Babylon 5 (TV Series 1993–1998) Poster


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Gets Better and Better
Tweetienator17 November 2021
Bored by today's generic, soul- and lifeless mass productions I check out some of those gems of long gone times. Babylon 5 beats every show today marketed under the label of sci-fi easy: likable and interesting characters, suspenseful storylines and good old action and fine fx work make Babylon 5 a lighthouse shining amidst the ocean of mediocrity and worse. Top and gets better with every decade of the decline of the entertainment industry.
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Your patience will be rewarded.
wms-9274118 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Some call Babylon 5 a great science fiction show, but it really isn't. It is, however, pretty good, for what it is, which is a modern televised saga.

A saga is defined as a long story of heroic achievement, and Babylon 5 slowly, luxuriously reveals that story over four seasons. It was envisioned as a science fiction show which could (and did) operate under a budget, which is historically quite rare. Normally, a science fiction TV show's budget increases year after year, as show-runners grow more ambitious and desire to top themselves. These shows grow so expensive that they cost more to make than the number of viewers can justify, and they get canceled. It has happened over and over again, before Babylon 5 came along and since.

Babylon 5 had a very tightly controlled budget, and it shows. The special effects are, well, not very special at all. Much of the initial outlay for the show involved the costumes and sets, which were reused over the course of the five seasons it ran. The stories and characters were, from the start, intended to be that which kept the viewers coming back... and it worked! Babylon 5 was never a huge hit, but it was successful enough to continue long enough to finish the saga, and even offer a season beyond it.

The characters grew and changed over the course of the saga. New characters came and went, good and evil, human and alien. Most of the stories presented were more or less filler, unnecessary to the larger saga, which meant that when nuggets of storyline that advanced the saga came along, they were enthralling.

Some will tell you that you can safely skip some, if not many, of the episodes of Babylon 5 (especially in the early going). I think that's a mistake, because it is the nature of a saga that it carries you to a distant place and keeps you there for a long, long time. Sometimes you'd prefer not to be in that faraway place for such a long time, but it's necessary for you to feel the impact. The culmination of the saga, which occurs near the end of season four, is much more rewarding if you've spent the entire time absorbing the universe of Babylon 5. If you eat the vegetables as well as the entree, you'll be better fed... or something like that.

Is it great? No. But it's pretty darn good, and space opera is a rare thing anyway. Savor this, luxuriate in it, and let it sometimes be boring. In the end you will find you love the characters and the saga more than the vehicle which brought them to you... as it should be.
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Great Even For A None Sci-Fi fan
mal karma9 January 2003
It's a shame I couldn't get this one from the begginig. This is THE Sci-Fi show (if you don't count The X Files as Sci-Fi). It is way better than Star Trek: it didn't have the technological chit chat; human race was weak and corrompted, yet optimistic and full of potential; realistic to the bone, in 200 and so years that could be our world; an evolving story and characters that made you believe they were real; not as many races as in ST (actually it is better this way) but that differenced each other in something else than the ears; a philosophical, political, chaotic universe. Great acting and writing, many but many characters that carried on a story that was about nothing else than life and death.
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Intense, breathtaking, incredible . . .
LiamABC23 March 2005
Well, what to say? For starters, I'm a die-hard Classic Star Trek fan, who had until recently been aware of B5 without ever having seen it. Then, about four months ago, my best friend lent me his B5 DVDs of season 1. And I have to admit, I'm impressed.

To be fair, it took a little while - I was a little wary at first, but it quickly grew on me. Once I got a feel for what was going on, and how the characters worked, yes. It grabbed me. I especially liked Jeffrey Sinclair as a leader-type - someone more thoughtful than your bog-standard action-hero.

Then, after a long wait, my friend lent me seasons 2-4. Again, I was a little wary at first; it had been a while since I'd seen season 1, and I knew that Sinclair had been replaced by John Sheridan. Out of the two leaders, I prefer Sinclair, and for the first few episodes of season 2, I was unconvinced. Then, about a third of the way in, the pace quickened up - considerably. And while I still prefer Sinclair as a leader, by about episode 8 of season 2, I found that I didn't have the time to miss him, things were moving that quickly, there were so many plots unravelling . . .

And therein lies the hook. The amount of detail is extraordinary, the way all the characters and plots became intertwined is amazing. The series is so intense - I was watching up to eight or nine episodes a day, for a week solid! And might I say again, I was a Star Trek fan who had never seen B5 before in my life! As many people before me have said, this show isn't a nice neat everything-gets-resolved-in-the-space-of-one-episode type. Details get carried over. There are long story-arcs. There are things happening all the time. Everything has a reason. You see an insignificant detail in season 1, suddenly it is explained in season 3 as being very relevant for reasons you didn't even know about back in the first season.

If there is one stumbling block for B5, I would have to say that some of the computer-generated images (CGI) are not always up to standard. This is especially true of planet surfaces, in particular Mars. But that's quibbling. The key to good science-fiction is believability. The characters have to act as if the basic premise of the series is perfectly normal to them. That's what makes it work. That's why in the original series of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry made a point of not explaining the workings of anything. For example, Captain Kirk picks up a phaser and fires it without stopping to explain what it was or what it did - after all, in a contemporary series, nobody goes out of their way to say how a gun. We know how it works - so by watching Kirk fire his phaser, we understand implicitly that it is a weapon. The same principle applies in B5 - although to a lesser degree.

