Spectre (TV Movie 1977) Poster

(1977 TV Movie)

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A Fine Thriller
captnemo3 April 2000
This would have made an excellent television series. Robert Culp has rarely been better as Sebastian, a psychic sleuth and expert on the occult. He takes on a case that threatens the world. Not bad for your introduction. An excellent Gene Roddenberry creation. I give it a "7" out of "10."
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Atmospheric and Creepy/Minor Spoilers
louiepatti11 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Spectre was an entry into the horror/fantasy genre that was already waning on television in the late 1970s. It's a pilot that wasn't sold into a series, which was too bad, because it was intelligent, spooky, and for its time frame a bit shocking. Sebastian, the lead character, was excellently played by Robert Culp and Gig Young was great as his partner, an alcoholic doctor. Majel Barrett was Sebastian's housekeeper; heck, it was a Gene Rodenberry production, wasn't it, and that means she had to have a role. She was actually very well-suited for the part of combination witch and protectress of her boss and his friend. We really liked how she cured the doc of his drinking problem by slipping him a potion that would cause nausea in him every time he tried to consume alcohol.

The plot was well-written, with nice twists here and there. Sebastian has done paranormal investigations long enough to know to trust nobody. Even the most innocuous-appearing person may be evil or even an evil spirit. When approached by a beautiful and seductive woman, he dispatches her by pressing an ancient holy text (the Book of Tobit) over her heart and changing her back into a hideous succubus. Taking a case is taxing for him; Sebastian alludes to an ongoing thorn in his side, which means he suffers some sort of chronic pain, and his work is draining on him. However, he accepts a difficult case involving a young man who's undergone a marked personality change. To Sebastian, such behavior means either possession or something even worse. When he unravels the mystery, oh, yes, it's something way worse. . .

The effects are pretty good, considering the limitations of both budget and time frame; the smoke and flashes are way better than stuff seen on Dr. Who or Space: 1999. There are also some fairly sleazy scenes at the satanic worship bits which pushed the envelope, somehow making it past the television censors. But the acting still remains the best reason to watch this. The cast, from leads to bit players, all did a great job. The script was intelligent and suspenseful, with a fine twist at the conclusion of Sebastian's investigation and a climatic scene involving an attempt to fix a broken seal. All in all, this was a great movie, whether pilot or stand-alone, and we highly recommend it for fans of spooky horror.
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TV-movie shot as a pilot for an unproduced series...
AlsExGal5 May 2023
...from co-writer and producer Gene Roddenberry.

Robert Culp stars as William Sebastian, a renowned criminologist whose attentions have turned to occult matters in recent years. He re-teams with old colleague Ham Hamilton (Gig Young), an alcoholic medical doctor who's hit hard times,vand they journey to England to investigate reports of supernatural powers targeting the wealthy Anitra Cyon (Ann Bell). Also featuring John Hurt and James Villiers as Anitra's brothers, Gordon Jackson as a Scotland Yard inspector, and Majel Barrett as Lilith, Sebastian's spell-casting housekeeper.

If Star Trek was Roddenberry's rumination on 60's-era idealism, this failed pilot was his look at 70's hedonism and the search for spiritual meaning. Modeled after Holmes & Watson, Culp and Young's characters encounter a cult of Dionysian sex-addicts and demon worshipers, all living an anything-goes debauched lifestyle that ultimately leads to their destruction.

This film suffers from poor production values, shoddy editing, terrible pacing, and laughable effects in the big finale. The identity of the mastermind behind everything is.
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The Great Bird Between Worlds
johcafra12 November 2008
From the demise of Star Trek: TOS to the premiere of Star Trek: TNG Gene Roddenberry took at least three swings at returning to Stateside prime-time television. None of the broadcast pilots was bought by a commercial network as a series. I viewed each at first broadcast.

Genesis II (later repackaged and re-tried as Planet Earth) had an interesting pilot, very much a product of Roddenberry and his times, but likely as a series would have become quite weird and not lasted long. The Questor Tapes had a superb pilot, but likely as a series would have been forced by network suits to devolve into The Robo-Fugitive.

