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One of my favorites.
fefe_fallon_morris22 February 2005
I love this movie. I love movies with stupid humor in them, and this movie just cracks me up. How can you not laugh? Chris Farley's one of the greats. Him, Matthew Perry and especially the rest of the cast keep you laughing from beginning to end. It's hard for me to pick a favorite character. I really like Bidwell, his misadventures had me rolling on the floor in laughter, but the comedic genius of Farley had me going too. One of my most favorite parts had to be when they bring the boat ashore and meet the Native Americans, and they think the really tall one's the Chief, but it turns out he's not, his real name's Bent Twig and he's really mentally retarded. I laughed for almost 5 minutes straight on that part. This movie's definitely in my top 10.
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I name this here fork "Pittsburgh Nellie".
Hey_Sweden13 May 2020
Chris Farley had his last leading role here, in a feature released five months after his death. A great epitaph it is not, but it does showcase him in the kind of role he was obviously born to play. Bartholomew Hunt is a rowdy tracker hired by effete adventurer Leslie Edwards (Matthew Perry) in 1804 America. Edwards hopes to make a name for himself beating Lewis & Clark to the Pacific Ocean. Hunt & Edwards set out for the coast, in the company of various other kooks and half-wits. They must deal with Indian tribes, a bear, an eagle protecting its nest, and an arrogant Conquistador named Hidalgo (Kevin Dunn).

Both Farley and Perry are well-cast in what amounts to a fairly enjoyable comedy. Like a lot of comedies, it has its share of gags that work and those that don't. One might consider this an off-day for veteran writer / performer / director Christopher Guest, who'd started his string of "mockumentaries" with "Waiting for Guffman" the previous year. But it's all put across by an enthusiastic bunch of actors, with supporting players like Dunn, a hilarious Eugene Levy as a French "language expert" named Fontenot, Hamilton Camp, and Patrick Cranshaw tending to steal the show. A tantalizing Lisa Barbuscia is the love interest for Perry, playing Fontenots' Indian wife. Bokeem Woodbine, as Edwards' slave, is unfortunately under-utilized.

Various familiar faces - Don Lake, Lewis Arquette, Christian Clemenson, and Brent Hinkley - turn up, and Guests' longtime colleague Harry Shearer does the opening narration. Michael McKean is credited as "project consultant".

A decent attempt at creating the period, lovely photography, and use of various wilderness locales all help in making this pleasant enough to watch, if also rather easy to forget. At the least, it may make a viewer interested enough to read up on Lewis & Clark, as it pokes fun at details of their own historic journey.

Six out of 10.
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damcdono26 February 2003
This is the kind of movie you need to watch more than once to appreciate. I'd never go so far as to say this is a "good" movie, on the contrary, its a very bad movie, and thats what makes it funny. No one seems to be able to appreciate the humor in the poor writing and acting that make this movie hilarious. Watch Farley's battle with the eagle a few times and you'll see the humor. Watch the gauntlet with creamed corn and tell me thats not funny because of its sheer ridiculousness. I say people need to lighten up and respect this movie for what it is, a harmless farce that allows for some cheap laughs at physical humor and absurd dialog.
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Why an amateur historian likes this movie.
Flintlock629 November 2000
As an amateur historian who has read extensively about the settlement of North America and The Corp of Discovery, I really liked this movie. While decidedly a comedy and parody of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, I found it to be surprisingly accurate. My reasons for this opinion are: 1) The costumes and accoutrements were right on. How many times since Davy Crockett have you seen a flintlock actually fire in a movie? The lodges were from Panther Primitives and Farley's pistol is an early 1800's Harper's Ferry. 2) The crew members all had distinct personalities. The members of the Corp of Discovery varied from well educated to nearly illiterate though all were accomplished at their respective skills. 3) Anyone who has ever been on a long term encampment will remember humorous events. 4) There were other explorers and adventurers on the Missouri in 1803-1806. 5) The dialog, while humorous, is accurate to the time and circumstances. If you read between the lines, you'll actually come away with a picture of 1804 North America that is surprisingly accurate rather than politically correct.
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Lots of laughs
sjashton29 May 2022
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie-especially after all the negative reviews. I love history and have been researching Lewis and Clark, but obviously this is not a documentary (in fact, it seems to be one of only two non-documentary movies about L&C), so I gave them a pass. In fact, without being a costume expert, myself, I was pleased with what seemed to be accurate costuming for the men and the Native American tribes... the one notable exception being the Spanish characters, who are a couple centuries out of fashion, but it's supposed to be silly.

