Supersonic Man (1979) Poster

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Below average superhero movie in which a robust extraterrestrial takes on a crazy scientific
ma-cortes26 May 2013
Superhero Kronos , an alien, called "Supersonic Man," (a bodybuilder and former Tarzan , Richard Yesteran) is sent to Earth to decide the fate of mankind and thwart the schemes of evil men who would destroy the galaxy itself with their weapons from a distant galaxy . Supersonic is also given a human identity , Paul (Michael Coby or Antonio Cantafora) , a journalist who can change back to superhero by activating a watch device . But a nutty mad doctor named Gulik (Cameron Mitchell), supported by his hoodlums (Frank Braña, Luis Barboo), has evil plans , as he wants to rule the planet and abduct Patricia (Diana Polakov) , an eminent scientific (Jose Maria Caffarel)'s daughter and Supersonic's love interest . At the end our hero , Supersonic , enters the underground lair of the villain and has to pass through some corridors where he is shot, frozen, and burnt.

This is a humdrum adaptation based on Superman movies from a screenplay by the same filmmaker , Juan Piquer Simón ; as the plot lifts some scene from the script of Superman by Richard Donner . This is a pretty entertaining superhero movie though packs absurd situations and cheesy frames . Supersonic man and his human alter ego Paul were not played by the same actor , he was played by a Spanish and Italian actor respectively . As Supersonic was played by bodybuilder and former Tarzan José Luis Ayestarán , Paul, his human alter ego , was played by Antonio Cantafora . Atmospheric as well as ridiculous super hero movie contains bemusing scenes when appears the bouncing He man and takes place his confrontation to nasty hoodlums in some lousily made scenes , including primitive special effects . Part of the spaceship in the opening scenes is made from a Cylon Raider model and other parts have numerous "older technique" FX such as transparency , matte paintings, rubber-suited enemies , reverse-footage to create certain images ; all of them were made by Emilio Ruiz Del Rio , Francisco Prosper and the same director , Juan Piquer . As this superhero possesses mighty powers such as flying , sensational strength , throwing fire and transforming handguns into bananas , all of them being recreated by means of traditional effects . You will watch it and think it is either awful , hilarious, a masterpiece, or all three . It's a slight fun with embarrassing images , naive special effects , horrible musical score with awful songs by Gino Pecuri , campy set decoration and below average art direction . Although critics do not appreciate much this picture ; however has a kind of loopy, Ed Wood quality that must be endured to be totally considered . The fable is sometimes silly and laughable , though a few naif effects and action are professionally made . Some illogical parts in the argument are more than compensated for the excitement provided by Sonic man though some flying scenes are a little bit cheesy . While not a hit during its original run, the film became a limited success when reissued nearly 30 years later deemed to be one of the best worst films of cinema history .

The motion picture was lousily directed by Juan Piquer . Juan , who goes by "J.P. Simon" on foreign releases , began in films as a writer and assistant director and continued his career by making short films and documentaries . Juan has produced and directed "exploitation" pictures for two decades running . He was one of the main directors of the Spanish horror boom in the 70s and 80s specially for his quartet of horror films as ¨Escalofrio¨, ¨Slugs¨ , ¨Cthulhu Mansion¨ and his greatest success and immensely popular ¨Pieces¨ . Juan owns his own studio and created and/or designed many of the simple and primitive special effects sequences you see in any of his many imaginative undertakings . Piquer , who recently passed away, was a good craftsman who realized a lot of amusing as well as entertaining films . Juan Piquer who was director of the Mostra of Valencia (Spain) , displayed a professional career and specialized on all kind of genres as Terror , Sci-fi (The rift , The new Extraterrestres, Supersonic man) and made some adaptations about Jules Verne novels ("Fabulous Journey to the Center of the Earth" , "Mystery on Monster Island") . While his films have been universally panned by the prestigious reviewers, they have a kind of quality that must be endured to be utterly appreciated .
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I owe Pumaman an apology
juliankennedy2314 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Supersonic Man: 2 out of 10: Supersonic Man is a low budget Spanish rip-off of Richard Donner's 1978 Superman. Horrible special effects even for the time and budget and an often aimless plot that gets more confusing as time goes on.

