The Bone Collector (1999) Poster

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my opinion may not be shared with most critics, but I liked this movie
TheUnknown837-118 October 2008
I am fully aware of the fact that most film critics here in the United States did not approve very highly of the 1999 Denzel Washington film "The Bone Collector". But despite the fact that only twenty-eight percent of them would agree with me, I think that "The Bone Collector" is a well-made mystery thriller with solid performances, especially toward Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie, a good plot, great tension, and a well-executed story.

Academy Award-winner Denzel Washington plays a quadriplegic detective who is asked to help with an investigation dealing with a serial killer operating in New York. He appoints a rather reluctant female detective played by Angelina Jolie to lead the investigation outside his hospital room since he cannot walk himself. He communicates with her through radio, giving her hints and tactics as they try to figure out who the killer is, who he will strike next, and how they can stop him.

Yes, this plot is one that has been reused many times and this yet another case. But just because you reuse a plot does not mean the end product is going to be horrible and not entertaining. I myself enjoyed "The Bone Collector" and did not find one scene where I was bored, even though I had a pretty good idea on what was going to happen next. It gets a strong rating for its performances, action scenes, and good general entertainment value.
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Well worth a look! Both Jolie and Washington are on form
denise_kate9 March 2005
I've read quite a few comments on this movie and some of them I disagree with and others I don't. Sure, it may be a little predictable and a bit 'all been done before' but there is a certain level of originality and uniqueness to it also.

For starters it has a fantastic cast and both lead actors (Jolie and Washington)have won Oscars and thats says something. It can't be easy playing a paralysed man and remaining so still and wooden and he plays the frustrations and emotions so realistically that I would imagine a person actually would be like in real life. Jolie is charming, composed and works well with the camera. Her character is convincing enough and this goes for her performance.The support cast is fantastic too, especially Queen Latifa.

The film may have the usual iconographic elements found in the psychological thriller genre but they are necessary for it to firstly conform and also progress. 'The Bone Collector' introduces new techniques and a slightly different angle for the viewer. there has to be a certain amount of repetition with this genre for it to work and this is the case for many others, such as romantic comedies and a couple falling in love or teen flicks with a football jock character.

I am currently writing my degree dissertation on sexual subjectivity in psychological thrillers and this film is perfect for that. The changing levels of gendered representations is very interesting and both supports and detracts away from the current representations in society.

I say, give it a go! Don't listen to people who have already seen it and didn't like it. If I'd have done that then I wouldn't have given it a go and my dissertation would have been short of argument!
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not as good as i remember it but still better then avg
buckeyefanohiostate27 June 2021
I loved this movie when it 1st came out re watching it wasnt as good as i remember it but its still a lil better then your avg crime thriller! The killer makes for a good villain i will say it was not a waste of time re watching this movie just not what i remember.
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Dark, suspenseful thriller worth seeing
jimjba7 July 2001
Denzel Washington plays a former cop who is injured in the line of duty and becomes a crime scene investigator and expert witness in the service of law firms. Angelina Jolie plays a cop who is struggling to find a place within a male-dominated police culture, and shows a talent for crime scene investigation, which Denzel's character immediately recognizes and appreciates, since he is bedridden and physically unable to go to most crime scenes. She is reluctant to get involved, but does wind up grudgingly serving as his eyes and ears as they try to follow clues left by a serial killer who gives clues about his next victims and taunts them and the police.

While Denzel's character is almost too brilliant to be believable, if you can overlook that you should thoroughly enjoy this movie. Denzel and Angelina, together with cops of varying competence, try to follow the clues given to them by the serial killer, who gives them clues before the killing actually occurs.