At times it's absurd, at times crude, and at times just plain dumb, but still a cute and funny movie with lots of laugh-out-loud moments for me. The plot is simple (a team of misfits trying to beat Lewis and Clark to the Pacific), and the characters' back stories are lacking, but it's a charming story of friendship at its heart.

Eugene Levy and his eyebrows play a humorous role, but his character is underutilized. The Sacajawean "Shaquinna" unfortunately serves more as an object than a character, but tbf the actress is beautiful (although not played by a Native woman, unfortunately). Matthew Perry's prim and proper expedition leader is awkward at times, but he plays well off of Chris Farley's crass frontiersman, and the entire cast-with the exception of maybe the Spaniards-got multiple laughs out of me. There are some great recurring jokes that could have been taken even further, imo.

If you're looking for something dumb and funny with some great laughs, along the lines of a Mel Brooks movie, I think you'll enjoy Almost Heroes.
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Oh dear
philip_vanderveken12 January 2005
Someone really should help Matthew Perry choosing better movie scripts or at least explain him that overacting and making a fool out of himself isn't exactly a guarantee for funny movies. In 'Friends' he was OK, probably only because there were enough characters to keep him out of the spotlights most of the time, but this time he's one of the main characters, so you'll see him more than is good for your (mental) health.

The movie is about a bunch of people who will try to reach the coast of the pacific ocean before Lewis and Clark. Of course the entire expedition consists of lunatics, idiots and fools, but that won't keep them from trying to win the race anyway.

The tag line already said everything you need to know: Almost History... Almost Legends... Mostly Ridiculous. I couldn't agree more or have you ever thought to see the conquistadors fighting some 19th century colonists? Neither did I, but here they are. 'Almost legends'? True, this movie is already legendary because of its stupidity and bad taste and 'mostly ridiculous', I don't even bother to explain that one.

I'm not saying that everything in the movie is bad, but it just tries to be too much and ends up being nothing at all. It is some kind of spoof, an adventure movie, a historical movie (although far from correct, but that's probably where the humor should be in),... all in one. I'm not saying that the combination has to be a guarantee for failure, but than you'll need much better direction and a better script. This time it isn't worth much. I give it a 4/10.
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One of Chris Farley's best pictures.
jonketchum7 May 2002
After I got done watching Almost Heroes I immediately rewound the tape saw it again. It is one of the funniest movies ever created. If Chris Farley isn't a good enough reason to watch it, Matthew Perry should be. Both men do an incredible job acting dumb and yet civalized. If you ever get in a bad mood, I guarantee this will cheer you up as you roll on the floor with laughter.
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Almost good
stamper27 August 2000
I enjoy watching Chris Farley and I've seen quite a few movies featuring him (no real good ones though) and also I like Matthew Perry a lot and those two combined in a film, this I had to see. This is a comedy that is typically Perry and Typically Farley. It features all the weird running and looks we know Perry for in Friends and Farley has some of the same stuff he does in Tommy Boy or Black sheep. This one also is a tag corny, sometimes because some of the supporting cast has like the IQ of a slice of bread plus we are introduced to what losers used in the 19th century instead of rubber women. Nonetheless this one has some good laughs and one or two great ones. The story isn't too good and sometimes it's corny but hey what the hell, most comedy's are (Naked Gun, Black Sheep, Scary Movie and so on). If you know and like Farley this won't disappoint you.