Moving on to the acting - this show was blessed with some wonderful people. In particular, Mira Furlan as Delenn is worth watching; she is possessed of a presence and an aura most actors can only dream of. She is one of those people that when she is speaking, becomes the absolute centre of attention without really trying. Also, as stated above, I am a fan of Cmdr Sinclair - and I think Michael O'Hare's portrayal of him is wonderfully underplayed. It would have been so easy just to play him as an action-hero, but no. I really do miss that character. Another favourite would have to be Stephen Furst as Vir - DS9 fans just think Rom, and you're halfway there. Not to mention the "odd couple" of Peter Jurasik (Londo) and Andreas Katsulas (G'Kar) - wonderful.

Actually, that's another point - the aliens. The aliens in B5 are more real than the aliens in Star Trek. Their agendas are much better fleshed out. We understand the whys and wherefores much more than the stereotypes of so many Star Trek races (and remember I'm a longterm Star Trek fan). To use Trek parallels, the Minbari are like the Vulcans and Bajorans combined in temperament, the Centauri are probably most comparable to the Cardassians, and the Narns, well, I'd say Klingons, but that's selling them short. Klingon-Bajoran, perhaps. Any hardcore B5 fans offended by those descriptions - sorry, I'm just using them as guidelines to the uninitiated Trek fans. These B5 races are much more real, less stereotyped. (Although the less said about the Drazi, the better!) To summarise, then - I think this is the best sci-fi since Original Star Trek. Watch this show! Star Trek fans will not be disappointed!
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A true classic
Clive_W29 January 2020
Babylon 5 is in my opinion a classic syfi show that ended too soon, with 5 great seasons, and spawning several films and a spin off show. Babylon 5 offers a great way to escape into a wonderful exciting story, the universe of endless potential. A true 90's show, with a great cast, and the effects for the time it was made were amazing. I grew up on this show as a kid and was obsessed, the war with the shadows was thrilling when I was young, and still wish I could have more episodes to this day.
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The best writing on television to date
Asteri-Atypical3 January 2001
One of the few examples of what television CAN be.

While I could offer many accolades for this series, I will reduce it to the statement that we have never seen better or more intelligent writing on television. Period.

I'm lost lost in blind fandom. Rather, I've come to loathe the lack of intelligence used in most television programs today (largely because of the networks' catering to the lowest common denominator). This is one of the few exceptions.

It is a true shame we cannot see intelligent writing like this elsewhere in this age of miraculous special effects.
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10 reasons to watch Babylon 5
dafalias10 June 2006
1. The story It is probably the biggest, most complex story that was put on film so far - well over 60 hours of good TV. This had been tried never before and makes shows like Lost or Battlestar Galactica successful today.

2. It is non boring Besides elements of Season 4 being built up as early as Season 1, even in small details, the storyline has a lot of interesting twists, that makes you yearn for more and stay interested even over the course of five years. But nowadays you don't have to. You can get the box set and have yourself been swallowed up in a matter of weeks.

3. The casting Casting was done very thoroughly, obviously; as every character had been designed in detail long time before casting, including all changes and developments, actors could be found that filled these roles perfectly. And they were. For example, Richard Biggs was the most ethic and believable TV doctor I have ever seen.

4. The acting The characters Londo Mollari and G'Kar seem to be the most popular, they are also filled by outstanding actors, but all the others, including guest roles were no less than great. Stephen Furst is a brilliant comedian and Bruce Boxleitner is just a joy to watch, he is so 100% in every scene.

5. The music Only two words: Christopher Franke. The score of B5 has the magnitude and the quality of a movie score and adds to the scope of the show greatly. Look out for a Special on Season 4 Box set called "No Surrender, No Retreat Suite". First watch Season 4. Then listen to the suite WITHOUT the pictures. And at last, enjoy the music with the pictures. You will conclude that the music itself captures all emotions of Season 4, the combination with the pictures just makes it a masterpiece.

6. The special effects Babylon 5 was a "poor show" as JMS put it. They had nowhere near the budget of a Star Trek series. But still its scope was intended to be big, with space battles unseen on TV to this point. Although most of the ground shots did not work, as a lot of virtual sets, the space scenes reached a remarkable level of perfection by the end of the series, and the battles were big indeed, with very interesting angles and camera movements only doable by cgi. Another aspect that B5 pioneered in.

7. The character development SciFi is not stupid. It is not about blowing up spaceships with laser guns either. Well, sometimes it is. But not B5. It is a character driven show with most interesting development to each character. They all developed, but still were truthful to themselves. Time is taken to explore each single character in detail and entertaining it is.

8. The humor There was Stephen Furst of course, who literally can turn any line into an enjoyable piece of comedy, but there were other actors with great comedic skills as well, Claudia Christian, Bruce Boxleitner, Patricia Tallman, Peter Jurasik to name a few. Although the story line was very exciting, the element of humor was never forgotten; this made Star Trek TOS successful and it definitely did not hurt B5.

9. The philosophy J. Michael Straczynski has said that his intention was never to make a moral or philosophical statement, but just to tell a story. But as the story involves a lot of these elements, at least it makes you think. And, although being a declared atheist, JMS handles things like religion or prophesy extremely respectfully and he gave the best summary of the essence of Christianity in the episode "Passing Through Getsemane" I have ever heard, equally brilliantly delivered by Oscar Nominee Brad Dourif.

