Losin' It (1982) Poster


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A bit trite and clichéd, but well made (that rhymed)
Groverdox12 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Considering how endless the supply of horny teenager movies was in the '80s, it's not surprising when actors who would become big stars turn up in them. Consider Johnny Depp in Private Resort and Tom Hanks in Bachelor Party. Oh, and Tim Robbins in Fraternity Vacation and Kevin Bacon in Animal House. Rarer is a director who would go onto bigger and better things, which is what we have here. Curtis Hanson won hearts and minds over ten years after this film about teenagers trying to lose their virginity when he made LA Confidential, and later, 8 Mile.

Losin' It is a lot better made than the majority of teen sex movies, but that is not saying a whole lot. Most of them were clearly turned out as quickly and cheaply as possible; it was not uncommon for the boom mic to make several uncredited appearances in these movies, and the lack of budget showed in other ways, like very few inner location shots: the characters may be in high school or college, but we'd rarely see the inside of a classroom.

So while Losin' It has a much better director, better actors and a better budget... it really doesn't have that much going for it. There's the usual fast talking, utterly sex (and Frank Sinatra) obsessed teen, played by Jackie Earle Haley, and the also usual shy, more sensitive teen, played by Tom Cruise. There's also the sullen and aggressive Spider, played by John Stockwell, and Haley's mercenary younger brother, who joins them on their trip to Tijuana to buy illegal firecrackers he can sell across the border.

They get into the usual hijinks involving hookers, cops, and trying to hit on the wrong girls. There's also an older woman who comes along for the ride to get divorced - can you guess which of the guys mentioned above she falls for?

I wasn't that interested in the exploits of these characters, clichéd and simplistic as they were, past the halfway mark, but at least they spent time on the inside of buildings other than the director's house, and the boom mic didn't keep mugging for attention.
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They're really lose it when they realize how much they are being laughed at.
mark.waltz10 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That's the most amusing part of this teen comedy, one of Tom Cruise's early films, and as far from All the Right Moves" and "Risky Business" as his roles in those films are. He's actually part of an ensemble, one of four high school kids going down to Tijuana (one being a much younger tag along), and his character is so shy that he barely has any dialogue. In fact, when the three older kids decide to pick up hookers, Tom's too nervous to go through it, probably because the prostitute (who resembles Linda Lavin) is his mother's age. The other two older teens (one of them Jackie Earle Haley) are quite a bit older, and the tag along kid ends up babysitting there car while they end up in a cantina.

Also present in one of her early roles is Shelley Long, quite different than Diane Chambers (which was right around the corner for her), playing a character desperate for a divorce having an argument with her husband when the kids stop by a roadside convenience store and shop with all they can get their hands on because Long's husband is too busy to notice them. The younger kid is actually very funny because he sells essays out of his locker and in Tijuana is quite the little shyster.

This is a very fair view of Tijuana, showing the rough part and the hospitality and the misconceptions about law enforcement down there which leads one of the kids into trouble. It's consistently funny, a little tacky here and there (but still amusing), and being set in 1965, there's a lot of vintage music over the comedy. So you get a unique view of going up in this era, with Haley very funny as he tries to describe without words his desire to buy Spanish fly, and with that he steals the film. Makes you wonder if the wrong actor became the superstar.
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Nondescript teen sex comedy from the eighties
jmzkeenan4 May 2009
I saw this movie in an entirely appropriate place -- as part of an all-night quadruple feature at a cinema in Northern Ontario, which could have been more accurately described as "Four lousy films for the price of one"! (For the record, the other three films were "Ghoulies", "Missing in Action" and "Ninja III - The Domination").

I would say that Losin' It is probably the best of these four films – not that that's really saying very much. (It was the concluding feature of a very long night of cinematic mediocrity) . It's not an awful film (particularly compared with some of the other components of this multiple feature), and it has the advantage of having been put together by a crew who knew what they were doing. Rather, it's an assembly line teen film of the period, which is given somewhat more polish than usual by the presence of Shelley Long and the up-and-coming Tom Cruise in the cast.