Most people who enjoy a dark, suspenseful movie (such as Silence of the Lambs) should thoroughly enjoy this movie.
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The Bone Collector is a dark gritty crime thriller that is rather underrated.
TheMovieDiorama27 February 2018
An extremely overlooked film in my opinion. Yes, Se7en and Silence of the Lambs absolutely annihilate this, but for a 90's detective case it's rather compelling. This is what happens when you cast two great leads, a decent film is produced. Much like any other serial killer story, our main characters must find out who the homicidal maniac is before they kill again. The difference is, the forensic expert is paralysed and so he trains an unwilling rookie to solve the case. Murder case aside, it's all about passing on knowledge and skills to another peer in order to complete a task. Rhyme is unable to do anything, so he envisages his own image within Amelia. Turning her from a rookie cop to the perfect forensic investigator. Highlighting the importance of communication and trust. Fortunately Washington and Jolie have decent on screen chemistry. Both their talents put together to create an explosion of raw acting. Jolie plays a tough yet vulnerable officer, Washington juxtaposes this with an experienced performance. The two amalgamate to create the perfect crime solving entity. The crime scenes themselves were visceral and not easy watches, particularly being scolded to death by oncoming steam. I loved the gritty realism that is sustained throughout. It evokes a sense of mystery, we are attempting to solve the case with the characters. Supporting cast were good, nothing outstanding. Although I wanted more Queen Latifah! The killer's reveal was a letdown unfortunately. The final twenty minutes were rushed to what was an intelligently paced thriller. And thank God we don't have those horrible slow motion frames that were all so apparent in the 90s...just hideously generic. The Bone Collector is a damn good watch, and for any Washington or Jolie fans you are in for a great time.
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Atmospheric serial killer thriller with a great performance from Washington
Leofwine_draca12 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This serial killer thriller-chiller was severely underrated by critics on release – and I'm not sure why. The film is impossible to dislike and even if not magnificent or original it has all the right aspects. The score is good, the dark and moody photography excellent, even the script gives light to some interesting characterisations once in a while which is a bit of a surprise. The usual elements torn from the two most popular "serial killer" films of the 1990s are all present and correct but the film does have some interest in the shape of its central pairing, Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie.

Washington takes the role of Lincoln Rhyme, a top cop who gets his back broken and spends the rest of his days as a quadriplegic lying in a bed in his huge, spooky house. Although bedridden he's still a force to be reckoned with and Washington is typically excellent in the role, especially in the scenes where he deciphers puzzling clues and puts two and two together like a modern day Holmes. The sexy Angelina Jolie, on the other hand, is a young, tough female police officer who initially spars with Washington before growing to understand (and love?) him as their relationship deepens and they grow respect for each other.

Fair enough, the plot of the serial killer is familiar and the deaths are all as unpleasant as they should be. Victims are eaten alive by rats and boiled to death by steam pipes. The film goes for a dark, unwholesome SEVEN vibe here which pays off dividends. These scenes come as no surprise but are pleasingly atmospheric and spooky, especially the hunting through dark underground tunnels. One thing I will say is that the identity of the killer is far too easy to guess; I had narrowed it down to two suspects early on and at the end my suspicions were confirmed. Saying that, the adrenaline-pump of the finale is excellent (if predictable), proving that you should never underestimate the power of the human will.

The supporting cast is pretty efficient for this kind of movie, with nice turns from Queen Latifah (a real surprise, this one), and especially Michael Rooker who excels as the hard-nose police Captain in charge of the case. Plus we get some turns from distinguished character actors like Leland Orser (weird and geeky as always) and Luis Guzman (underused, sadly). Despite the lengthy running time the film fairly flies by, with a good pacing and some excellent suspenseful and taut sequences showing the killer trapping his victims. You could certainly do a lot worse, which I why I recommend this movie to fans of the genre.
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Above average film, except the end...
Elwood_Blues21 January 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I went to this film expecting not too much after all the bad commentaries about it, but in the end I think this film is quite entertaining. The acting is quite good and the filmmakers understand it to build a 'scary' atmosphere. Of course, this is no masterpiece like Se7en, but its okay... What I did not liked at all, was the ending. It was so (!!!) predictable. Some people even made bets à la "5 bucks she will save him". Moreover it was really stupid, that the killer's motive had nothing to do with the entire film. And maybe the worst about the film was this completely ridiculous christmas scene where both lead characters seem to be a couple. It seemed to me like the writer thought "Oh s**t, I forgot the two have to fall in love" and so he wrote this scene.

