Magical Mystery Tour (TV Movie 1967) Poster

(1967 TV Movie)

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Not The Beatles best, but worth a look
phonophile77292 March 2003
Although a great album,MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR was definitely not among The Beatles best works as far as movies are concerned, albeit a made for tv movie. The story does not seem to go in any particular direction and there is nothing tying any of the segments together. This movie which was first shown in black & white was a flop in England and only did a little better when shown in colour.

With that said, it is still worth a look just because it is the ONLY place you will get see a performance of I AM THE WALRUS. The other music video type segments include FOOL ON THE HILL, George Harrison's BLUE JAY WAY, YOUR MOTHER SHOULD KNOW and FLYING. In conclusion, it is a must have for the die hard Beatle fan but, don't expect a HELP! or A HARD DAYS NIGHT kind of performance. Just sit back, enjoy the music and don't even try to figure out the rest.
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Magical Mystery Tour
Seamus282911 April 2007
I was but a mere babe in arms when this film originally played on BBC Television in 1967 (and was trashed by both critics & audiences), so I didn't actually see it until years later, when I attended a Beatles convention, where it was screened with a batch of other Beatle related films. All I can say is...YOWZA! I guess I can see why our British cousins detested it. It was originally slated for a cinematic release, but was brought up by BBC for screening as a Xmas holiday feature (it was actually screened on the 26th of December,1967...and in black & white,no less). It fared so badly that NBC, who had American TV rights for screening it,backed out (no big surprise). It did turn up some years later in the early to mid 1970's, on the midnight movie circuit, playing to mostly stoned out potheads. I guess looking at it some years later, I would say that it is a period piece (check out the costumes that they wore back then). Maybe if I saw it, tripping balls, I would probably appreciate it all the more. Seeing it stone cold sober, it's a pretty lame attempt at a Beatles movie (although I admit, I do like some of the music in it).
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Underrated, but still not very good
Shaolin_Apu29 July 2006
'Magical Mystery Tour' presents the best band ever in the world (guess who) at their most creative period. During the phase that started from November 1966 with recording of Strawberry Fields Forever to spring 1968 with recordings of the Yellow Submarine soundtrack that one band did most of their best material ever. The six songs presented in the 'Magical Mystery Tour' are however alone better than what the group did with the movie.

At times the movie is even hilarious but perhaps too permissive adaptation of some scenes makes the overall atmosphere a bit too lame to be wholly enjoyable. It is sad that people will usually just remember the lame scenes only and forget funny ones. Therefore the overall impression will become negative to many viewers.

My score of this film is actually a combination of two separate categories: people who don't consider themselves as a Beatles fans they will get nothing more than just few cute tunes and for them this is a 4/10 movie. For Beatles fans this is about 7/10 for they will find many scenes and references certainly as entertaining as ever. Still even the fans can't be subjugated to enjoy everything and therefore not full score for even them.
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Coom on, join in! What'sa matter with yer ?!
cerdo2 March 2001
The silliness of this film seems to be lost on many Americans as a matter of cultural difference, but to anyone brought up in the British or Australian tradition it's a shambolic delight. There are many moments which stick in the mind, but my favourite is probably the sing-along in the bus, when a drunken Ringo begins singing "I've got a looverly boonch of coconuts..." and, upon getting no reply from his fellow travellers, loudly and stroppily remonstrates, "Coom on, join in! What'sa matter with yer ?!". Magical Mystery Tour has the amateur, string-and-stickytape appeal of the early Gumby series, but with the bonus of Northern English sensibilities and great Beatle songs. The poor boys were shattered after the death of Brian Epstein, John Lennon's marriage was coming to a very unfortunate end, they had had enough of so many things and were moving into a new and frightening phase of their lives : the film can be seen as an expression of all this angst overlaid with nostalgia for the Music Hall, Crazy Gang, Goon Show comedy and tragic sea-side holidays of their, and many of their fans', childhoods, and the sheer, magical power of their creative imaginations always looking forward to new possibilities. I love it.
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It's really not terrible
1930s_Time_Machine7 July 2022
Most people's recollections of this is that it's nonsensical self-indulgent and beyond amateurish.