Two years previously in 1981, Porky's established a profitable template for teen films that many producers are still exploiting today. I see Losin' It as a Porky's knock-off, from a similar time and aimed at a similar audience. Essentially, if you were part of that target audience, you would probably have enjoyed it. I was just passing out of the target demographic when I saw this, so perhaps I'm more blasé about it than I might have been if I had seen it a few years earlier. There's a whole genre of teen sex comedy (which tries to tease the audience while dancing around the fact that they can't really show very much) that loses a lot of its impact once you've actually "lost it" yourself.
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Forget Tom Cruise. The whole movie is Jackie Earle Haley.
vertigo_145 May 2004
Losin' It is a pretty funny roadtrip movie, thanks to the comedic antics of Jackie Earle Haley ('Breaking Away') who plays Dave, an oversexed kid desperate from some action during a weekend in Mexico. He and his buddies, Woody (Tom Cruise) clean cut shy kid, headlong Spider (the gorgeous John Stockwell) and Dave's clever brother Wendell (John P. Navin Jr.), embark on a wild roadtrip to lust after girls and underaged booze in 1965.

Each of the guys has their own experiences with love and mischief. Woody spends most of the time with Kathy (Shelly Long), a flamboyant older woman who hitched a ride with the boys to get a quickie divorce. Spider, the ego, abandons the group and frequently gets in trouble with a corrupt sheriff. Wendell, who came along for lots of black market goodies, spends the weekend trying to save his brother's ass, since Dave's misconception that the town is full of easy women gets him in heavy trouble with the locals.

It's a pretty funny movie that I'm surprised hasn't been given more notoriety among 80s fans. Tom Cruise and John Stockwell played their typical characters, but the stars of this movie, were really Jackie Earle Haley and John Navin. They were perfect.
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Not that funny, but has some good Drama
Alligator_8022 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting a whole lot from this movie, but was still disappointed, but not upset, for this flick did have its moments, even if not laugh-wise.

A reasonable cast that would go on to bigger and better things is something positive and whilst "Losin' It" didn't have a whole lot laugh wise, there was some good drama - Tom Cruise saying goodbye to Shelley Long, Spider being thrown in jail and Cruise backing out of "losin' it" at the last minute with the sincere hooker being the highlights. Despite lacking laugh out loud humor, "Losin' It" for me worked as a coming of age light Drama, and for that alone it deserves 5/10.
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A Tijuana Odyssey
bkoganbing22 February 2008
Losin' It is the film that Tom Cruise got first billing in. On the strength of being more than noticed in Endless Love, Taps, and The Outsiders, Cruise got the lead in this minor teen comedy that made quite a bit of money back in the day.

Cruise, Jackie Earle Haley, and John Stockwell are three high school kids from the Eisenhower years who are looking to have a good time in Tijuana. Unfortunately they can't make the trip without John P. Navin who is Stockwell's brother because Stockwell came up short of cash.

Along the way the three of them pick up Shelley Long who is a young married who runs a convenient store on the way with her husband. Our three heroes just happen on her store when she's having a knockdown drag-out with her husband, culminating in Long walking out on her husband to hitching a ride to Tijuana to get a quickie Mexican divorce.

The rest of the film is about their adventures in Tijuana and their escape from there. I do say escape because Stockwell and Haley get into some serious trouble down there in separate incidents. They manage to get some marines on liberty down there mad at them and they fall into the hands of a crooked Tijuana cop played by Henry Darrow who really likes jamming up young Yanqui snot nose kids.

Cruise has an adventure of a different sort with Shelley Long in her pre-Cheers days. He's the only one who gets some enjoyment from Tijuana.

If there's a moral here, there's two of them. First there's no such thing as Spanish fly and second Tijuana is not a good place if you don't know the ropes.

After this Tom Cruise did Risky Business which cemented him as a teen idol and after that All the Right Moves which proved he was not only a box office draw, but a very capable actor.

As for Losin' It, it's an average teen sex comedy without the presence of Tom Cruise would barely be remembered.
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Never had it
writestuff_200116 November 2001
Don't let the cast and director fool you. This is a teen sex comedy that's just as bad as any of the dozens (hundreds?) that Hollywood churned out back in the 1980s. Bad enough that this turkey wastes the talents of future stars Tom Cruise and Shelley Long. What's worse is that this was directed by Curtis Hanson (you know, of "L.A. Confidential" and "Wonder Boys" fame -- THAT Curtis Hanson.) I realize he was just an up-and-coming director at the time, but surely he must have taken one look at the script and realized it didn't have a chance. (Maybe he was gambling this film would be another "Porky's" and skyrocket him to fame. He gambled wrong.)

Even if you're a die-hard Cruise fan, you're advised to stay away. Cruise, at this time, had yet to hone the persona upon which he would build his career. In other words, he isn't his usually funny, cocky self this time around, but instead comes across as bland, dull, and surprisingly lifeless. Shelley Long, on the other hand, is quite good in her thankless role as a runaway bride headed to Tijuana for a quickie divorce. Too bad the script doesn't give her anything funny to do.