Spectre was not your average Roddenberry product and wasn't even science fiction. Its concept was decidedly original and very well wrought—what if, just What If?, everything you suspect and fear about the occult is true and a world-renowned criminologist who KNOWS that sets out to right the purposive wrongs of some mighty nasty perps who must be called by their true names out loud? If this sounds familiar, mind you, this is the Stateside television pilot I recall after 30-plus years…

Robert Culp is at his certifiable creepiest. And he's the good guy. This is not the DC Comics Spectre, he's no Doc Strange, John Constantine or He(ck)boy, less Sherlock Holmes and more Manly Wade Wellman's John Thunstone (with the apparent trappings of wealth) or John the Balladeer (without the southern mountain accent or music). William Sebastian quite literally has a bone to pick with an antagonist that has a very long memory and reach, not to mention staying power. By the end you want to know more about Sebastian, how and why he knows what he knows, and what compels him to know and do more.

A fine supporting cast, John Hurt, Gordon Jackson, James Villiers and Gig Young in particular. Good production values in a fittingly English setting. Well-paced with genuine suspense in the right places. And, for Stateside prime-time in the Seventies, a knockout confrontation with some truly evil—things—that, as best as I can recall, were not enhanced with anything other than makeup, clever editing, a hypnotic chant, and lots of fire.

Had this become a series we likely would've seen less of "Ham" (more Dr McCoy than Dr Watson, and certainly less of poor Gig Young) and more of Lilith. A section of the viewing demographic that also thought Mr Spock a satanic influence would probably get a little wound up and publicly take offense. I am told the theatrical release with respectable box office overseas is marginally longer and adds to that knockout confrontation some truly evil—distractions—that don't need makeup at all. I'd like to think it could have done better on Stateside television simply because it would have HAD to leave something to the imagination and NOT explain everything.

So here's a pitch: Given today's audience, if Someone Out There is still watching, consider the possibilities!
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A great idea, but unrealized.
Gallard-219 May 2000
Take the basis of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, bring them forward 100 years and instead of crime, have them battle spiritual evil... A great idea, but unrealized here. A slightly ridiculous plot only saved by the talented Robert Culp who plays it straight down the line. A criminologist who specializes in the occult and battling evil. Gig Young was at the end of his carreer and shortly following this outing, his life as well. A sad loss of a fine comedic actor who usually didnt get the girl but did get all the best lines. Though in this film, Young basically sleep walks through the movie... Almost as if he was on sedatives. Culp and Young are recruited by a beautiful woman whose brother has recently undergone a personality change after doing some archeological investigations on his English country estate. So, off they all go to England to get to the bottom of things. This movie has a real Gene Roddenberry flavor to it. If you have seen any of Roddenberry's post Star Trek TV movies (basically, failed pilots)... Well, you'll know what I mean. But, bottom line is I liked this when I saw it in 1977 and it is still fun to watch. Not scary, but fun never the less. Look for it on The Fox Movie Network as it gets shown there often....
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Culp and Young, no Cushing and Lee.
mark.waltz1 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The most memorable moments in this supernatural TV movie are the destruction of a succubus early in the film and some interesting sets that does lead to an interesting ending. But you've got 70 minutes prior to that which is bland and convoluted. Robert Culp and Gig Young go up against the occult and have several frightening experiences in which a lot seems to be left out of the script and outside lots of sets with fiery props, not much is revealed. I've seen dozens of similar films (the best ones are from England or Italy), and there were more frights in the first reel than there are here.

Too much exposition yet not enough detail, and you get a lot of imaging that seems influenced (or ripped off) from those genuinely spooky occult movies made a decade prior to this. John Hurt is sadly wasted, although the number of evil looking women (including a housekeeper with a spooky pair of scissors seemingly ready to stab some unsuspecting man) is somewhat bizarre. When the occult sequences do occur, it's nothing new. Red robes, torches, female sacrifices, the Stonehenge like entrance to the sacrificial underground, but sadly nothing to make it stand out. Worth a one time viewing but just weird instead of good.
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Wish this had become a series!
BandSAboutMovies2 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Originally airing on May 21, 1977, this show was co-written by Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek writer Samuel A. Peebles and directed by Clive Donner (What's New Pussycat, the Get Smart reboot The Nude Bomb (which had Sylvia Kristel in it!) and the 1981 Charlie Chan reboot Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen).