6 out of 10
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sneakymcgrew11 February 2004
For a comedy that got trashed in reviews and rediculed by movie-goers, I find this movie to be incredibly funny. The first time I saw the movie was in the theater at which time I laughed at the "obvious" laugh-parts, but it was not until I had seen it another two or three times before I picked up on the absolutely hysterical dialogue, terriffic comedy styles of the various supporting characters, and the sheer brilliance and irony the script presents. If you know anything about history, this movie becomes instantly funny. If you are a fan of almost Simpsons-style "random" humor, this film is instantly funny. Never be turned off by the first glance of this film. If you dismiss it as "poor comedy" you will be missing out.
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markity522 January 2003
This movie is awesome. I love it when Hunt gets attacked by the eagle. And when Edwards eats the eagle egg shell medicine. Pretty much the whole movie is one laugh after another. This is comedy at its best. I give it a 10!
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Not as bad as "Beverly Hills Ninja" - it's got some funny parts
MovieAddict201612 September 2005
This was a huge flop when it was released (if memory serves correctly, it is in the Box Office Failures Hall of Fame). Chris Farley had died five months before its release, there were bad screenings, negative sneak preview reviews, etc... and when they finally put it out, the film tanked.

I've never found Farley funny but this movie is okay. It's got some funny scenes. It's original and has some clever puns on the whole Lewis and Clark adventure - it's essentially about two guys (Matthew Perry and Farley) who decide to "beat" Lewis and Clark by "getting there first." Christopher Guest receives directorial credit, which is surprising considering this isn't a "mockumentary." The direction overall isn't too great and I would never guess it was one of his films if I didn't know any better.

Farley is annoying as usual, and Perry is doing his Chandler routine - could he BE any more predictable? (Wink, wink.) There's a lot of crude humor and some stupid childish gags that embarrass rather than entertain (such as Farley's fight with the eagle).

To be perfectly honest this isn't a "terrible" film. I've seen worse, and at least it made me laugh, which is more than can be said for Farley's other film, "Beverly Hills Ninja." But at the end of the day it's still just okay and not good enough to warrant a good review.
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nrapny-016941 February 2019
This movie, at least to me, is a classic. The duo of Farley and Perry is perfect. The cast is multitalented and memorable. I really wish this movie got more credit.
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A Funny Story With Some Dull Spots
cheersfan2139 January 2010
First off, Chris Farley is hysterical in any movie and can make even the weakest material work. At some points in this movie, that is exactly what he did. However, the story wasn't a complete mess, it was actually quite good in parts. Especially when they encounter all the pitfalls throughout their journey, the script is very sharp and funny. Other parts drag quite a bit, and Eugene Levy's character was just completely unnecessary and unfunny. Matthew Perry had only a couple funny scenes, the rest of the movie he just served as straight man for Farley, who honestly didn't need him--- he could've made this movie work on his own without Perry's help. Better editing could've made the film seem less strung-out and I think it ran a little too long for a comedy. I also wish Franklin Cover's character could've been featured more extensively, I really enjoyed his scene in the film. All in all, a decent comedy adventure. 7/10.
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Guilty Pleasure Western Comedy
PartTimeCritic28 February 2023
ALMOST HEREOES (C+) is a surprising follow-up film from director Christopher Guest after the quirky 1996 hit Waiting for Guffman. The film is a comedic take on the Lewis and Clark journey. Instead of Lewis and Clark however, we follow a second team of explorers (trying to beat Lewis and Clark to the Pacific) led by Matthew Perry's rich and elitist Leslie Edwards and Chris Farley's bawdy and loud Bartholomew Hunt. Perry and Farley assemble a ragtag roster of helpers who provide a lot of the colorful moments in the story. Those knowledgeable about Guest's improv heavy mockumentary style will be surprised that Almost Heroes is largely a conventional historical comedy with large helpings of a quirky character comedy moments. There's a lot of really silly and broad jokes here and their hit/miss rate is 50/50 for me and will likely be more like 10/90 for most people. Unfortunately, this is not one of Farley's best roles. Sure, he's got some funny moments, but most of the time he's forced to overact and be a boorish character that just doesn't use his best traits. Matthew Perry fares better here with his sarcastic smarm fitting well with his elitist commander. There's a couple of funny set pieces here with my favorite being Farley's search/fight for eggs to save a sick Perry. As for the "western exploration" aspect - there's a classic adventurous score and loads of location shooting to help make up for comedy you don't like. This is a fairly uneven Western comedy that I find to be a bit of a guilty pleasure connecting with me on some of its go for broke broad jokes that just make me laugh (like the old warriors they come across to help them in battle.)
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'Almost' Perfect!
jellyneckr9 May 2004
ALMOST HEROES was without a doubt one of the funniest movies of 1998. It was also one of those rare comedies that are almost perfect. After seeing it several times now, I still feel it could have been perfect if not for two things. The first being that despite the movie being very well edited, there are times when it seems that there was some serious cutting down for a PG-13 rating.

