9 January 2024
I had a couple of goes at watching "My Brilliant Friend" when it appeared on a previous years Guardian's best of list, but couldn't get beyond the first episode either time. I tried this series though, another adaptation of an Elena Ferrante story, which was similarly on the best of 2023 list. I did manage to finish it, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a struggle.

Giovanna (Giordana Marengo) has enjoyed a comfortable upbringing due to her wealthy family in Naples. Her movement into adolescence though has led to her struggling to find her place between her family and friends and the poorer Neapolitan kids she knows. Learning that she resembles her father's estranged sister, Vittoria (Valeria Golino) Giovanna asks to meet her. Vittoria, who lives in a poorer area shows her another side of life, which only deepens the maelstrom of confusion in her.

It's strange I admit, but one of the reasons I stuck with this was seeing Valeria Golino again. Who I'm not sure I've seen since "Hot Shots: Part Deux". She's really good in this, the sort of sexy, damaged character you get a lot of in European series. To be fair, all of the performances are good, but especially from Giordana Marengo who plays Giovanna and is in virtually every scene of the series.

I struggled though, I think because I look for a narrative to bond my attention too and though the atmosphere of Naples at that time is well recreated, I imagine, from a storyline, not a whole lot happens. I kept attaching myself to bits on the story, only for it to drift away to the ether and never mentioned again. I understand that's what life is like, being shaped constantly by complicated, contradictory stimulus - but I'm not here for life, I'm here for provocation or entertainment and I'm afraid I didn't get much of either from this.
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