Your memory is not lying to you but that doesn't mean that this is rubbish. If you're a die-hard Beatles fan and managed not just to sit through all eight hours of the Get Back sessions film but actually enjoyed it, you will love this.

It's not really a film, so don't expect anything like 'Help,' the slick, highly polished and properly made comedy. Magical Mystery Tour has none of these attributes. It is essentially an album filled in with what seems like whatever ideas were in the minds of John, George, Ringo and particularly Paul at the time. None of these extended pieces are funny, imaginative or indeed entertaining but for Beatles fans, inexplicably interesting.

It's also a rare opportunity to see on screen the wonderfully eccentric Scottish surrealist comedy-poet, Ivor Cutler.
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Magical Mystery Tour (1967) **1/2
JoeKarlosi10 January 2007
It's hard to accurately rate this unusual film, since I cannot honestly say I'd consider it "good movie-making," but it certainly still can be fun here and there, which is the whole point. It was rather haphazardly strewn together by The Beatles themselves as a self-made project not long after their manager Brian Epstein died in August 1967. It was originally shown on British television in December of that year but was harshly criticized and has always bore the notorious distinction of being the Beatles' first and only flop. It didn't help matters any that this very colorful psychedelic mind bender was incorrectly broadcast in black and white at that time, either. These days, however, MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR has aged a lot better as a piece of sixties history and a look back on those wild and exuberant times.

There isn't any plot to speak of here; we see Ringo Starr and his ever-quarreling fat aunt Jessie boarding a special tour bus consisting of the three other Beatles and a zany cast of misfits and oddballs. From there, things get crazier and crazier as the bus travels from one absurd situation to the next. Some of the highlights involve Ringo and his tubby aunt's constant bickering, which is amusing to watch, and a surreal dream sequence written by John Lennon which has himself in the part of a maniacally grinning restaurant waiter who literally shovels heaps of spaghetti onto the table of the overwhelmed fat woman. One thing that may always be counted on within any Beatles movie are great songs, and here we're treated to early MTV-like vignettes of John's I AM THE WALRUS, Paul's FOOL ON THE HILL, and George's BLUE JAY WAY. In truth, the I AM THE WALRUS segment along with a special grand finale featuring the four Beatles spoofing it up by doing a dance routine down a ballroom staircase to the tune YOUR MOTHER SHOULD KNOW are worth the price of admission alone. **1/2 out of ****
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This only gets a 7 for the music
preppy-316 April 2009
Exceptionally poor TV "special" with the Beatles and a bunch of uninteresting people going on a bus and riding around. This was made in 1967 for British TV. When it premiered the critics gleefully tore it to pieces. The reviews were so negative that in never even played on American TV. In the 80s a revival cinema showed this (along with "A Hard Days Night", "Help", "Yellow Submarine" AND "Let It Be") and I caught it. To be truthful the critics were right. This thing is a pretty terrible vanity project started by Paul McCartney (who did it again in 1984 with "Give My Regards to Broad Street" that also bombed). There's next to no plot. It's just a bunch of people riding around in a psychedelic bus and seemingly filming anything they see. Also the Beatles play multiple characters in dream sequences...or hallucinations...or whatever the hell they are! This would be impossible to sit through if it weren't for the music and the footage of the Beatles interacting. THAT'S the only reason I'm giving this a 7 (I should add I'm a Beatles fan). Without that this is a boring pointless mess.
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If anyone other than the Beatles would have done this, it today would be seen as a complete disaster.
planktonrules19 September 2011
When this DVD began, I was surprised how degraded and faded the film was. It just goes to show you that not everything about the Beatles was adored. In fact, when this made for TV film was shown on BBC, it bombed...badly. So badly that the film wasn't shown on American TV--which made me curious to watch it! I occasionally like to watch film failures--either to marvel at how bad they are or to re-assess and see that they weren't so bad after all.

