Escape from the Bronx (1983) Poster

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Supertrashy post-apocalyptic Italian action flick.
Red-Barracuda25 July 2008
This post-apocalyptic film is a barrage of non-stop action and cheese. A ruthless corporation decides to exterminate inhabitants of the Bronx. In the future. In the year 2000. The said inhabitants from the future, strangely resemble every conceivable type of pop star from the early 1980's; from synth pop futurists to New Wave cheesemongers to heavy metal poodle-permers. Funnily enough, it only appears to be 'the future' in the Bronx - on the streets of Manhattan it clearly seems to be 1983. Confused? You should be; this is after all an 80's Italian sci-fi actioner.

Bronx Warriors 2 is full of action and stupidity. It's a lot of fun. It's chock-full of silly characters. The star Mark Gregory makes for a ridiculous hero. Antonio Sabato is hilariously OTT as a character inexplicably called Toblerone. Henry Silva phones in a performance of a man shouting on a phone.

You can never truthfully be bored with this movie. It's action from start to finish. And there are some hilarious details to enjoy. For instance, the model of the redeveloped city - in it, not only have they went to the trouble of hilariously depicting the Bronx buildings in crumbling detail but if this is true to scale then the Bronx is only three blocks big! This film would make a great double-bill alongside Bruno Mattei's equally trashy post-apocalyptic movie, Rats (1984). That would be a good night of fun for the Italian Z-Movie aficionado. Ciao!
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Great Italian low-budget fun.
HumanoidOfFlesh15 February 2005
Ten years after "1990:The Bronx Warriors" life is still a pure hell for the Bronx warrior street gangs.A sinister Manhattan Corporation with plans for the region sends in death squads named 'The Disinfestors' to eliminate the remaining inhabitants,and only the man called Trash can stop them.Mark Gregory is back as Trash in this cult follow-up to "1990:The Bronx Warriors".This is surely very fast-paced and violent flick with tons of action.Of all the early 80's post apocalypse movies,"Escape from the Bronx" looks like it has one of the higher budgets,mostly spent on spectacular flame-thrower effects and effective explosions.The acting is terrible,although it's always nice to see Lucio Fulci's regular Paolo Malco in the small role.The soundtrack by Francesco De Masi of "The New York Ripper" fame is also quite good.Check it out.6 out of 10.
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More Ultra-Trash From Castellari
Witchfinder-General-66614 February 2008
Enzo G. Castellari definitely is a gifted director of Westerns (such as "Keoma"), Poliziotteschi (such as "Street Law", "Racket") or War cinema ("Deadly Mission"). His extremely trashy 'Bronx' films are definitely no highlights of his career, but they're nevertheless highly entertaining pieces of postapocalyptic exploitation cinema."Fuga Dal Bronx" aka. "Escape From The Bronx" of 1983 is the even trashier sequel to the, already very trashy "1990: The Bronx Warriors" (1982), which was only made to cash in on the success of films like "Escape from NY" or "The Warriors. This is, on the one hand, even sillier than its successor, but on the other hand even more action-packed and entertaining, and a film that Italian Trash enthusiasts should not miss.

10 years after the events in "1990: The Bronx Warriors", the owner of a company is planning to tear down the hellish gangland of the Bronx, in order to build a new Utopian center of New York. Officially, the inhabitants are offered houses in New Mexico, but they are really forced out of their neighborhood by extermination squads lead by the unscrupulous Floyd Wrangler (the great Henry Silva), who has ordered to kill everybody who refuses to leave. Tough biker and former gang leader Trash (Mark Gregory, who played the same role in the first film), decides to fight back...

The story is even more forgettable than in "Bronx Warriors", but the constant violent action in "Fuga dal Bronx" makes up for the moronic plot. It's an enormous number of explosions and violent killings as well as the wonderful trash-feeling that makes this film worthwhile. Although this film was made only 1 year after its successor, Mark Gregory fits in his role quite well now. I didn't like him in the first film, since he still looked like a teenager, and even though the guy is not much of an actor, he fits in the role of Trash quite well now. In exchange for the true stars of the first film, Fred Williamson and Vic Morrorw, "Escape From The Bronx" features one of the greatest icons of Italian genre cinema, Henry Silva, as the villain. All things considered, "Fuga dal Bronx" is certainly no masterpiece, but it is definitely worthwhile for my fellow fans of dystopian exploitation flicks.
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"You can count on me!"
LanceManley16 December 2002
Outstripping its predecessor by 3 score and ten this little beauty ranks with Hard Boiled for relentless, brutal action.

