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Slow, but engaging and strong dialogue
Grismar6 June 2001
As a vampire-movie enthusiast I had some high hopes for this picture. Jude Law usually makes for pleasant watching and Elina Lowensohn matches perfectly. That's the first good thing about the movie that really stood out to me: the casting is perfect. Not stereotypical, but very believable and right on target.

The movie is a bit slow and doesn't offer a lot in the way of a horror-movie as most viewers might expect it to, but it tells an engaging story. The plot isn't overly original, but when you look at some of the details, it's obviously well thought out. I loved most of the dialogue: witty, to the point and original. No fake grandeur or excessive posing (like many vampire movies do have), subtle jokes and no giveaways by the characters.

The movie is a good one overall, but even on its strong points, it sometimes misses genius and excellence, so only a 7 for this one.
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A love story set in blood
Mr. Moviegame14 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Retitled as Immortality for US release, The Wisdom of the Crocodiles is another splendid film which not accorded widespread theatrical distribution when it reached America. First, it is not a vampire film in the vein of Bram Stoker's Dracula, or Interview with the Vampire. It is an iconoclastic love story, similar to the non-vampire film, Eye of the Beholder. Love cannot be explained, obsession cannot be understood, for both must be felt in the heart. This personal film (Immortality) is filled with ideas and themes, many of which are conveyed in allegories. Jude Law and Elina Löwensohn are eating take-out Chinese food. She begins telling him a Confucian tale about the difference between heaven and hell. There is ample food in both dominions. Yet, the only implements you are allowed to use are 5 foot chopsticks. Those in hell starve, those in heaven are well-fed. How is this so? The souls in heaven cooperate by feeding one another, while those in hell, being selfish, go hungry. Yes, love is about giving, and this is the dilemma of the film. Jude Law needs blood to continue his existence. Elina Löwensohn needs Jude because he (unlike most men) is her protector, intellectual equal, and (I know it sounds silly) soul mate.

The DVD release of this movie is fascinating. The special effects do not overwhelm you. For instance, there is no shape-shifting or gory feeding orgy. Yet the cinematography is unforgettable. There are twisted bone/spinal fragments that are about the size of 3-inch pretzel sticks. Possibly they have a reptilian ancestry. Jude has a box of these, collected from his earlier victims (all women?). Jude's coffin is not a coffin, but a circular metal chamber, with swivel doors. He straps himself with electrical medical devices to maintain his heartbeat and respiration. They even wake him from his sleep. His regular bed is covered in a silver cloth. On the mattress are blood stains from his previous victims. This is never shown. It is left to the viewer's imagination. The only way you know this exists is from Elina's reaction to Jude uncovering the bed. How horrifying this vision must have been to her. Another interesting aspect of this film is a scene Jude has with a little girl. She appears to be having her kidney stones disintegrated by an ultra-sound device. Thus Jude is most likely a gastroenterologist. Elina is a structural engineer. Two competent, intelligent, literate people in the 20th century. How shocking, given the abundant number of films about stupid people in typical Hollywood schlock. Miramax should be commended for importing this film to the US. Po-chih Leong (d) and Paul Hoffman (w) should be praised for bringing this wonderful story to the screen.
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Wisdom of Passion
potpurry725 March 2004
I thought this film was quite good and more genuine in its story, for it questions the wisdom of passion.Jude Law is incredibly vulnerable , yet fiercely determined ,in his portrayal of a lovestruck, obsessed vampire.The object of his desire is a very sassy lady who brings elements to the film that are unpredictable.Some of Law's scenes are gross, but therein lies a victim in him.It carries a lot of tension , for I did not know where the plot was going-I like that.I try to guess the outcome of movies as I watch them. A lot of movies are just too predictable; this one is not.If you like a different kind of vampire film, with a lot of emotion and some sexy love scenes, this is a movie you'll love.If you are a fan of Jude, by all means see it.He uses his eyes in incredibly intense and versatile ways. He is charming and kind to people.He's also not afraid of looking absolutely horrible.He's more than a pretty face, much more. I would compare this more to "Basic Instinct" and "Fatal Attraction" than any of the Dracula films. But be warned: although this is not your typical vampire film, there is a lot of bloodshed.
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Love Bites
Polyester Bribe2 August 2000
For a vampire movie set in modern-day England, "The Wisdom of Crocodiles" is peculiarly bloodless. But then, vampire hunger is more a metaphor than a cue for screaming, and sucking in this chilly love story, a philosophical thriller that's no less intriguing for being murkily theological and ceaselessly artsy.