10. The harmony of the complete work of art I believe that there are three classic types of art: Picture - painting, its 3D-representation sculpture and photography Music Literature, written and its physical representation acting.

Film puts all of them together, makes the pictures move and includes many more like effects, stage and crop design, costume design, camera, editing and makeup. I consider film the most complete work of art because it HAS to be the team work of a number of distinct artists. If each and every one of them is great, then the whole is great. And I think B5 is just that, besides or maybe because of the extremely tight budget they had. For example, when B5 went to TNT for Season 5 the actors suffered serious cutbacks in salary. Bruce Boxleitner no doubt had plenty of offers in his drawers, but nonetheless he stayed and finished the work. So did almost all the others, and I think You can tell this kind of attitude in the show.
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TV as good as it gets
LBytes6 May 2004
I just finished watched the 1st year on DVD. What a treat to see this series again, in a version mastered properly for the widescreen with surround sound to boot. I remember enough from the series to know that the 1st season was both unique and uneven in more ways than the other 4 years, and yet it lets out all the plot threads that play out over the ensuing years. I, for one, liked M. O'hare and it was too bad he couldn't have had a recurring role in subsequent seasons. Even so, this is a great series, possibly the best ever Sci Fi TV series that I've ever seen. Great CGI work that was employed for the 1st time ever, multiple engaging plots, good acting, writing, etc... it goes on and on. My only regret is that no one's figured out a good way to resurrect the B5 fictional world. I'd love to see another good series like this. If you haven't seen it lately, watch it again to remember how good it was. If you've never seen it then you don't know what you're missing.
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27 years, and the ending still brings a tear.
shadowhawq24 August 2021
I am a life long SciFi fanatic. Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate and more, I've watched them since the first airing. And while Star Trek and Star Wars and even the longevity of Stargate and it's spinoffs have there respective, iconic, places in SciFi history, Babylon 5 stands out from them all. Having just re-watched the the entire series, in order, and in binges, the ending still brings a tear to my eye. The 5 year arch, the writing, the acting, it all, in my humble opinion rises up as one of the best, true Science Fiction Series ever created. Even now, late August of 2021, 23 years since it's last episode aired, the year of struggles in politics, and the pandemic, this series and it's stories still ring true today. Fascinating how these stories parallel our struggles today. Showing what happens when small groups gain too much power. How so much can be manipulated by so few who press their personal agendas over the greater good. How people will so easily follow blindly into the abyss as to avoid personal responsibility and how the mass media propaganda machine can control it all.
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one of the best sci-fi series,....period
planktonrules20 February 2006
Although I know that the Trekkies out there and lovers of SG-1 will no doubt blow a gasket, I consider this the best sci-fi series ever. And I DO like these other shows (even the ever so mediocre Deep Space 9). My love for the show is based on it having the creative genius of J. Michael Straczynski creating and controlling the series. Unlike other shows, he was a single mastermind who envisioned a series with a greater sense of purpose and plot than others (and wrote almost all the episodes). His plots did not last a few episodes or even a single season, but persisted throughout. And, because of this, his characters were able to grow and evolve unlike any others in the history of sci-fi. It was ingenious how G'Kar and Molari, for example, changed throughout the series. It was also genius to have humans be both the BEST and WORST characters in the show--from the evil Bester (played by EVIL CHEKOV from the "Mirror Mirror" episode of Star Trek) to the strong and competent Commanders Sinclair and Sheridan.

I will warn you, though, that the first season starts slowly, as it takes a while for all the characters to be introduced and for all the man, many plots and schemes to start coming together. In fact, in season one, there are even a few poor episodes that show that the series hadn't yet gotten its legs. My advice is HOLD ON AND KEEP WATCHING--later the true brilliance of the intricate plot become very apparent. Seasons two, three and four are amazing, though unfortunately season five is also a bit of a dud because the show was originally scheduled to end after four and the fifth season was sort of slapped together--and it looks it.

If you disagree with me, I challenge you to watch every episode from start to finish and then tell me I am wrong. I guess I am a true GEEK, as I have seen them all as they originally aired and no other series (except NOWHERE MAN, STARGATE SG-1 and THE PRISONER) ever got me to commit myself to seeing every episode.
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setting the bar for sci-fi television
ivko27 July 2008
After tons of recommendations from friends about this show, I decided to rent the DVD's and give it a watch. It took some time and I almost didn't see it thru because of the cheesy 90's special effects, but somewhere along the way I started to see what others love so much about it.

Babylon 5 is one of those rare finds. An adult oriented mix of futuristic warfare, social commentary, and spirituality that tells the epic story of the future of mankind. Unlike many other sci-fi shows that hit the reset button at the end of every episode and take the characters back to where they began, B5 develops the characters with purpose in every episode, slowly unveiling their destiny to the viewers. Even in the weaker episodes, and there are a few, there is almost always some significant character development going on.

B5 struggled to survive in it's tiny niche, and by watching the DVD extras it's clear that the cast and staff took great pride in that. Still, ultimately it might have been good for the show that they existed in a small venue, because I doubt that this kind of long term vision would have survived in a larger market. As it stands, watching B5 is a bit like reading a decent novel in the scope and reach of the story being told.