Depending on which copy of this film you own it is either "a few" or "ten" years after Bronx Warriors and another sinister corporation (or it may be the same one with a different name as Thomas Moore is the boss again, but he has a different name too) is diddling with the denizens of the Bronx, this time by "burning and gassing the last remnants in order to build the city of the future". Understandably pissed off at this "the murdering warrior gangs unite to defend their homeland sewer by sewer" from the silver suited sadists that are roaming around wielding bombs, machine guns and flamethrowers. Henry Silva is leader of The Disinfestors and when knocking out several squads fails to halt the clean up, Trash and a crusading but hideous reporter Moon, decide to kidnap the GC Corporation president as a bargaining tool. A final assault involving The Disinfestors against everyone else rounds off the show.

Removing the loathsome martial arts from the first flick and also the tiresome expostion this move almost never relents and has an orgasmic final 15 minutes involving so many dead bodies that it defies belief. Trash (unarmed) taking on 3 heavily armed men with a helmet plus the scene where he trips up a couple with a conveniently placed drainpipe are cartoon-like in their energy and ludicrousness.

Mark Gregory has lost the mincing gait this time and looks like he really means it when he offs people (check his expression as he burns Disinfestors).

The only other bona fide returning character from part one is Carla Brait in a cameo as the Iron Men leader although the lack of continuity isn't a big deal as this film was quite clearly meant to stand alone and was only called Bronx Warriors 2 in the UK.

The theme score is cracking and hits home all through the set pieces. It seemed that a loose plot was formuated and Enzo Castellari decided daily to create ever more ambitious set pieces to fill time. The first ambush on a clean-up squad, the hostages rigged with bombs scene, Clark's kidnapping and the final scrap are pure energy.

It's not high art, it's dubbing is shite but it has a good-looking, hard as nails hero, a body count that is in the hundreds and easy-to-hate loathsome villains.

Negative points: The ease with which they kidnap Clark; Little Strike; Trash's high explosive bullets.

Positive points: Everything else

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Get your generic "action movie" fix here!
lemon_magic13 May 2006
"Escape 2000" isn't all that bad, even for an Italian knock off. But it should have come with a promotional poster like the old 'generic' foods labels we used to see in grocery stores.

"ACTION MOVIE: Contents: Gunshots, Explosions, Stabbings, Flame throwers, Men in Silver Suits Being Thrown Off Catapults, Plot about Underdogs and Antiheroes vs. Greedy Corporations, Aerial Shots of City Skyscrapers, Unappealing Actors, Grainy Photography. 4 ESL Voice Actors (+ Henry Silva) used to dub entire screenplay. OTHER INGREDIENTS: "Oh Sure" moments used to bookend movie to preserve illusion of actual story telling,Inappropriately intense expressions and overacting, Long Frizzy Hair and Heavy Metal guitar riffs."

I never saw the original "Bronx Warriors", so I don't know how this movie compares to it, and I may be losing some of the subtext for the story as a result. But as a standalone product, "Escape 2000" is obviously built around a 2nd rate plot and a 3rd rate screenplay, and further hampered by some 4th rate dubbing.

The main actors aren't all that bad. Henry Silva can't carry this film, but he's pretty smooth as the 'enforcer'; Mark Gregory ("Trash") is well cast as a scruffy, hardscrabble antihero, but he doesn't so much 'act' as 'project an attitude'. Still, he's OK too, if unexciting. Antonio Sabato gads it up as rebel gang-leader "Dablone", the only really 'larger than life' presence in the film - he's fun to watch, if somewhat tiresome. But it all comes out in these badly mixed, monotonic ESL grunts that pretty much muffle any subtlety and range that the actors might have put into their speeches. I feel bad for them - I can imagine that Gregory thought this might be his big break in America, only to hear his voice on screen make him sound like a dimbulb and a lug when he saw this version.

The other big problem is that the screenplay makes all the characters strictly one-note stereotypes. There's no depth to the characters, no variety to what they have to say or the way they say it. Nothing they do surprises the viewer. And there's a deadening sameness to all the action scenes - the same explosions, the same gunshot Foley sounds, the same grimaces and reaction shots.

Still, I've seen much worse - I've even seen much worse from the Italian film industry in the 60's-80's. "Hercules Vs. Machiste in the Vale of Woe" and "Devil Fish" makes "Escape 2000" look like Oscar material. I'd have to say this one is for fans of the original "Bronx Warriors" and people who need an action movie "fix" and aren't to choosy about what they watch to get that fix. I'd also sure that I'd like it a lot better (at least 5 out of 10 instead of 3) if I knew Italian and could watch it in the original language instead of this tin-eared, rachet-jawed English dub.
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You can't escape...from this horrible Italian movie!
Oosterhartbabe29 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Gaah. Another terrible Italian knock off of an American movie genre. I for one was distracted from the so-called 'plot' by the fact that the dubbing was done by the same company that did Pod People. Listening to them try to do Bronx and Hispanic accents made me wince in horror.