"The line that separates good and evil cuts through every human heart," Steven murmurs to Anna. And that's just one of the many quotable Steven spouts to explain his dilemma: He needs nourishment from a woman's love - but he is doomed to destroy love in the process.

Steven also sustains a Russian-lit-like relationship with a detective on his trail, a man who takes his Catholicism as portentously as Steven takes his existential crisis. Through all the agony and ecstasy, Chinese-born, English-educated film-maker Po Chih Leong, working from an epigrammatic script, sustains a luxury-loving interest in the play of light on texture: Fountain pens have rarely looked more sensuous, nor vampires more like aesthetes who are never too blood-starved to appreciate fine craftsmanship.
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A vampire film with bags of originality.
The_Triad24 November 2006
The Wisdom if Crocodiles is a very well made, character driven vampire film, that does away with many of the clichés associated with vampire films for the better.

The film centres around it's central character, Steven Grlscz, his relationship with women, and the police, who eventually suspect him of murder.

Steven doesn't have fangs, (which incidentally, were first brought into the vampire myths by the Hammer films.) doesn't burn up in the sunlight, (or even worse, go around wearing sunglasses and black in the day.) he is not a poseur, he is a real vampire. He needs to drink blood to live, for reasons that are revealed gently throughout the film.

The films success lies in it's shedding of these usual clichés, to make something that is less a part of a fantasy world, a more grounded in reality. This is fully represented through the whole of the films strata, for example when a fight breaks out involving local thugs, we are not treated to a slow-motion fest set to some industrial metal or matrix-like techno, but a realistic scrap, with a weird white noise sound crossed with choral singing musical accompaniment.

The film is also successful in some small touches that make it worth re-watching. Some little things that seem normal on a first viewing, that take up perhaps a second, are seen in a different way on repeat viewings. I find this quite a admirable addition to the films quality.

To sum up, The Wisdom of Crocodiles is an inventive, intelligent vampire film, without the clichés, grounded in reality and definitely worth watching.
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Fed by Love
claudio_carvalho8 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In London, Steven Grlscz (Jude Law) helps the suicidal Maria Vaughan (Kerry Fox) in the subway and seduces her. After a period living with Maria, Steven kills her in his apartment drinking her blood and dumps her body in the sea. Steven becomes a suspect for the Londoner police and is chased by Inspector Healey (Timothy Spall). Meanwhile Steven meets the structure engineer Anne Labels (Elina Löwensohn) and she falls in love with him. However, she discovers a dark secret about her lover that needs to survive.

"Immortality" is a weird movie about a sort of vampire fed by the love in human blood. The stylish cinematography associated to the great performances of Jude Law and Elina Löwensohn are not enough to make a good film since the intriguing screenplay has a disappointing conclusion. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): Not Available.
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A dark and brooding thriller
The_Void19 December 2004
The Wisdom of Crocodiles is one of a new breed of vampire movies. Probably started by Abel Ferrera's "The Addiction", vampirism has turned into a sort of curse that turns it's afflicted into brooding philosophers. Gone are the vampire bats, wooden stakes and crucifixes that once were the staples of the genre, and the vampire genre has been changed into a commentary on disease. However, I'm all for innovation, even if it's not always advisable innovation, and The Wisdom of Crocodiles is one of the better 'new wave' vampire films. It actually seems to be taking more influence from George Romero's excellent 'Martin' than 'The Addiction' anyway. The Wisdom of Crocodiles (great name, by the way) stars Jude Law, in a tight performance, as a man afflicted with some sort of curse that forces him to suck the blood of women while in the act of lovemaking. To say any more than that would mean spoiling it, so I'll leave it there.