One thought I had throughout the entire film is that I owe an apology to PumaMan. I mean Pumaman is a masterpiece compared to this junk. It had an attractive female lead, a plot you could at least follow and Donald Pleasance.

Supersonic Man has Cameron Mitchell, and well that is about it.

The costume designer is clearly an escaped mental patient, and the musical score sounds like someone beating John Williams with a 1982 Casio keyboard.

Two different actors inexplicably play the main character. Jose Luis Ayestaran plays the titular role as the flying, sparkling Supersonic, and Antonio Cantafora, sporting a mustache, as the non-flying non-sparkle Supersonic. This Bruce Banner /Hulk switcheroo makes little sense as the only real difference between characters is one has a mustache, and the other is dressed for pride week.

Highlights of the film include a bulldozer made of balsa wood, cars that explode when going down a slight incline, Supersonic getting kidnapped constantly while in non-sparkly mustache mode.

Oh, and one last thing to turn into Supersonic man our hero has to say "May the great force of the galaxy be with me" Uh-huh.

I am so sorry Pumaman I didn't realize how good we had it.

Rifftrax Version: 7 out of 10: Some good jokes but much as Supersonic Man doesn't rise to the level of Pumaman I am afraid that Rifftrax's riffs don't rise to the level of MST3K's treatment of Pumaman. The boys never seem to get a good rhythm with all the silliness on screen.
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Super-Awesome Mega-Pathetic Man!!!
Coventry9 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Years and years after I saw brief fragments of this absurdly grotesque Spanish "Superman" knock-off on TV, during a special about the worst movie productions ever made, I finally the full film for the first time! Special word of thanks to my good pal, and fellow IMDb-member Dario the 2nd and his endless movie collection!

"Supersonic Man" is an indescribably yummy smörgåsbord of cheese, tackiness, decadence, incompetence, infantile enthusiasm and delirium. Theoretically speaking, this is presumably one of the worst movies ever made, but simultaneously also the most entertaining piece of rubbish I've seen in years. The slasher imitation "Pieces" and the creature feature wannabe "Slugs" already convinced me of writer/director Juan Piquer Simon's capacities as a bad B-movie maker, but "Supersonic Man" is undoubtedly the biggest accomplishment of his career. The plot isn't even remotely important – all you should know is that the titular hero has to prevent the ultra, super, massive, hyper evil mastermind Cameron Mitchell from obtaining world domination – but the moments of sheer priceless imbecility are plentiful and unintentionally hilarious. Just for fun; behold a short listing of the film's greatest *cough* highlights:

+ Whenever he transforms into Supersonic Man, our hero wears an outfit that makes him look like a crossbreed between a flamboyant homosexual and a FILA wrestler. His exaggeratedly long and aimless flights over New York City are always accompanied by the cheesiest music ever composed. + Supersonic Man is an intergalactic hero who can fly through rock, hellfire and ice. However, he has his butt whooped at least three times during confrontations with ordinary thugs. Once even during a lame bar fight with crazy hillbilly music playing in the background. + The last thing you can say about Supersonic Man is that he doesn't have a sense of humor! He abuses his powers to go out and steal booze to go on a date and when he breaks out of a death trap in the open ocean, he flies in circles around his enemies for minutes just to toy with them. + There are cardboard bulldozers, cars spontaneously catching fire as they drive off cliffs and some of the craziest dialogs ever writer + Cameron Mitchell portrays the least modest mega-villain in cinema history. In one and the same dialog, he refers to himself as both Julius Caesar and our God almighty. His sidekick is a bulky and ultra slow- moving robot. At a certain point in the film the robot attacks a couple of people in a house, but basically all they should do is climb up some stairs and the stupid thing would be utterly powerless.