If I try to describe the film's plot, I really can't. It's all a rather incoherent stream of consciousness piece that looks like the four guys just chucked ANYTHING into the film--and in some cases, I am pretty sure this is what happened. In between some terribly unfunny comedy bits, there are a few music videos and in many ways it seems like a much, much lower budgeted version of Paul McCartney's later vanity film, "Give My Regards to Broad Street".

As I sat watching this film, I looked through some of the IMDb reviews. Some hated the film or saw it as a disappointment. Others, however, were such die-hard fans of the group that I honestly think a sizable minority would have loved the film if it consisted of the Fab Four picking each others' noses for 60 minutes. The film is an artless mess and demonstrates that occasionally extremely talented people delude themselves into thinking this talent extends to many other aspects of their lives. In this case, Paul McCartney appeared to think he was creating something new and different....and in a good way. Well, it's not--at least not in a good way. Now it is NOT because of the surrealistic aspects of the film. Some folks can make this work (such as the folks who did "Monty Python" just a year later) but if NOT done right, it can come off as very amateurish and puerile---like this film. Any way you cut it, it's a terrible film despite some nice songs. But, when it comes to their songs, the ones used in this movie look like castoffs from their other movies--stuff that is far from their best work. The same can be said for the entire movie, actually. The film earns a 2, as the music, at times, is a nice break from the rest of this mess.
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Weird, Creepy, Morbid, Disturbing, Fascinatingly Bizarre
Steve_Nyland11 January 2009
Does anyone else out there find the whole "Magical Mystery Tour" package to be more than just a little creepy and disturbing? Me and my pot head buddies used to watch this all the time back in the 80s after it was released on home video (one of the first pre-record tapes I ever bought, and back then they were expensive) and I got to know it inside & out. Yet watching it now as an adult the one thing that kept striking me about the film was how it is so packed with morbid, bizarre little touches that are kind of disturbing.

First, think about the album cover, with these grown-ups dressed up as psychedelic circus animals. It is one of the creepiest covers for a pop record ever conceived of. I used to find it silly, now I see something darker and twisted in it that isn't all peppermint drops & incense. Then there are the songs themselves, amongst my favorite of The Beatles' catalog and utterly timeless examples of the psychedelic years' popular culture. Watching the band mime "I Am The Walrus" is a singular, unique experience: It was never performed or staged anywhere else by them. And George's utterly bizarre film for "Blue Jay Way" has gotten better and more mysterious over the years now that I have the patience to actually sit still long enough to see what he wanted to show us, and some of it is creepy as hell.

It's impossible to get around how deeply the music and imagery is infused with a seeming preoccupation with death, or mortality at any rate. It makes sense too since this was the band's first project after the death of their manager Brian Epstein at just 32 years of age. Where I used to look upon "Magical Mystery Tour" as The Beatles' attempt at Ken Kesey psychedelic twaddle I now look upon it as a subtle reaction to their grief and loss at having lost their friend & mentor right as they ceased needing him minding their daily affairs. The irony must have been unsettling even to Paul, who was largely responsible for this project and approached it as a way to keep themselves busy in the wake of Epstein's death. This was their expression of grief and is very unsettling because of it.

It's easy to chortle about the film's excesses being an example of how the boys needed someone to tell them "No" or how it was their first flop or misstep. I think that at the time it was impossible for their public to view the work and not dwell on the imperfections, which are numerous. Now in hindsight it's disturbingly odd, deliberately opaque and so purposefully unfocused that they must have had no idea what they were doing but had faith in themselves & proceeded as best they could anyway. It's probably exactly the movie the psychedelic age had coming to it too, waking everyone up from the party with a killer hangover and palpable sense of queasiness.

