer who also wrote Farrow's 'The Big Clock' and who, as a crime writer in Chicago was certainly no stranger to Evil, having come face to face with the likes of Al Capone and 'Bugs' Moran.

Satan never sleeps and although God triumphs here in true Hollywood fashion, in the real world He is very often caught napping.
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