In conclusion: a must for every self-respecting cinema connoisseur; duh!
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Supersonic Man needs no moustache
unbrokenmetal1 June 2010
Supervillain Gulik (Cameron Mitchell) kidnaps a scientist in search of a powerful weapon which shall make him ruler of the world. When the scientist asks him why he wants to become ruler, he just shrugs and says: 'Aren't we all driven by something?' In other words, he has no clue, but the movie needed a super-villain... Enter the superhero: somewhere out in space, Supersonic Man comes to the rescue, his cape fluttering happily in the airless emptiness, accompanied by the even happier doodleeedoo soundtrack. Supersonic Man can stop bullets, lift heavy machinery, and he can turn into Boring Guy with a 1979 moustache, so the scientist's daughter won't discover his secret identity, but the moustache disappears every time he turns into Supersonic Man. Everything you thought was silly in superhero movies is right in here, so if you love bad movies with ridiculous special effects, don't miss the hilarious "Supersonic Man"!
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All hail the mighty Supersonic!
mfernandes19 March 2002
Me and my high school dog pack caught this movie by chance one late night on Channel 44 in the Bay Area. Perhaps by devine intervention, I hit the record button and got the whole film on tape. It provided us and our respective families with endless laughs. We even composed a song/chant out of some of our favorite lines that we would recite religiously in the park at night (This is true San Jose-style recreation!!) Highlights? The terrifying killer robot that displayed the speed and swiftness of a cheetah! That devastating glare of Supersonic's evil nemesis as he monitors his underlings' treacherous deeds. The timeless beauty and personal complexity of Supersonic's love interest, Patricia Morgan. And the special effects -- especially the balsa wood steamroller, realistic-looking toy helicopter and the seamless camera work the director achieved whenever Paul morphs into Supersonic. To the uninitiated: May the forces of the universe be with you in your quest to see this movie!!
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Avoid the bulldozer
KuRt-3329 October 2002
Juan Piquer Simon used to be a postman (thus linking him to Fabrizio de Angelis, ex-postman and director of "Killer Crocodile"), but quit his job to step into the movie business. If his mail delivery was as excellent as his knowledge of movie making, I wouldn't send a letter to Spain.

Supersonic Man is so obviously a Superman rip-off that I'm almost ashamed to mention it. Still, shame is something Piquer Simon didn't seem to have. Granted, the man has lots of imagination, but so has a toddler who draws three lines on a piece of paper and says it's a car. Supersonic (for that is his name) is sleeping in a spaceship when an intergalactic voice tells him an evil mastermind wants to kidnap a professor so he, the evil mastermind, can rule over the world. The evil mastermind is none other than Cameron Mitchell, actor in a handful of classics and the lead in over 150 B- to D-movies. In this production he's the biggest (read: only) star.

Supersonic doesn't take the train, like any superhero he can fly. Well, flying... it does look like the actor is busy pretending to swim in the air. Go lie on a bench and move your body first 10° to the left and then 20° to the right. Keep doing that, add a blue screen and you too can fly. To make us believe the movie was shot in the US, Supersonic often flies in the air with parts of New York in the background. Unfortunately, that's the only use of these scenes, so basically you're just watching a man in a silly suit pretending he can fly.

Supersonic's suit may give you a few chuckles, but what really got me rolling on the floor is the scene where the professor's daughter (Patricia) is chased by gangsters. Just when it looks like her car is going to hit a bulldozer, Supersonic lifts it up with one hand. Though, why a bulldozer is standing in the middle of a forest road beats me, just as it's quite fascinating to see the bulldozer is actually made of wood. The crooks try to avoid hitting the bulldozer, drive down a hill and for some reason that should explain why their car explodes.

The bulldozer scene is featured quite early in the movie, so it's best to stay on the floor. Don't crawl back into your couch as an avalanche of bad scenes is still coming your way: bad special effects (toy helicopters anyone?), cheesy humour and even more bad special effects (toy houses?). Oh, did I mention already the plot is hard to follow and some plot lines commence but never go anywhere? Frankly, "Mulholland Drive" is easier to follow.

To make things even worse, this Spanish action movie (let's use that phrase lightly) is dubbed in university English. When the giant robot bursts into the professor's lab to kidnap him, the professor states: "What kind of tomfoolery is this?" One has to admire those academics, if not for their vocabulary, then for the fact that he doesn't start laughing when the giant and fierce (and frankly slow) robot appears.