As others go to great lengths to point out, not everyone is going to enjoy this, even hardcore Beatles fans. I love the comment from another contributor of how they lost friends after showing this at a gathering: It's that kind of an experience. You'll either be fascinated by it or repulsed, as one should be by any example of artistic expression. What many may have a hard time accepting is that The Beatles were capable of making such an artistic statement, which is too bad for them. I say it's another brilliant masterpiece, though if you're looking for a trippy love fest you should probably stick with "Yellow Submarine", and if you want mop top foursome madness just watch "A Hard Day's Night" again. But for daring viewers who are content to let things be what they are this is a marvelous little head movie that may just creep you out if you let it.

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Brace yourself, and you may just get another enjoyable Beatles film
k_wedge27 July 2000
Being a die-hard Beatles fan and having seen A Hard Day's Night, Help!, and Yellow Submarine already, naturally I just couldn't live without seeing Magical Mystery Tour. I had read the harsh critics' reviews and heard the disappointed comments from other fellow Beatlemaniacs so I braced myself for the worst. It was a good thing, too, because it made the movie all the better. Had I thought that this film would be as brilliant as the previous three I had seen I would have also been as disappointed. But I found that if you don't let the extreme (acid-influenced) weirdness get to you, it can be quite an enjoyable movie. Not to mention the music selection was a good bargain, the Beatles being in their peak of music creation.
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All You Need Is Love
Twins656 December 2017
All we got was sh*t!

I had heard for years this was really bad, but I'd never seen it. And after a recent great UNCUT magazine cover story on this period of The Fabs, I just had to finally check it out.

Oh, I'd seen the movie still photos, including Paul in military garb, the fat lady with the spaghetti, and the boys prancing in their white suits inside the record album my brother bought about 50 YEARS AGO. And of course I'd seen the decent "I Am the Walrus" video which was included here, but I'd never seen the whole film of MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR. But thanks to the wonderment of library DVD loaners, I dove in last weekend expecting the worse. And that's just what I got.

I'd read some of the IMDb reviews here of the newer released Blu-Ray disc which includes some (allegedly) OK scenes not in the original film. But certainly not enough to save this "thing" (it's not a movie, but rather a series of inane clips featuring their great music).