Bottom line: Quite entertaining but too predictable to be good. My vote: 6/10

BTW: What do Angelina Jolie and Julia Roberts have in common? The wide grin :-)
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A very good "bad" movie
PaulusLoZebra18 June 2022
I enjoyed The Bone Collector a lot, despite noticing and disliking so many things about it ! I use the word "notice" deliberately, because the film is full of annoying and unbelievable moments, and clichés, that made me stop and think and even consider abandoning the film. That's not a very good situation for a director trying to win us over. But win me over he did, Philip Noyce, by the sheer brilliance of Denzel Washington, the fast pace, the sense of dread and apprehension that permeates the story, the great sets, the colorful supporting cast, and a very god Angelina Jolie. Even the clumsy final action scene, redolent of cheap horror films, did not turn me off ! One of the best "bad" films I can remember.
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Serial killer drama with two superstars
SnoopyStyle5 February 2014
Lincoln Rhyme (Denzel Washington) is a brilliant police detective and forensics expert who was left a quadriplegic from a job. There's a killer in the city who traps his victims in his taxi cab. Amelia Donaghy (Angelina Jolie) is a beat cop who discovers two bodies buried in the train tracks. The investigating detectives (Michael McGlone, Ed O'Neill) enlist the help of Lincoln who in turn enlists the help of Amelia.

This was right before TV show CSI first air. So it had some fascinating CSI bits for the time. But the movie has two problems. It's a minor problem that Denzel is stuck in bed all the time. It restricts his physicality. It also limits the visual dynamics of his scenes.

The bigger problem is the role of Amelia. After all, she is a beat cop without the basic forensics training. The movie is treating this less as a science and more as an inborn ability that an elder can bestow upon a youngling. Also Angelina is so emotional that it's unbelievable anybody would allow her near the evidences. Heck she fires her gun at the rats. What kind of forensics expert is that?

There is no doubt that Denzel and Angelina are big time stars. It's a simple serial killer movie. They're shooting in NYC. It looks good. There is a good movie here. They should have allowed Angelina be a techie, and let Denzel have a wheelchair. That way she's more believable, and he could be mobile with her.
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Good film, no wasted time
reve-211 October 2000
I am one of those older folks who doesn't care for the kind of movies that are made these days. As such, my movie watching is generally confined to old classic films ala TCM and AMC. But, I do subscribe to all of the premium channels via DirecTV and, occasionally, watch a newer film if the plot synopsis appears to be one that I may be able to tolerate. I have read all of the previous reviews of this film on the IMDB and find them very interesting. Many of the reviews mention a movie titled "Seven". I have never heard of, much less seen, "Seven". I consider this fact to be a fortunate one because I was able to watch "The Bone Collector" without having to constantly compare it to a previous film. In short, I liked this movie. I was entertained royally precisely because I didn't take the story line too seriously. There was not much time wasted on character development. GOOD !! I don't need to know why the characters became the persons that they are. I simply want them to get on with whatever they must do. Another thing that I liked was the lack of sex scenes, which seem to be almost a necessity it today's movies. The two leads did a great job and their chemistry was excellent. Mr. Washington and Ms. Jolie were very believable. The killer? No big deal. I couldn't have cared less who did the killings. I simply waited for justice to be done. In short, I don't agree with any of the harsh criticism that I have read on this forum. I guess that's because I am a rather down to earth person who has no need to turn watching a movie into an academic exercise, complete with thorough analysis of character motivation, etc.
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Okay, But Needed Less Lip-Service
ccthemovieman-11 April 2006
Here's another interesting modern-day serial killer saga which keeps your attention the full two hours. Although grisly in parts, it doesn't overdo the violence.

However, once again we have the too-often case of an ending where the villain talks instead of shoots and, of course, he pays for it. Why oh why does this annoying scenario play out so many times in movies? It's so annoying and stupid and ruins many a good show.