Juan Piquer Simon is sometimes compared to Ed Wood, but at least Wood had a vision (a vision hindered by a budget, but still a vision). "Supersonic Man" however is a work that makes "Killer Crocodile" look like a masterpiece. Which in its own right is quite special.
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Camp Quasi-Classic!
hypestyle25 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this movie in 1986 when WFLD TV-32 in Chicago was broadcasting the final episode of its old-school horror-movie program, THE SON OF SVENGOOLIE, hosted by Rich Koz. As I said, this was a show known for showing various older (by 80's standards) horror films, so the decision to air a campy foreign superhero movie was just so wacky! I guess the host/producer figured, "It's our last show, we might as well throw them a curveball!" I imagine I basically laughed at all of the things that were unintentionally funny about this film-- the funky costume, escape from the shark, the steamroller that suddenly turned to balsa wood, or the fact that the hero who is called "Super Sonic Man" ends up being vulnerable to a sonic-ray blast (whoops!).. In essence, everything that the first "Superman" film (1978) did right, these guys got wrong.

If I could find this on DVD for cheap, I wouldn't mind buying it, but only for the comedy..
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"What is this tomfoolery?"
bensonmum215 June 2015
Dr. Gulik (Cameron Mitchell) is an evil mastermind bent on . . . well, I'm really not sure what he was bent on. I watched the entire movie and still have no idea what Dr. Gulick's plan was. In between all the gibberish Dr. Gulick spouts, I don't believe he ever laid out what his ultimate goal was (if he did, I missed it). I don't believe I've ever seen a movie with a more confusing plot. Or, maybe the plot wasn't confusing, but, instead, the movie didn't have a plot. That's my guess.

Beyond the plot, everything else is a disaster. The special effects are the worst, the music is beyond annoying, and the acting is atrocious. Usually I can watch a movie and enjoy it regardless of the dubbing. That's not the case here. The voice actors are terrible. And why was there a need to dub Cameron Mitchell with a ridiculous, over-the-top English accent? And then there's the robot. This movie was made in 1979, not 1939. Just plain stupid. The only reason I haven't given the movie a "1" is for all the lackeys in the matching, multi-color jumpsuits. Watching these guys run around as the island blows-up is worth a point.
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Always wondered if their was an Italian take on Superman...
Aaron137529 May 2020
It just seems logical that the Italians would have made something along the lines of Superman as they often do versions of successful films such as Jaws, Star Wars and Alien. I had just never really seen any like I had the others; however, I have seen one now, Supersonic Man! Yes, he looks super built, but his costume definitely needs more work and his alter ego is played by a completely different person. Though the plus side on that is that it is harder to discover his identity, but the villain seems to think it is one and the same guy. And speaking of villains, never before has the screen seen a villain such as the one here, who seems to have no real goal beyond boring an old man to death with his discussions.

The story, Supersonic Man is dispatched to Earth because something so dastardly is about to go down that it will cause ripples throughout the universe! Actually, I think whoever gives orders to Supersonic Man really oversold the threat, not sure the villain would have been too much trouble for a normal person to take out. A professor is kidnapped and Supersonic Man under his guise as Paul comforts her and for reasons unknown will search warehouses as Paul who has no powers so that he can get captured!

Supersonic man seems to have rather vague powers. Seems he has super strength and speed sure, but also the ability to turn a gun into a banana... Suffice to say, he is nearly indestructible to lava, freezing cold and bullets so it makes little sense they they try a flame throwing slowly walking robot at him. The only thing that seems to stop him is high frequency sound.

So, this film is rather lame, but entertaining to watch. I laughed quite a bit when a car goes down a somewhat steep incline and just explodes! Then a boat explodes for no reason and then a house explodes! Everything in this film is very prone to just blowing up! The villain is the typical villain of this era, no powers whatsoever and lots and lots of henchmen. Supervillains literally did not start appearing until like the 2000 films and no Batman's villains are not supervillains, just costumed insane villains!
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Sold Now As A Spoof, Spanish Superman Ripoff
verbusen4 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I would never have watched this film, I like low budget old horror and action films but not superhero films unless it's a superhero I have heard of. The only reason why I watched this is because it was riffed (made fun of with ongoing jokes while the film plays) by Rifftrax. This is now available on Hulu which is where I watched it. I see the DVD package is marketing this as a "superspoof" meaning it was made as a comedy. This is inaccurate, it was made as a Superman rip off. It does have a comedic character in it with about 4 bits, the last being the most funny, but this was made as a straight superhero film. As such, it's horrible, but to it's credit, it's horrible enough to be funny. Cameron Mitchell plays the bad guy, he's horrible and the only American actor in this. The dialog is horrible with a lot of repetition, example, Join me, no I will not, Join me, No I will not, on and on and on. The highlights were the cr' appy robot and the Italian lead actor who looks like Alain Delon a little. Also, call me crazy but I'm pretty sure they used Cameron Mitchell in the final scene as the old professor in the hospital, I guess that scene was ad libbed to wrap it up and the Spanish actor had already passed in real life? I watched this riffed and the Rifftrax guys made me laugh out loud at least a half dozen times. 1 star for this as a film you paid to watch in the theater, 6 stars if you are watching this to mock it, 7 stars as a Rifftrax feature. BTW, I thought at first this was an Italian production but learned it's from Spain which has made me realize that in the hierarchy of bad cinema that the Spanish may have the Italians beat. If you are looking for a more enjoyable bad Euro superhero flick from this time, check out The Pumaman, it is available in riffed (Mystery Science Theater 3000) and non riffed versions, both are funny and much more entertaining then Supersonic Man.
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What Superman Could Have Been
Prichards123459 February 2022
If it were not for Marlon Brando, Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, about $25 million worth of special effects, good script writing, a fine director, John Williams, Margot Kidder. Expensive sets...