So I'll file this one in the "one & done" category, and everyone else should just avoid it altogether and spend an hour doing something more productive. Hell, just throw on the album and clean the house. You'll be better off.
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Had read the bad press for years, risked it - loved it!
edin18 June 1999
Having read the story of the "disastrous" and "shambolic" Magical Mystery Tour in various publications for years I wondered what I was doing purchasing the DVD. After all I hadn't really enjoyed "Hard Days Night" or "Help" (though I liked Yellow Submarine). From the second the title burst on the screen though, a grin spread over my face and stayed there even after the end. I loved it! Ringo was excellent, his scenes arguing with his aunt were priceless. The music was fab and the "Flying" sequence was brilliant. The "white album" is my favourite and this film is the visual equivalent. 10/10.
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The Fabs on screen.
gdematties19 June 2015
A made for British TV film, "Magical Mystery Tour" was what John Lennon called, "the most expensive home movie ever made." The film is about Ringo and his Aunt Jessie taking a "mystery" bus trip. On the trip, they are joined by Paul, John and George and a cast of unusual characters. Done with no script, and basically the brainchild of Paul McCartney, the film lacks aim and structure, not to mention plot, etc. However, it IS the Beatles, and, as McCartney has noted, where else can you see them perform "I Am the Walrus"? The music, needless to say, is fantastic. Unfortunately, except for performances like Victor Spinetti's sergeant major, the laughs are sparse. Although, once again, you do get to see the Beatles for an hour, so how bad can it be???
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A truly crazy and zany effort by The Beatles
DennisJOBrien3 September 2006
Somehow a print of this film was obtained by a cinema in Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts, about 1970 or so, just three years after it had been shown on British television. I eagerly went to a midnight showing of it, as "Magical Mystery Tour" had never received a general release in theaters across America or on television. There we were, a sophisticated audience of international university students, laughing hysterically and some were even falling into the aisles unable to get up from the floor. Of course, some of the audience were stoned. I was completely sober, and found the audience reaction to be the funniest thing about the movie. It seemed as if everyone realized The Beatles were deliberately trashing their own circa-1964 wholesome image while making fun of traditional concepts of entertainment. For example, the "Your Mother Should Know" number is a satire of Hollywood musicals and dancing girls. The sillier this movie got, and the poorer the editing and sound quality became, the more the audience roared with laughter. They knew it was complete trash, but the feeling seemed to be that it was honest trash at the same time. The Beatles had always been known for speaking their minds, whether it was discussing Jesus Christ and rock music or complaining about U.S. foreign policy in Vietnam. So young people tended to respect their honesty and odd sense of humor. The movie was like an early version of the Monty Python comedy show ..... utter nonsense, but fun and zany nonetheless. I actually liked the songs in it, even though there was no rhyme or reason for them to be placed where they had been inserted into the picture. It is easy to see why it was misunderstood and panned when shown on British TV during the Christmas holiday season .... it was clearly not what was expected at the time by the general public.
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Good, if taken in context
PeteRFNY24 December 2002
The problem with most people that don't "get" this little film is that they do not understand the concept of the "day trips to nowhere", which are VERY popular in England. For a small fee, you can hop on a bus and ride around the countryside doing nothing but getting drunk and having fun. And that is all this is about. There are some innovative video segments thrown in for some of the best songs in the Beatles catalog. Rest assured, if you "hated" Yellow Submarine (say wha?), you'll despise this. If you don't mind a half-hour of nonsense, you won't mind this either. Lighten up and dig it.
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A bad trip with good music
Jeremy_Urquhart21 December 2022
There are plenty of music movies from the 1960s, 70s, and 80s that give the impression that most involved in making it were on drugs. If I had to put money on which music-themed movie had the most drugs consumed during its production, I'd pick Magical Mystery Tour.

I have a vague feeling I saw this when I was younger - like, 15+ years ago. Watching it now gave me an eerie feeling.

Also, every Beatle looks zonked out of their mind:
  • Paul runs around a field, then a beach, then stands on the edge of a cliff. I was worried he was going to fall off, even though I knew he wouldn't, seeing as I saw him live 50 years later (don't give me any of that "Paul is actually dead" conspiracy stuff).

  • John Lennon feels like he's literally asleep for much of the runtime.

  • George Harrison is being a good boy and remaining neither seen nor heard for long stretches of this movie.

  • Ringo is just being regular old Ringo at least.

This feels like a significantly worse version of both A Hard Day's Night and Help!, maybe because it's shorter and lower budget, but also maybe because the Beatles themselves didn't look like they cared about the movie.

