Beautiful (2000) Poster


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A nice light entertainment
Brian B-213 August 2001
This movie is better than its reviews. It does wander a bit in the second half, but engaging performances make it worth watching. Minnie Driver is well chosen- attractive , but human. Joey Lauren Adams steals the movie. Not about to change your life ( not a " message movie"), but does subtly make some nice points about beauty and beauty contests, families, friendship and self-esteem.
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Her ego knew NO bounds
helpless_dancer11 February 2004
On the unbelievable side but still an interesting look at a woman totally dedicated to winning beauty pageants as a way to build self esteem. A pushy, driven person who never quite grew up and leaned heavily on a childhood friend for the guidance and support she never received growing up in a loveless home. Good show with a 2 hankie finale.
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We like Mona; we really do!
films4216 September 2001
OK so this film isn't destined for any Academy Awards, but it's a warm, winning flick that deserves to be recognized for it's very real strengths. Minnie Driver is usually wonderful, & she's wonderful here as Mona. Even as a kid (played by Colleen Rennison), Mona is feisty & determined, but you always see the ache beneath the bluster. We like Mona; you will too!

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Portrait of superficiality
george.schmidt28 April 2004
BEAUTIFUL (2000) * Minnie Driver, Joey Lauren Adams, Hallie Kate Eisenberg, Leslie Stefanson, Bridgette L. Wilson, Kathleen Turner, Ali Landry, Michael McKean. (Dir: Sally Field) I wish I could say something nice about Sally Field's big screen directorial debut but through no fault of her own (except accepting this god-awful comedy/drama to do just that) the film is a complete disaster.

Mona (Driver, who co-produced with her sister Kate) is a white trash young woman desperately attempting to achieve her life-long desire of becoming a beauty contestant winner of the Miss America pageant and spends the entire length of her life (and the film) in doggedly determined to do just that.

Unfortunately during her quest she gets pregnant and for reasons never fully explained (except the given that she is extremely selfish) has the child raised by her long-suffering best friend, Ruby (Adams), a nurse in an old folks' home, who stands by Mona through thick and thin. Gradually little Vanessa (Eisenberg, the moppet from those Pepsi commercials), begins to put two and two together and when Ruby is suddenly thrown in jail (for murder! Yes the plotting is ridiculous; seems one of her charges was saving up on her daily meds and finally overdosed unbeknownst to Ruby) Mona is faced with her greatest challenge: facing her daughter.

The film has not one shred of grace or subtlety. For example, with Vanessa as her new hurdle to overcome, what does Mona do. Get a lawyer, get a job, feed the tyke? No. She gets a camera and has the girl take candids of her for the upcoming big event and in one of the many cringe worthy moments finds herself assisting a pregnant woman's delivery in a supermarket, singing 'Wind Beneath My Wings' (!) The tone of the character is so mean-spirited that ultimately you don't care one iota if she succeeds in becoming a winner (she is so obsessed with this that nothing else matters in her life) and I actually loathed her for her displays of self-absorption and greed.

It was sickening and by the film's outrageous conclusion that Mona sees the errors of her way totally rings false and feels superfluous to the rest of the film.

Field, who obviously is one of our most talented actresses, should deserve better projects and one can only hope she will. As for Driver, another equally gifted actress, she had better get it into her head that there is no audience for a character that has no scruples, heart or affection for another character. If this was meant to be a black comedy then it completely misses the mark altogether.
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We like Mona; we really do!
films4216 September 2001
OK so this film isn't destined for any Academy Awards, but it's a warm, winning flick that deserves to be recognized for it's very real strengths. Minnie Driver is usually wonderful, & she's wonderful here as Mona. Even as a kid (played by Colleen Rennison), Mona is feisty & determined, but you always see the ache beneath the bluster. We like Mona; you will too!
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Slow & Boring With A Horrible Message
acaka-15 August 2002
This movie was well acted, but that is the only good thing I have to say about it. It was slow and the ending was ridiculous; The message (this will give away the ending) is that it doesn't matter what choices you make the rules don't apply to you. I disagree, once you make a choice you do not get to choose the consequence. And I am sick of Hollywood trying to tell us otherwise.
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A kinda, sorta cute comedy/lite-drama
=G=2 September 2001
"Beautiful" tells of a girl's life-long quest to become a beauty queen with Driver playing the adult version of the central figure. The film begins as a fresh, fun, and creative comedy romp but turns a little too serious in the middle wandering haphazardly into the drama genre while conjuring up a whole bit about a friend (Adams) going to jail which doesn't really serve the theme, plot, or purpose of the film. Nonetheless, it does manage to pull itself together in with a so-so feel good ending. Worth a look for those who don't mind sappy little comedies.
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Promising movie that should have taken itself a bit more seriously
triple829 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers

I did not think Beautiful was bad so much as unstructured. One minute the audience was watching a rather serious drama, the next almost a spoof on pageants. I really don't think the whole pageant movie thing has become overdone yet but most movies about this subject, in my opinion, just aren't very good. Beautiful has some nice moments but by and large it's all over the place as far as genres go (drama, comedy, satire). I think it really should have stayed just a drama because the plot was interesting and the cast was good.

As far as Driver's performance goes, she was convincing. The problem is that so much of what takes place is such a satire that it's almost impossible to take the serious moments seriously. The character of Mona also changes so abruptly that it is impossible not to be skeptical. Instead of so much silly satire it would have been nice if more character development of Mona had gone on. I could buy the fact that she grew and matured but more time was needed in the movie to show her transition. We don't get to see enough character development of anyone and to much time is wasted on things that have no relevance to the plot such as the scheming reporter who wants to ruin Mona's reputation. What was the point with that? It did not even fit into the storyline.

The best aspect of this movie was the character of Vanessa who was played not just well, but with excellence. I really enjoyed her scenes with Mona and actually really enjoyed a rare few moments of this movie that had a whole lot of potential (it's nowhere near as Bad as many critic reviews say in my opinion and at least they didn't throw in an unconvincing romance and make the whole thing a romantic comedy to boot.) But it's like the movie gave up and decided it did not need to make a strong effort on structure and character development or something.

If a bit more effort had gone into dialog, if Mona's character had been a bit more developed, if some of the silly stuff had been dropped and if Mona's and Vanessa's relationship had unfolded a bit more realistically this movie would have been quite something. As it stands it's about average.
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Don't believe the reviews!
Bachfeuer1 October 2000
The contrast between the newspaper reviewers--who clobbered "Beautiful"--and its generally favorable bulletin board comments is extreme. The movie I saw is funny, entertaining, and has something thoughtful to add to discussion of gender politics, as well as to the various earlier films about beauty pageants.

"Beautiful" asks whether or not it is OK to continue having beauty pageants, and yet drop the requirement that the participants have refrained from motherhood, thereby straying from the pageants' vestal virgin ceremony origins. "Beautiful" answers in the affirmative, since that way pageants may yet have value in the personal development and empowerment of young women. If they are done with a little common sense, pageants need not be about objectifying or patronizing women

Apparently, that view was too politically incorrect for most big media critics. How would they have reviewed "Beautiful," had it been directed by Robert Altman instead of Sally Field?
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A schmaltzy comedy for women
FlickJunkie-228 February 2001
This is Sally Field's directorial debut in a feature film and I give her mixed reviews. Most of the criticism I have with this film is the way it is directed. It has a schizophrenic presentation. On one hand, it is a satire about beauty pageants and the women who compete in them. On the other, it is a serious story about a young woman trying to overcome her mother's rejection and validate her self worth by winning beauty contests. Added to the dramatic element is a personal growth epiphany, as the shallow beauty queen comes to terms with life's priorities, embracing her daughter as being more important than her dream.

Either of these elements could have worked alone, but together they are incongruous. The satire trivializes the human-interest story, and the human-interest story weighs down the comedy. Field's direction, as has been recently true of her acting roles, is best suited for the human-interest angle. In this film, that is the strongest element. Despite my being cynical about how predictable and schmaltzy this story was, I still couldn't help being choked up at the end, sappy as it was. This is to Field's credit as a dramatic director. However, her attempt to fuse the two discordant elements is misguided and it detracts from the overall entertainment value of the film.