The basic story is that its the year 2000, and a giant corporation has decided to level the Bronx(Bronx, Italy, that is)and put up fancy apartment towers and whatnot. The only thing standing in their way are the idiots that live in the Bronx, and for some reason really enjoy squatting in squalor.They've become 'freedom fighters' or something, living in the sewers(good place for them)while battling the extraction crews, who are guys in shiny tinfoil outfits.

Their leader is a long haired guy from a Poison cover band aptly named Trash. His parents get toasted by the crews because they refuse to leave their fetid apartment building. Trash then declares war on the corporation and its minions, including Henry De Silva as a psychotic overseer with a scarily high forehead. He joins forces with a Hispanic guy named Toblerone, I guess. This guy is a hoot and a half. His accent alone is a joy, but he also overacts with great joie de vivre. Which makes up for everybody else underacting like crazy.

Along with a French resistance fighter, his annoying little Dickenseque brat of a kid, and a shrill voiced female reporter, they set out to kidnap the President of the corporation and hold him hostage, not knowing that his second in command wants to get rid of him anyway so that he can take over and sit in the big leather seat for a change.

Somehow these tepid warriors conquer all and save the day, so that these idiots can continue to live in the dirty, unsanitary, polluted Bronx. Hooray for the forces of good! I guess. Once more I have to thank the Italians, for whether they do it deliberately or not, they managed to produce some of the most inadvertently funny movies of all time.
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From Castellari
Phroggy28 February 2003
Who was honored at a special "psychotronic" screening at the

Paris cinematheque. This one came second after a fairly decent

war movie. During Q&A, Castellari did not hide the fact that, for the

first movie, Mark Gregory was hired in a Gym in Roma, for his

physique more than his non-existent acting skills, which he proved

in several movies. Castellari stressed the fact that he was

disappointed with Gregory in this one, since he had lost a lot of

muscular weight (maybe that's why he never looses his jacket ?

And no closes-up, hiding his non-existent acting skills) Anyhoo, it

never was an actor to begin with, that is obvious. Anybody knows

what became of him ? (Castellari is a pretty nice and jovial man,

BTW, very open and straightforward during Q&A) I still think this sequel is better than the original, for what it's worth.

Both had huge releases in Europe, with impressive posters, and

made good money. Now, you have the same with 50 mil budgets,

a few MTV stars and special effects galore… Go figure !
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Extreme Entertainment from Italy
Aylmer2 November 1998
This is one of the most entertaining flicks I've seen in a long time. If the cool explosions, slow motion, pyrotechnics, music, and funny dialogue don't satisfy you, then I don't know what will. More deaths than a Verhoeven flick, more slow motion than a John Woo flick, what more could you want? Does not retain the same atmosphere that 1990 THE BRONX WARRIORS had, but is almost never boring. I'm not giving anything away, but watch for the great scene when three rebels are gunned down fleeing a man rigged with a bomb. I've seen the movie a dozen times and it still tickles me!
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Even though this is Italy, you must leave the Bronx... *SPOILERS*
quamp8 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Ah, Italian films sure do lose a lot when translated into English. This is no exception. The whole plotline concerns a bunch of people still living in the Bronx after it's been declared unfit for human habitation. They're offered generous packages and good homes in New Mexico, but still decide to live in the Bronx. Many of the characters are flat as a pancake and give you absolutely nothing to endear or hate them. The main hero, Trash, is pretty aptly named. I think he looks like a cross between the lead singer of Ratt and Sylvester Stallone. Even though I was supposed to root for him, I ended up rooting against him. The female reporter was more annoying and didn't seem to have taken an acting lesson in her life before doing this film.

Avoid this one unless you're watching the MST3K version. Mike and the bots rightfully skewer this trash.
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"No sugar! It makes me *crazy*!"
Hey_Sweden8 July 2015
Energetic follow-up by director Enzo G. Castellari to his post-apocalypse trash epic "1990: The Bronx Warriors" wasn't long in coming. Mark Gregory reprises his role of super human gang leader Trash, who hooks up with other underground gang members. The omnipotent GC Corporation is now attempting to round up the residents of the Bronx and forcibly "relocate" them. In the company of crusading reporter Moon (Valeria D'Obici) - a truly annoying character - and intrepid guide Strike (Giancarlo Prete), Trash embarks on a mission to undermine the corporation by snatching their boss, Clark (Ennio Girolami), out from under them.