At least they cared about the music! Magical Mystery Tour's a great album, so the film of the same name has great music. And some of it's entertaining and wacky in the way that lesser Monty Python skits sort of border on enjoyable. Other times, it feels like a bad trip - the energy here made me really uncomfortable at points, but uh... at least it's interesting.
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Not quite as bad
larcher-227 July 1999
Not quite as bad as its reputation; one mainly wonders why the Beatles, at the top of their form and with plenty of money, didn't get somebody to film it properly, record the sound properly, or edit it properly. The first time I saw it, the middle part was shown out of sequence, perhaps because the projectionist was stoned. Or perhaps it wasn't out of sequence; I've seen the film since and am still not quite sure. There are three or four bits that are outstanding--and the perfectly silly finale is a delight. It's worth watching, even sober; but don't pay too much for it.
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John, Paul, George and Ringo embark on a dream like tour. Includes music from Magical Mystery Tour Album!
abctoy1 May 2005
Critics lambaste this film but go way to far. Take it for what it is and it is enjoyable. This film gives you a chance to get a glimpse of the Beatles in 1967. It helps if you were around in 1967 (and not a pole up your behind) aware of the culture of the time. Quit with the Art Master Piece Critic and just look at entertainment value. Understand this was a foray into the Popular cultures and uses British humor which many US critics 'do not get'. Look at the shellacking Monty Python took by many in the US. Enjoy the recorded presentation of Popular Beatles songs. The film also uses some notable British Comedians of the time. When you rent this film - do not expect a academy award winning film rather fun 1960's Pop Culture entertainment.
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Whoever came up with the concept, I'd rather they hadn't.
I_Ailurophile17 January 2023
I suppose there's something to be said for the fact that this was a creation entirely of The Beatles' own doing, and accordingly working completely on an improvisational basis. In at least some measure one has to admire the gumption, as well as the idea of effectively just pulling people off the street for a couple weeks on a lark. Golly, do I wish I had something else to praise here. As one-quarter of the abbreviated runtime has elapsed, it's not just that the TV movie has failed to inspire laughter, or a smile, or so much as a single happy neuron to fire off. It's that the presentation has been emphatically unfunny, and altogether aggravating, with no sign of improvement forthcoming. (Indeed, there is not.) If the folks involved had fun making this, then I am glad for them, but the feeling is not passed on to the audience. Of everything the "Fab Four" have done, or that has been done in their name, 'Magical Mystery Tour' might genuinely be the worst of it all.

We're given one scene after another of silliness without any connective threads or through-lines, no particular wit or intelligence behind it, nor any rhyme or reason. Like the most abstruse of performance art, we're supposed to appreciate what is presented to us simply because it Is. True, this is part and parcel of how the production came about, with people just volunteering ideas willy-nilly, whatever whim came to mind, and in they went. Even if deliberately flimsy and meager, however, the one thing that any picture requires is at least the merest glimmer of order, progression, or a unified vision to tie it together. Of all the ideas that were advanced for MMT, I can't believe that no one said "how about a story?" This is to say nothing of moments that are actively vexing, such as the military officer speaking gibberish who is supposed to be a caricature or parody or some such, but instead is just boorish, boring bluster. In other instances, we are shown a sequence of images that directly correlate to words being sung or spoken; I guess someone thought this was clever?

Every now and again there's a thought laid before us that has the potential of being entertaining. Unfortunately, such examples either weren't developed, or they're adjoined with other notions that are reliably tired, dull, and uninteresting, if not also obnoxious. Moreover, while The Beatles demonstrated many capabilities over the course of their careers, "filmmakers" they were not. It seems Ringo Starr himself is being credited with the camerawork for this feature - though I don't know if "given credit" is the appropriate term so much as "held responsible" given some of the choices here of cinematography. Editing duties are said to have been handed off to Roy Benson to assemble the movie as we see it, but many of his decisions in that capacity are likewise questionable, if not pointedly irritating.

In the greatest possible spirit of generosity, one might say that MMT comes off as loose sketch comedy, or maybe the type of free-wheeling nonsense that any group of friends might get together to film just for kicks. If we're calling it sketch comedy, however, it's not funny (or enjoyable on any level), and there's too little thought put into any of the inclusions to lend credence to the label. This holds true even if we draw comparison to comedy that aims to elicit reactions not with especial humor, but out of sheer bewilderment for the dryness and outlandishness of the material. And as for the comparison to "home movie" projects among friends, well, I think there tends to be more robust consideration given to such affairs than is the case here. There are facets of this picture dotted throughout that clearly benefited from some degree of earnest effort, such as the grandiosity of the final sequence. Imagine what this might have been if such effort were applied to each bit being filmed.