This hilarious rip off of Superman The Movie is actually in the so bad it's good category, and on that account is probably a good 6/10. From the cardboard bulldozer to the evil robot which looks like a kids toy (his only power is flame-thrower everybody) and a hero that makes Nuclear Man from Superman IV look like Christian Bale's Batman this is really only bettered by Puma Man in the superhero stakes. I think those two should have a showdown!
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The $1.50 Superman Wannabe from Spain
Woodyanders2 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Valiant and noble alien superhero Supersonic Man (brawny lunk Jose Luis Ayestaran) has to stop evil arch villain Dr. Gulik (a gloriously hammy portrayal by Cameron Mitchell) from taking over the planet as well as rescue his girlfriend Patricia (fetching brunette Diana Polakov) from Gulik's vile clutches.

Man, does this hilariously horrendous honey possess all the right wrong stuff to qualify as a real four-star stinkeroonie: Ham-fisted (mis)direction by Juan Piquer Simon (who also co-wrote the idiotic script), a meandering narrative, shoddy (far from) special effects, a clunky box-like robot that looks like it stumbled off the set of a third-rate 1930's serial, cruddy dubbing (even Mitchell's voice is badly dubbed by another actor!), ineptly staged action set pieces, strained attempts at moronic humor (the comic relief drunk guy is especially annoying), a robust cornball score, lousy acting, and a sluggish pace that moves more slowly than an elderly tortoise on Quaaludes. A total schlocky riot.
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Impossible to rate by itself
cyberspiff-7713827 May 2022
This is two movies in one. The first is a 1-star bad movie and a 10-star RiffTrax movie with the voice-overs. How do you rate a movie like this?

The actors involved try hard, but in the end the plot and script drag it down. Cameron Mitchell as always delivers a fine performance in low-budget movies given what he has to work with.

Is it worth watching? To me on it's own, no. But with the RiffTrax crew working their magic was well worth my time and quite entertaining.
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Worst Villain In History
mcjensen-0592428 November 2023
Worst Hero Too. Oh, and Worst Leading Lady. I should mention the Worst Soundtrack too. Geez almost forgot the Worst Attempts At Humor. The special effects are pretty dreadful too, only eclipsed by the eye rolling dialogue. The so called action/fight sequences are so beyond absurd I felt like I was being taken for a fool. Now, the robot. Oh my gosh! It moves like molasses and really possesses no special talents other than blowing up toy props. Now let's return to the only American actor in this putrid stinkbomb. Cameron Mitchell hands in the most repulsive, over the top portrayal of an evil madman that you'll wish you never tuned into this film. Truly horrnedous slop on every level.
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Could be the best film ever made...
Writer-219 November 1999
...if you're a lover of bad cinema. From the horrible credit sequence which desperately tries to copy SUPERMAN, to the super cheesy flying sequences, to scenes of hero lifting up things like an incredibly fake looking, wooden (yes, wooden) bulldozer, director J.P. Simon delivers the goods yet again! The man who brought you PIECES and SLUGS doesn't disappoint. If you have no life, viewing this film is a must!!!
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Supersonic man!
BandSAboutMovies9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A superhero movie directed by Juan Piquer Simon, the same man who brought us Pieces and Slugs? Can the world be a more amazing place?