For those interested in the bottom line, B5 is a tremendous, epic story that explores the conflict between the need for order and the desire for self determination. Character development happens in nearly every episode, but many of the one episode story arcs are utterly forgettable. Most of the special effects look poor by modern standards, but that's to be expected. Straczynski's introduction of many spiritual elements was well ahead of its time in popular media, and would not be seen again for nearly 10 years until Battlestar Galactica, although his touch is a bit more heavy handed than BSG. It may be a matter of taste, but I prefer the subtle touch of the almighty in BSG to the overt mysticism Starczynski offers. The 5 season arc is very well done, but chafes a bit with the season 4 to 5 transition due to the fact that the show's producers thought they were getting canceled at the end of 4 and hurried along a few plots too quickly.

In the catalog of sci-fi, Babylon 5 stands nearly alone as a series that explored the future of humanity in an intelligent and meaningful fashion and survived long enough to complete its story. If you are a fan of sci-fi, this show is for you.
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Best tv series known to mankind.
obiwan-6758221 August 2021
A 5 year story arc with lots to discover, even after you watch it a few times.

There is great character development, great story telling, strong women, strong men, diversity Wich is in fashion atm and not forced onto us.

Great music!

Even after all these years i still think a lot can be learned from this series.

It's anti war, anti extremists but not always that obvious.
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Remarkably well written
kem-erd10 March 2023
This is a very well written series, much better than any sci-fi series on tv ever. Except for few warts (for god knows what reason, but certainly not due to lack of talent), the multiple story-lines it pursues are consistent and all develops well.

The way of politics and power relations leave wanting, but then Americans does not really understand politics, even so called political scientists cannot articulate how it works, so had little expectations on this front.

And, it was a shame that the series ended with 5 seasons. There were material for at least two more seasons.

Finally, and a very annoying part of it, the acting sucks most of the time. Except for mollari, g'kar, bester, and perhaps ivanova all the actors in major roles really really suck. And, oh the computer screens, medical equipment, etc. Look like plastic toys; so you need to overlook these obvious defects and think of this as a novel on screen to really enjoy the series.
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Captain Cringe
epictrollgangster27 January 2022
I do not understand the high praise Babylon 5 receives. I just finished DS9 and I will contrast the two since they have similar basic plots with a bunch of different alien species living on a space station. I expected this to be a superior product but nine episodes in, this is the most disappointing show for me in a long time.

Everything is so heavy-handed and it's got corny comic book villains that are easy to pick out five minutes into the episode. But the real heavy-handedness comes from the dear captain himself. His voice takes on a particular inflection as he lectures the bad guy, alien, robot, or whatever (and the audience) about their bad behavior and the moral course which a good humanist should follow.

DS9 surprised me with its nuance at times despite Captain Ben getting on his pedistool occasionally. But those moments weren't too distracting, and regardless there were wonderful memorable characters like Dukat, Garak, Rom, and Nog that Straczynski couldn't dream of creating.

I don't know, maybe this show appeals more to Star Wars and/or Marvel fans than hard-core sci-fi fans. As for me, I will take TNG, DS9, SG-1, SG-Atlantis, and BSG any day over this cheese fest.

Ertain inflection.
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Great Maker!
epsilon314 November 2002
Babylon 5 is the greatest science fiction show in the history of television.

A bold statement I know, especially when one considers the original series of Star Trek which is certainly the genre's most celebrated. It's true to say that Star Trek has had a much greater cultural impact and has lasted longer than any other SF show, but when watching it again, it has dated. I'm not questioning the brilliance of some early episodes - they're still well written and thought provoking - season 1 of the old series is still fantastic. However, Babylon 5 is the Star Trek for today in that it deals with issues in a modern context. Whereas ST was a bunch of cleverly disguised morality plays about 1960's issues like communism, nuclear war and racial prejudice, B5 deals with social control, economics, war, governmental corruption, social psychology and spirituality. Although the issues discussed in Star Trek haven't gone away, they're not foremost in the psyche of mr average anymore.

Alongside the fact that B5 discusses issues at the forefront, it has many other virtues. The main one is that the story continues from episode to episode - even now when I re-watch season one (just released on DVD) I can see events taking shape that will lead to major plotlines in future years. I'm not just talking about Data gradually becoming more human or Worf tussling with the dying Kilingon Empire every 7 or 8 episodes ... I'm talking about characters and plots that can be seen to be evolving each week without an obvious good guys vs bad guys scenario.

I can't remember how many times I've watched a B5 episode and had a flashback to an earlier one - the sudden realisation of the importance of an event that seemed insignificant is very satisfying. Even in the 5th series, you'll be thinking back to an episode in series 1 and feeling smug that you got it.

'Ahhhh! That's what it meant!' You'll be saying that a lot.

The characters are wonderfully fleshed out by some great actors. They're complex beings who have to deal with temptations and failings as well as triumphs and successes. Sometimes things go deeply wrong and (get this Trek Fans) IT'S NOT SORTED OUT BY THE END OF THE EPISODE!! That's right - people change realistically - everything's not reset each week! Don't get me wrong - I'm a huge Trek fan myself, but it's always irked me that everything is just so hunky dory (don't people have arguments on the enterprise?)

