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Thoughtful and yes, sentimental.
kmberger14 April 2003
Those Gyllenhalls, they sure can act. Maggie, like her brother Jake, turns in great performances like they're routine - she makes it look easy. In 'Secretary', she delivers a layered, complex performance as Lee Holloway, a disturbed young lady who deals with stress by cutting herself - the pain pushes away everything else that's bothering her.

As she's released from an institution back into the world, she takes her first job as secretary to lawyer E. Edward Grey, played by James Spader. From then on, the movie explores their relationship and how it affects Lee, taking her from the quiet, self-damaging wallflower into the determined and strong woman she becomes.

The film's use of S&M in the relationship between Lee and Mr. Grey makes it a bit controversial, but it's not really the focus here. The idea of Lee as the submissive and Mr. Grey as the dominant have little to do with their sexuality and everything to do with their personality issues.

Lee can't handle extreme emotion without resorting to pain, because she can't take control of her own life. What she sees in Mr. Grey is love - absolute love, the likes of which she can't find with her fiance Peter (Jeremy Davies). That love allows her to give him the power of her pain - by doing that, she's finding something worthy to focus on instead of the nothingness of her sewing kit and iodine.

Mr. Grey, for his part, is a man who can't deal with anything except in his own ordered, regimented way. He cares for his orchids but little else, and the steps he takes with Lee open up his wary heart. He's slower to develop than she is, and to take the final steps towards a real, lasting relationship, he has to be dragged there by the force of Lee's own will.

The key to this film - and S&M relationships in general - is that Lee (the submissive) has all the power, not Mr. Grey (the dominant). She sets the terms by which the relationship will be conducted, seemingly for the first time in her entire life (including the relationships with her family). Lee finds love and desire in Mr. Grey, and pursues it while healing her own shattered psyche in the process.

Maggie Gyllenhall is luminous here. She can say more with a facial expression than most can in a Shakespearean soliloquy. She gives herself completely over to the part, without a wink or a nudge that she's just kidding, or thinks any part of this is silly. She becomes Lee Holloway, which is the best compliment you can give an actor. Spader, for his part, follows in a long string of oddballs, but doesn't go over the top, as he could have been tempted to do. This is Maggie's movie, and he supports it and plays off it well.

Rating: 8/10, based on the strong performance of Maggie Gyllenhall and the character of Lee Holloway, but nocked down due to a poorly-constructed finale that just doesn't fit with the rest of the film. Highly recommended.
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Not Your Typical Office Romance
lawprof22 September 2002
Maggie Gyllenhaal deserves an Oscar nomination for her brilliant portrayal of borderline psychotic, self-mutilating Lee Holloway, a former mental institution patient seeking to sustain herself - vocationally and emotionally - in a challenging world where she has few safe harbors. She comes from a messy family background although that alone can't explain her illness.

Learning typing, she gets a secretary's job with lawyer E. Edward Grey (James Spader, who also turns in a first-rate, nuanced performance). Grey refuses to have any computers in his very smart, expensive law office. Like many lawyers he's a perfectionist who abhors typographical errors but his obsession with perfection reflects more than an anal personality hitched to a law degree. His solo practice seems to thrive better than his self-control of a suppressed sexuality, awakened by Maggie at first unknowingly.

This is a film about what many consider to be deviant behavior (sado-masochism and bondage-discipline, not your usual Hollywood romantic fun and games) that most will concur is uncommon in the workplace. Director Steven Shainberg and his cast - and Gyllenhaal and Spader carry the film, forget the supporting actors - show Lee and Grey's rocky and developing relationship with candor, without condemnation and without exploitation. The lawyer and his secretary are sexualized in a way few have experienced and those who have don't talk to folks outside their circle.

This is a black comedy/a black drama. It either grabs or repels the viewer: there's no in-between. The resolution? Is it realistic or a cop-out? I'd love to hear from those able to comment from experience on IMDb's discussion board. But I have a feeling few will post reactions.

A very different film that I rate 8/10 on a personal scale where I value the deep and tortured acting projecting the absorbing conflict of this sexualized working (initially) relationship.
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Very original
rbverhoef17 April 2004
'Secretary' deals with a daring and original subject and does this in an effective and funny way. Its subject is sadomasochism, its genre is a romantic comedy. The secretary is Lee Holloway (Maggie Gyllenhaal), who suffers from self-mutilation, her boss is Mr. Grey (James Spader), who seems the coldest man alive. When they are in the same room you feel that there is something there, they both feel it too. Since the movie opens with a certain S/M scene we already know that there is a point in the movie where the two must find each other and start the sadomasochism activities. I will not reveal how and when it happens, but the moment is great.

Saying too much about the story would spoil things. We laugh at the right times, which is a good thing. Considering the subject it is even hard to accomplish that since people who are not familiar with it laugh very easy when they see strange things. For most audiences the events will be strange. The original approach of the movie, the performances perfect for this movie, the funny moments and an ending that plays exactly as it should this is a good movie and one of the most original romantic comedies I have seen.
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Intriguing story
Danny_G1317 June 2003
Secretary is the first of its kind - a very dark love story. First of its kind in that it deals with themes never seen before seen in mainstream Hollywood cinema - S&M, sexual dominance and submission.