William Sebastian (Robert Culp, I Spy, The Greatest American Hero) used to be a criminologist but now he studies the occult so that he can explain why humanity is evil. On one of his past adventures, the demon of lust Asmodeus cursed him, leaving him with a heart in need of constant medical attention from his live-in nurse and housekeeper Lilith (Majel Barrett, Nurse Chapel from Star Trek and Roddenberry's wife). He asks an old colleague, Dr. "Ham" Hamilton (Gig Young, They Shoot Horses, Don't They?) for help with a case.

A woman claiming to be Anitra Cyon comes to tell Sebastian that her family no longer requires his services. It turns out that she's a succubus, or a demon who basically sexually devours men to death, and he defeats her using the Apocryphal Book of Tobit. Then, Mitri Cyon (John Hurt, The Elephant Man, Hellboy) takes them to London, but not before their plane almost gets taken out of the sky.

In London, they discover that Dr. Qualus, one of Sebastian's associates, has already been killed. His house was on fire, he was mauled by wild animals and his body was found partially inside a pentagram. Then, they are rebuffed by Sir Geoffrey Cyon (James Villiers, Asylum), who has turned Cyon Manor into place of sex, drugs and devil worship.

Mitri gets attacked by dogs and when our heroes go to investigate the Manor, they come to believe that Asmodeus has taken over Geoffrey's form. The truth is that Mitri is really the monster and that Geoffrey is his pawn who will sacrifice his sister. Of course, Sebastian stops the ritual and the curse is removed.

The Cyon family gives Sebastian a painting as a way of saying thank you, but the symbol of Asmodeus shows up in the corner of the piece, proving that his fight against evil is not finished.

But sadly, it was. This was intended as a pilot for a TV series. However, an extended theatrical version was released in the UK with additional footage that includes nudity during the Black Mass finale. There was also a novelization published in 1979.

Much like Ed Sanders' book The Family, Sebastian believed that Charles Manson, Richard Speck and the Boston Strangler were all connected by invisible forces. Plus, every occult reference you can think of gets crammed into this. Also, there's a lot of exploitation in here, as two demon women (one a dominatrix and the other a schoolgirl) call Ham daddy and try to hump him to death on a waterbed!

I would have liked to have seen what would have happened had this become a series. Within five years, Satanic panic would descend on America and movies and shows that took the 1970's view of the occult would be passé. This is kind of a time capsule of that era.

Spectre isn't available outside of YouTube and the grey market. That said, you should hunt it down. How else will you ever see John Hurt, one of the most talented actors of any generation, turn into a giant lizard man?
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"This is England. No one is above the law"
hwg1957-102-26570424 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are strange goings-on at Cyon House! Another failed Gene Roddenberry pilot though it's not terrible, just routine. The cast is capable, mostly British, but the story is wafer thin. Robert Culp and Gig Young do make a pleasant team and perhaps more adventures with them might have been good if the stories were to be better written. In the end this was a one-off.

The orgy scene at the end was hilarious (where did the dwarves come from?) and the final twist concerning the police inspector was laughable. The film had promise but squandered it.
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Why couldn't this have gone to series?
dbborroughs30 September 2004
Spectre is one of Gene Roddenberry's busted pilots.All during the 1970's he tried to repeat the success of Sta Trek only to churn out pilot after pilot and failure after failure. Most were cliché ridden variations on a sci-fi theme and probably wouldn't have gone anywhere. Spectre is the exception to that cycle.

Telling the story of a supernatural Holmes and his Watson this is a very good thriller that might have been the lead into bigger things had it been picked up. More akin to Hammer's The Devil Rides Out than any standard satanist film of the period this film has our heroes investigating a rich English Lord and his family. While not particularly scary, it is extremely entertaining as Robert Culp shows himself to be much more clever than anyone around him.

If you can see this film. Its worth your time.

8 out of 10
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No Man Is Above The Law
sol121816 September 2005
**SPOILERS** For the first time in his life brilliant detective and world renowned criminologist William Sabastian, Robert Culp,is scared and unsure of himself in solving an unsolvable, for anyone else but him, crime a crime involving the supernatural. William had dabbled in the supernatural before and ended up almost losing his life. His heart was literally ripped out his chest but with the help of his faithful maid Lilith (Majel Barrett), who has a deep knowledge of occult practices, saved his life but William was left a very weak and frighten man.