Once you realize that the spaceship in the beginning is just a repainted Cylon Raider model kit, you know what you're getting in to. You're getting into something great.

Supersonic is played by Jose Luis Ayestaran, a former Tarzan and bodybuilder who did stunts for Conan the Barbarian. In his human form of Paul, he's Antonio Cantafora, who was in And God Said to Cain, Argento's The Card Player and the incredibly titled Put Your Devil Into My Hell.

Once known as Kronos, Supersonic Man has been sent to our Earth to battle the evil Dr. Gulik (Cameron Mitchell!) and his gigantic robot. This is a movie that was made to rip off Superman, which seems like a noble purpose, but unlike the films that the Italian film factories churned out - I use that word lovingly! - to ape Mad Max or Dawn of the Dead, there weren't a ton of superhero movies made. Which is kind of a shame.

Also, I realize that this movie is Spanish.
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I hope to someday see it in English.
soulexpress24 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"You cannot stop me! I am supersonic." So says Kronos, an extraterrestrial superhero dispatched to Earth to stop men whose weapons would destroy the galaxy--or something like that. The print I saw was dubbed in French, which I don't speak. (The movie itself is from Spain.)

Our guy's powers appear to be whatever is convenient to the storyline. They include, but are not limited to:

  • flying (awkwardly, though still better than Puma Man);
  • X-ray vision;
  • making objects appear and disappear;
  • opening doors with a wave of his hand;
  • lifting a wooden prop that kinda looks like a steamroller if you squint hard; and
  • turning guns into bananas. (Hey, I didn't write the damned thing.)

Supersonic Man takes on the evil Dr. Kulik (Cameron "Anything for a Paycheck" Mitchell), who is headquartered in a paper-mache volcano. He orders his army (which all supervillians have) to kidnap a world-famous scientist (of course), who he wants to build a superlaser that will allow Kulik to rule the world. To blackmail Morgan into doing his bidding, Kulik dispatches his forces to abduct the professor's daughter. However, Supersonic Man repeatedly foils their attempts. (At no time does it enter the daughter's mind to call the police on her would-be kidnapers.)

Item: Our mild-mannered hero transforms into Supersonic Man by uttering "May the great force of the galaxy be with me" into his wristwatch. It even works underwater!

Item: He doesn't seem to know what to do with his arms, so he spreads them a lot.

Item: Kulik's arsenal includes a life-sized Rock 'Em-Sock 'Em Robot that shoots fire from its claws and has twin mini-rockets mounted to its head.

Item: The score tries hard to sound like 1978's SUPERMAN. For some reason, the triumphant music even turns up in scenes without the super guy in them.

Item: Though presumably made to cash in on SUPERMAN, this movie comes a lot closer to ripping off YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE, the James Bond epic.

I hope to one day see this film in English.
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You'll more than likely have a blast watching this movie with your friends!
tarbosh220006 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Supersonic Man (Ayesteran) has been sent from his home planet somewhere far away in space to save Earth. A sinister baddie, Dr. Gulik (Mitchell), is developing a weapon that could destroy the planet. To help him, Gulik kidnaps scientist Dr. Morgan (Caffarel) but Morgan refuses to cooperate, and they get into philosophical discussions of the nature of good and evil. Meanwhile, Morgan's daughter Patricia (Polakov) gets into a relationship with Paul (Cantafora)...but who is Paul really? Throughout many travails - from goons with ray guns to a very slow-moving, flamethrowing robot, only one man can properly save the day...SUPERSONIC MAN! Being fans of director Simon, based on his Pieces (1982) and Slugs (1988), as well as being dedicated Cam Mitchell fans, we were excited when we came across a VHS copy (on the under-appreciated Star Classics label) of Supersonic Man at our local Goodwill store. We were not disappointed, as Supersonic Man is a hilarious treat of a movie. We feel sorry for anyone who cannot appreciate unintended genius like this. Obviously this is "inspired" by the 1978 Superman movie - everything from the main theme of the soundtrack, to the very humorous "flying" scenes, to the relationship aspect - but without even a fraction of the budget of that Hollywood picture. But lack of funds didn't stop Simon, as this wildly wacky adventure proves.