Maggie Gyllenhaal is outstanding in a potential minefield of a role - she handles it with dignity and even provides some effective dark humour.

The story here is that her character, Lee, applies for a job as a secretary for the firm owned by James Spader's brilliant Mr Grey. However, Lee has a history of self-harm and masochism and Grey has a dominance complex along with a very sadistic streak. Combine these 2 in theory and you have 2 very happy people. But this is no ordinary love story...

Spader, as stated, is brilliant. He brings an icy steel to the troubled Grey, but also provides a touch of black humour which comes at some great moments to 'release the tension'.

For the themes supplied here you'd probably expect a lot of raunchiness - well there are sexual moments, of course, but there is nothing gratuitous, which is in itself an achievement and well handled.

Overall it's quirky, off-beat, and a little bit different.

Worth a view.
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A Unique Kind of Love Story
utgard141 May 2014
This one was really a pleasant surprise. I was expecting a black comedy as well as a movie that deals with kinky fetishes. It's both of those things but, surprisingly, it's also a very nice and sweet love story. Yes, really. Maggie Gyllenhaal is wonderful. I think this is easily my favorite role of hers. She's funny, adorable, and sexy. James Spader's great but Maggie really makes the movie something special.

Obviously not for all tastes but I would say that you should try it out, even if the BDSM stuff doesn't float your boat. I think you'll be surprised at how much you like it. One thing that I would like to address is that I see a lot of other reviewers who liked the movie saying they hated the ending. Gotta say I can't disagree more with this. I assume these people would have preferred a more downbeat ending. Frankly, that would have ruined the whole experience for me and I would have subtracted points from my score. The fact that the ending left me with the warm fuzzies is a large part of why I enjoyed it so much.
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Another Shade Of Grey
atlasmb1 July 2023
This is a very different kind of film, and it is probably not for everyone. The story is about a young woman, Lee (Maggie Gyllenhaal) with emotional problems who cannot find her place in the world. She is self-destructive. But when she sees the want ads one day, she is inspired to take her typing certification and seek office employment.

She meets an off-beat attorney, Mr. Grey (James Spader), who hires her. And they develop an unusual work relationship that becomes more personal.

Kudos to Ms. Gyllenhaal for a brave performance. Lee is complex but accessible for viewer understanding because of her wonderfully nuanced portrayal. Grey is not as transparent, and it feels like that is intentional. It would be interesting to ask viewers which character is more damaged/dysfunctional.

This is not comedy in the broad style, but a comedy of small moments. At the same time, it is incumbent on the viewer to recognize the pain and dysfunctions that are on the screen. The result is a thoughtful film.
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Two great performances, one great film
bigspeegs1 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The word "originality" has been overused, especially by me, so much that it has almost been beaten to a pulp. After all, how can one really tell if something in a film hasn't been done before? Well, I can confidently say that Steven Shainberg's "Secretary" may be the most inventive, and yes, even original, film this year. I can confidently say that in all of my time of watching and reviewing films, I have never seen anything like it.

Lee Holloway (Maggie Gyllenhaal) has just been released from a mental institution due to the fact that she constantly would cut herself when tension started to build up around the household. After she is released, it is clear that the habit has not been broken, but cuts or no cuts, she needs a job. She goes to typing school and gets some of the highest grades in her class, making her perfect for the position of secretary at a nearby lawyer's office. She goes for the interview, and after seeing the previous secretary run out in tears and hearing the questions in the interview, it is apparent that the lawyer, E. Edward Grey (James Spader), is a bit of a creep.

Soon enough, Lee begins to cut herself at work, and needless to say, Grey catches her in the act. He doesn't take any sort of disciplinary action towards her. Instead, it seems that he can relate. He tells Lee, very inspiringly, that she will never cut herself again. Lee is uplifted, but has no real inclination as to just why he said what he did. However, she still continues to make mistakes in her writing, and after a while, it simply drives Grey nuts. He invites her into her office and tells her to "Lean over, put your elbows on the table and read the letter outloud". She does as he asks, but in a strange turn, he spanks her every other word. She runs into the bathroom hurt and embarrassed, but interestingly enough, she loved it.

I'm a bit surprised that even by this time, there has been little controversy over "Secretary". I had images in my head of feminist groups rallying for the film never to reach the screens, or possibly screams of NC-17 from everyone's favorite censors, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). Thankfully though, it's gotten this far unscathed. Maybe that is because audiences at preview screenings and film festivals are realizing that although loaded with thick layers of kooky (but not that kinky) S/M, the situation is a deeply and fundamentally human one.

Basically, if S/M was ever shown in a film before, it would usually be in the context of a villain torturing a hero against their will, and usually such scenes weren't in anything that wasn't some cheap exploitation film. "Secretary" is a brave endeavor, but it knows where it's going. This isn't a gimmick, S/M sequences in the film are not the least bit perverted (the same can't be said about some segments in several Larry Clark films). These scenes are essential to understanding the characters.