Calling his friend Dr. Ham Hamilton, Gig Young, over to go with him on a case in the UK William feels that he'll need him if anything goes wrong in a case, of the bizarre and supernatural, he's investigating there involving the Cyon House headed by Sir Geoffery Coyn, James Villiers. Sir Geoffery's sister Anitra, Ann Bell,feels that there's strange and evil goings on in and around the Coyn Esatae and that her brother Geoffery is the cause of them and that her life is now in danger.

Willian and Dr. Hamilton arrive in London and go to see a friend of his, Quellious, at the Marlin's Mews but find the place on fire with Mr. Quellious dead viciously clawed by some unknown animal in the middle of a giant Pentagram that was on the floor. William knowing what the Pentagram stands for, The Devil's Sign, get's himself and Dr. Himilton to stand in the middle of it and thus prevent themselves from being burned alive. William also finds a journal on Quellious written in ancient Coptic that if deciphered explains what evil is really going on at the Coyn House and who's responsible for it.

Later at the Coyn House William and Dr. Hamilton meet the Coyn's including young Mitri ,John Hurt, a professional pilot who flew them to England from the USA. William senses that these's a strong presence of the Devil there but, besides the Coyn's also their staff of maids and male servants, who exactly is he or she? Using his skills as a top crime investigator William deduces that all this horror that struck the Coyn House centers at the Stonehenge-like site on the estate called the "Fire Pit". The "Fire Pit" was excavated by Sir. Geoffery some three years ago and since then all hell broke loose. Thats when these strange and weird events, that according to Anitra, began to happen. William also finds out that all the workmen who were part of that excavation mysteriously died.

Robert Culp as a modern Sherlock Holmes with his Dr. Watson-like friend Dr. Hamilton have their hands full in this suspense/thriller. With them stumbling upon the place where the Demon Asmodious, the Lord of Lechery, has his home-base the secretive " Hell Fire Club". It's there where those in power and high office, in both England as well as in the world, were members of.

Wild and fiery ending with the demon worshipers and their Idol Asmodious thrown back into the bottomless pit by a courageous and revived, back from his heart-ailment, William Sabastian during an orgy of sex and human sacrifices. The very graphic orgy sequence in the film must have been cut when "Specter", a made for TV movie, was first broadcast on NBC Television back in May 1977 but is in the cable TV version of the film.
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Wan occult mystery...talent all around, but fatigued and familiar
moonspinner555 February 2011
Interesting buddy-teaming of Robert Culp as a criminologist in England who specializes in paranormal matters and Gig Young as a disbelieving physician never quite catches fire. The two are on the spooky trail of someone or some THING who scares his victims to death and rips apart their bodies. A trip to the shady mansion of a haughty financier--and possible devil-worshiper--takes up too much time on the clock (the would-be sins and titillation therein fail to come off in a movie made for television). Culp and Young trade dry, beleaguered quips in a riff on Holmes and Watson while the wind whips up a tempest and a wolf howls in the background. Gene Roddenberry penned the teleplay from his original story, making the film a curiosity for "Star Trek" fans, however the scenario offers nothing particularly special. Wait for a showing of "Curse of the Demon" instead!
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ddukart2 January 2007
I saw this on TV when I was a kid and thought it was very cool. Recently, I tracked down a copy online (very hard to find), and watched it. Guess what? I still liked it. Although it's a 70s show, it still maintained a good story line, and great acting to keep it alive. It had everything....monsters, demons, boobs, booze, twisting plots, and women in S&M outfits. I ask you, does it get better? Well...I guess it could, but this film was wayyyy ahead of it's time, and reminded me of a Lovecraftian forerunner to the Xfiles.

I can't wait until this gets put onto DVD, so I can add it to my collection.