Also, since this is a teen sex comedy, I should mention that there's almost no raunch and nudity at all. Basically, this film is ninety minutes of three teen-aged jerks raising havoc in T.J., getting into lots of dumb bar fights and a few car chases with the usual Hollywood Mexican stereotypes.

Bottom line: compared to this film, "Top Gun" (which also starred Cruise and John Stockwell) is deserving of ten Academy awards.)
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watch it if just for tom
SlamDog5 January 1999
This is a really bad movie. The only reason to see it is because it is early Tom Cruise, and of course he is gorgeous. I've been to Tijuana lotsa times, and let me tell you, some 16 years later, it's still a dirty, wicked city. If this movie conveys anything well, it's that.
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The Vidiot Reviews...
capone66624 June 2018
Losin' It

Giving away your virginity in some sex-pact is ludicrous - especially since you can sell it on the Internet.

Unfortunately, the digital era is decades away in this 1960s set teen sex-comedy.

Hell-bent on popping their cherries, three seniors, Woody (Tom Cruise), Dave (Jackie Earle Haley) and Spider (John Stockwell), head from L.A. to Tijuana in a 1957 Chevy intent on losing their virginity in a Mexican brothel. However, losing it is harder than it seems as the boys are tested at every turn by the corrupt local sheriff, a desperate housewife (Shelley Long) and a bad case of limp dick.

Teeming with tons of testosterone-tinged hijinks involving cross-border prostitutes, fireworks and fabled aphrodisiacs this 1983 romp is a forgotten gem of the juvenile genre that features an exceptionally embarrassing performance from a young Tom Cruise.

Moreover, for a man to lose his virginity, technically, he needs to be penetrated. Yellow Light

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Highly underrated
csweetleaf24 June 2003
I loved this movie cause it's so funny and it has the then unknown Tom Cruise and Shelley Long in this movie before they went onto fame later on the 80's, but the best performance goes to Jackie Earle Haley as Dave, who is a sex obsessed pal who is a Frank Sinatra wannabe, and I also liked John Stockwell's character Spyder who came from a broken home, Tom Cruise is the intellegent honor student. This movie is about 3 high school seniors who want to go to Tijuana in search of sex (without their parents knowing it) and things don't work out the way they want it as Dave's little brother Wendell 'Wimp' (John Navin) goes along for the ride and later they shoplift a grocery store and the owner's wife goes with them cause she claims that she's gonna divorce him and she finds out that they stoled some items at the grocery store but she didn't care, the situations that the boys got themselves in Tijuana are hilarious and they later meet crooked cops, insane marine sailors and junkyard ruffians, will they get out of Tijuana alive, will the three boys lose their virginity, in order to find out, watch this movie and it's way better than the movies of today, I think that Losin' It deserves more recognition than what it gets cause it's a funny movie and if you can find this movie at your local video store, rent it and have a good laugh, it's a great way to spend a weekend evening.
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Angry little teen sex romp
SnoopyStyle21 February 2015
It's 1965 Los Angeles. Woody (Tom Cruise), angry Dave (Jackie Earle Haley) and cool Spider (John Stockwell) are high school student vowing to lose it in their trip to Tijuana, Mexico. They need money and wheeling dealing little Wendell forces his way into the group. Kathy (Shelley Long) runs away and grabs a ride with the guys. She gets a quickie divorce in Tijuana.

This is following the success of Porky's over a year before. The difference is that this isn't nearly as funny. The story isn't very original and has all the hallmarks of a teen sex romp. The boys aren't very likable. They're missing the lovable goof character. Neither Dave nor Wendell is lovable. The movie just has too much anger. Everybody is angry. The group is separated for much of the movie anyways. It does have an awkward kissing scene between Cruise and Long. That may be worth a look.
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You People Are Losin' It
clockwatcher1 April 2003
Lay off this movie, people. It's a teen-age sex romp comedy. It doesn't pretend to be anything more. And as for teen sex-romp comedies, it's pretty entertaining.

Tom Cruise is in it. Shelley Long has a good part. And the guy from Breaking Away has the best character of all. What I really liked about this movie was how it "romanticized" Tijuana. It makes you want to take a trip down there and raise some hell yourself.