What is so great about "Secretary" goes beyond its offering insight as to why anyone would find being tied to a pole and spanked while holding a carrot between their teeth even remotely attractive. Despite pretty morbid subject matter, "Secretary" flies off the screen with energy and wit, offering some of the funniest, most surprising dark comedy I have seen since "Fargo". Several scenes in the film have already become classics in my repertoire of movie moments that will stay with me forever, including one hilarious incident involving a worm.

Even with all of this, there is no way that "Secretary" would have pulled it off without Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader. Spader is creepy and oddly pathetic; his performance is such that at one moment we are sympathetic, the next we are booing him, then we're intrigued again. Maggie Gyllenhaal is equally brilliant; she gives us complete access into the mind of Lee Holloway, and it's close to impossible not to feel for her. Also, take into account how courageous she is; you try and find me another actress her age who would be willing to do half of the things she does in the film.

Spader and Gyllenhaal have such chemistry that everything clicks. Director Steven Shainberg lets us truly understand the complexities of their relationship without letting the energy lag or any of the subtle comedy fly past the audience. "Secretary" is invigorating, touching, hilarious, and often all at the same time. With too many romantic comedies trying too hard to try something new when they are in fact only going backwards, "Secretary" is a truly unique specimen.
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So much is admirable and gripping; yet alas, given away.
HenryHextonEsq18 January 2004
(Ah, at long last: a return to procrastinating, ruminating and insinuating my views on film via a IMDb User Comment...! It seems a while, though is maybe only four months. This viewing was an all-too-rare trip to the cinema for me of late, and it was indeed a Late Show, piping up with its typewriter-attended credits at as late as 11pm, in Cinema 2 at the Cambridge Arts Picturehouse.)

Now, "Secretary"... indeed, these matters make very daring subject matter for relatively mainstream Hollywood to be taking on. I think I can say that Shainberg and company managed to avoid putting fatal feet wrong. It is not an exceptional film overall, but at least for the first three-quarters is disarmingly entertaining, and edge-of-the-seat. It is a true boon for the film that I really didn't know how this was going to resolve itself, at 2/3 of the way in; the superb lead performances and a very astute script strike just the right uncertain, curious tone. The events we are shown are not held up as any general example - it is key to remember that - and yet, it gets one thinking interestingly of real-world relations between the sexes; at work and in amorous affairs particularly.

I loved Maggie Gyllenhaal here; a really thoughtful show of acting. Putting herself at the picture's centre, and imbuing the whole construct with human frailties and mannerisms. I adored Gyllenhaal's deft sleights of hand in conveying Lee's development of character: from the doe-eyed vacancy of an utter misfit girl, to a burgeoning, rather mischievous woman, who comes to terms with her intense sexuality and the way to relate to others. Others... well, to a certain Messr. E. Edward Gray; Spader plays this oddball lawyer with a delightfully lilting serpentine quality. He refuses to be pinned down or stared in the face by the audience, until the facade becomes entirely impossible. Unquestionably, the character takes advantage, but as the film's last act attests, only good eventually seems to come from this. Lee's family scenes amuse at the very first, and then do reveal themselves as essentially cardboard; we get little sense of depth or real dynamics going on: allegedly, much was cut from this portion of things. And as the parts we do have are nowhere near as well handled and interesting as the sparky, thoughtful Gyllenhaal-Spader scenes, maybe it was quite right that they were minimised.

The ending is sadly a misguided, doddering drawing of the veil over proceedings. Any degree of edginess or sinewy uncertainty that had been stirred in the spectator is shunned; bolted away from, indeed, by a very unsatisfying conclusion. A kind of Happy Ending on Happy Ending-hallucinogens; it frankly jars with and dismantles the thoughtful, spellbinding atmosphere hitherto sustained, and answers none of the tantalising questions that were forming themselves in my mind while watching the main body of the film. It is manifestly an avoidance of drama and real engagement with the scenario as it is set up; one expected some form of revelation about Gray's problematic life, yet, what do we get? An entire recantation, and a wondrously Changed Man in essential characteristics. I will insist that it ought not to have been as simple as that; it impoverishes an intriguing character.

Disappointingly, we miss any reflection on the sublime Peter's fate, after 'his Lee'; so very touching is the actor, playing an awkward, romantic Middle-American young man. See for example, his teary, bemused quality of haplessness when he imitates Lee's hands on the table gesture, as means of questioning what on earth she was doing on their wedding day, in Gray's office. A shame that this character wasn't delved into further; I'm sure an ambivalence might have emerged.

Furthermore, the lingering would-be ambiguous final shots are appalling; what are these supposed to denote? It would have been more honest to the rest of the conclusion to have had the couple cuddling lasciviously. These final shots merely lend an ever more doubtful, thrown-together impression, artistically. I won't go into the sham of the media coverage of Lee's 'vigil'; hook, line and sinker, it was the main offender in this film's downfall. Inappropriate, 'wacky' humour, cartwheeling in a tone from a completely different sort of film; in no conceivable sense did it pay any sort of dividend...