It's very satisfying to see a character that you've come to know and love wrestle with their morals and sometimes make the wrong choices (just like we all do.) In the end, we all knew the various crewmembers of the Enterprise would do the right thing. You can't say the same for the characters on B5 - they're fallible and thus much more interesting.

There's many other great things about the show, but for me, the story and the characters are the most important. Sure, I know it doesn't look as expensive as Star Trek and yes I know it's hard to get into because it's not a whole load of 'one shot' episodes! If you like Star Trek and consider yourself intelligent - step up to the next level and watch B5!

I guarantee that if you stick with it for a while, you'll be glad you did because the payoffs are enormous. If My girlfriend can like it - anyone can....
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A show that makes you care
mergatroid-114 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've read most of the reviews here, and the pattern fits what I have seen over the years. 90% of people who watch it love it, and 5% hate it, 5% are "unimpressed".

From what I've read so far, those who hate it didn't watch all the shows and likely missed the best ones, or they really didn't understand what they were watching.

This series was about the future and the people who make it. The acting in the first season, I found a little stiff. However the actors were just settling in, and I have seen the same settling in period on every science fiction show on TV over the last 40ish years. This all settled by the end of the season, and the show really hit it's stride starting in season 2.

This is the only scifi I have even seen that could make my eyes water. The only that made me really care about the characters. Star Trek (I'm a fan) hasn't done it. Spock died and it didn't really bother me. Data bites the dust and, well we could see the way they could work that out didn't we (B4). They marry and unmarry? Yawn..... I mean, they came close a few times, but never really emotionally bothered me.

Star Wars failed miserably at this aspect. It's a great scifi movie series. And I love them (saw in theater 10 times when it came out), but I didn't really care about the characters. Main characters die or are injured or captured throughout the movie series and it didn't really bother me at all.

Now B5 owes a lot to those two shows. They broke the ground that B5 followed in, and in this case the student finally out did the teacher.

When B5 came out, I didn't have any local stations carrying it. Some times I could pick it up if I wrapped tin foil over our antenna, but not on cable. So, I did see a few shows, but it wasn't for years I was finally able to see them all the way through three times on the Space channel. I remember I couldn't stop thinking about them all day at work, and I would go straight home to make dinner and watch B5. Best show I had ever seen. I loved the Star Trek series, all of them, but this show blew me away. The characters were awesome. After the first season they really jelled and became their characters. When they betrayed each other you cared about it. When they died, it made a difference.

I have the DVDs now, and I watched them several times over, always picking out things I had missed. I have all the B5 videos, and movies and give them all a 10 out of 10.

The only other scifi series that I've come this close to really caring about was a short ran series called Space Above and Beyond. Great series and actors.
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Statement to the best i've ever seen!
veit-esl9 December 2014
I don't know where to start actually, it can be phrased in just one sentence. Babylon 5 is even after 20 years of its first appearance the absolute best a Sci-fi series can offer to a viewer. i started watching the series in 1994 i believe and it never catched me but there was one reason why it was that way. im from Germany and the synchronisation of the dialogs where not only been flawed in many ways it took away the soul of each character and left the viewer with a sorry excuse of a translation of events and feelings. i started watching the series from scratch in 2000 and in the mothertongue ( englisch ) and its a difference of night and day. i learned my englisch thanks to this series. i just made an account because i feel that babylon 5 doesn't get enough credit for what this series really is. Its a magnificent story telling of events / Masterclass Actors and producers. I don't even know where to begin of praising this fantastic and absolute top notch Sci-fi series. In my humble opinion there is nothing in the last 20 years that can even consider themselves to be on the same level as Babylon 5.

I can only urge everyone who haven't seen this fastastic top notch series to just give it a try in englisch. Its a journey where you get pulled into and you surely don't want to come out again.

I can only give this series a defnetly 10 out of 10... hell no i'd give it an fkn 20. By far my favorite series ever created in a Sci-fi environment. Even the Special effects seems now in 2014/15 a littly rusty just imagine this series was created with limited resources and not much budget in 1994 ! And now after 20 years i say Thank you with all my heart to all people who were there to created this absolute stunning masterpiece.