Great job Gene Roddenberry! You should remake it, bringing it up to date. I believe it was intended to be a series, but never made it past the pilot episode. Too bad.
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An enjoyable mess
Prof-Hieronymos-Grost10 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
World renowned criminologist and sometime occultist William Sebastian (Robert Culp) calls on the help of his former partner Dr Hamilton (Gig Young) to assist him on an intriguing new case in England, a complex case that he claims will revolutionize theories on the subject of the occult. Hamilton, not one for believing in the occult, calls to his old friends home but is immediately intrigued, after he witnesses a tussle between good and evil, as Sebastian confronts and defeats an evil Succubus there. Sebastian tells him he has been hired by Anitra Cyon(Ann Bell), a member of an aristocratic family, who has concerns that her elder brother Sir Geoffrey Cyon (James Villiers) has become possessed by some evil spirit. They agree to travel to London together to investigate further, they are met at the airport by Mitri Cyon (John Hurt), the younger brother, who is to fly them by private jet to their destination. Almost immediately unseen forces seem to hinder their progress, as the plane looses power, but as Sebastian explains, things will get worse before they get better and that their journey will be "an unimaginable horror, a descent into hell". On arrival in London Sebastian and Hamilton go to visit an old friend, Dr Qualus, when they arrive they find his home in flames, on entering they find him dead on the floor, he had died seemingly trying to get inside a pentacle etched on the floor. Sebastian grabs Qualus's diary from the burning embers, only to be stopped from leaving by a large demon who is trying to gain access. The arrival of the local police wards off the hideous beast, Inspector Cabell (Gordon Jackson) an avid fan of Sebastian's, hopes they can work together in tracking down the brutal killer who is at large in the city, a killer whom he believes has just struck again with the killing of Qualus. The killings he tells them may have links to Sir Geoffrey or further up to members of parliament, a fact that may hinder progress in the case. Arriving at Kentworth abbey, the home of the Cyons, the duo find their intrusion less than welcome by Sir Geoffrey, more dangerous supernatural events begin to occur as they get closer to finding out the deadly truth. Spectre is a strange film, it purports to be British and yet with its American stars and its distinctly American look you'd never guess its origins. Written as a pilot by Gene Roddenberry(Star Trek) It is for all intents and purposes a modern re-imagining of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson mixed in with some other shows, the fluffy harpsichord score is obviously aimed at the Columbo/Murder She Wrote set, the fact that Culp is involved, rams the fact home none too subtly. I'm not to familiar with Roddenberry's non Star Trek work, i know he had many failed attempts at creating a successful pilot, if i had to guess why he failed so often, i'd say its because he had too many ideas. Spectre has some intriguing premises, most of which have are none too original, but all mixed up they do have a certain charm. First off we have demons, a succubus, a demon lord called Azmodeus, ape like creatures, dreamy sex vixens, primordial stone circles, ancient pagan gods, witchcraft, evil dwarfs, old crones, satanic sacrifices, the list goes on...another odd thing is that the production does seem to have a decent budget and yet when it comes to the creatures they look as though they had a 50c budget, as they are given "lucky bag" creature teeth, the grand lord Azmodeus is but a man in a bad rubber lizard suit, the human/demon hybrids have lumps of moulded plastic stuck on their foreheads, a little too reminiscent of the Klingons for comfort. If the finances weren't there, most of the creatures should have remained off screen, it would have made for a less distracting movie and certainly one of better quality. That said director Clive Donner has assembled a fine cast, the performances are all quite watchable, Culp is believable and Young is amiable and they work quite well together, i think this film could have worked well in better hands, but sadly it never came to fruition, as it stands its a very enjoyable mess.
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Gene Roddenberry's pilot about investigators of the occult or supernatural
Wuchakk23 December 2023
A criminologist and occult expert hooks-up with a cynical doctor (Robert Culp and Gig Young) to investigate the mogul brother of a lady friend in England, who is rumored to be involved in the black arts and possibly with the demon Asmodeus. Ann Bell plays the woman, James Villiers the mogul and John Hurt their brother. Majel Barrett has a bit part.

"Spectre" (1977) was made as a possible pilot for a TV series, written & produced by the creator of Star Trek. But don't expect sci-fi, as this comes in the tradition of occult-investigation movies like "The Witches" (1966), "The Devil Rides Out" (1968), "The Crimson Altar" (1968), "The Night Stalker" (1972), "The Night Strangler" (1973) and "The Norliss Tapes" (1973).

The protagonists were obviously patterned after Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson with the doctor being the skeptic, akin to Skully in the future X-Files. Unfortunately, the dialogue seems forced and the filmmaking is gauche in a cheesy way. Take, for instance, the revelation of the succubus in the first act, which is more laughable than scary.

Then there's the overlong occult ritual in the last act, which is curiously more tedious than exciting. Time needed spent on establishing the protagonists and making them interesting to the viewer, rather than rushing into some unlikely (to be nice) case. Still, this is colorful and there are some highlights if you like those aforementioned films, but it's the least of 'em.