As for the aforementioned fan favorite, Cam Mitchell, he wears a killer bad-guy outfit as he takes on the role best described as a Mr. Big, Dr. Evil, or Dr. Claw-type of villain. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be Cam's own voice in the dubbing. But in the back-and-forth between Cam's character, Gulik, and the scientist, Morgan, Gulik continually calls him "old man" and makes cracks about his age. This is quite funny because it's not like Cam is some young punk teenager. He's likely older than the other guy! And that barely scratches the surface of the utter absurdity of Supersonic Man.

There's also a bit of Star Wars (1977), as Supersonic Man must say the phrase "may the force of the galaxy be with me" in order to activate his powers. Plus, in the movie, he's simply "Supersonic", no "Man". There's even some pre-politically correct humor involving the town drunk. We can't possibly go through all the wonderfully silly moments, you'll just have to experience this gem of comic-booky, childish fun for yourself. You'll more than likely have a blast watching this movie with your friends.

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I guess that other reviewer thinks Spain is in Italy? I don't know
vonnoosh29 August 2021
It says Spain everywhere on the page. Film locations, where most of the cast and director are from. Takes 10 seconds to see it. Nothing surprises me anymore...Anyway this is a SPANISH made knockoff of Superman by one of the more ambitious B movie directors I can think of, Juan Piquer Simón. This director also did the ET knockoff better known to MST3K fans as Pod People. A little boy and his love for Trumpy. Yeah...

Aside from Pumaman, I dont remember Italian studio production companies by this time willing to try a movie with much special effects. They were mostly obsessed with trying to make Mad Max, Road Warrior, Escape From New York, Warriors knockoffs (i mean homages). They are less reliant on effects and expensive locations, same reason they were so good at making Westerns. I think Italian filmmakers learned not to try special effects on this scale after War of the Robots.

This movie is overly ambitious given its financial limitations. All the dialogue is dubbed in which was standard practice in European moviee back then. The star is Cameron Mitchell and the male lead actor's mustache. His character loses the mustache when he morphs into this large pasty skinned expressionless guy in tights.

There are moments of comic relief that mostly gave me a puzzled expression than a laugh. I am not entirely sure what Dr Gulik's world domination plan is but Cameron Mitchell does get to quote Shakespeare and have some overly dramatic scenes as the villain. Some long scenes like his dinner with the scientist he elaborately kidnaps in the first act then doesn't do much with him when he is around are just excuses for dramatic speeches. With so much technology at his disposal, you'd think he'd give the kidnapped scientist sodium pentothal or at least a mind altering brain ray to force his collaboration instead of endlessly trying to kidnap his daughter. I suspect Cameron Mitchell did this movie for an all expense paid vacation in Spain. It is better than other Cameron Mitchell movies he was doing by this time like Frankenstein Island but I did like Cataclysm which is about a demon returning to earth so he can act like a jerk.
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Can lift particleboard representations of heavy machinery with a single grunt!!
Nick Zbu23 October 2000
A Spanish ripoff of the original Superman movie, the movie is cool for the first two minutes while the exposition for all of this is formed. Then, it happens: the music. The tinny, cheesy music. Then the obviously FAKE blue-screen work that shows our hero as flying through space. Then the movie falls apart as good FX work (laserblasts) and bad FX (the Puma Man flying lie!) mishmash together with inadequate dubbing and Cameron 'Mitchel' (?) laughing like his helium was too concentrated. However, the stinger for this episode is when Supersonic Man decides to lift up a bulldozer and, thanks to the amazing art of editing, is shown to pick up this horribly fake particleboard recreation of a bulldozer. It's not even painted well to cover up this shoddy job. Then the regular viewer will lose all respect and this movie will go back to the comedy section of your local Hollywood Video and lay there until Hell freezes over. But if you are a lover of bad movies, this one is a must. If you loved 'Puma Man,' this is FAR more entertaining. Go knock yourself out. The costume of Supersonic Man is quite interesting, unlike the rest of this movie.
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closest thing to 1980!
a__j__p9 March 2001
Supersonic man was made for the people waiting for Superman II(1980). It rips off the original Superman film in many scenes, but is still quite a good watch if you like superhero movies. The FX of our hero flying were not that great- however still far superior than Superman IV. Overall, not a bad film.
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