In some ways, "Escape from the Bronx" outdoes its predecessor. Fans of Italian post-nuke exploitation will appreciate the wall to wall action, the myriad of explosions, the nonstop onslaught of thoroughly expendable bad guys, the impressive stunts, and the level of violence. Use of locations is excellent, and the look of the picture is just right. The music by Francesco De Masi is good, but it sounds oddly out of tune at times. The pacing is more than adequate, and Castellari (who has an on screen cameo as a mustachioed radio operator) gives the proceedings an undeniably high fun factor.

At first, it would seem that the almighty Henry Silva is somewhat wasted in his role as corporation enforcer Floyd Wrangler. But fear not, he does get some juicy Silva-esque moments towards the end, especially when he doesn't get his coffee the way he wants it. Gregory (who's actually dubbed by Steven Luotto) is a hunky plank of wood; Prete is much more engaging in his role. Paolo Malco (as Hoffman), Antonio Sabato (as Dablone), and Romano Puppo (as Trash's father), all add to the movie with their presence. D'Obici is good, even if Moon is overbearing and obnoxious.

A guaranteed good time, if one is partial to this kind of entertainment.

Seven out of 10.
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less cheesy, which means less great than the original
pkzeewiz22 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Mark Greggory is back as Trash and now it's ten years later and he still lives in the "no mans land" dubbed the Bronx. His gang is no longer with him, but he finds new underground thugs to help him battle a rich politician and his crooked cops that want to demolish whats left of the Bronx.

I ask myself, why in the hell would anyone want to stay there for...Well this time we have a new writer and that is probably half of the problem. The great Dardano Sachetti is not on board and Tito Carpi wrote this one. It seemed better produced although it was made less than a year later and with the same producer and Enzo Castrelli still on board as director. They tried making it a better movie and took the cheesiness down a notch and tried to make it more flawless. Doing these cautious edits and attention to detail actually made the movie worse. The flaws are part of what makes a b-movie great.

Don't get me wrong the movie was still cheesy, overdubbing was bad, plot had funny bits and there was some over the top BS going on with the story line. I mean from a couple pistol shots blowing up a helicopter to the same locations being re-used but trying to make them different places. Trash looked less in shape and seemed to be a lot less cool here, maybe it was to try to make him more serious now that he is working alone. I just absolutely love Mark's work but this is perhaps his worst acting job.

Mark is still good even if this was his worst role(that i have seen). Henry Silva was great as he always is and most of the cast did a great job for this type of film. I didn't care much for Antonio Sabata Sr. He is always hit or miss with me. The music was a lot different but I liked it.

What can I say about this, it was a cheesy Italian b-movie action/ post apocalyptic mess. I enjoyed it a lot, but it was trying too hard to learn from the mistakes of the first one and that made it a bit too serious for a film that should never take itself that serious to start with. The directing was okay but the editing needed loads of work. Music was fitting and acting was middle of the road. I didn't care much for how it ended, but I guess it got its point across, and still left room for a sequel...but I am guessing nobody bought it after they saw this one...4/10 stars but I can only recommend it to those who love the cheesy exploitation films as much as I do.
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MORE BRONX!!!! yeah!!
IsmaRubio29 June 2002
Impress your sequel of 1990 warriors of the bronx. with more presuesto, more faces known about the Italian cinema, more action, more special effects, more BRONX!! Mark gregory again in TRASH's role, here mas incredible that never kills, destroys, avoids bullets and trucks, climbs destroyed floors(flats), destroys a van in thousand pieces with five shots of a pistol... IMPRESSIVE and great amusement in only 90 minutes. Henry silva is the villain malisimo, and in spite of his short performance, his role is very important and impressive. Giancarlo prete, does the role that goes, the typical antihero, intepretando with genius to the teacher of his own son (also son in the movie). It is interesting to see paolo malco, in his short appearance and unexpected and incredible final death. Everything in the movie is action and action, shots and explosions, it if, to the style enzo castellari, that is to say, to Italian exploitation. Very superior to previous one
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Forgettable but very watchable
jordondave-280851 August 2023
(1983) Escape 2000/ Escape From the Bronx/ Fuga dal Bronx DUBBED SCIENCE FICTION ACTION THRILLER