Acting-wise, Denzel Washington gives another likable performance and we get to see Angelina Jolie's King Kong-collagen type lips which are ludicrous. She's too profane and hard-looking for this old-fashioned reviewer, anyway. I'd rate this movie higher with a different lead actress.
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Quite a fine thriller.
Jack the Ripper188812 June 2002
I was very pleasantly surprised at this film. Denzel Washington proves again that he can handle any role that he chooses to play. In this case, he plays homicide inspector, Lincoln Rhyme who has been nearly paralyzed after suffering from an accident in the line of duty. But now, when a mysterious killer begins killing off people in a very peculiar matter, he must team with a hard-headed rookie cop (Angelina Jolie) to solve the crimes. Supporting cast includes Queen Latifah, Michael Rooker, Mike McGlone, Luis Guzman, Leland Orser and Ed O'Neil.

I like the way they have the killer as an intelligent person. Someone who has a knowledge of what he is doing. And the way he leaves clues for the cops to follow. To come up with something this perfect, you must a genius. While not really scary, this suspense thriller is actually thrilling as opposed to the many number of "thrillers" that are not even thrilling. (Example: HANGMAN). Thank you Hollywood for giving us THE BONE COLLECTOR. This is a good one. Highly recommended.....5/5.
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Some Chilling Moments
jhclues13 September 2000
Warning: Spoilers
**May Contain Spoilers** Director Phillip Noyce delivers an atmospheric thriller with `The Bone Collector,' a somewhat grisly tale of a serial killer in New York City. Homicide detective Lincoln Rhyme (Denzel Washington) is an expert in the field of forensics; he has also been a quadriplegic for four years, the result of an accident sustained during the investigation of a crime scene. From the neck down he has the use of only a single finger, with which he controls a computer and monitor from his bed. Useless though his body may be, his mind is still sharp, and circumstances bring him together with a young NYPD officer, Amelia Donaghy (Angelina Jolie), who has just received a long sought after transfer to the Youth Services Division. Destiny takes her elsewhere, however. When she is the first officer to arrive at a crime scene, Donaghy proceeds to secure the area and take the appropriate measures to insure that any evidence is not compromised. Rhyme is consulted on the case (a murder), and takes note of the precision employed by Donaghy in handling the crime scene. When he meets her, he learns that while at the academy she had read one of his books on the subject (He has written a dozen, on forensics and related issues). Rhyme then presses her into service as his eyes and ears, to physically do at a crime scene what he cannot, by talking her through each step via radio. Reluctant initially, Donaghy soon exhibits an affinity for forensics and becomes much more than merely the physical extension of Rhyme; they become partners, and continue with the case accordingly. `The Bone Collector' offers some chilling moments, especially in two scenes, one of which involves a steam pipe, the other, lots of rats. In each case, it is all the more horrifying because the victims can see exactly what is about to happen to them, they have time to think about it, and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. It makes for an eerie, disconcerting story, and though inherently dark it never descends to the appalling level of a predecessor in the genre, `Seven.' Washington gives a top notch performance, keeping Rhyme interesting though confined to bed for the entire movie, and Jolie takes Amelia to a believable level that far surpasses the typical ingenue rendering of such characters. Unfortunately, character development, on the whole, is sacrificed for sensationalism; with the exception of Rhyme, whose character is readily established, we are offered mere glimpses of the rest. We have hints as to what motivates Amelia, but we are left guessing as to the agenda of Captain Cheney (Michael Rooker). Along the way, some characters are used like obstacles thrown into the path of a race track (Cheney is one, a bookstore clerk is another), with the sole intent of manipulating the audience. With a little more depth, this could have been a remarkable movie. The supporting cast includes Queen Latifah, who brings a welcome presence to the film as Rhyme's nurse, Thelma; Ed O'Neill (Detective Sellitto); Leland Orser (Richard Thompson); Mike McGlone (Detective Solomon), Luis Guzman (Eddie Ortiz); and Arthur Holden (Bookstore clerk). While this film provides for some real gut wrenching reactions, it is not `The Silence of the Lambs.' On a dark night, however, when you're alone in your living room with nothing but the flickering of the television and the wind howling outside, it'll do. I rate this one 7/10.
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Fingering the killer
Prismark1010 April 2018
The Bone Collector is a serial killer thriller in the vein of Seven. Here the gruesome deaths are hinted at rather than shown in a gory visceral manner.