I will continue to dwell on negative aspects, as I feel it is important to note that this film - while on the whole very good - made some genuine errs. The voice-over really adds nothing; as with so many latter-day motion pictures, it is latched onto as a device presumably denoting 'cool' or, merely, 'the way things are', as it increasingly seems. These irrelevant, none too telling asides to the audience are a long way from William Holden and all that wonderful misanthropy - meddling with the audience's perceptions and expectations - in "Sunset Boulevard", back in 1950. Why not just try and 'show' a story visually? Unless an extra narrative voice is actually required or would add something tangible to the film's whole; better to let the cinematic deal with showing, rather than telling.

Anyway, enough of my casting dismaying briars into the critical blancmange; I have to insist that this was a most worthwhile, well-handled film - at least for most of its running time. It is a shame that the ending so rubs the rest of the film up the wrong way, as even as a whole, I must say it was appropriately teasing concoction, with splendid leading performances and appropriate handling of apparently 'non-mainstream' sexual issues.
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Fantastic love story
ODDBear21 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
A self abusing mentally unstable girl finds herself a job as a secretary in a law firm owned by mysterious Spader. The two start a kinky relationship and their lives change dramatically in the process.

This is really a beautiful love story. It's quite unusual subject matter (the nature of their relationship) may cause some viewers to discard the film, which is a shame 'cause this film is really nothing but a romantic little story about two people, who feel alienated and alone, who find each other. The need to find a kindred spirit is something we all want, no matter how different we feel we are from the rest. In some ways, the charming ending, when they finally get together, reminded me in some ways of the ending in "An Officer and a Gentleman". Hope someone will relate to that.

The acting is superb. James Spader is fantastic as the troubled lawyer and Maggie Gyllenhaal is perfect as well. This is a well written, well directed and moving film that is sure to delight all those who are open minded to some unusual twists in an otherwise universal love story.

9 out of 10
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Original to say the least.
Boba_Fett11386 June 2005
The movie its story is highly original and the movie's subject is handled in a good way. It is what makes "Secretary" a one of a kind movie experience.

The movie beautifully tells the unusual love-story of the secretary (Maggie Gyllenhaal) and her boss (James Spader). The two subtly slowly develop a sadomasochistic relationship at the office. It's a subject that is not handled very often in a movie (atleast not in serious manner) and that is what makes "Secretary" an unique movie. It tells the story slowly and with lots of dark humor, making this movie a light and fun movie to watch rather than an heavy drama.

The movie is carried by director Steven Shainberg and the main cast. Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader (Hard to believe it's the same guy who played Daniel Jackson in "Stargate".) are acting really solid and make the story work and make the movie believable. Other solid performance comes from Jeremy Davies. This guy is on his way of winning an Oscar in not too long from now.

The subject is handled in a good and believable way but the movie is 'too little' to be considered controversial or a must see and it has a bit too many odd moments. It just is a fun solid movie that you will not regret watching.

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Not sure why this is labeled a comedy
skettimon14 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those really really bad movies that are somehow made good simply because of the actors at the time. The last 20 minutes or so were just completely off the wall.

Not entirely sure why this was marketed as a comedy. I can get behind dark comedies and amusing premises, but this was marketed entirely as a comedy. Nothing about this was funny. This entire movie was a joke. It seemed like it didn't know if it wanted to be a serious movie or something that people would laugh outright at.

The whole premise is supposed to be about this guy who essentially gives this girl what she needs, but then it just spun in a completely different direction-they get married? Suddenly they're living a domestic life? And since when is there a tub/shower room at the top of the building?

And someone mentioned it having kinky sex in the movie-there wasn't really ANY sex in the movie, just him spanking her hard and masturbating on her naked behind. The only sex "scene" between the two mains lasted less than 30 seconds on screen. The other sex scene was just an awkward scene.

I want to say I hated this movie. I probably did. I don't know what I just watched. It was awful.
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I just want to watch it over and over and over again!
Monica493715 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING this review contains SPOILERS:

This film is beautiful in so many ways; Maggie's portrayal of a submissive was just pure delight. She did SUCH an incredible job in every scene involving her and James Spader. I mean the part where he first starts spanking her...her eyes...they were just so expressive! Even though she didn't really talk you could totally understand everything that was going on in her head through her eyes. Just beautiful!

And James Spader! wow...I've always been impressed by his acting and have always found him incredibly attractive and sexy, but after viewing this film...I fell completely in love with him all over again.

Even though the movie really centers around Maggie's character and her battle with sexuality and cutting and what not...I found James' character's battle to be more intriguing and actually bigger. He's become completely intimate with her and every time he even looks at her he wants to bang the sh*t out of her. So his way of dealing with that is through exercising. And his whole obsessive complusiveness was, well to me, kind of funny.