This movie is a good time on a Friday night. If you're gonna rent a movie like this, rent this one. You won't be disappointed.
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Unlikeable characters and gross premise
jellopuke5 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Look, it's not high art, but even as a sex comedy it fails. The characters are totally unlikeable or bland and the entire plot line of going to Mexico to hire hookers is gross. For an hour or so the movie plays as just a kind of bland look at jerks who want to pay for sex. There's no chemistry between Shelly Long and Tom Cruise and Jackie Earl Haley is really annoying. But then, something happens at the end and the movie manages to salvage everything with a decent little ending car chase sequence that manages to tie it all up in a nice way. It can't be a raunch classic because there wasn't enough nudity or hijinks, but as a historical curiosity I guess you could do worse.
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Smart and amusing 80's teen comedy romp
Woodyanders4 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A quartet of teenagers -- awkward nice guy Woody (a likeable performance by Tom Cruise right before he became a huge star), cocky Spider (solid John Stockwell), fast-talking would-be worldly smoothie Dave (a very funny and spirited portrayal by Jackie Earle Haley), and slick squirt hustler Wendell (sharply played by John P. Navin Jr.) -- go to Tijuana, Mexico with the specific intention of letting it all hang out. However, things don't go exactly as planned.

Director Curtis Hanson keeps the enjoyable story moving along at a brisk pace, offers a flavorsome evocation of the sordid south-of-the-border setting, and manages to capture a tone that's just raucous and raunchy enough without ever becoming too crass or offensive. B.W.L. Norton's barbed script gives the premise a surprising amount of extra bite by astutely observing the basic principle of causation with the four protagonists entering Mexico under the pretense that it's some kind of anything goes lawless paradise only to learn the hard way that their irresponsible actions in Mexico come with pretty severe consequences. Moreover, this film further benefits from sound acting from Shelley Long as the flighty divorce-seeking Kathy, Henry Darrow as a hard-nosed corrupt sheriff, Rick Rossovich as a belligerent marine, Joe Spinell as a gruff border patrolman, and John "Dr. Dirty" Valby as sleazy nightclub emcee Johnny Hotrocks. A total hoot that deserves to be better known and more well regarded than it is.
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I like this movie!
kman00721 July 2003
I thought that this movie was very funny the first time I saw it ten years ago, and I still do today. This is a movie that is in the same genre as Porky's or Revenge of the Nerds. True fact, Tom Cruise said in a Playboy interview that he did this movie because of Jackie Earle Haley. Since Haley had been in Breaking Away, Cruise figured that this movie would be just as good. It didn't quite work out the way he expected, at least not right away. Cruise fan or not, it's worth a look. For me, Jackie pretty much steals every scene he's in. Anytime I watch this movie, I have to laugh at Tom Cruise because he ended up becoming one of the biggest stars in the movie world, and he started out in this. If you REALLY want to see Cruise in another light, check out Endless Love, with Brooke Shields. It's his first movie, and though he's in it for less than a minute, it's worth a look, just like Losin' It. Check it out!
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I never found Shelley Long hot before
TheOldGuyFromHalloween320 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not even in Night Shift but she was very sexy here. I was jealous of Tom Cruise when he did her. That Freddy Krueger guy was kind of annoying but had a cool car. The Mexican chicks are hot as hell and there are some very funny scenes.
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Intelligent and entertaining teen sex-oriented blast, but so much more.
estherwalker-3471013 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In Tom Cruise's first starring film role, 3 teen friends decide to motor from their LA homes to Tijuana, just across the border in Mexico, to have a parent-free blast and, most importantly, to 'lose it'. Lose what? Their virginity, of course, presumably with some sweet-faced senorita or, perhaps less desirably, a well-practiced whore.

Sex-crazed Dave keeps a big pair of socks inside the front of his briefs, to make his ah.....look much bigger, presumably to impress the ladies. Near film's end, border patrol discovers this when the guys are stripped for rumored contraband. Alone among the guys, he's super enthusiastic about obtaining some legendary 'Spanish Fly' to help him seduce the senoritas. He wastes time and money tracking down a supply of dubious quality, then doesn't get to use it.

One of the many things I love about this movie is that often it feels like I'm watching 3 or 4 movies simultaneously as, after a while, the guys have often split up, each having their own adventures. The camera keeps switching back and forth, updating the happenings for each.

Besides the 3 late teens, in their car they have ''Wimpy' : Dave's 14 yo brother, who wants to buy some fireworks cheap and sell them expensive back in LA. Initially, he's tolerated as a member of the team because, for some? Reason, he's been entrusted with most of the group's money. As things turned out, he becomes very important in saving brother Dave's life from a car full of hostile Mexicans. Still later, his fireworks are instrumental in saving the fleeing gang from several sets of hostile pursuers, as they race for the border. He's no longer wimpy!

