My favourite Tarantino, and that's a bold statement.
8 January 2023
A German bounty hunter flees a Slave, Django, and the pair embark on a mission to find Django's wife.

As soon as I heard Luis Bacalov's Django, I was hooked.

This remains my favourite Tarantino film, and let's be fair there are many classics in that particular catalogue.

Django is equal parts shocking, entertaining, dramatic, bold, funny and original, to this day no other film exists that is remotely similar. It's a western, action packed love story, it really is a one off.

Three hours passed by effortlessly, it's one of those films where I wasn't aware of time passing by, I was engrossed and absorbed into it.

Some of the humour is hilarious, and in the context of the film works to perfection, the humour is as good, as the violence and misery of slavery are guy wrenching.

The music is absolutely wonderful, the perfect soundtrack accompanies this great film. Indeed the whole production is exemplary, it's a skilfully crafted film, the visuals are jaw dropping, it's very skillfully put together, with costumes, sets and lighting all on point, with the unbelievable staging as well.

Now I am sometimes quick to highlight who stands out in a film or TV series, but how can you do that here, every single performance is on point, Waltz, Foxx, DiCaprio, Jackson, I honestly don't think it gets better than this assembly of greats.

It's no wonder it gave us so many memes, who hasn't seen this masterpiece. If you haven't grab your remote, and improve your day.

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