Some of my most favorite scenes in this film was when James fires Maggie yet she doesn't want to leave. He sits down in a chair and she comes up to the side of him and starts running her fingers through his hair. The expression on his face while she does that is just so enthrawling! I mean just the touch of her makes him go into an orgasmic bliss! I also love the scene where She is lying naked on the grass and he is rubbing his hand over her stomach touching every cut and scar. And you hear her voice over talking about how she used to be shy about having sex because she didn't want anyone to see her cuts; she was so ashamed of herself, yet he didn't care at all about them and loved her for everything she is. She felt beautiful when with him and wasn't ashamed anymore. It was just fantastik! And my 3rd favorite scene was when James starts kissing maggie and works his way down her body, and while he's doing this she starts asking him questions like "I wanna know when your first love was, when you had your first kiss, what your favorite color is, where you were born..." and he had worked his way back up and stops right above her face and answers her question about where he was born. She then gets this big smile on her face right before he leans closer and kisses her deeply. I don't care what anyone else says, but that scene had my heart racing a mile a minute, it was so sweet.

Despite all of the things that had happened in the past these 2 found acceptance in each other and because of that will love one another forever. I HIGHLY recommend seeing this film. You will become so attached to it I swear! my rating is 9/10.
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Strange tale of two emotional cripples.
jim-man21 February 2016
Lee Holloway is released from a psychiatry facility. Never having worked, she enrols in a secretarial course. She applies for a job with lawyer Edward Grey. From Day One, she senses his emotional vulnerability and seduces him. Acting as the submissive in a mild BDSM relationship.

At the same time, she has a loving boyfriend who also needs her. Faced with a marriage proposal from the boyfriend, she has to make a choice.

She chooses the relationship where she is the strong manipulative partner.

As a backdrop, Lee's own family is in some turmoil. Does this have a critical influence on her choice? This is a credible low budget production. Has an interesting plot and makes some startling insights a decade before Fifty Shades of Grey.
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I still don't see what the big fuss was about
Agent1012 June 2005
Clearly, most of the people that thought this movie was genius were more titillated than anything. Yes, it's taboo. Yes it's intriguing. But it never really materialized in a smooth manner. I did appreciate the fact that the S and M stuff was introduced in a way that didn't insult the audience, taking the viewers seriously and insinuating they knew what this was all about. But for those that didn't understand, the film was pretty dull.

Sadly, the film just didn't take the subject far enough. While the progression of pleasure gathered by the characters was quite effective, a lot of little annoyances just kept getting in the way. Maggie Gyllenhaal's mental illness was too overplayed in the second half of the film, and then hokie moments like her pleasuring herself in the bathroom and the big crowds outside the lawyers' office really kind of knocked the film out of its continuous dark turn. In the hands of a more capable writing-directing team, this film would be pretty good. But with it already made, we'll have to stuck with this film until something better comes along.
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a dark comedy layered with nuanced social and personal commentary
stephenksmith13 April 2003
What is the path to love? For every person, it's different. The superficial circumstances are similar... you meet someone at work, at school, in a singles bar. And, usually, the emotional pathways are similar. Eyes meet. We talk. We dance. We communicate about ourselves to each other. Then begins the sexual part, so we parry and thrust, take signals from each other, and, over time, we feel each other up together. But what about the path to love through the back door (so to speak)? What about a love story where she's a young, neurotic woman, just out of a mental hospital back to a family where Dad's a serious drunk and Mom's a serious nervous fruitcake. And what about a man, an attorney, who's emotionally closed off and can only get in touch with orchids, inserting long stainless-steel tools into their waiting organs. Yes, these two find each other in one of the most bizarre cinematic love stories ever.

I loved this movie. I pilgrim around, searching through books and movies for secret pathways to and circumstances of the human heart. This movie transcends its gentle S&M to reveal yet another way to love.

Our heroine, the fresh-faced (and magnificently moon-like) Maggie Gyllenhaal is brilliant as the new secretary to a lawyer who goes through so many secretaries, he has a "secretary" vacancy sign he lights up outside his office. As our heroine tries to re-enter the world by getting her first job with this man, it becomes apparent that the boss is anything but normal. He is demanding yet insistent that his new charge break away from her stifling past and be herself. But what or who is she? And who in the hell is he?

The movie is sexy. There's no denying it. Gyllenhaal is radiant and sinuous, and we feel that she's truly experiencing the wonder of it all for the first time. Spader is type-cast a bit, but his world-weary sexiness fits well with Gyllenhaal's naiveté. And, let's face it, Gyllenhaal is grippingly sexy, and we see her in hose, panties, tight skirts and in the nude. And as far as I'm concerned, she's fabulous, darling. And in one of the movie's sexiest, most endearing scenes, we see Spader carry her off in her urine-soaked wedding dress as he finally assumes his responsibilities as her loving "dom". She is totally tired, subservient and radiant in total surrender, rescued from a voyeurizing world. What a hunk of sexy cinema that was with her arm languidly draped around Spader's neck as he carried the bride over the threshold to love and dominance. Wow.

This movie explores and explodes sexual myths. The director has successfully created a dark comedy layered with nuance in a stew of social commentary. This movie is not for everyone. Stay away if you're conventionally wrapped, conservative, or lacking in a certain joy of exploration. But if you're ready for a most untraditional-traditional love story, Spader and Gyllenhaal give Oscar worthy performances... but of course the subject matter nixed that.
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Original filmmaking
BigJimNoFool20 June 2020
Maggie and James the two leads are both excellent in this intriguing story of a sub/dom relationship. Overall it has a Lynchian feel to it with the costume and sets looking sumptuous with the right level of oddness and attention to detail to be humorous. The dramatic part does however let it down. With it being so deadpan and overt in nature the emotional connection to the characters was never that strong.