Thanks a lot. Veit / Berlin 9.12.2014
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Sci Fi Classic
chrichtonsworld23 November 2007
"Babylon 5" was a show I heard off but did not pay any attention to since it reminded me too much of "Star Trek:Deep Space Nine". Mind you it was only the title that bothered me and never actually had seen the show.Then a friend introduced me to it. I started watching the second series of Babylon 5 and was hooked. This show had it all. A good story,great action especially the space battles but more important wonderful characters and story. Bruce Boxleitner as Sheridan,Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar,Peter Jurasik as Londo Mollari. The different characters living at Babylon 5 all had some agenda for being there. Gradually we would find out what that was and how it would play out for them. Like in a real world these characters were complex. In one episode someone could be seen as an aggressor and in a later episode the same character could also been seen as a victim. To not be clear cut as say characters from the "Star Trek" universe was very refreshing and very interesting to see. What also was a new approach that this show wasn't about discovering new worlds,new aliens or their technology. It was more about basic things like politics and trade where the aliens did have a significant role. If you look closely at the alien characters you can see that they are used as symbols representing ideas and culture that you can find on earth. Take the Centauri for instance. It is obvious that their culture is based on ancient Rome. And it was nice to see that these alien characters were not so different from humans in their emotions. Characters like G'Kar and Londo were just as likable as the human characters. They were not just put in for show or eye candy.So there is much more to the whole alien aspect. Never before had I seen something like this. Each episode got more complicated and thrilling by the minute. Almost every episode ended with a twist for things getting worse. This was before shows like "24" and "Lost". So just imagine the impact it had on me. i must admit that the first season of "Babylon 5" is difficult to watch at times because the story (at first sight) doesn't seem very interesting compared to later seasons. But I have come to realize that you will appreciate this season better if you have seen all the seasons. It all will make sense since all seasons are connected somehow. "Babylon's 5 structure is set up in such a way that it will make your mind boggle. With knowledge of season 2,3,4 and 5 re watching the first season is much more fun. One example: Commander Jeffrey Sinclair will not be perceived as a dull character anymore (because we will find out in later seasons) that he is involved in matters of epic proportions. This first season is full of hints of matters that are of importance in later seasons. This gives the show more depth and meaning. There are not many SF shows that have managed to do this. Just amazing! "Babylon 5" is an epic show full of drama,humor,action,eye candy and thrills that has given me one of the best experiences in my life. And this is no exaggeration. It's the truth!
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Babylon 5 - Lord Of The Rings in Space
XweAponX14 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Fellowship of Babylon 5... The Two Towers of Babylon 5 (Earthdome and B5, Marsdome and Earthdome, Minbari Homeworld and Z'ha'Dumb) — And The Return of the King of Babylon 5 - It's all there:

Kosh: Gandalf (Comes back from the Dead) Sheridan: Aragorn, including the marriage to an Elvis Princess, Delenn The Hobbits: Vir, Lennier, Na'toth, etc. All the "Ambassadors Assistants" - Who start from humble Beginnings and rise up to great positions. In a Way, G'Kar could be seen as Frodo- Who has a life changing experience carrying "The Ring"- In other words, G'Kars sufferings during his tenure as Mollari's Ambassador, and even before that as he searched for Mr Garibaldi. Frodo loses a finger, G'Kar loses an eye. The Rangers are there, and even named as such.

Saruman could be Mr Morden... Sauron? Sauron could be the "Evil Kosh"- The one that came after Kosh was killed by Shadows. In B5 there is no main huge Evil Eye, unless you consider the thing the Drakk stuck on Molari's NECK, which seems to see everything. Overall, B5 Chronicles a Space Station/City in Space, heavily fortified, which withstands an all out enemy attack against all odds and survives, and through it, the birth of a New Age comes about. In the Original B5 opening credits, Sinclair talks about "The Third Age of Mankind" - And so B5 takes the universe and mankind from the 3rd age to the 4th age just like Lord of the Rings.

"The Gathering" was an ambitious project for 1994, and especially for Television, and Syndicated TV at that. So, the special Effects were actually very good for 1994, but the main money of the show was used in the Sets and Costumes and Prosthetic Makeup - Which, in my Opinion, gave Trek a run for its money. I always thought Trek Aliens were WAY too Human, in B5 we have a huge Insect, running things in Brown Sector. Didn't look a BIT human. And the PakMara, who could eat ANYTHING, except for fish, and although human-Oid, had those Tentacle-Mouths. Then there were an assortment of Fin-Heads, Lizard Skins, Wrinkle-Faces, and some BEM's that always walk around in Encounter Suits. And KOSH. In B-5, they took special pains to keep away form the "Homo Sapiens Only Club" that Trek had become, and the idea that there would be poor people in the lower decks, wearing mostly rags, was superior to DS9 and more realistic.

But mainly, If you look at B5 versus Deep Space Nine, and I know some say that Deep Space 9 was stolen by Rick Berman from JMS, I find as a Station, B5 MUCH superior. It's a Cylinder, that rotates for Gravity, and there is a Green Belt, to help generate Oxygen. Ivanova uses a small space to cultivate Coffee beans. Ivanova vs Kira: They'd kick each others asses, and then be best friends after. There SHOULD have been a B5/Trek crossover, it would have worked, to see Worf walking through the Zocalo. Who KNows? There never was a DS9 Feature Film, and that story was left in the lurch, just as B5 was when Crusade was canceled.

Trek had the best looking space ships and some good realistic looking battles, but B5 was over the top of that... If B5 could have had as good quality in that department at the beginning. As you watch each season of B5, the generated computer graphics get better in quality. Season 5 had the best Look, and although some say that the 5th season, was poorly written, I enjoyed it. It was a denouement. And just like Lord of the Rings, when you have a massive, multi character and multi plot story like that, and after it has its main confrontation and several other aftershock confrontations, the story has to be gracefully put to sleep, which is why Lord of the Rings, as Jack Nicholson was quoted saying, had "Too Many Endings."

The entire 5th season of B5 was it's ending, and as I did not like the Telepath arc very much either, it was a part of the story that begged some answers. I didn't mind that much, but what I did mind was the way Lita was treated at the very end... But as JMS has said, he was showing a brand new form of prejudice.