The acting is generally good. Minnie Driver is a far better dramatic actor than she is a comedian and that is reflected in this film. In the satirical comedy scenes, her acting is very forced and artificial. In the serious dramatic scenes with Mona's mother and daughter, she is compelling and believable. Joey Lauren Adams gives a consistently excellent performance as Mona's best friend and Vanessa's surrogate mother. Adams is lovable, steady and kind, and she effuses sincerity. This film is a showcase for Hallie Kate Eisenberg, the Media's latest child phenom. A favorite in commercials and on the Jay Leno show, Eisenberg shows in this film that she can really act, delivering an astonishing performance as Mona's pouty but perceptive child (`I'm seven, I'm not stupid!').

This is a good film for women. The comedy is not that funny, but the mother-daughter angle will be good for a Kleenex or two. I rated it a 7/10, including a one-point bonus for the schmaltzy but effective ending. Guys bring a copy of Sports Illustrated and a flashlight.
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I would not recommend this movie...not even to rent
ginny330 September 2000
I was very disappointed in this did have small scenes that were okay...the last 1/3 of the movie improved. The best scene was when Minnie Driver sang in the pageant and of course when she finally bonded with her daughter..couldn't believe it took her seven years. Considering the way she was raised by her think she would have known better than to treat her daughter the way she was treated. Oh's not a perfect world!! Take lots of tissue for the ending..the napkins were a little hard on my face.
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Dull moments, but overall an inspiring movie
cimorene_fantasy14 April 2003
For a great deal of the film my eyes did wander around as it is not the most riveting of film experiences; however, the ending was worthy of a standing ovation and tears.

Throughout the story, I found myself wondering whether I should sympathise with Mona, a woman with such a desire to win that she selfishly sabotages fellow contestants and locks her own daughter out of her life. On the other hand, I was able to relate to the story of a woman who strove to be the best only to falter and be dragged down by peers. In a sense, Mona is to be applauded for her determination to shine through a life of failure and loneliness - a true testament to the feats that can be achieved though hard work. Naturally, giving up her child to selfishly pursue a vain dream is almost despicable but it makes the triumphant ending ever so much more inspiring, that this confused human being triumphs not only over adversity to be crowned Miss American Miss, but more importantly, that she conquers her own self-centred frailties to realise the joy to be found in loving the beautiful gift of life she already possesses.
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Not Bad!!
dan_in_denver28 August 2002
I caught this movie the other day and I was pleasantly surprised! I will watch just about anything Minnie Driver does because, in addition to being REALLY easy on the eyes, she is also a very talented performer.

In this film, Driver plays a Beauty Pageant conetstent that is driven (no pun intended) to win at all costs, even to the extent of lying about her own life and actively sabotaging the other contestants. It is difficult to talk about this film without giving away some of the surprises, so I will just have to say that this movie is entertaining even if it does end up ultimately being a "chick flick", and it might make you think about priorities in your life. 6/10
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Must Miss!
rjison900023 August 2003
Very stupid ending to a very bad movie. Minnie Driver isn't that good looking, had a stupid answer to her question that nobody could understand unless they had followed her around for 6 months, her talent part was horrible, yet she wins and everyone is happy about it. Only in a bad movie with a bad script does this nonsense happen.
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Touching and memorable...despite what the critics said
ML36815 January 2001
I will agree that this movie is not perfect. But it did not deserve to be slaughtered by the critics. There are some genuine, touching moments in this film as well as some big laughs. Minnie Driver plays Mona, a beauty contestant who will do anything to win, including denying the fact that she has a young daughter which would automatically exclude her from the contest. When a bitchy reporter, played to perfection by Leslie Stefanson, threatens to expose her, Mona is forced to make a few decisions about what is really important. Yes, the ending was a bit corny, but I gave into it anyway, and was cheering right along. The scene with Mona and the other beauty contestant finalist in the sound proof booth was just terrific. I hope more people watch this movie on video than saw it in a theater because there is definitely a lot to recommend in this film.
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About those who can't, but sometimes do
vincentlynch-moonoi3 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Admittedly, this film was not one that should have expected to have a big audience...which is probably why it lost so much money. The first niche audience it had was that it was a woman's movie...but I'm not sure even most women would buy into this film. Nevertheless, I (as a man) liked it, although it is a tad bit depressing.

The most basic thing this movie is about is -- people who can't.