The second thing keeping this movie from being perfect is just like with OLD SCHOOL, there are some attempts at humor in the movie that seem out of place in a movie like this. Sadly, this was Chris Farley's last movie. Nearly seven years after his death, it is still hard to believe he's gone. He was in my opinion, the funniest guy ever!
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backhander1822 April 2006
It's a film about the personal adventure of discovering and pioneering a new country. It speaks of survival on one side - and the heroism and self-deprecation of the other. From opportunists, to isolationists - from patriots to disenchanted lovers - the film has everything a man or woman would enjoy (actually just a man). Bravery, courage, intrigue, romance, beauty and love., and tons of great jokes and humour! Watching this film is to step back to a world that doesn't exist any longer - yet to know it. It is to experience lives that have never been lived - but could have been real. It is to know pain and joy, pride and pity for characters that are a fiction - yet are so real that you can't help but get lost in their story.

Amazing cast, memorable dialogue, unforgettable story. Through this film, Chris Farley will always live in my heart. Seeing it for the first time is truly the start of a romance with ideals that will live in you long after credits end.
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Horrid final effort from Chris Farley!
amazing1-217 January 1999
This movie is quite possibly one of the worst films of the year. I am a HUGE Farley fan (and I like Perry's Chandler on Friends) but this movie was simply awful. I had heard it was bad but I wanted to see what Farley's final performance was really like.

The comedy is lame and falls flat 99% of the time. The funniest scene is where a diligent Farley battles a territorial eagle for its egg. Other than that, nothing is memorable. Even SCTV veteran Eugene Levy is wasted in his silly role of a French-Canadian translator.

Almost Heroes reminds me of John Candy's final film, Wagons East, an equally dreadful movie that unfortunately did not capture the comedian's true legacy. If Farley could have survived to redeem himself from this disaster with another film, it would have made a true fan like myself much happier.
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Not brilliant - but unfairly blasted
GoonerMan22 December 2000
I don't think that this film got a release in the UK, and I don't remember even seeing it available to rent on video. I've read the reviews given and I gather it took a bit of a caning from the US critics, but from the reviews provided by the general public it seems more to be a 'love it or hate it' type movie and the fact that a fair few seem to love it, touting it as the worst movie ever made seems a bit harsh.

I got to see this movie recently (on digital satellite in the UK), and I found it to be quite amusing. Its by no means a classic and is unlikely to ever be presented in a Top 100 Comedies list, but there's enough here to warrant a viewing at least. As a Brit I have absolutely no idea who Lewis and Clark were (although I can make an assumption having watched this movie) so the historical aspect is lost on me but I don't think that's particularly important or hinders the enjoyment of the film. In basic terms this film follows an expedition to be the first to reach the Pacific side of America.

The characters are sufficiently different to each other and the cast play their roles as well as can be expected. Perry's style is most definitely based on visual and facial expressions and he uses it well as the foppish Leslie Edwards. Farley plays the over-the-top lout with no graces which forms the basis of most of his roles and he provides a suitable complement to Perry's character. The leading lady (Lisa Barbuscia) is absolutely stunning although she isn't used a great deal. The rest of the supporting cast do their jobs well, providing an alternative target for the humour. The humour presented here is not particularly sophisticated, but the film has some funny moments while the rest is at least amusing enough to raise a smile and keep you watching - if you like this kind of humour that is. Its mainly slapstick and the dialogue is a poor-man's Blazing Saddles.

The first 15 minutes of the film gives you a reasonable idea of what is to follow, and if you hated it up to that point you probably are not going to enjoy the rest. Its one of those films that either strikes a chord with you or falls flat - if you are in the latter camp you will hate it, but that does not necessarily make it a terrible film.
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A mostly dull historical comedy adventure with SOME humorous moments
Beta_Gallinger24 August 2009
Chris Farley had a short-lived but successful career in comedy before his premature death in 1997. He is remembered for his appearances on "Saturday Night Live", as well as a bunch of comedy movies. I was eleven years old at the time of his tragic death, caused by a drug overdose after a long struggle with addiction, and first heard of him sometime within the next couple years afterwards. I first saw "Beverly Hills Ninja", "Tommy Boy", and "Black Sheep" (in that order) as a teenager, and found all of them funny, but found that "Tommy Boy" was the only decent one when I revisited the three films in 2007. I never saw Farley's posthumous "Almost Heroes" until this month. The first time, I found it funnier than I expected, and thought it might have had potential for a second viewing, but after two viewings, I think it's another average comedy overall.