The Wisdom of Crocodiles has gained itself something of a cult following, and the channel I saw it on even introduced it as a 'cult classic'. I think this is an incorrect description of the film, as although it's not bad and certainly has it's moments; it hardly has the same qualities as true cult masterpieces, such as the aforementioned 'Martin'. The film benefits from a brooding atmosphere that is created by a brooding musical score that plays through almost the entire running time. This never gets annoying however, as the music is good and almost always adds to the images seen on screen. The film is slowly plotted, which might annoy some people and it's littered with philosophical ideas that Jude Law utters for a lot of the running time. This will probably irritate people that tuned in expecting a vampire movie, especially as there's little bloodletting, but some of the ideas put forward are fairly interesting, and keep the film alive.

This film shouldn't really be in with the classic vampire films at all, as it's a completely different animal (I suppose they couldn't really put it in with 'brooding cursed people', though). Vampire fans should take note of this, but even without the classic vampire thrills; there is much to like about this British chiller.
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Major Disappointment
DSearch111 May 2006
Jude Law gives his all in this beautifully filmed vampire flick which offers little else of value. Completely lacking in eroticism, excitement, or leading ladies with appeal. One decent fight, a few moments of mild suspense. And a one-note plot.

The movie waxes philisophic in a series of conversations between Law's character and a dogged homicide detective, well played by Timothy Spall. But despite their best efforts, both actors are staked to the cross of the film's banality.

With a lesser actor in the lead role -- and without the benefit of Oliver Curtis's cinematography -- Crocodiles would blend into the sea of low-budget vampire quickies.
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one of the best vampire movies ever
Kelleys_Keeper12 October 2001
I'm not one to be at a loss of words when it comes to movies, but I believe I have seen one of the best of all time. What do you do to a vampire movie to make it stand above the rest? Don't make it an obvious vampire movie that's what you do. Po-Chih Leong did an excellent job of directing a film which kept me, a vampire movie enthusiast glued to my seat.

He didn't use the typical dark gloomy setting per typical vamp movies, neither did he restrict hi vampire character to the typical stereotypes of common vampire movies. This vampire could be out in the sunlight, see his reflection, yaddayaddayadda. The only thing that holds to the truth is he must drink blood. He is caring, sensitive, and above even his thirst all he is searching for is love.

The plot of this movie was outstanding. The dialog made me think of having everyday conversations. Jude Law was an excellent pick for the main character. I give this movie a 10 based on it's originality and new look at vampires. It can be a bit slow at parts but over all an outstanding movie.
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A Reptilian Vampire Story
dromasca2 July 2002
The film is named 'Immortality' in the DVD version I saw, and the alternative title is not listed in IMDb, which almost made it the first movie I would miss when doing a search in IMDb!

Not that I have too much to say about this film. It is certainly not an enjoyable experience. The script is bad, with literary ambitions that are never fulfilled by real emotions. The atmosphere (kind of London outside, definitely Beverly Hills interiors) brings nothing new to the genre. The plot is slow, trailing, and the end is what can be defined a real anti-climax. There is some good acting, though - Jude Law in one of his pre-A.I. movies gives me reason to believe that with some luck he will fall upon a great script, and a good director and make his Oscar day. It is not enough to save an un-pleasant and un-satisfying cinema experience.

Unless you are a fan of vampire movies, you have no reason to pick it from the shelves.
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Review and spoiler
qljsystems18 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
At its heart, The Wisdom of Crocodiles alludes to being cross between a story about someone in mental torment and a modern-day vampire movie. The Jude Law character - the story's villain - comes across as a convincingly menacing and cunning master of his own destiny and of other peoples' destinies too. However, the main driving impetus in his life is either haemophilia, apnea or asthma - a medical problem that the movie fails to clarify.