This is a film i doubt many would be brave enough to make today and it is handled very well and for that it is to be celebrated.
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oh, james, oh, maggie...
lasciare28 September 2002
How refreshing!! It has been quite some time since I went to the movies and walked out feeling I could wholeheartedly endorse the film I just saw. When asked why this film was so good by my coworkers, I responded "the actors' performances, the sets, the script, the content, essentially everything." And so it is, everything. Thank the spirits that flow someone still has the ability, honesty, and energy to make such a film in the land of fakery and deception. While the relationship depicted is that of a sadist and a masochist and this is what will get played up in the press, the point is the relationship and the near impossibility of love working without complete honesty. Bravo.
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Needs more salt. Wait, no, I meant character development.
stimpil13 September 2005
The Secretary in question is Lee Holloway (Maggie Gyllenhaal, who looks disturbingly similar to her brother Jake, yet another sexually disturbing thing in this film), who is released from a mental hospital as this film begins. She's crazy because she cuts herself with implements from a sewing kit, due to her father being an alcoholic (there may be other reasons, but due to the lack of character development, I can only assume). During a particularly crazy moment, she decides to apply for a job as a secretary for Mr. Grey (James Spader), who has a light-up sign outside that advertises the position (sign #1 that this may not be the best place to work).

Mr. Grey is a bad man. He's mean, nasty, and not very pleasant to be around. He kicks puppies (ok, maybe he doesn't kick puppies). Regardless, Lee falls in love with him because she needs someone to dominate her and tell her what to do (and, obviously, to unleash his man-stuff on her back), things she's not getting from her boyfriend Peter (portrayed by Jeremy Davies, whose principal acting talents consist of "looking bewildered" and "having long hair").

This movie is put together very well, most of the acting is good, but it's lacking something, perhaps character development, or a valid climax and resolution. James Spader gives a good performance, despite not having appeared in anything that anybody has seen since Stargate. If you're into S&M films (that aren't porn), this is the film for you.
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Quirky, fun, and everything I ever wanted in a film!
u2rave2 November 2002
"Secretary" is everything I have ever wanted in a film: romance, humor, drama, and kinky sex! The incredible chemistry between an amazing Maggie Gyllenhaal and a repressed yet fierce James Spader is what makes this movie work so well, and the tender depths to which their relationship is portrayed makes it so much more than just a film about sadomasochism. I felt that the main theme of the film was to show that people have pain, and it is only when you accept that pain that you are able to feel your emotions fully, therefore making your life much more livable. This movie was a bit quirky, and might not be for everyone. However, I would recommend it to anyone with an open mind. "Secretary" is by far my favorite film of the year.
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Good performances, but annoying plot
BeneCumb15 March 2013
Throughout the centuries, relations between bosses and their assistants/secretaries have often been controversial or secretive, with even "worse" happening than depicted in the movie in question. A lady with an asylum background and a man being a control freak are a good start, but their potential is limited to dominant-submissive relationship only - not so startling in the modern society. At times the events do not develop at all, twists end up with trivial solutions, and the ending is so dull... The actors do a great job (in particular, the protagonists: Maggie Gyllenhaal as Lee Holloway and James Spader as E. Edward Grey), but their great efforts are unable to outperform the mediocre plot. The selection of music, however, was interesting and to the point.

The movie can be for you if you like mild SM and twisted characters as well as Gyllenhaal's performances, otherwise - see something more or less appropriate :)
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Just plain awful
Jelly-49 November 2002
This movie was so slow and repetitive. How many times do we see the swimming pool, the red pen, and the typos.

I don't understand how people find this movie original just because it features S&M. If this were a big budget Hollywood film depicting a woman falling in love with a man who gives her a black eye, people would call it sexist trash. But since it's an indie flick and the bruises are on her bum and not her face, it's oh-so-hip and trendy and kinky and wow, so r-o-m-a-n-t-i-c.
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My new favorite James Spader movie!
songbird_mc22 October 2002
I saw this movie twice & want to see it again... & again... & again. *LOL* I really enjoyed it. At first I thought that it might be too risque for my taste, but I was pleasently surprised. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of risque, but it was played out so well that it just blended. I was amazed when I realized that this movie wasn't ALL about Sub/Dom, but in fact it was a love story. I wasn't disappointed. I recommend seeing this film if you haven't already, & even if you have. =)

I am a very big fan of James Spader & he was so amazing in this film. He was beautiful, funny, complex, & sexy. I'll be his secretary any day.

I was also surprised by the fact that I liked Maggie Gyllenhaal. She is a very good actress & alot more attractive than in any of the pictures I have ever seen of her. Everyones acting is Superb, the directing superb, & the story *****!!!!!! My raves don't even do this movie justice. Just go see it!

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There is no disputing taste
rmax30482313 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't expect much from this but it held me in my seat. James Spader started out playing the preppy that his own background probably prepared him for. There was a transitional period and then he wound up playing characters that were veritable refugees from Weirdsville. The is definitely one of the last type.