Gig was struggling with alcoholism at the time of shooting and so this was written into the script (since he was obviously drinking while performing). Interestingly, he met his future wife on set, Kim Schmidt, who's uncredited as a police officer. She happened to be his fifth spouse. Seventeen months after the flick's release, he evidently shot her to death in their apartment in the Big Apple before turning the gun on himself. He wasn't yet 65 and she was only 31. It was a tragic end, needless to say.

The uncensored version runs 1 hour, 38 minutes, and was shot at EMI Elstree Studios, northwest of London in Borehamwood, as well as 5-7 miles north at All Saints Pastoral House in St Albans.

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good and bad
perlmanFamily24 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I recently got a hold of a bunch of bootlegged Gene Roddenbury pilots - I am taking a break from the Questor tapes to write this.

I liked the concept of this show, but I felt that Culp underplayed his role too much and was too wooden - remake this with Kevin Costner. Both Culp and especially Gig young were too old to play their roles - Gig was not very attractive.

The plot made little sense as noted above. Culp was more of a see what's happening sort of guy, I would have preferred a Mandrake the Magician or Dr. Strange war of magical forces.

Much as I like the female form, I had my son watch the movie with me and was not happy about the surprise nudity.

SPOILER ALERT: I still like the movie, but ripped it to an MP4 and made my sin a PG copy by cutting out the few seconds of nudity and more importantly the aborted incest/sister rape, which I did not feel was appropriate in a TV movie.

The Zuni warrior episode of Trilogy of Terror and Don't Be Afraid of the Dark were much scarier TV movies.

I actually came here because someone was marketing a Spectre 2 movie. has anyone heard about it??
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An American Roddenberry in London
TheFearmakers24 February 2022
Gene Roddenberry had a string of failed but always intriguing TV-pilots (from PLANET EARTH to THE QUESTOR TAPES) in-between the STAR TREK series and movies, and SPECTRE is the most unique and downright bizarre... so much so it's a British production instead of American but with two American actors at the helm...

Enter Robert Culp and Gig Young as a kind of science-fiction Holmes and Watson... The first is a formerly renowned criminologist who is now so heavily into the Black Arts aka Black Magic that when his former partner in faithful yet boozing Dr. Ham Hamilton reconnects, Culp's William Sebastian is sitting on his mansion floor reading Tarot Cards like a regular guy sluggishly plays Solitaire...

Then, after some complicated expository about a heart ailment caused by his devilish hobbies, the show's off to a splendid start as British ingenue Ann Bell arrives, tries seducing Culp, who then burns her to the ground... literally shot down in flames simply because instead of human she's a demonic replica/succubus...

Meanwhile the shy genuine article is in England... the only female member of an aristocratic family of possible Satanists that includes a much too subtle and unassuming John Hurt... the kind of always-intense actor who must be hiding something if he's not fully-charged up front...

Deliberately misleading both the audience and token constable Gordon Jackson to assume that strict older brother James Villiers is behind all the ghoulishness, which includes a finale coven bash where a TIME MACHINE-inspired hog creature turns into a lizard beast much like a STAR TREK Gorn...

Otherwise the first half is the most intriguing as the dialogue and action flows together smoothly, while the latter's more sterile and stagy...

Then again so are some Hammer films where British and American actors, working together for the sake of a good old fashion ghost story over violent exploitation, are compelling no matter what the score.
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A classic, Hail Gene Roddenberry!
Linda_S5 October 2007
What a disappointment to learn that this wonderful occult thriller is NOT available neither on DVD nor VHS. Gene Roddenberry did this made for TV movie and it is superb! The best role for Robert Culp and the superb Gig Young plays the sidekick in a wonderful energy with Culp. The lovely wife of Roddemberry, Majel Barrett. plays the mysterious Lilith, housekeeper of William Sebastian. The English settings and a wondrous cast of British actors make this a really exquisite example of the genre. The phenomenally talented John Hurt in a standout performance. This is what American television was capable of at one time.