Denzel Washington is Lincoln Rhyme, a paraplegic detective now bedridden who needs round the clock care after an accident. Rhyme was a brilliant forensic detective who wrote several books on the subject.

Now his superiors want his help as a maniac pretending to be a cab driver, is abducting victims, torturing and killing them yet leaving clues behind for Rhyme to solve. He is assisted by a rookie cop, Amelia (Angelina Jolie) who acts as his physical being as she goes does the leg work and goes out out to the subterranean dark lairs where the victims have been held.

As the film progresses it almost seems like a chess game is being played with Rhyme, the clues are aimed at Rhyme somehow as if the killer is taunting Rhyme, like they might have dealt with each other in the past.

Director Phillip Noyce uses the film such as Sea of Love as a template for misdirection. It even has Michael Rooker playing a police chief, he played the villain in Sea of Love, initially appearing in a small scene.

However the ending was rather cheesy with some campy lines and the motive of the killer felt like a bolt from the blue. Still it is an entertaining thriller but not up to the standards of Seven, Sea of Love or The Silence of the Lambs.
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Dark And Moody
Lechuguilla15 May 2007
A bed ridden, paraplegic NYC detective, Lincoln Rhyme (Denzel Washington), teams up with a rookie cop named Amelia (Angelina Jolie) to try and catch a serial killer, in this dark, moody atmospheric thriller from Director Phillip Noyce. This is a fine thriller.

From the get-go viewers understand that an intelligent maniac is on the loose, and could strike at any time. That is the very definition of cinematic tension. In addition, the killer uses dark, subterranean spaces to torture and kill victims. That inky darkness, together with a haunting musical score further amplifies suspense.

But, the solution to the whodunit puzzle is ultimately unsatisfying because the screenwriter withholds important back-story from viewers. This could have been so easily fixed with the addition of a line or two of dialogue and/or a brief added scene near the film's beginning. Even so, good plot misdirection creates ample red herrings, so that the killer's identity is not a foregone conclusion.

The film's cinematography, production design, and editing are fine. Washington does a good job as the paralyzed cop. But Angelina Jolie is miscast; she pouts her way through the film looking like she's bored out of her mind. The support cast helps a lot, with highly credible performances from delightful Queen Latifah, capable Ed O'Neill, and reliable Michael Rooker.

The crime scenes tended unfortunately to be in-your-face grizzly. But at least the gore quotient was minimal.

For dark, moody serial killer films set in NYC, I prefer "Sea Of Love" (1989). Nevertheless, "The Bone Collector" can be enjoyed for its elevated level of suspense, its fine cinematography, and its generally high level of acting. Be advised, however, that the film's finale may be a disappointment if you expect all the whodunit puzzle pieces to fall into place, neat and tidy.
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Circuitous and pointless.
greenie6 May 2000
While the film begins interestingly enough with its premise and initial character development, it settles into mediocrity thereafter and provides decreasing interest with each scene.

The actors in this film plod their way through the story; this is not to say that a different cast would have done better, as the film's dialogue is so basic that even over-the-top performers would draw a yawn out of the audience. Rather, no role is a challenge, no character illiciting any degree of love or hate out of the viewer.

Where this film suffers the greatest is at the root of the plot. A twisted, murderous psychopath is one thing; one with mission and purpose is another. There lies the difference between a slasher flick (Friday the 13th, Halloween) and a psychological thriller (Seven, Silence of the Lambs). The Bone Collector instead lies somewhere between. The villain here is twisted, calculated and smart, yet for all his plotting and planning they have no effect whatsoever on his ultimate goal.

By the time the credits roll we care nothing one way or the other about any of the characters that died, regardless of whatever amount of plot development they received. We care only that the movie made little sense and over the course of 2 hours, took us nowhere.
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Kind of a Poor Story
Zac_La_Porte25 June 2021
Without Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie, this slow-moving thriller would simply just be a dull, weak mystery. And although it can be quite tricky in certain areas, the film's puzzle isn't psychotic enough to fully engage. So The Bone Collector is pretty satisfactory, but is at least watchable.