But first. Maggie Gillyhaal is a young woman who has a tendency to cut herself, kind of like Sylvia Plath, and is sent to a psychiatric hospital where several unctuous keepers treat her. Released, she must deal with her alcoholic father and overprotective mother. But, relax, it's not that kind of LMW movie.

Maggie is a wistful lady, maybe in her late 20s, unmarried, and not Hollywood gorgeous although not lacking in appeal. Her voice has a high squeaky mouselike quality that I found rather pleasant. She never gets angry. She does what she's told and everything. (Where do they keep women like this?) She applies for a job as a secretary to an attorney, a rather dark James Spader. Well, I'll tell you, this guy is from some unknown galaxy. In his darkened office he quizzes her during the job interview. Oh, just the usual questions. "Are you pregnant? Do you intend to GET pregnant? Did you have sex with your boyfriend?"

If she is a masochist, he is her perfect match because he gets a tickle out of dealing out punishment. It begins with small things -- he overreacts when he finds a typo in one of her letters. The humiliation takes on more bizarre forms. (This babe has never heard of "an unfriendly work environment," never mind "sexual harassment.") Finally he has her bend over the desk, close to a flawed letter she has produced, and spanks her bottom really hard, as in WHACK, as she reads it aloud twice.

She doesn't cry or wince. In fact she rather gets excited and runs to the bathroom for self-induced satisfaction. Now, I realize that this may sound a bit odd, but that there are myriad women out there with exactly these impulses is a fact of which I am absolutely convinced after an entire adult lifetime spent perusing "Penthouse Forum." It gets more twisted and more openly sexual but without body contact between the two of them. She craves it but he can't bring himself to make love to her, if anything he's more psychologically crippled than she is. Gillynhaal makes these scenes somehow believable. While she's bent over the desk with her skivvies pulled down, waiting for him to do something to her from behind, her face is tense with fear, expectation, and desire, and her eyes wander from side to side like a child's. The movie is exciting, perverse, funny, and gripping, all at once.

Poor Spader becomes ridden with guilt. (Things are getting a bit warm for him in a human sense, if you see what I mean.) So he backs off, so to speak, and reverts to his cold mechanical demanding remote self without the frisson of spanking. The problem is she's gotten to like it. It's taken the place of the self abuse that led to her hospitalization. Finally, realizing that he can't stop his growing involvement with her, Spader fires her, but she keeps bothering him because she's become attached to him, and not just for the spanking.

When she invades his office just before she's supposed to marry another, Spader decides to make demands of her that she can't possibly fulfill, so that the thing can be ended for good. He orders her to sit at her desk without moving her feet from the floor or her two hands from the desk top. Then he leaves and goes about his business rather sweatily because, after all, this is a test for him too. She sits there motionless, in the same position, visited by her boyfriend and various others who are about as useful as Job's comforters. (Maggie wets her pants and her mother says, "I want that dress back within a week -- dry cleaned.")

Spader finally realizes that Maggie has won the contest, returns to his office where she is still obediently sitting, now with her face on the desktop, her dress filthy, not having eaten for three days, picks her up, carries her to the bathroom and bathes her, then makes gentle love to her, while she smiles with satisfaction and asks him questions like, "What did it say under your picture in the high school yearbook? Who first broke your heart?" (The script is nicely written. Not too much and not too little.)

Maybe I've made this sound like one of those extremely stilted R-rated movies that show up late at night on some premium channels, with some hairy dominant male slapping the buns of some glossy blonde who can't act either but can muster up a lot of squirms and happy giggles -- but it isn't that at all. It's sexy, yes, but there is only brief nudity and only one spanking scene. The impression we're left with is of two inadequate people, each of whose problems have been ameliorated (not solved) by the other. You could substitute alcoholism or some other substance addiction for the S-M and have an essentially similar plot.

Spader is a decent actor and he gives the role a great deal of effort here. Gillynhaal I've not seen in anything else but she's quite good. She has one scene alone that's rather startling. In the very last shot of her face she gazes at Spader's departing car then slowly turns and stares for several long seconds directly into the nearby camera with a slight smile, as if daring us to judge her.
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9 1/2 Weeks Notice
majikstl13 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood takes sex seriously -- far too seriously.

It is an unwritten rule in films that if sex is depicted as being erotic, joyous and life affirming, then it must be pornographic, or at best it isn't to be treated with much respect. But if the sex in question is portrayed ponderously as demeaning, joyless and discomforting, then that means something "serious" and "artistic" and "insightful" must be going on. SECRETARY is a movie that thinks it is being serious and artistic and insightful, but in reality it is only being demeaning and joyless and discomforting. Oh, and add pointless to that list.