A dystopian movie cross between "Escape In New York" and "The Warriors" with Italian financing depicting the Bronx as a slums area with the mayors and representatives attempting to kill it's citizens off as opposed to re-locating. Co-written and directed by Enzo G. Castellari with Trash (Mark Gregory) on the run while he and others are being pursued by Floyd Wrangler (Henry Silva) and his extermination Disinfestors squad for the purpose of rebuilding the environment. Ordered by the President to eliminate anyone who is infected. Forgettable but very watchable.
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It would have probably been easier to just move to New Mexico
Aaron13754 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film under the title, "Escape 2000" as an episode of the cult riffing show, Mystery Science Theater 3000. This film is a sequel to a film called, "The Bronx Warriors". Both Italian made films that feature a lot of shots in New York that were probably done without permission and lots of studio shots back in Italy. I am rather surprised the score here is as high as it is, because this film is rather ludicrous! My guess is the "Bronx Warriors" was probably a better film, I mean, it had to be or why make a sequel? Though considering it was Italian made, I am also guessing not much better. Do not get me wrong, I enjoy their horror films and they made some good westerns too, but films like these just did not work as well. It does not help that they try to pass the film off as happening in New York and you end up in the underground which is so European looking it is pathetic! Lots of people flying all over the place due to explosions, lots of nonsensical plot points and lots of dudes with really awesome hair!

The story has the Bronx being under siege by a horde of men wearing silver outfits with helmets for no discernible reason whatsoever. Their mission, to rid the Bronx of the gangs by any means necessary! Which means either relocating them to New Mexico or killing them! An evil corporate president wants to build a wonderful city in the Bronx place and wishes to start by building a children's hospital, the animal! Meanwhile, a man named Trash who apparently did something in the previous movie decides to fight back when his folks are killed, but midway through the movie, he becomes almost a secondary hero as another guy comes along to blow things up and help Trash kidnap the president along with a very unattractive news reporter. Sadly, in the end, they really accomplish absolutely nothing, they don't even escape the Bronx.

This film made a very funny episode of MST3K. I had never seen this film until now as I was never able to see the show until the sci-fi channel years. So many jokes and I almost could not stop laughing when they first kidnapped the president and began running from the extermination squads and things were blowing up and the bodies were flying! The movie featured a woman reporter who they made fun of her appearance, because she was very vampire and rat looking. It is strange as Italian films either have some of the most attractive women you can see, or they have some of the least attractive on screen!

So no, I do not really see why anyone would really like this film. The sets look bad, the action is borderline silly and you endure watching this thing all the way through and you are rewarded with almost a non ending. Perhaps they made a third film as there was still some stuff left unresolved as the president of the company was dead and another guy took his place and the Bronx were kind of littered with bodies, but the key members of the resistance were left alive. Of course, a totally awesome ending would have them going to New Mexico and going, "Hey, this isn't so bad!"
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The 80s Italian knockoffs at its best
AlanSmithee030 December 2001
Back in the 80s, several producers in Italy decided to copy whatever was popular in the rest of the world and create some low-tech, low-budget, and low-expectation knockoffs. This is one of those films with a title, plot and characters that have counterparts in "Escape From New York". But overall, its kinda cool.

Mark Gregory returns as Trash who is living the smooth life of being a thung in the slums. But the evil General Construction Corporation have decided that the Bronx needs to rebuilt and decide to save money and time by simply killing everyone who didn't take them up on their offer to move to New Mexico(what's so bad about moving to New Mexico anyway?). The GCC hires an expelled prison warden who loves death(played by Rat Packer Henry Silva) to lead a bunch of "disinfesters" who are guys in silver jumpsuits & bike helmets that carry semi-auotmatics and a bunch of astronauts with flame throwers. Trash is their target and they pursue him and his friends on a long chase sequence under the Bronx.

Worth checking out in its original form or the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version.
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Try Taking the Bruckner
boblipton30 May 2020
They're telling people to leave the Bronx, and the movie shows why, with its post-apocalyptic vision of the borough, and the scrappy people in punk hairdos and clothes who maintain their desperate existence with lots of weapons.

The Italian crew which shot this rip-off of Escape From New York came to New York to shoot, and then spent their days on location in Manhattan and on Randall's Island. I suppose Riverdale was too daunting, let alone the South Bronx, where my brother used to carry a pistol. Henry Silva is second credited, but he never left Rome.
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Bizarre, unnecessary,. futuristic sequel
templer_doom-11 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
BRONX WARRIORS was a pretty bad movie to say the least, but BRONX WARRIORS 2, which has clearly been conceived out of optimism rather than anything else, exceeds in sheer badness and dullness. It has a bit more energy and enthusiasm than it's predecessor, but the sheer lack of logistical thought and evidence that it was shot wherever the director could muster a location in the Hudson River are makes it a turkey amongst equals.