So you can expect The Bone Collector to contain the usual decent performances of Washington and Jolie, but the cast saves the story from being completely flat. Compared to most mystery-thrillers and whodunnits, there isn't too much to expect other than some suspense. This movie will have your attention but is mainly just dull in a watchable kind of way.

Yes, the pace is decent, but the film itself is just a bland and unexciting idea. The Bone Collector is likeable, but isn't so much a story you'd wanna watch over and over again.

If you liked this review, check out the full review and other reviews at aussieboyreviews.
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Heart pounding
Peridot30 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so I haven't seen "Seven" or "Silence of the lambs" or any other 'scary' movies... not really since "Fatal Attraction". These types of movies scare the wits out of me but I kind of saw "The bone collector" by accident.

Anyway, I can't compare it to other thriller/suspense/horror movies but what I will say is that I LIKED IT. The ending was not really that predictable and the acting was incredible. The storyline was nothing special but the directing/producing/editing of the film is fantastic.


I did not like the fact that Thelma died. That was pretty pathetic having Lincoln and Amelia turn out ok but her, a 'good' character die. The other cop guy dying I didn't mind...

Anyway the whole movie got my heart pounding. I loved the music/ sound effects. I give it a 7/10.
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Not bad, just too formulaic all.
Boba_Fett113824 June 2008
Basically this is a movie that offers nothing new. It's a typical genre movie with all of the typical elements and twists. It's not a bad movie, it's just not original and surprising enough.

"The Bone Collector" is your typical average thriller. Whenever I have to mention an average and typical thriller, "The Bone Collector" always springs to mind. It's an average movie in basically every way thinkable and is only made interesting and worthwhile to watch thanks to the presence of Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie.

Phillip Noyce is not really a favorite actor of mine. His movies always seem to lack in style and they are well made but yet in a very simplistic manner. He's a director that hardly takes any risks with his movies, with as a result that all of his works are typical and average movies, that often add very little new to the genre.

But I think still the biggest problem with this movie is its story. It's just too standard and formulaic. Basically when you've seen only a couple of thrillers before in your life, you've also already seen "The Bone Collector", since it adds so little new to the genre. The story progresses in a predictable manner and the story also features the usual expected twists and turns in it. On top of that some story elements and characters just don't work out in the movie.

It's the type of thriller in which basically every male character is a suspect but yet the movie doesn't mange to become truly suspenseful or surprising. Therefor it as a thriller also just isn't the most effective movie around.

Luckily the movie still has a good cast. I can't imaging how this movie would had been like with a different cast filled with unknowns. Denzel Washington plays a good role, even though he plays a character that is bound to his bed and has lost almost all of his body functions. The movie is an early Angelina Jolie movie, or at least its from the time period before her real glory days but she obviously already shows her talent in this movie, although I think that her character isn't always handled well but this was perhaps more the director fault. The love story between Washington and Jolie also doesn't really feel credible and perhaps the movie would had been better off without it. Besides them two, the movie also features some other fine actors in supporting roles such as the always surprising great Queen Latifah, Michael Rooker, Luis Guzmán, Leland Orser and Ed O'Neill in an early serious movie role from him.

It's an average movie and therefor nothing too bad but just don't expect anything brilliant or original either.

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Fair good film ruined by two major pitfalls
mattrochman14 August 2006
The film making, suspense, horror and general build up of this film is terrific. It was engaging and had me on the edge of my seat. Furthermore, I really enjoy murder mystery films where the killer leaves cryptic clues that a only a gifted cop can unravel. OK... it's a done to death formula. But I still enjoy the "genre" and individual creativity within this formula.

But there are two major pitfalls. First, the background of Angelina Jolie's character is absurd. A supermodel who became a street cop? Come on!!! You don't have to explain why these everyday characters are so beautiful. None of my doctors look as good as the ones in ER, but I will hold it against them if they start inserting the "I was going to be a model but I decided to go to med school instead" explanations.