Jude Law is a man driven to consume other people's "emotions" by gorging himself on their blood in a gruesome Dracula-like fashion and the question nags as to when the killer will strike again. When he meets an attractive foreigner who engages in a fateful relationship with him, we expect the inevitable. Jude struggles with the reality of who he is and the genuine affection he feels for his latest victim until he resolves to act out his bloodthirsty course.

In the final act, we see him weave an elaborate web to deceive the victim to her death by appealing to her sympathy. It is a part of the movie where the villain becomes truly vampiric in behaviour and motive.

The movie has several flaws, which can't be covered by the excellence of the acting. First is the cryptic title, which confuses rather than informs. Secondly, a tangle of unclear plot-threads knot into perplexing scenes throughout the movie.

It's as if the producer can't decide whether to make this a vampire movie, a romance, a thriller, a detective story or a story about someone in mental anguish. I get the feeling that if Leong had chosen one throughline and played to its strengths he might've produced a strong movie. Instead its a story that never makes up its mind what its main thread is and so leaves an unsatisfying series of questions.

The result is that, in the confusion, Leong never gets the chance to tell us anything about the villain's condition or even why he's got it, and we never learn the reasons that motivate Law in his choice of victims.

Not the best movie I've seen, though not the worst either. Jude Law lives up to his reputation by pulling off a convincing portrayal of a very disturbed man. Timothy Spall provides a strong supporting role as the dogged detective.
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pyle010212 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film that is beautifully haunting, and requires much thought from the viewer. Narrated by poetry infused with pain from Steven Grlscz (in a spellbinding performance by the great Jude Law), who captivates from the very beginning by describing his agony to his audience. Steven is a metaphorical "vampire" (for lack of a better term), he physically must have the love from the blood of those he seduces to survive. The love creates a manifestation in the blood that he must have to live, without it his body will shut own. Steven's body forms physical manifestations of the different emotions he feels after each killing, further enrichment to an already brilliant script. Emotions taking a

Steven's pattern is broken when he meets a woman who he actually loves (a very memorable and lovable Elina Lowensohn),and he cannot bring himself to immediately harm her. This is a film that is not to be missed, as it is full of superb performances and an exceptional story.
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nogodnomasters22 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with an automobile wedged in a tree. I haven't seen anything like this since my company stopped supplying me with rental cars. (Rental cars are magic. They can do anything.) We soon find out that Steven Grlscz (sic) is a vampire who courts women then kills them. He can taste emotion in their blood and keeps a log book. The film takes place in the non-metric part of England that measures speed in miles per hour instead of kilometers per hour.

Steven becomes intrigued by Annie Labels (Elina Löwensohn), an engineer with a French accent and B positive blood. About the same time the police (Timothy Spall who would later become a rodent in those Potter films) also becomes interested in Steven who has lost two girlfriends in the last few months.

The film was also released under a different title, "Immortality." It is an interesting and different vampire film. The character of Steven was intentionally dead pan for much of the movie which weighed the film down in a number of scenes.

I would of liked to have seen Steven's character more developed through dead girlfriends instead of just the one we get to see. Worth a peek if you like vampire films. It is currently available on a multi-pack called "8 Horror Classics" which includes "Dracula 2000" and "Dawn to Dusk" both of which should be in any horror collections.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Elina Löwensohn)
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Love with Scales
AZINDN7 September 2002
Love and the gestures of men and women seeking love are familiar themes which film makers try to bring in new forms to the screen. Modern vampires in love with professional women is a twist to an old storyline brought up to date in The Wisdom of Crocodiles. No longer the coffin bound creature of 19th century gothic literature, Jude Law's vampire works in the medical field, maintains a charming allure necessary to draw women to his lair, and faces dilemas of conscience and morality his literary ancestor never pondered. A modern woman like Ellena Lowenstein's character is an engineer, performs tracheotomies as necessary, and she can walk away from her charming vampire lover after recognizing his inherent flaw -- did he fail to put the seat down, or was she just mad at the big hickey on her neck? This is a film with high production values, excellent supporting cast in Timothy Spall, a superior actor whose role is to joust with the vampire as a police investigator, but the script's religous overtones seem out of context and at times, incoherent. A clutter of extraneous details, Chinese fables, chopsticks, spiral shell collections, silver sheets, and cars in trees makes for an even more muddled tale. That the performance of the actors manage to hold through the film is likely an accident, but we are thankful because Wisdom of Crocodiles falls apart once the secondary storylines, e.g., police investigation, gang in the subway, baptism, and engineering accident, begin to interfere with the central storyline -- vampire loves girl, bites girl, kills girl, or doesn't bite girl and dies. Save redemption, chop suey, and kidney stones for another type of film. Please.
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Can this truly be classified as a "Vampire Movie"?
bluff12122 April 2001
I will honestly tell you, my reason for renting this movie was because of the brilliant actor named Jude Law. After viewing this movie twice, (I do that with all films I find intriguing, for I am a closet critic at heart), I have decided that, The Wisdom of Crocodiles, is Jude Law's best acting performance yet.