A Government corporation sends in flamethrower and machine gun wielding jump-suited soldiers wearing crash helmets to raze a dilapidated area of the Bronx to make way for developments of housing and the residents who are refusing to budge. Led by villainous Henry Silva, they have reckoned without our illustrious hero Trash (Mark Gregory) who, armed with his super-powerful Magnum (so powerful) that he manages to blow up a whole helicopter with six bullets (similar in logistical relish as George Kennedy's flare gun party piece in AIRPORT 80 THE CONCORDE when he directs a guided missile using a flare gun and succeeds!!!) and a war breaks out to decide the future of the Bronx. Where is Acme Realty when you need them!!!?

Another moment to behold is the four or five soldiers who turn up in a clearly rush-hour moment and waltz down subway stairs whilst watched by workers bemused by their suits and thinking they are on their way to a fancy-dress party. Coupled with the music score that personifies many spaghetti offerings like this, it is only worth viewing if you are genuinely in need of a beer-and-curry night in with your girlfriend.
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Toblerone fest!!
InzyWimzy6 October 2000
Leave the Bronx! Or in this case, some set in Italy that tries to look like the Bronx. I liked the apocalyptic view of Bronx residents in rags, Broadway costumes, and fay extras. Plus, the Disinfestation squad wearing motorcycle helmets displayed their authority in their shiny silver outfits. Trash, who counts with 8 fingers, is the so-called savior of Bronx. He mostly mumbles with a bad NY accent and looks like a roadie for Whitesnake. The female reporter, Ratwoman, has a face that will give you bad dreams.

The best part of this lousy film is Toblerone. It's a barrel of laughs with the Bronx/Italy's charismatic leader. He should do stand-up on the Comic Strip. His facial expressions and jovial accent will have you cheering for TOBLERONE!!
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Ordinary sequel in which Trash must fight a corrupt corporation who attempts to evict the Bronx neighbours
ma-cortes25 June 2020
Agreeable fun'science-fiction/action romp packing kinetic action , thrills, intrigue , shocks , lots of blood , violence and full of death toll . Including spectacular stunt-work plenty of crossfire , crashes and violent fights , adding shootouts , stabbing , throating-slit , slashing and blowing-up . It's 1990 and the Bronx's New York society breaks down into two sides which has become a battleground for several murderous street bands , marauding delinquents , and degenerate slums trash . In this future , crime is out of control and the Bronx turned into an inhabitable location and finds itself under siege by violent gangs with rare weapons fighting each other . As Manhattan being inhabited by gangs as the street hockey players wielding hockey sticks and by a tougher-looking gang , the Bronx Warriors led by Trash , among others . As it stars Trash/Mark Gregory again who will fight amid his ruined city against cutthroats , gangs of depraved crazies thirsty for blood and survive some battles to-the-death with lots of blood and gore . On the other side of the bridge , a corrupt corporation sends violent agents and extermination squads to throw out inhabitants at whatever cost . In the middle of this chaos Trash embarks a spectacular defence against vicious murderous with flamethrowers . Trash helped by a sympathetic bomb-maker (Timothy Brent) and his equally psychopathic preschool son (Brent Jr) and an annoying activist reporter Moon Grey (Valeria D'Obici) out by kidnapping "the President" (Ennio Girolami) and contending their main enemy the psychopath killer called Floyd Wrangler (Henry Silva). The first to die were the lucky ones! Who will survive when no one deserves to live? A Heavy Metal Journey Into An Urban . Hell Where Everything Has Gone Wrong! .The lucky ones were the first to die! Now only the deadliest man alive can save him . Breaking out is impossible. Breaking in is insane. Once You go In, You don't Come Out... Until Today .The first to die were the lucky ones!They're blasting back in a bloody battle for the Bronx!The year is 2000. Two savage armies battle for supremacy over a shattered wasteland!1995 A.D.- The Bronx is Declared "A High Risk Area"They're Back! .They're back and out for blood! They're blasting back in a bloody battle for the Bronx! The year is 2000. Two savage armies battle for supremacy over a shattered wasteland!1995 A.D.- The Bronx is Declared "A High Risk Area"They're Back! .They're back and out for blood!