Second, when the killer is revealed, the whole thing seems a bit convenient or co-incidental. One thing I appreciated about seven and copycat was that the killer was simply the killer - he wasn't someone we encountered earlier in the film.

Much like kiss the girls, where the killer turned out to be one of the homicide detectives, it feels that we need to have a "shock" ending by revealing that the killer was an unsuspecting character that kept popping up throughout the film; one who "we never would have guessed." Lame! But a good film nonetheless
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A solid thriller despite some clichés
Tweekums31 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Protagonist Lincoln Rhyme is a former detective and a forensics expert who was left a quadriplegic after an accident. He is not enjoying life and tries to persuade a doctor friend to help him commit suicide… before that can happen he is approached by colleagues wanting help. The film's other protagonist, rookie cop Amelia Donaghy, is the first police officer at a murder scene and impresses Rhyme with the way she processes the scene… so much so that he wants her on the case. The dead man was last seen entering a taxi with his wife and she is still missing. Rhyme, with the help of forensics experts, processes the clues deliberately left by the killer workout where the killer is holding the woman and when he intends to kill her. Donaghy heads to the site with other cops but they are too late to save her. This isn't the end though; clues point to further victims as well as suggesting that the killer is forensically aware and has an interest crimes and locations from the turn of the twentieth century. Before the case can be solved Rhyme and Donaghy will have to decode a lot more clues, deal with incompetent senior officers and face personal danger.

This film may contain plenty of clichés but it is still effective. Denzel Washington impresses as Rhyme; apart from the opening flashback scene he spends almost the entire film lying in bed. Angelina Jolie is also good as Donadhy; making us believe in her character even when things get a bit far-fetched. The deaths are a bit gruesome but either take place off screen or the scene ends before things get nasty. The ending is a bit cliché as the killer targets Rhyme and it turns out that everything we've seen is part of his attempt to beat Rhyme as he holds him responsible for things that went wrong in his life. This does at least lead to a fight where an able-bodied is badly injured by quadriplegic man! There are plenty of tense moments throughout the film and the identity of the killer isn't obvious. Overall a solid thriller that fans of the genre should enjoy.
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Intriguing, Enjoyable & Well-Acted
seymourblack-124 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Despite its failure to impress the critics, "The Bone Collector" became a big box office success because of its intriguing plot, its likable characters and the public's continuing fascination with serial killers. Its plot, which was adapted from Jeffery Deaver's novel of the same name, features a cat and mouse game that involves a brilliant forensics expert and a sadistic serial killer who takes pleasure in taunting his pursuers by leaving clues at the scenes of his crimes As these clues provide leads to where and when the next murder will take place, the police find themselves in a constant race against time as they desperately try to discover the identity of the killer and bring his reign of terror to an end before any more people are needlessly killed.

Lincoln Rhyme (Denzel Washington) is the forensics expert who, during his career with the NYPD, became highly respected for his ability to solve cases by using his exceptional skills. Having been bedridden for four years (since he was crippled by a beam that accidentally fell on him), his depression has grown so deep that he's started to arrange his own "final transition" with the aid of a friend who's agreed to assist with his suicide. Rhyme regularly suffers seizures and his greatest fear is that one of these will leave him in a vegetative state.

Although he says that he only has the use of one finger, his shoulders and his brain, he also has some sophisticated computer equipment which he puts to good use in his work. Because of the high esteem in which he's held by the NYPD, he's been kept on the payroll and is regularly asked to help out on their more challenging cases. Just such a case arises when a patrol cop called Amelia Donaghy (Angelina Jolie) discovers a dead body buried under gravel beside some train tracks and collects various pieces of evidence that are lying nearby.

When the evidence and Amelia are brought to Rhyme's Manhattan apartment, he's very impressed by the young street cop's work and insists that she should help him with his further investigations because she obviously has a natural instinct for forensics work. After overcoming her initial reluctance to pass up on the desk job that she's due to transfer to imminently, Rhyme and Amelia start to work together. Rhyme quickly deduces from the available evidence, the identity of the killer's next victim and the likely location of the murder. Amelia then assists by examining the site and acting as Rhyme's eyes and ears as he gives her instructions through her headset. Rhyme's deductions are proved to be correct and the evidence that Amelia collects at the crime scene, makes it evident that they're dealing with a serial killer and that he's following a set modus operandi. This continues until, chillingly, the evidence found at one of the crime scenes points to Rhyme being the next victim.