Shame on the movie industry for letting this classic of horror and the master Gene Roddenberry disappear. SHAME ON THEM!!
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Looks like a tv movie
neil-douglas201022 May 2022
And a TV movie it certainly was. Now this is not necessarily a bad thing but for being a horror movie it's surprisingly dull. The cast is great though and the story is entertaining enough but it has a seriously slow middle section. The ending is decent in a Hammer occult type of way and has a nice epitaph with Culp and Ann Bell.
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two occult detectives encounter a revived demon in modern-day England Warning: Spoilers
Spectre was no doubt the best of Gene Roddenbery's 1970s TV-pilot films, and the only one which dealt squarely with the supernatural. Like many others here, I still recall watching it back in May of '77, and being both thrilled by, and rather creeped out by it at the same time. NBC has had a long history of passing on worthwhile science-fiction-fantasy-horror projects, and this was one of their worst(or best?) examples of doing so. If this great little film isn't available on disc yet, it certainly needs to be! A brief summary, William Sebastian(Robert Culp in an excellent performance) along with his sidekick, Dr. Ham Hamilton(Gig Young in one of his final appearances, regrettably) are a Holmes and Watson-like team who investigate occult goings-on. Summoned to England by the sister of a highly-placed English Lord, the suspenseful plot reveals that the ancient demon Asmodious, the Lord of Lechery, has been released from an ages-long imprisonment, and is at work once more. This film also features a bevy of lovely women most in a semi-dressed state, various minor demons, and related phenomena, all leading to a wild, fiery climax. The identity of Asmodious' human host is something of a surprise, and it's made clear at the very end that he's still active, despite being wounded by a sort of holy bullet Culp shoots him with at the climax.

It's remarkable Roddenberry got by with as much as he did for an NBC showing in 1977, although no doubt some(maybe all?) of the orgy scenes were heavily edited, or cut out of the original showing. Asmodious true form is still fairly-creepy even today, I think. Shame on NBC for not green-lighting this one, but many of us here know how they mishandled so many other series, the original Star Trek, Buck Rogers, etc. al. Highly recommended!
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Spectre series
garth876923 October 2005
Concerning the question of why "Spectre" did not become a series , i would like to give my 2 cents. the 1970's saw a lot of supernatural/sci-fi themed TV movies which were obviously intended as series pilots . NBC had this film , and also "The Norliss Tapes" with Roy Thinnes. "The Questor Tapes" was a Gene Roddenberry concept. CBS had another of Gene's creations,"Genesis II". This was later redone as "Planet Earth" on ABC , which also aired "Baffled!" with Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy as a clairvoyant race car driver(!). Not a one made it to series. I believe it was a concern about not having enough plots to sustain a weekly series , expensive location shooting and f/x , and a continuing lack of support for the genre led to their demise. The failure of ABC's "Night Stalker" and "The Sixth Sense" also didn't help. In addition , "Star Trek" itself was still at that time considered a relative failure despite the beginnings of its resurgence. I think a possible answer may have been to include a series like "Spectre" as part of a rotating "Mystery Movie" type of show along with some more standard detective /thriller series. with a star like Robert Culp , older viewers may have given it a chance , along with younger viewers who were the main fans of the genre.
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Guilty pleasure of the highest order
slayrrr66631 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Spectre" is one of my guilty pleasures.


Dr. Hamilton, (Robert Culp) visits his old friend Sebastian, (Gig Young) a private detective, at his request to help out on a weird case that he can't figure out. With both being expert criminal psychologists, they are intrigued by the case, even when Annie, (Ann Bell) their reason for the meeting, visits them to cancel their appointment. This makes them even more curious when it turns out the woman is a succubus, a mini-demon made to lead men astray for lust. They head to London on the case, not battered by the strange coincidence they witnessed when they left. When they land in London, they are witnesses to a strange event: an old friend of Sebastian's is found, clawed to death in the middle of a pentacle inside of a fire threatening to destroy his library. Taken back to Mitri's (John Hurt) house, Annie's brother, they discover that she was right all along about a weird force possessing her brother and they use their combined knowledge to put an end to the whole affair.