He manages to pull off charm, sex appeal, mystery, intelligence, hope, hopelessness, agony, despair, defeat, and last but not least, innocence. Do I have your attention?

Now I ask myself, can this truly be classified as a "Vampire Movie"? And when we utter that word, vampire, we ultimately see blood, fangs, and darkness and we remember Anne Rice, for she is the truest tale-teller of these malicious creatures. No, that is not what the Wisdom of Crocodiles represents. It takes every story, every image, and every idea we have of vampires and puts them in an interesting and unique perspective of a modern day bloodsucker. It allows you to feel what its main character felt. The range of emotions is spectacular. And you, as well as the vampire, nearly forget to breathe.

If you have not yet seen this movie, rent it today. Rent it yesterday.

I give my strongest standing ovation to the writers, directors, producers and actors who painted this picture into a true stroke of genius. Thank you.
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Scarecrow-881 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A "vampire", Steven Grlscz(Jude Law), chooses female victims for their "emotional" blood hoping that the perfect mate who'll love him perfectly, will indeed "cure" him of his illness. We see a victim in the early going he selects who was about to throw herself in front of a subway train. He offers kindness to her for she probably could've used it. But, his befriending her in a sense is a way of gaining her trust until she completely gives herself over emotionally(..through complete love hopefully), but as often as it has been, this person wasn't. He feels certain emotions in his chosen victims, whether it's disappointment or despair, each person has that strong emotion which carries freely through the blood. He must feed on blood to remain alive and when he disposes of the body in a quick-sanded marshland, it is unfortunately discovered by fisherman using illegal netting. He has to contact the police to inform them of his previous relationship with the dead woman so that his guilt won't be so glaring. So for a time, two detectives follow him suspecting him as the murderer. Meanwhile, Steven meets structural engineer named Anne(Elina Löwensohn)and they soon begin a growing relationship where he begins to feel is true love. Will Anne be able to save him? How will she react if Anne discovers who Steven really is? And, will Steven be able to elude the police from suspecting him? All these questions will get answered as Steven must eventually feed or die in the process. Something also touched on is that Anne notices how Steven studies people. One of the detectives, Healy(Timothy Spall)notices that Steven copied a finger gesture in how he puts out the tip of his cigarettes. We later find that besides blood, Steven must also keep himself alive by constantly studying the human condition.

Fascinating study on a person whose illness is really never completely elaborated on. That might very well frustrate some viewers wanting an answer, but what if there isn't one? In a sense he is a vampire because he must survive by feeding on blood. But, his life is anything but flamboyant. There are improbabilities such as how Steven seems able to elude his crime against the victim at the beginning of the movie. The film provides us with a gang so that we can see how fast Syteven moves proving to us that he is beyond merely a mortal, but something much different. The love of the film is tested with Steven's condition which makes for an interesting drama particularly Anne's reaction once she finds out.
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The Wisdom of Crocodiles with Jude Law
eousley22819 September 2006
This vampire movie did not have undue special effects and offered no gimmicks. The movie was alive with Romance, seduction with some gore. The Vampire played a great cat and mouse game with the police detectives, which had a great positive effect in the movie. The movie kept away from the stereotype a vampire movie normally brings. It made the theme of the movie so real compared to like movies. The acting kept me glued to the movie, and it was not predictable. Also the way the vampire became redeemed was very genuine. The behavior was not scary. It was true to life. My only wish is that the movie was longer than an hour and 39 minutes. I give the movie 7 stars.
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I love Jude, but... (includes spoilers)
fusskins15 July 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I just didn't get this movie.