I've just watched "In The Beginning," "The gathering" and then all five seasons of B5. I wish some of Deep Space 9 could have been told in the same way... As I have always thought DS9 was the best Trek ever, but B5 shows us another Alternate Future, which postulates, "If Mankind could not get his act together in the last 6,000 years of Civilisation, then it is kind of preposterous to think that 200 years from now, we can get rid of Prejudice, Extremism, and basic idiocy" - And as Gene Roddenberry's future is clean, JMS's future shows us the seamy underbelly of Space, which is to me much more realistic- And also why I loved DS9 after Michael Pillar quit and it became more like B5.

Maybe the Shadows are right, without conflict there is no story.
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Best TV show ever made
arus_royus29 March 2013
Best TV show ever made, I used to watch it as a child on TV and was mesmerized, how ever back then I missed some episodes and as such didn't always know what is going on since all the episodes are connected. So a few weeks back I thought to myself. Is this show really as good as I remembered it to be? So I bought the whole thing on DVD (remastered Widescreen edition) and was very surprised that it is in fact MUCH better than I remembered, many of the subtleties of the character and story development I could only sense as a child but not fully comprehend. And watching it again I was amazed at the depth of this great story and how you could relate to many of the situations occurring here and the terrible suspense of the story how it caught you and made you feel and bleed for the heroes. And the whole ambitious yet humble scope of this epic tale. Nothing to say of the great score of the series how the intro and credits music always perfectly captured the mood of the whole season. I can only highly recommend this great series. And as for the visuals, one gets used to them quickly and they are satisfying despite their age and the giant leap in technology. If you like a great story and characters with depth which you can feel for WATCH IT and ENJOY!!!
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A new series on its way perhaps
frankietobin-6910528 September 2021
A fabulous series with great depth. J.. Michael Straczynski says: Babylon 5 is now in active development as a series for the CW. We have some serious fans over at the network, and they're eager to see this show happen. I'm hip deep into writing the pilot now, and will be running the series upon pickup. The network understands the uniqueness of Babylon 5 and is giving me a great deal of latitude with the storytelling.

As noted in the announcement, this is a reboot from the ground up rather than a continuation, for several reasons. Heraclitus wrote, "You cannot step in the same river twice, for the river has changed, and you have changed." In the years since B5, I've done a ton of other TV shows and movies, adding an equal number of tools to my toolbox, all of which I can bring to bear on the question: if I were creating Babylon 5 today, for the first time, knowing what I now know as a writer, what would it look like? How would it use all the storytelling tools and technological resources available in 2021 that were not on hand then? How can it be used to reflect the world in which we live, and the questions we are asking and confronting every day? Fans regularly point out how prescient the show was and is of our current world; it would be fun to take a shot at looking further down the road.

So we will not be retelling the same story in the same way because of what Heraclitus said about the river. There would be no fun and no surprises. Better to go the way of Westworld or Battlestar Galactica where you take the original elements that are evergreens and put them in a blender with a ton of new, challenging ideas, to create something both fresh and familiar.

To those who have asked why we're not just doing a continuation...for a network series like this, it can't be done because over half our cast are still stubbornly on the other side of the Rim. How do you telling continuing story of our original Londo without the original Vir? Or G'Kar? How do you tell Sheridan's story without Delenn? Or the story of B5 without Franklin? Garibaldi? Zack?

The original Babylon 5 was ridiculously innovative: the first to use CGI to create ships and characters, and among the very first to shoot widescreen with a vigorous 5.1 mix. Most of all, for the first time, Babylon 5 introduced viewers accustomed to episodic television to the concept of a five-year arc with a pre-planned beginning, middle and end...creating a brand new paradigm for television storytelling that has subsequently become the norm. That tradition for innovation will continue in this new iteration, and I hope to create additional new forms of storytelling that will further push the television medium to the edge of what's possible.

Let me conclude by just saying how supportive and enthusiastic everyone at the CW has been and is being with this project. They understand the unique position Babylon 5 occupies both in television and with its legions of fans, and are doing everything they can to ensure the maximum in creative freedom, a new story that will bring in new viewers while honoring all that has come before.
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In coda venenum
benny-rigaux-bricmont25 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Was a perfect series until season 5 which would be unexpectedly the last one. Rather than wasting the last two episodes with tearful good byes, it would have been much better to wrap up a lot of the previous characters'story lines.
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merdiolu7 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is it. This is the one of the few Science Fiction series which provokes thinking , addressing to life and thinking process of viewer , makes excellent comparisons with real historical or current world events , social/political problems or famous personalities. It takes enormous risks and it pays off. Babylon 5 has a real artistic value with its writing , incredible five year storyline ( which was through over and written by Joe Michael Straczyski before series ever started ) , excellent acting performances of Mira Furlan ( who is in LOST now as French woman ) Peter Jurasik , Claudia Christian , Jerry Doyle , Bruce Boxleitner , Michael O'Hare and late Andreas Katsulas , Richard Biggs. Drama is at its best. I haven't seen that level of dramatic acting since "Farscape"

Babylon 5 is a science fiction show spanned to five year period , every level has been through over or pre-planned. The main cast is not always present in this all time however. Some come and some leave but that does not limit their performance. Set between 2258-2262 , the series explains what happened during that critical time period at Babylon 5 space station which is some kind of United Nations in space. It was built by Earth Alliance ( humans ) and serving as a meeting point between different alien species ( including humans ) for diplomacy and trade. It has a huge population ( over 250.000 humans and aliens ) Functioning like a small city in space it has problems of present day ( crime , poverty , social unfairness , class distinction , racism , diplomatic intrigue vs ) and the series shows us these matters in a masterful way , delivering the current problems of our world and leaving some outcomes to viewer. It makes you think over various matters ( social problems , society , politics , economy etc ) Somewhere along Season 1 you begin to see clues about main storyline with stand alone episodes but sometimes you realize that and sometimes not. A whole unimportant and necessary plot might become a very important point in storyline.