The Good News: This is one of my favorite films, but it falls into the category of a guilty pleasure. It is quite different from the other occult films made at the same time. This is a Hammer film that isn't made by Hammer, if that makes any sense. The large interiors, the Gothic designs of the buildings, the style and flair in the camera movements, and a mysterious first half joined by an action-packed second half. That latter reason maybe the real reason why I like this movie. Almost every single event in the beginning of the movie is a creepy event, but one mainly bears repeating. When they arrive at the burning house, they hear a strange demonic growling coming from inside the house, so they lock the door and get inside the pentacle. Once inside, they see an animal-ish hand break slowly into the room, then the door flies open and a monstrous form is seen standing in the doorway, obscured by fog. It growls some more and then finally it disappears. That was a great scene, and it only mildly beats out other great scenes like the exploding dinner glasses, the breakaway guardrail and the gusts of wind in the bedroom scenes. The ending is the real highlight, as Dr. Hamilton and Sebastian confront the devil and his disciples in a large cave during one of their ceremonies. Just about everything in the scene is a real pleasure to watch. We get everything in the scene: creepy sets, lavish photography, lots of action, and a few twists and turns. Add to that an ancient Druid ceremony and an appearance by the devil, which looks like a lizard/turtle in human form. It looks completely freaky for the time, and it makes the scene seem better than it should.

The Bad News: There is only one thing that I can think of for people to not like this movie: there is no explanation given for why the events are happening. There is a flimsy explanation given that this is caused by a Druid ceremony, but there is no reason said why they are targeting the people in the film. There's no other else bad in the movie.

The Final Verdict: I'm surprised more people don't know about this movie, as it is a very entertaining film. There are plenty of winks to Hammer films, and this one came in right at the end of their reign. It is recommended for those who love Hammer films and the type that came out at that time, and for those who love seeing an obscure Druid/occult film.

Today's Rating: R: Occult themes, Violence, sexual content and imagery and Nudity
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A Remembered Favourite
ladymidath13 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching Spectre when I was a child. The one scene I can remember vividly was the scene with Dr "Ham" Hamilton waking up to find a young woman in his bed and the other two walking in and setting up what looked like a hot BDSM scene.

Many years later, I managed to find the film starring Robert Culp, Gig Young and John Hurt. The film was produced by Gene Roddenberry and also written by him and Samuel A Peeples. It was meant to be a pilot for a television series but for some reason, was rejected. A pity as I think it would have become a cult classic. The film is first rate with some brilliant acting and dialogue. The scenes with William Sebastian (Robert Culp) who is a former criminologist who now studies the occult and Dr. "Ham" Hamilton (Gig Young) who is something of a Dr Watson to Sebastian's Sherlock Holmes. They are summoned by Anitra Cyon (Ann Bell)who is concerned about her brother, Sir Geoffrey Cyon (James Villier.) A succubus arrives at Sebastian's house in the guise of Anitra making him realize that something evil is afoot. After being picked up by younger brother Mitri Cyon (John Hurt) they arrive at the Cyon home to discover that it has been turned in to a den of iniquity. That is when the fun really begins. The pair begin their investigation and discover that an ancient evil that has taken over the family. I won't give away the rest, I will only to say that it is a great movie, a little over the top at times, but the cast give their all and it is clear to see that they are enjoying themselves. Majel Barrett makes an appearance as Lilith, Sebastian's housekeeper who seems well versed in the magical arts herself. All in all, Spectre is a good film and worth checking out for horror buffs or people looking for something a little different.
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"Incredible, And Fascinating!"...
azathothpwiggins2 October 2022
In the made-for-TV horror film SPECTRE, William Sebastian and Dr. "Ham" Hamilton (Robert Culp and Gig Young) are sort of the Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson of the paranormal. The supernatural shenanigans start right away, and the pair head for London, England to investigate some occult goings-on.

Anitra Cyon (Ann Bell) has brought in Sebastian to prove that her brother Geoffrey has some rather diabolical connections.

The real fun begins once Sebastian and Ham arrive at the enormous Cyon estate (Think: a Satanic version of the Playboy mansion), where Geoffrey Cyon (James Villiers) is portrayed as a pompous, wonderfully wicked figure. He's surrounded by a small army of beautiful women (watch for Penny Irving!), including his enigmatic chauffeur, Sydna (Jenny Runacre). John Hurt plays Mitri Cyon, the seemingly-weaker of the brothers.

This is an effective, demonic creeper / mystery with a fiendishly twisty finale. Culp and Young make a good team, making one wonder what a TV series might have been like. Fans of other tele-terror like THE NORLISS TAPES or movies like THE DEVIL'S RAIN, THE NINTH GATE, or other such fare should enjoy this one.

Watch for Majel Barrett in an all-too-brief role as Sebastian's Personal Assistant...
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