In 1804, during the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Bartholomew Hunt and Leslie Edwards are two dimwitted men in the still-young United States. Unbeknownst to Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, these men have decided to compete against the two famous explorers, hoping to make it through uncharted territory to the Pacific Ocean before they do! They are joined by several others for the journey, including Edwards' slave, Jonah, and a Frenchman named Guy Fontenot, who brings along his Native American mistress, Shaquinna. Fontenot threatens to kill anyone he catches looking at Shaquinna, and it will not be easy for the other men to avoid doing that! Along the way, the travellers face a number of challenges, including a bear attack and a group of Spanish conquistadors, led by the evil Hidalgo, who threaten the lives of these explorers! So, not only will it be hard for them to beat Lewis and Clark to the ocean, there's no guarantee that they will all survive this journey!

As an adventure film, "Almost Heroes" doesn't have a lot of excitement, and doesn't have the greatest plot, either. As a comedy, it did make me laugh at times, but for the most part, the humour doesn't make up for the lack of plot. If it were really funny, then the rest wouldn't really matter, but unfortunately, it lacks humour as well. I've definitely seen worse excuses for gags, but in this film, I still did not care for the joke about eating "sheep s&%$", Guy Fontenot spitting out the ear of a fellow traveller (which he had bitten off!), or the straw women. Mind you, I think this film is definitely funnier than "Beverly Hills Ninja", and probably "Black Sheep" as well. Like I said, some parts made me laugh, and these include Bartholomew Hunt's (Chris Farley) statement on the gallows around the beginning, the slap fight, and the eagle egg scenes. There are also gags which aren't as good or memorable as those, but at least made me snicker. Still, for most of the film, I kept a straight face.

Chris Farley's death was drawing near by the time this was filmed, and it was his last lead role in a film (he did have a bit part in "Dirty Work", a film I haven't seen which was released shortly after "Almost Heroes" in 1998). The comedian's death at the age of 33 was very sad (so was all the trouble he went through leading up to it) and it doesn't help that this film, just like most of the full-length movies he starred in, isn't very good. Despite this, unlike some people, I do think he was a decent comedian, with some very funny skits on SNL! He was also sometimes funny in films, even if he never was in any comedy masterpieces. He didn't leave behind the greatest legacy in comedy history, but it could have been much worse. If you generally dislike Farley's antics, then "Almost Heroes" is obviously not for you. If you're a fan of the late comedian, you're bound to find some funny moments in this historical spoof, but could still be disappointed.
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The more I watch this, the better it gets!
PoppyField24 December 2002
Farley and Perry lead a team who are racing Lewis and Clark to blaze a trail to the Pacific coast of the newly settled America. Historically speaking, the setting of the film and costumes seem surprisingly accurate and I was totally convinced that I was looking at the early 1800's.