However Babylon 5 is not perfect. During during pilot movie "The Gathering" and Season 1 , CGI effects and sets are much below the standards of other sci-fi series in same genre. Some first episodes are just mediocre at best. The whole season gets better and better as you watch toward middle and end. Besides leading actor Michael O'Hare , despite delivering a good performance a realistic career military officer as Jeffrey Sinclair commander of Babylon 5 , was seen as stiff and uncharismatic by some viewers. However with beginning of Season 2 , CGI effects are much more improved and a new male leading actor Bruce Boxleitner comes in as Captain John Sheridan , new commander of station. Althrough he is a career military officer like Sinclair , he has a more human outlook and charming personality than Sinclair. With Season 2 also you enter the main story completely. ( but Season 1 should be watched first otherwise later seasons would seem meaningless. You understand that Season 1 is a necessary introduction. An absolute must see )

Season 3 and Season 4 are amazing , just incredible ( in fact this good quality starts with Season 2 ) Some of the best writing and visual effects of entire Science Fiction universe. Season Five is huge let down at first but toward the middle of season , it becomes excellent Babylon 5 we used to know again. The finale is absolutely one of finest.

There are also a number of Babylon 5 TV movies also and although some of them are very good and tied to original storyline ( like "In the Beginning" , "Thirdspace" , "A Call to Arms"-which is pilot movie of a fine but short lived spin-off series "Crusade" ) some are just lame or bad ( B5 pilot movie "The Gathering , "River of Souls" , "Legend of Rangers" )

To summarize all , Babylon 5 is a one wonderful sci-fi feast. It has a most detailed universe , very believable and realistic characters ( characters change , develop and evolve. Which other series do that ! ) and amazing storyline which is spanned to five years. Nothing more and nothing less. It does not go forever unnecessarily just for ratings , money or pretty faces of characters. Babylon 5 just tells its story and ends it meanwhile easily smashes all so called sci-fi series of present and tears up their borders , parameters. Watching this show is like reading a novel. Don't miss it. With Farscape , Babylon 5 is on top of my favorite sci-fi series.
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For Hardcore Sci-Fi Fans
stmon29 July 2006
I kept hearing all these great things about Babylon 5, so when AOL started showing episodes for free, I had to see what the fuss was all about. I've only watched three episodes so far (of season 1), and I just can't get into it. I love the original Star Trek, ST:NG, original Battlestar Galactica, and especially the new Battlestar--but watching B5--it feels like I'm watching those amateur fan productions of Star Trek you find on the Internet.

The acting is weak, the writing is weak, and the directing is weak. I don't know, maybe it gets better in the later seasons? I read these other comments about how good the actors are, or how it's so "realistic" and I'm wondering if I'm watching a totally different show.

I can understand how B5 has such a devoted following among hardcore Sci-Fi fans though. It is heavily plot driven. B5 reminds me a lot of Isaac Asimov's early science fiction writing--they were all driven by plot, weak on character development and dialogue, but entertaining as hell. Well, okay, so far I haven't really found B5 all that entertaining, but I'm going to keep watching because I keep thinking it's going to turn the corner. After all, I didn't start liking ST:NG until the later part of the second season.
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Fair, but has issues
judge-gideon12 November 2009
I'm a long-time science fiction fan who values quality writing, quality acting and originality above and beyond "special effects". Though the Amiga CGI was relatively smooth for its time, and the budget was enormous, B5 falls short.

Watching B5 was difficult and I found myself cringing at just about every turn because of unconvincing script writing and hokey/corny acting. You would think with the astronomical budget, B5 producers could have hired better script writers and paid for acting lessons for the cast...but no.

The acting seems very forced and pretentious, unlike many (not all) of the Star Trek franchise actors and Galactica actors. The depth and complexity of characters and acting capability I would expect from such a high-budget series is missing from B5...woefully inadequate.

Additionally, the gaffers and cameramen seem like they just graduated from 2-year film school. The panning, cutting, framing, focus, and shot timing is very low quality.

Again, the acting is B-level, schlock, and laughable. I get embarrassed watching their pathetic attempts to be convincing in their portrayals.

Overall, B5 is a great idea - and I love watching science fiction - so, I haven't given up on watching it, and I purchased the DVDs. It's not that bad - it's just offensive for those of us who love Shakespearean methodologies.

If you appreciate compelling character development, natural (not forced) dialog, and cutting-edge actors employing classic methodologies, then B5 is not for you. Otherwise, if you're easily entertained, then you'll love B5. Those who appreciate the "Kyoo-Kyoo-Kyoo" laser blasts, "Ka- BLAMM-O" space explosions, and latex-rubber slimy-head aliens will like B5.

The "Firefly" series by Joss Whedon, and the follow-up movie "Serenity" is in my opinion, the best science fiction television has produced in decades.
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