There are folks who will watch this and love it not just because "It's The Beatles!" but because they derive sincere entertainment from the experience. I'm happy for them. I, personally, am mystified that this hasn't been shoved into the same memory hole as 'The day the clown cried.' Just because the people involved in the "production" of a movie had a good time doesn't mean it's deserving as anything other then a souvenir, a memento, a fond memory for those who shared the experience. I'm of the mind that for anyone who comes upon this to watch as a detached viewer, whatever their expectations, it's all but anathema. Check out 'Magical Mystery Tour' if you want, but in my opinion this something that only enthusiasts of all manner of cinematic dreck could actually find worth exploring as a curious misstep in cultural history.
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This movie is FLYING high says THE WALRUS
boowallace25 September 2005
I thought this movie was very random which was a good thing. The scenes would change often, but the skits(I guess you could call it that) are hilarious. From shoveling pasta to a Nascar race this movie was simply fascinating and definitely ahead of its time. Psychedelic(sp?)(there's a load of colors) indeed it was original and for all its worth it is good even though it was improvised a lot. The music is incredible. Fool on the Hill with scenes of Paul on the mountain are unique, I am the Walrus is creative, and Flying is just pretty. Blue Jay Way is just creepy if you ask me. This definitely a must see for any Beatles fan. ~Walker
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It's watchable stuff.
The Magical Mystery Tour was notorious for being The Beatles' first critical dud (the movie that is), but the album became an INSTANT classic for those who heard it all the way through. The movie feels like a fever-dream sideshow of vignettes that The Beatles couldn't firmly set a story around so they just threw together whatever they had filmed and hoped for the best once everything was finished.

Is the film terrible? No. Is it particularly good? No, not so much but it's okay. Is it bad? I guess the film was always gonna be in that 'it's so bad it's good' kind of campiness anyway. It's a confused film in need of a real story instead of the unfocused hodgepodge it turned out to be.

Magical Mystery Tour isn't bad but the real star of the show is easily the music that was done FOR the film; it's become an immortalised piece of pop-music itself and has leapt countless bounds compared to the movie it came from. But the film is nicely crazy.

For The Beatles' first critical flop, it could have been a LOT worse honestly. 3/5 stars. It's watchable and the music is something else, but the story is definitely gonna fall short for some viewers.
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"...and already the magic is beginning to work."
classicsoncall21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you're a hard core Beatles fan you'll probably want to catch this picture at least once, but if not, you could fast forward your way through it and not miss a thing. This was primarily Paul McCartney's project back during the Beatles' heyday, but it almost looks like there was no one in control of the film at all. The story basically involves the Magical Mystery Tour bus careening around the countryside with it's passengers getting on and off at various points for who knows what, among them a gibberish spouting army sergeant and a quartet of midget wrestlers going through their motions. Ringo is introduced as Richard B. Starkey and appears at least to be a character in the story, accompanied by his Aunt Jess (Jessie Robins), while Paul, John and George fulfill their roles as passengers but not much else, except for the songs they deliver throughout. You'll catch them in their psychedelically inspired costumes from the era, with about half the tunes from the "Magical Mystery Tour" record, but in my opinion, the picture diminishes the brilliance of the album, so if one has a choice, go with just the music. You can make the rest of it up in your head.
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i love this movie!
wowiekazowie494 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you are easily amused, then this is the movie for you! My friends and I got the biggest kick out of this. We danced, sang, and my friend fell flat on her face at the end during the last part of "Hello Goodbye" while trying to do a dance. Ringo is so funny when he gets mad at his Aunt Jessie. Anyway, if you are not easily amused (or uptight) this movie would become a waste of time.

The Beatles have an incredible ability to make movies and sing...while maintaining the classic "Beatle" style. The best song in my opinion is "I am The Walrus" because of the odd costumes and the feeling of worrylessness (is that a word?). It just makes all of your other fears and worries go away. Anyway, this is a great of my favorites.
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Not great, but still entertaining
laurelfloral12 July 2003
This movie may not be nearly as good as "A Hard Day's Night" or "Help!," but it certainly doesn't deserve all the bad press it gets. Reeling from the death of their manager, the Beatles had to rely on Paul to lead the way, and MMT's unexpected flop seemed to bring them to their senses. One can definitely see the effects of acid and pot in this movie, and it's quite interesting, even if only as a sign of the times. The lack of a discernible plot and the random cast members detract slightly, but it's certainly worth watching at least once.