"The Bone Collector" is an entertaining psychological thriller that's particularly enjoyable because of its two main stars and the way in which they work together so well. Denzel Washington overcomes the problem of his character being permanently immobile by the sheer quality of his performance and Angelina Jolie, in her first starring role, makes the changes that Amelia goes through in her work and her relationship with Rhyme seem very natural and convincing. The supporting cast is also good with Luis Guzman providing most of the humour.
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Great chemistry between Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie! Suspenseful who dunnit thriller, with surprising plot turns and some gruesome murders.
imseeg28 August 2019
Best thing about this murder detective story is the great chemistry between Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie, who both play cops, who are forced to work with each other, which causes a lot of subtle, men/woman powerplay games, which is quite enjoyable to watch.

Everything else a thriller should have is present in this movie: great suspense, with good plot turns that kept me on the edge of my seat all the time. Some gruesome murders, which during some scenes caused me to look away, because there are some quite explicit body mutilations being shown. But it is definitely not a gore fest either.

This is simply a really decent, well made exciting thriller, with great acting performances. Perfect for an enjoyable evening of thrilling entertainment of the highest quality.
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Well done
fmwongmd11 May 2019
Well written,well directed step by step mystery with good acting by Young Denzel and Angelina Jolie.
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Not a horrible movie, just a recycled one. Everybody is too familiar with the plot. ** (out of four).
Movie-128 January 2001
THE BONE COLLECTOR / (1999) ** (out of four)

By Blake French:

Everybody has seen it, the notorious suspense thriller in which a serial killer madman plays cat and mouse games with a distressed cop; seldom are movies as predictable, dispensable, or formulaic. One of the most recent in this generation's trend of serial killer movies is called "The Bone Collector," and stars Golden Globe winning actor Denzel Washington and the sexy actress, Angelina Jolie. As often true, the production is well acted, directed with focus and precision by Philip Noyce ("The Saint," "Patriot Games"), and creates an appropriate mood for its characters. But even big stars and a appropriate atmosphere cannot save a movie this familiar and predictable.

Denzel Washington plays a heroic cop named Lincoln Rhyme. He is an underdeveloped character, however, the screenplay supplies him with a vast reputation and experiences as a cop; he has written a dozen books on crime scene tactics and his mind in an encyclopedia of crime solving methods. As the movie opens, he is paralyzed at a crime site, leaving him bedridden in his Manhattan apartment with control of only a single index finger. His headquarters is decorated with all sorts of high-tech gadgets and a kind nurse named Thelma (Queen Latifah), who is always there for him when he goes into violent seizures.

A few gruesome murders transpire, leaving a rookie cop, Amelia Donaghy (Angelina Jolie), whose assistance is selected by the paralyzed but smart cop who uses her as his body to stop the psychopathic serial killer. The killer uses a taxi cap to lure his victims to their final and disturbing death. What is most bothersome about this production is that it teases us with intriguing implications of the graphic murders instead of portraying guts and irony by exploiting the supposedly grotesque images.

The production consists mainly of sequences in which various characters loom in dark hallways, allies, rooms, or sets designed specifically for the killer to lurk around in. Of course there is plenty of suspenseful music and a few surprising moments, but the actual story greatly lacks imagination and edge. Angelina Jolie is the movie's standout performance, but she is mainly used as a plot device to explore such areas as listed above.

"The Bone Collector" is not a horrible movie, just a recycled one. The material has been experienced so many times before we can never become too involved in the story or too interested with the characters. What bothers me most is how this kind of story has no cause or purpose; the serial killer's motive, as always, is explained during the climax sequence, and is disposable and contrived. Why do screenwriters create killers with disturbing motives, but no reasoning behind them? Kind of defeats the purpose of rationalism, doesn't it.
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