I watched it the first time and giggle a bit, I watched it the second time and laughed here and there, I watched it for the third time and laughed nearly all the way through! This film is like an acquired taste and just gets better with watching.
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Farley was fantastic
kevinmcourtney20 August 2018
...but Matthew Perry was pretty terrible. The other cast members were pretty solid though.
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Poor acting and even worse plot.
andrew.j.stone7 September 2000
I walked into my local video store and saw this film starring Chris Farley and Matthew Perry on the shelf, and I thought to myself this should be good for a laugh. How wrong could I be, did either of them read the script before they signed up for this movie. This film was not a comedy it was a horror, I have rarely seen such bad and wooden acting. Its such a shame because I really like both stars a great deal and to think this was Farleys last movie. There are a few but limited laughs in the movie and maybe die hard fans might enjoy, but apart from those people avoided it like the plague.
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Matt Perry makes a better movie than David Spade for Chris Farley
IrateTyrant3 December 2022
Chris Farley was a genius of his time. His comedic slapstick was amazing and revolutionized the expectations for future acts. Matthew Perry, as the lead character, is an even better pair-up than David Spade, in my opinion. They both are dumb-seeming enough to find themselves in the types of adventures which hold the movie together. The dialogue is wonderful, and even though you might expect Chris Farley to steal the show, he sets back and lets the movie make you appreciate it enough to laugh. Eugene Levy is barely recognizable in a great role for him. It feels good to watch a movie of this many people having so much fun. As a plus it pokes fun at colonial America, with pretty decent set design and cinematography. Of course, it is a Christopher Guest movie, and he doesn't just slap his name on anything without adding his authenticity. R. I. P. Matthew Perry and Chris Farley, two geniuses.
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Duly funny and entertaining; not every comedy needs to be an exemplar
I_Ailurophile28 February 2023
Matthew Perry's straight man, and Chris Farley's combination of wild, physical energy and crass humor, are theoretically a sound match. Add a period setting for extra flavor and material, and 'Almost heroes' was sure to be a good time in some measure. With these touches at the forefront we're treated to a bevy of exaggerated characters and situational comedy, sight gags, prop humor, outlandish stunts, and farcical dialogue - and, sure, some more juvenile bits, and silliness for its own sake. It's safe to say that of anything Perry or Farley have been involved with, let alone other cast members or filmmaker Christopher Guest, this isn't one of their best known or most highly regarded works. With that said, however, I had at best mixed expectations when I sat to watch, and I'm pleased with how fun the movie ended up being.

Make no mistake, the title plays very fast and loose with even the most fictional conception of history; this is certainly an instance in which the spirit of the scenario is more important than any letter of realism. It doesn't necessarily have the most delicate hand when it comes to certain topical matter, either. More substantively, this doesn't achieve any especial peak of utmost hilarity, and the comedic timing of some moments are ever so slightly off such that the intended effect is mildly dampened. Still, it's a picture that only wanted to have a good time, and despite any flaws and more tawdry facets, 'Almost heroes' is also filled with plentiful cleverness and cheek in its writing, in Guest's direction, and in the performances. Everyone sure seems to have enjoyed themselves while making this, and even though it's not a premier 90s comedy it's still made well. The filming locations are lovely, and all the sets, props, and costume design are terrific. Any stunts and effects are executed well, and in every technical capacity the craftsmanship is solid.

It's nothing special by any means; this is entertaining, but never particularly striking. There are no few other features that should take priority, and unless you're a huge fan of someone that's involved, I don't think there's any need to go out of your way to watch. Yet at the same time that it never hits major high notes, nor does it tumble into significant valleys - despite even its cheapest gags, 'Almost heroes' is consistent, a pleasant and amusing diversion. So it's below the highest bars set by its participants; so what? Sometimes light frivolity for a lazy day is all that a film needs to be, and as far as I'm concerned this fits the bill quite nicely. Don't drop everything to check it out, but if you do come across it, this is duly fun and a fine upper-middle credit to all on hand.
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Easily Forgettable Film I Hope To Easily Forget
gavin694213 August 2006
Let me just say I am by no means a fan of Chris Farley. He's done a few good things, understood physical comedy and might have someday been the next big thing. But he's not, in retrospect, anything amazing. Everyone knows "Black Sheep" and "Tommy Boy" are the same movie, and all he really gave to this film was the same shtick of flapping his arms and grunting. Which is not my cup of tea. And Matthew Perry? Maybe he's just ingrained in my mind as Chandler Bing, but this role seemed so wrong.

This is the story of two men who are trying to race Lewis and Clark to the Pacific Ocean in 1804. Although, this is only the background to a film about Perry trying to steal another man's wife and an ongoing battle against a Spaniard obsessed with his hair.

The film is not really very funny (especially after you write off Farley) and seemed to me to be in a similar vein to "Cannibal the Musical", except being that Cannibal was infinitely funnier and relied on no name actors and no budget. So, thank you Hollywood for blowing millions on a film that was poorly made and not very special... I'm sure Farley wanted this to be his swan song.

I have nothing really great to say about this film, but I don't want to keep tearing it a new one because I already know people stand against me on this. Well, they can have this movie and watch it until their DVD player starts smoking. I hope I never see this film ever again. (Although, I guess after recently seeing "The Ringer" I could have done worse.)
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