This film is a comic book plenty of action , fun , adventures , thriller and surprise-filled entertainment . This is the sequel to 1990 : Bronx warriors (1982), set in a post-apocalyptic New York City , a Castellari Sci-Fi movie with lots of frantic action , fights , and amusement . Italian post-apocalyptic Sci-Fi filled with chills , noisy action and spectacular scenes in slow-moving . And a very high body-count thanks to shootings , explosions , flamethrowering, stabbing, off-screen killing , electrocutions , bashing in the face with helmets , shootings in cold bood , and faces turned to red mush after being hit with shotgun butt . The movie likely satisfy action enthusiasts and Italian Sci-Fi fonds . Adequate plethora of characters with average performances by its entire main and support cast . Nice costuming and evocative production design in which the Bronx has officially been declared a "No Man's Land" devoid of any law , there live several urban tribes , with weird post-apocalyptic costumes , as Trash's riders and strange guys dressed in fiberglass safety gear and others in plastic dresses . Lousily starred by Mark Gregory as the tough and valiant renegade leader of the two-fisted Riders . Fine plethora of secondaries with familiar faces for its entire support cast such as : Antonio Sabato , Valeria D'Obici , Giancarlo Prete as Timothy Brent , Paolo Malco and special mention for the usually baddie Henry Silva . And other ordinary secondaries from Italian B series as director himself Enzo G. Castellari , his brother Ennio Girolami , some of them played lots of Spaghetti , Peplum , Giallo and customary genres of the 60s and 70s . Climatic musical score by Francesco De Masi as well as functional cinematography by Blasco Giurato . The picture is a rip-off from¨The Warriors¨by Walter Hill and ¨1997 , and Escape from New York¨ by John Carpenter that was also followed an inferior sequel : ¨Escape from L.A.¨.

The picture was professionally directed by the prolific filmmaker Enzo G Castellari who spent 2 weeks filming in N.Y. , Bronx included . This sequel titled : "Escape from the Bronx" aka "Escape 2000" aka "Bronx Warriors 2" results to be similar to original ¨1990 Bronx Warriors¨. Talented and versatile writer/director Enzo G Castellari has made a array often solid and entertaining films in all kind of genres as horror , Giallo , comedy , Western , and science fiction in a career that spans over 40 years . He made especially Westerns as ¨ Johnny Hamlet , Kill them everybody and came back alone, Seven Winchester for a massacre, ¨ and the masterpiece : ¨Keoma¨ . And successful wartime movies as ¨Eagles over London¨ , as well as Adventures : ¨Tuareg¨, ¨Adventures and loves of Scaramouche¨ , Simbad¨, "The Shark Hunter" , Poliziesco : "Day of the Cobra" , ¨Striker¨, ¨Heroin Busters¨ and Sci-Fi : ¨1990 : Bronx warriors¨ , "The New Barbarians : Warriors of the Wasteland" , "Escape from the Bronx" . This is a passable Sci-Fi movie , it is an imaginative Sci-Fi picture in which the camera stalks in moving style throughout a story with agreeable visual skills . This is a bewildering story , funny in some moment but falls flat and it will appeal to Science Fiction and Italian exploitation fans.
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pure trash
trashgang19 May 2014
There are so many releases of this flick that no-one knows which one has the full uncut. It was stated that the release on EMS in Germany was the best to watch but sadly it wasn't. Shamelss has finally released the full uncut.

Don't think that it was worth the wait. It's pure trash and there isn't that much of a story. But still, it has a following. Can't say it's post-apocalyptic, it's just about the bronx being demolished to built a new project on it but the people from the bronx aren't that happy and are kidnapping the president of the new project. Naturally it's also time for some to try to kill the president so they can take over the regime.

So there's a lot of shooting and explosions. It's full of cheap effects, people being shot who never bleed or whatsoever. People flying in the air without blood or bruises. Pure trash coming from Italy only for the lovers of the genre.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Better than The First in Every Way
ultimatenexus14 June 2015
Yes, I actually bothered to watch the sequel to the 1982 Italian exploitation snoozefest Bronx Warriors, which I found really boring with little redeeming entertainment value (I'd rated it a 4). I'm kinda glad I did, though, because while this one is just as stupid as its predecessor, it's also twice as enjoyable. Most of the movie is like the final battle in Death Wish 3--unhinged, unrestrained madness cranked to 11. It's got a lot more action and carnage than the first one did, and its action scenes are also major improvements. The story is still idiotic, with a greedy corporation trying to force the inhabitants of the 'No-Man's-Land' Bronx out of their homes so that they can build a shiny new city on top of it, resorting to spaceman suits and Nazi tactics to get the job done.

The acting still sucks as much as it did in the first one, but at least here, it's got a more corny, hilarious vibe to go with it. Before, all we saw for an hour and a half was a bunch of guys in leather running around a post-apocalyptic Bronx, talking tough and riding bikes, and doing nothing for long periods of time. Now, we're seeing endless carnage and gratuitous destruction of model buildings, model cars, and plenty of surprisingly well-done stunts in slow-motion (a favourite of the director's seems to be an often- repeated shot of people launched into the air by explosions--back before John Woo's Heroic Bloodshed glory days).