He's beautiful; he's a vampire; he can go out in the sun; he can touch a crucifix.

Okay...he writes about and sketches his victims before he kills them.

He meets Anna and falls in love with her (?) to the point where he would rather die than kill her, which touches her, so she stays to nurse him back to health/death.

Then he decides to kill her anyway only she kills him first and...

What? This movie makes no sense. What is Anna's motivation? What is Steven's? They didn't really seem to fall in love in my opinion. He didn't seem to have any doubts or crisis of conscience until the end. She didn't seem to be all that understanding or caring or loving towards him until he decided not to bite her. I just don't get it.

Fortunately, I was able to stare at Jude for an hour or so; well worth $9.50.
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Jude Law Boondoggle
jrfranklin017 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
For all of you Jude Law fans, don't go picking this film just because he is in it. That was the mistake I made. "Immortality" a.k.a. "The Wisdom of Crocodiles" attempts to present a modern day view of a vampire, although it's still a bit sketchy in the end that that is exactly what he is (he seems mostly disturbed and sick). The film is about the handsome Steven Grlscz (Jude Law) and his seduction of women for his blood craving. The romantic tragedy arrives when he falls in love with one of his prey.

Steven Grlscz is everything a woman could want, handsome, smart, well-to-do, and works as a doctor to boot. But this female "dish" is best not served at all, lest the diner becomes the dined. Undescribed in the film, Steven suffers from some sort of modern day vampirism where he needs blood to survive. He describes blood as being more than just fluid in the veins and that is contains feelings/emotions. Why he forms relationships with beautiful women only to kill them all is weak as is the police investigation after they find one of his victims. Steven's ability to remain cool in the hottest of situations is also a bit unnerving at times. The only real evidence we get to satisfy our cinematic preconceptions of what a vampire should be, other than his biting women on the neck and taking their blood, is one brief scene in which he is able to move quickly. There aren't any effects from sunlight, no garlic, and no fangs. The ending's predictability of a dying Nosferatu just left me with a frown and shaking my head. 2/10
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Who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?
soffineer24 September 2004
There is nothing about this film's jacket that impresses one with the thought provoking dialog that is inside. I am most impressed with this film as among the few that causes me to become introspective.

The discussion that Steven Grlscz (Jude Law) has with Healey about good and evil, is the essence of the film. "Evil isn't just malice, murder and rape and massacre. Before everything, the devil is the father of lies. The lies you tell, the truth you don't tell. Everything hidden is theft. Everything reserved from those we love is fraud. And there's always something, isn't there? What everyone wants is for evil people to be off insidiously committing evil deeds. Then they can be separate from ordinary men and women and destroyed. But the line that separates good and evil cuts through every human heart. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart."

Is Grlscz unknowingly speaking his own epitaph? Worthy viewing for those who think.
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Stylish vampire thriller shows the dark side of Law...
Doylenf16 September 2006
Not a run of the mill vampire movie by any means, although JUDE LAW plays his usual deeply disturbed character, a doctor who stalks women he sees as suitable to seduce. Sure of himself, he decides to play a cat and mouse game with detectives investigating the case.

Law uses his hypnotizing gaze with good effect. His latest conquest is an industrial engineer who says, "I like a man with a bit of mystery about him." She immediately becomes an item on his list of future victims. He wins her over completely when he saves her from a vicious attack by thugs. There's an air of unpredictability lurking over every scene.

The last half-hour has the woman scrutinizing him--wondering what's inside his mind. You have to wonder where their relationship is going. Will she still be his next victim? The detective is having an equally hard time trying to figure him out.

"The line that separates good from evil cuts through every human heart," he tells the detective.