The main character is played by Minnie Driver. She is a young woman who has been aiming to win a national beauty pageant since she was a child. Unfortunately, she couldn't win those child pageants because she couldn't compete with girls who were naturally beautiful, had supportive parents, and a sense of taste. The first part of the film is the character as a cjild, but then Minnie Driver plays the young woman. Driver is good here, although what she's good at is playing a character who is totally self-absorbed and totally selfish.

Joey Lauren Adams plays the best friend, who is totally supportive, going so far as to adopt Driver's illegitimate child so she can still compete in the "miss" contests. I'm not familiar with her from other films, but she's quite good here, and plays a character who can't defend herself when she is accused of killing a nursing home patient she cares for.

Hallie Eisenberg plays the illegitimate daughter. What a natural! The supporting actors do well here, including Kathleen Turner. Turner plays a former beauty contestant who couldn't compete, but now trains children to become beauty contestants. The mother of Driver in the film plays the mother who can't...successfully raise a child.

So, this is a movie about those who can't. The question is, will Driver's character grow up and develop some substance? Of course, we know the answer, but what's very solid about this film is that it doesn't come easy. Admittedly, the ending is a bit unrealistic. But it works, and makes the statement Sally Field (director) apparently wanted to make.

Is it a great film? No. But it has substance to it, and, there are those who will agree that it's well worth watching.
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Shoot me please
dabiz4 August 2002
Possibly the worst movie I've ever had the disposition to sit through. For starters its minnie driver, a horrible actor who could never play anybody but her own personality which adds no element to any character she plays. Second, the Pepsi girl works for PEPSI, thats about it, she comes off as unreal, and incredibly annoying. Lastly, when is anyone drawn into to caring, personally all I ever saw was that this stuck up girl abandoned everybody that ever got close to her and when she really needed someone they did what she did to them all her life. There was no reason to ever make this movie, more people probably voted for it than actually saw it. If I could erase the memory of one movie in my whole existence, beautiful takes the cake
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Sally's first film has a LOT of heart, humor...not a lot of meat
filmgirl719 March 2001
The film kept my attention, despite some MAJOR character issues, and contrivances. I found it entertaining, but predictable...and at times just too over the top for its own good. Those who can't stand "hoaky" should wait for Sally's next film.
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Surprisingly disappointing effort from otherwise great ladies
bopdog14 July 2002
This movie is more surprising than most--- Sally Field, a great and wonderful actor, and lady, directed it. Minnie Driver and Joey Lauren Adams--- two great actors themselves, performed their butts off for their roles in this thing. But dang! This movie simply isn't good at all. The ideas and themes could probably have been fashioned into something interesting and touching, but as it is, "Beautiful" comes off as half-baked, amateurish, and stupid.

One odd thing that I couldn't help but notice over and over throughout the movie--- the main characters all seemed to be doing impressions of Sally Field characters from Field's long history of otherwise marvelous performances. That was weird--- very, very often each character was speaking, acting, and energetically "being" Sally Field. That might have been an accident; perhaps they were unconsciously trying to please Field, who was the director? Or perhaps Field's vibe, subtly, was just transferred somehow into the performances? Dunno...

Overall, maybe 10 and 12 year old girls might find this "solid" entertainment. After all, the sentiment and themes appear decent, even if they ultimately came to the screen only partially, and in a clumsy manner. I gave this a 4 out of 10.
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Power-FULL (DVD)
leplatypus20 August 2009
As its title, the movie is beautiful but based upon a lot of pain and sufferings. This sadness is all the more harrowing than the entire cast is feminine, which is an amazing feat in nowadays Hollywood.

As a female french writer, Simone de Beauvoir, said that "women don't birth but become so". We see that there: all the women are suffering from child to teen, adult and even third age! Their pain is closely linked with their beauty and their parents. In a way, this movie asks the following question: what is it to be a woman in America?

For the answer, you can count on a truly excellent cast: the kids are very touching and they can be proud to have such a milestone at their age. Minnie Driver really carries the story on her shoulders. For me, she was a future leading actress but she seems to have disappeared since. It's a pity.