If you're looking for a trashy, entertaining action fest with more cheese than a bag of Tex Mex, see this movie. If you're looking for something with intelligence and restraint, skip it--although I don't know why you'd go into this movie expecting those things anyway.
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So much action. Boring action.
BA_Harrison13 April 2020
In Escape From The Bronx, Enzo G. Castellari's sequel to The Bronx Warriors, the inhabitants of The Bronx have been given orders to leave their homes, the area having been scheduled for redevelopment. According to the authorities, the evacuated citizens will be relocated in alternative accommodation in New Mexico, but plucky reporter Moon Gray (Valerie Dobson) believes that the people are being deported and killed (the big clue being the logo plastered on the side of the disinfectors' vans, which reads 'Disinfestation Annihilation Squad').

In an effort to prevent further bloodshed, Moon teams up with biker Trash (Mark Gregory) and thief Strike (Giancarlo Prete) to try and kidnap the President of the GC Corporation, the evil organisation conducting the genocide.

Like Castellari's first Bronx movie, Escape From The Bronx suffers from wooden acting and a predictable plot, but tries to compensate for any shortcomings with wall-to wall-action, the film featuring an excess of shooting and explosions. Unfortunately, the action is so mundane and repetitive in execution - largely consisting of people falling down in bloodless fashion when shot or flying through the air in slow motion when blown up - that it soon becomes tiresome in the extreme.

In addition to all of the tedious action, Escape From The Bronx also suffers from some really bad model effects (exploding balsa wood buildings and vehicles), a laughable 'pantomime villain' in chief disinfestor Floyd Wrangler (Henry Silva), and that staple of many an Italian exploitation flick, an annoying kid (Strike's young son Junior, played by Alessandro Prete).

3/10. Italian exploitation cinema at its most wearisome.
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Superior sequel with one hell of a body count!!!
HaemovoreRex1 June 2006
Now this is what I call a movie!!!

It's virtually 85 minutes on non stop action and with a body count to rival a modest war and enough explosions to level an entire city!

Step forward Trash, gang leader and hero of the first movie who returns here in style for within the very first few seconds of his screen entrance he manages to shoot a helicopter out of the sky! Woah!

The plot concerns a property development project over the dilapidated Bronx and the compulsory 'relocation' of its existing population to New Mexico…..or so they're told….. As it happens, this relocation is anything but and actually involves the butchery of the Bronx's inhabitants by extermination squads who are headed by a scene stealing, and gloriously sadistic Henry Silver.

Needless to say, the inhabitants take not inconsiderable offence to this and resolve to fight back which they do – violently!

Cue an infinitude of shootings, beatings, stabbings and detonations as our brave warriors wage the desperate battle to survive against hoards of silver suited, motorbike helmet wearing, flame thrower/machine gun wielding corporate henchmen!

This is a movie that will render your mouth agape at its violent brazenness and excesses!

In short, if you're a fan of high energy/high body count movies then stop reading this review and go and get yourself a copy of this immediately!!!
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80's B-movie action fluff
adamscastlevania223 October 2014
(57%) Just like the original it's well shot, and there's a a good deal more action to enjoy; although the plot is scaled back to almost nothing, and it lacks some of the charm of the first instalment. Overall there is not a huge amount to say about this really. Lots of people dressed as specemen get shot/burned/blown up, Trash (the hero) spends more time on the move or fighting than talking to anyone, and when he does actually say something he's just insulting and angry. This is a good little action movie set in a very unique looking broken location, but those looking for something deep or complex will be wasting their time with this one.
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Leave the Bronx! Even though this is Italy, leave the Bronx!
spk0725 July 2008
Yet another film with a good idea (using gang violence as an excuse to commit genocide and relocation) totally ruined by haphazard treatment. The heroes (except for Toblerone or Dablone or whatever the hell his name is and that kid that blows stuff up) are totally unappealing. The villains are bland and clichéd. On top of that, the approach is totally unrealistic. How would the evil company get away with burning people out of their homes? Especially when the words "Annhilation Squad" are written clearly on the freaking van???!!!!! That is just writing too bad for words.

Now I feel I must bring up two random things. One, what the hell kind of name for a hero is Trash? Second, was that coffee gag with Henry Silva at the end supposed to be funny? I got a bit of a laugh out of it but it was just odd.

Now it did have its redeeming qualities to it like the ever-jovial Toblerone and the pyromaniac sixth-grader. I also can't get enough of the fact that this film probably holds some kind of record for most bad guys shot in a film. Can't go wrong with shooting bad guys in my opinion. That is complete awesomeness. Finally, there is the jingle in the end credits so memorably lampooned on MST 3000; I find it kinda catchy.

Still, one can only do so much with these redeeming qualities in a film this pedestrian. You will be bored to tears for the first hours. So I will give my now-patented "Stick with the MST 3k" version recommendation.
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