To say the least, he's an ambiguous character, this vampire, and Jude Law plays him with conviction. Timothy Spall as the dogged detective is good, as is Elina Lowensohn as the puzzled romantic interest.

The finale drags a bit before it goes for the climax. A bit too sluggish throughout but still manages to hold the interest.
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Oddly Off the Mark
Itsrae128 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOILERS) Maybe it's the pacing, or the complete lack of chemistry between the man and the woman, or an inability due to time to follow through on some nifty little sidebars (like the crystals that get coughed up, and where their money comes from, and what comes out on the gang's camera, and why a detective decides to be re-baptized). Maybe it's the non-acting. Or the silliness of the "plot" such as it is. Or the implausibility of the concept (as if "regular" vampires are more plausible).

Not a pleasant or enjoyable or illuminating moment in this movie for me. And do you think you could dangle one-handed over a precipice and plunge a chopstick twice clear through somebody's hand? Golly, I do that two or three times a day.

At the very end of the movie, when it should have come to a climax, it reminded me suddenly of Theodore Sturgeon's story, "Some of Your Blood" and I thought wow, these people have made a movie out of that story; all will be well. Endings will be happy or at least logical. But no. (If you thought the movie plot was confused but bought the vampire idea, you might want to see how Sturgeon handled a similar situation.)

Pretty boring all around.
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Very Fascinating Thriller
Chris-33220 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
The Wisdom of Crocodiles (or the inferior video-box title "Immortality") is a very interesting and different kind of vampire movie. During the first fifteen minutes of the movie, I was very skeptical about it (especially during the first killing, which I thought would lead into another blood-and-guts vampire movie), but I decided to ride it out and give it a chance. I'm glad I did, because this was quite a moving and fascinating drama/suspense film with some excellent acting (Jude Law is undoubtedly going to rise up to become an amazing movie star) and awesome cinematography. The plot follows the tragic story of a vampire who feeds on the love of women, but he finds a girl that he truly falls in love with, and he is faced with the choice of dying to let her live, or kill her so he can live his sad life longer. The thing that surprised me with this movie was that it was a complete drama/romance with suspense and thriller elements in it, but in NO way is it a horror or vampire movie. This delighted me, because I am getting very tired of the formulaic vampire flicks (Dracula 2000, John Carpenter's Vampires). This movie, as well as the phenomenal Shadow of the Vampire, is one of the most intelligent, suspenseful, and and genuinely interesting vampire movies in a long, LONG time.
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Blade Runner with vampires, instead of androids
krachtm1 April 2013
The plot: A philosophical vampire falls in love with his latest victim and befriends the cop investigating his previous murders.

This is certainly a non-traditional vampire movie. The protagonist is a vampire who feeds only on the blood of people who have experienced strong emotions. He's basically a serial killer who makes his victims love him, before he kills them -- a rather disturbing thought. He seems to mourn his victims, in a detached and philosophical way, until he finally meets someone that he truly cares for. It is his nature to destroy, however, and one can't help but think that this romance is doomed.

This is an understated romantic thriller, more interested in artistic pretension than gory scenes. The movie is strongly influenced by Ridley Scott, and, in some ways, seems like a retelling of Blade Runner, with Roy Batty as the protagonist, instead of Deckard. It's quite interesting but, ultimately, a bit derivative.
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Like a vacuum cleaner sucking itself into oblivion,
JChaplin22 August 2001
What makes a good movie? Some of these factors might, so here's how I rate this one. Plausibility (0.9 / 10). Resolution (good ending (0.3 / 10). Production (4/10) How come everyone in movies lives in such sumptuous dwellings? Come on, give us a break! Acting (ah, now there's something worth talking about) (7/10) but how can an actor give something when what is asked of them is nothing but cliche? Music (5/10). Foxy babe(s) factor (6/10). Purely subjective this one, right? Waste of time factor 3/10 (I enjoyed the first 50 minutes but after that someone owes me for my time, right? How much is that worth?). Summary: Don't waste your time on this.
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