Beautiful Shelly Long, as Kathy, soon becomes the 5th member of the 'gang'. She's a sudden wannabe runaway wife, who hops in their car as the quickest way to Tijuana for a quicky divorce, after a spat with her coworker husband. She disappears and reappears several times. She develops a special liking for the shy, but, handsome, Woody(Tom Cruise), and spends most of the remainder of the film in his company. Eventually, sparks fly, and Woody briefly becomes her 'boy toy', as they spend a night in a motel. Finally, presumably, he 'lost it' with this very pretty near-divorced older woman(33yo). This, after Woody's embarrassing decision to wave off the prostitute he paid for. Actually, my only major gripe with this film is that this encounter between Woody and Kathy was cut off way too soon, with only preliminary undressing shown. Was this the actress's demand? As this is the only presumably successful sexual encounter we bear witness to in the film, I suspect the film would have been much more popular if substantially more of this encounter had been shown....... Near the end, Kathy happens to see her estranged husband's van in the car line, at the border crossing. She's had a change of heart toward her still-husband, runs to him and kisses him. Then, she runs back to Woody, and engages in a passionate kiss and hug, before she runs back to her her husband, kisses him again, and gets in his van.

Although Cruise is the official lead male, he often seems rather hesitant and wooden, compared to the older Jack Haley(Dave), who often comes across as the more dominant. After all, it's his Chevy that the gang is riding in. He almost has to part with his beloved Chevy to pay for the exorbitant fine that Spider is saddled with for starting a fight in an establishment, that spread to become a destructive melee. But, brother Wimpy helps him get out of this mess by tossing some lit fireworks into the police car, distracting the police and delaying his chase. Alone among the group, Dave always wears a cool-looking hat. When they return to LA, he throws it in the trash, symbolically ending their adventure.

Although Cruise's second lead role, in the following year's "Risky Business", garnered a much more positive response by audiences of the time, I, for one, have no doubt that the present film is the more entertaining of the two. While I also enjoyed this later film, I give the present film a higher rating and a much higher rating than the mean rating given at this IMDB site. I caution potential viewers that the occasional pair of bare breasts are shown. To me, this is a minor consideration. Probably, to most potential viewers, it is a plus!

Incidentally, the California-Mexico border town of Calexico served as Tijuana's substitute, in the film making.
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One of the most entertaining movies ever!
Jason-12529 April 1999
Losin' it is one of my favorite movies because it is so much fun. Sure Tom Cruise is in it, but the best performance is by Jackie Earle Haley as "Big Dave". Go rent it if you can find it! It's really funny.
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Good Movie
Dave CT30 April 1999
I saw this on Comedy Central Back in 1996 a few times. I loved the movie. I found it quite funny and cute. A good teen type movie. I would recommend you see this movie with a whole bunch of friends, cause it's good like that. Good movie.
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A Good Movie With a Common Plot.
saxchick41 August 2005
I thought this movie was pretty funny, it had its fun quirks to it that made it intriguing to watch. But the plot line for this movie has been wore down, the fact that guys in high school staged during the 1950s to 1960s want to go lose their virginities is an old story. This movie reminds me of Porky's it has the exact same story line. There is that one guy who is dying to have sex with anyone right now, there is the hot headed one that starts all the fights and the nice sweet one who is a gentleman and gets the nice girl. Also I think this movie is rated wrong, it could have easily been a PG-13 movie because throughout the whole movie the "F" word was said maybe three times the only reason its was rated R is because of the nudity is what exactly like Porky's had. But its a 1980s movie, its rated "R" its a comedy, its bound to be stupidly funny all 80s are.But overall everything, this is an amusing movie and after watching it, if you are old enough to understand, its a feel good movie. YOu laugh a lot because of all the high jinks and problems that these guys go through is more entertaining than Porky's or any other film related to the plot.
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It Never Existed!
dweilermg-130 July 2018
Jackie Earl Haley totally blows away the urban legend about Spanish fly. Great part of movie.
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Crude but amusing.
Fandust2 October 2002
Losin' It is a crude but amusing story about some frustrated high school boys who want very much to loose their virginity. So they take a car ride to Tijuana and get into some trouble while "Losin' It". Losin' It is not a typical hollywood movie. I think it is slightly better than its rating on IMDB, but maybe not worth paying for. The title is a play on words, BTW.
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