I don't really understand how such a movie can be award-less ? So, if you find it, take the course!
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I appreciate this film
love-azure22 May 2005
I read one comment given by other people,said it is one of the messiest film, I don't think so ,although Mona does something we dislike ,she also felt guilty . And just like someone said before there is someone who need to give up something to fulfill their dreams.And she sticks her dream so long ,who can hold our dream like her, from the childhood till the chairman Mao has sail, so many deeds cry out to be done and always urgently ,time presses, ten thousand years is too long, seize the day ,seize the hour !everyone needs to utmost their best to make the dream come true!

PS: I like the song very much,who can tell me the name, ,thanks a lot!
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Stupid and horribly predictable
info-61071 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I actually thought I would never find a movie, that could beat Ultraviolet. This is worse. Actually Beethoven is even worse than this, but this one also sucks incredibly much. You already know, how it's going to end and that stupid woman is going to be picked as Miss. America and announce that she is a mother. I wish I never saw this movie, cause it's like a piece of meat, that is stuck between my teeth. Don't rent this or see it. It's horrible as hell. The characters are not convincing. Especially the little spoiled girl, who talks like 30 year old. And that everybody starts voting for Miss. Illonois, shows what a pathetic screenplay this was. I hope this movie rots in the basement of every video stores.
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Re-Imagining Bette Davis...? And it sort of works
A_Different_Drummer24 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much going on here that I have to suggest the critics may have been a tad unfair. First, the talent. We have Sally Field behind the camera, and in front we have no less than Minnie Driver and Joey Lauren Adams. The script to be frank has some flaws, but it aims high. Re-imagining the iconic Bette Davis story of (spoiler!!) a mother who has to pretend NOT to be the woman who gave birth to her own daughter, and setting the whole thing against a secondary story about modern pageants and the superficiality therein, is .... well... ambitious. And it also helps that Minnie Driver sings her own song (she has an excellent voice!) in the big finale. Now, truth be told, the two stories do not blend together in perfect harmony and there is some dissonance ... until the aforesaid pageant scene, which is pretty much worth the ticket. It is a 6-hankie extravaganza. It also helps that Hallie Kate Eisenberg pretty much steals every scene not otherwise nailed down. Clever casting, by the end of the film the audience suddenly realizes, OMG, she does look like Driver after all. Under-rated, and not a bad way to spend an afternoon. Driver's rendition of WILL YOU STILL LOVE me is a Youtube favourite, and deservedly so.
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Anonymous_Maxine5 July 2001
Beautiful is a film that delivers a surprisingly healthy message but unfortunately is only likely to be fully appreciated by those people freaky enough to understand Mona's ridiculous obsession with beauty pageants. It was bad enough that she spent the greater portion of her formative years sitting in front of the TV watching these pointless contests, but later in the film it turns out that she has aggressively alienated her own daughter because she is so bent on winning one of those stupid awards.

At almost two hours, Beautiful tends to run a little long, especially for a film with such a questionable premise, but the ultimate (and, admittedly, wholely predictable) conclusion almost makes it worth while. But not quite. There's nothing spectacular here, but it does make an important comment on modern society's excessive focus on superficial beauty. However, if you want to see that particular area touched upon in a much more witty and entertaining and talented film, watch American Beauty. American Beauty is the kind of film that Beautiful tries to be, but it just doesn't come out right.
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Semi-entertaining until an ending that was painful to watch - 2/10
unamachita1 October 2000
OK, I read the reviews saying that this movie was not good, but I wanted to see for myself how much of an actress Hallie Eisenberg really is. I can now say that I think she is quite talented and probably has a bright future ahead of her. She had about half of the few genuinely funny lines in the movie (I'm seven--not stupid!"). As for the rest...the first 2/3 wasn't awful. Decent acting that carried the movie along adequately despite the awkward dialogue. But once the action got to the "big pageant" at the end, it just got completely cheesy, and not in a good way. We were laughing in disbelief at the sentimental schlock that the writer/director/producers/whoever seemed to think was heartwarming, and at the plot points that just made no sense whatsoever. My husband, who is by and large very uncritical of movies and can find the good in anything, commented as the credits rolled, "I don't think I've ever seen a movie that crashed that hard at the end." It's an interesting idea for a story, but I agree with Roger Ebert that the script needed a re-write or two before being filmed.
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