Perhaps one of its best moments is the only existing live performance of "I Am the Walrus," which is pretty cool to see, and the rest of the song performances (Fool on the Hill, Blue Jay Way, Your Mother Should Know) aren't bad, either. The aerial scene is beautiful to watch, though, and makes good use of the song "Flying."

But don't buy it unless you're a serious fan; you'd do better to use your money on the other Beatles movies.
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Boxing Day Blunder
slokes24 January 2004
As Beatles fans know, 1967 was the greatest year for the greatest pop band ever known. They released one era-defining album, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," and liberally sprinkled a number of amazingly high-quality singles through the rest of the year, including "Strawberry Fields Forever"/"Penny Lane", "Hello Goodbye", and "All You Need Is Love."

They wanted to show they had something left in the tank after all that, though; even after the sudden death of their manager. So they decided to end the year with an hour-long comedy-and-music television special on Boxing Day. The problem was that all their success, combined with copious amounts of psychotropic substances, went right to their moptopped heads.

Who had the brilliant idea of using handheld cameras that jangle annoyingly throughout the movie? Who thought of creating a rambling section where four or five great magicians stare at road maps and jabber at each other unintelligibly? Who came up with the notion of having an apparently clueless group of actors who never worked with each other before improv all their lines like a Second City troupe?

It's only just over 50 minutes long, and little more than a succession of music performance clips with interconnected bits of material, designed as a pleasant lark. But the connecting bits, intended to be surreal, are merely stupid. Surrealism, like any important form of art, requires discipline to work effectively. "Strawberry Fields Forever" sounds like a directionless dream, but anyone who has listened to John Lennon's dry runs on tape realizes how much work and focus went into making it. The Beatles themselves seemed to forget this. Being great musicmakers didn't make them great at everything else, as they should have been told (and would have, had Brian Epstein not swallowed those fatal pills.)

The movie starts badly, and just gets worse and worse. Ringo and his Aunt Jessie, arguing constantly and with obviously no script, board a bus occupied by a cross-section of Londoners and circus midgets, which drives through the British countryside. "Already the magic was beginning to work," intones narrator John Lennon, though there is little evidence of anything other than headache-producing blue-screen effects and an assortment of nonsensical activities that start out tiresome and quickly turn obnoxious.

People who like this movie (like Paul McCartney) seldom try to defend these sections as inspired. Instead, they say they help to create a loose storyline that accommodates video performances of some timeless music. But these are underbaked. "Fool On The Hill" features a placid Paul staring inertly at the camera amid a rosette French skyscape, apparently expecting us to just bask in his beauty. George Harrison drags himself through "Blue Jay Way" amateurishly playing a keyboard chalkpainted into a rock. "Your Mother Should Know" is the best sequence, opening with the Fabs marching down a flight of stairs in sync and in tails, but no one bothered to figure out what was supposed to happen after they got down, and it shows.

Paul and others defend this movie as the only chance we would ever get to see the band perform "I Am The Walrus," but any 12-year-old's imagination can do a better job than seeing John in a shower cap attempting to mime this great song while a line of police bobbies bob up and down.

Defenders also talk about this movie breaking barriers and giving vent to surrealist notions that would see their expression in Monty Python's Flying Circus. Except the Beatles did this sort of thing before, most notably in "Help," only in 1965 they managed to be funny and coherent as they put out a trippy fantasia with the help of a proper director, script, cast, and crew.

I wonder what the Beatles would have managed to pull off had they taken their desire to create and channeled it to music alone, or put themselves in the hands of the pros if they had to make a movie. Instead, we have this sloppy, cretinous excuse for entertainment, and the one bum note in an otherwise stellar career.
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