As lascivious and lurid as Hollywood is accused of being, nothing scares the film industry more than sex. Nothing will get a film an adult rating faster than even the slightest hint of open sexuality or even simple nudity. Thus, rarely is sexuality the central theme of any movie, and rarer still is sex treated with any degree of honesty. And for every intriguing SEX, LIES AND VIDEO TAPE, there are films like CARNAL KNOWLEDGE, CRASH (Cronenberg's version) and EYES WIDE SHUT, films that are cold, pompous and stupefyingly dull. If tainted by despair, then the benefit of the doubt will be extended, so that even the most god-awful piece of pretentious junk will get respect from the industry and the critics. To it's credit, SECRETARY ups the ante and tries to tackle the thorny subject of sado-masochism, but it can't even get up enough testosterone to make it vulgar and offensive. And as kinky as the film sometimes tries to be, it never really raises above being merely pretentious. Shallow as it is, the critics readily embraced it; anything this lame apparently must have hidden depth.

Maggie Gyllenhaal stars as Lee Holloway, a depressive prone to self-mutilation. Fresh out of an institution, she lands a job as typist/receptionist for E. Edward Grey (James Spader), a lawyer who is every bit as creepy as she is quirky. By turns meek and self-absorbed or arrogant and demanding, Grey figures out Lee's personality disorder and mentors her in proper office decorum and then in improper sexual decorum. The more he takes advantage of her, the more she seems to demand of him and the more she grows as an individual. Or that is what the film would have us believe. As sort of an S&M version of MY FAIR LADY, it soon blurs just who is controlling who and why.

For some reason, Spader has become the poster boy for male sexual dysfunction (SEX, LIES AND VIDEO TAPE, CRASH, "Boston Legal"), to the point that casting him in this film is almost too predictable. Gyllenhaal gives a good performance as a woman of often shifting and unpredictable moods, but her work is obscured by the vaguely humiliating nature of the role; the poor actress garners more pity than her off-balance character. They are both good actors, trapped in a film that demands that they give stilted, unsympathetic performances.

The film is always flirting with being tasteless, but that is about as far as its flirtations go; the S&M exhibited is irritatingly softcore. Not that whips and chains and exotic dungeons are warranted, but the spankings and light bondage it does offer seems more unintentionally funny than shocking. And it is not that the characters have a taste for rough sex that is vexing, but that they barely have a taste for any sex at all, let alone any real passion. They approach their various in-office encounters, not with a sense of lustful enthusiasm or even a gleeful naughtiness, but with a pained, empty and dutiful sorrow, all to let us know that their behavior is the result of some sick compulsion. Heaven forbid that their role-playing might just be a naughty game. The film never devotes itself to going either way, exploring the psychological hang ups behind their compulsions or just accepting their behavior as the meeting of two like minds. And SECRETARY is one of those hypocritical films that draws you in with the promise of an exploration of new horizons, but cops out with a safe and non-threatening puritanism. Sex for the sake of sex is wrong -- unless it leads to marriage. But otherwise, kinky isn't just bad, it also isn't even much fun.

Plus, the film is remarkably conventional in its plotting, making it not very far removed from the business-as-usual sexual politics of classic romantic comedy: innocent female outsmarts domineering male and subdues him into marriage. The film's hidden, anti-feminist notion is that a man's need to dominate is his weakness; a woman's willingness to be submissive gives her power. But as radically subversive as that might seem, take out the sadomasochism and this is nothing but a Doris Day-Rock Hudson romantic comedy -- minus the comedy and the romance. It's 9 1/2 WEEKS meets TWO WEEKS NOTICE; it is as superficial as the former and as safe as the latter. The film recognizes that sex can be basically a struggle for power, but it cowardly avoids either exploring the motivation or the real consequences of the battle of the sexes -- or even considering that such a battle can be, on some level, just plain fun.
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The most original romantic comedy I've seen in YEARS! Highly recommended.
Infofreak9 March 2004
I may be a jaded old cynic but from time to time a contemporary movie knocks me off my seat. Recently there's been quite a few -'May', 'Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance' and 'Auto Focus' immediately spring to mind. 'Secretary' is another recent gem. This is the most original romantic comedy (very black, mind you) I've seen in YEARS! And for something which deals with a lifestyle alien to me (dominance and submission) it's surprisingly touching, and even managed to get me to shed a tear or two. I had previously enjoyed Maggie Gyllenhaal's supporting roles in 'Donnie Darko' and John Waters' 'Cecil B. Demented' (she played Raven, the make up artist - "Pain is pleasure! Slavery is freedom! Suicide for Satan!' remember?), but her performance here is first class and is guaranteed to turn her into a major cult figure if not an actual genuine STAR. I confess that I now have a major crush on her to boot (I'm sure I'm not alone!). James Spader is also very, very good. While I admired him appearing in Cronenberg's 'Crash' a few years ago most of his other film choices have been safe ones and to be honest I'd pretty much given up on him as an actor. But it just goes to show what an actor is capable of with an innovative script and a supportive director. It's really difficult imagining any other two actors playing these roles any better. In the supporting cast Jeremy Davies also surprised me. I'd been getting a bit tired of his crazy shtick in previous roles, especially his extremely irritating performance in 'The Million Dollar Hotel', but he did a much more subtle job in this movie, and it really worked for me. This is my first experience with director Steven Shainberg but I was impressed. I now want to try and see his previous movie, the Jim Thompson adaptation 'Hit Me'. I also look forward to his next movie, because if 'Secretary' is any indication of his talent then he's sure to come up with something very special. Highly recommend.
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