Freddy vs. Jason (2003) Poster

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Such a guilty pleasure
Clive_W17 October 2019
The caption says all, I love this film from the poor acting, to the questionable decisions, and the plot holes, everything this has to offer is so enjoyable, so much fun, I remember when this first came out and had the pleasure to watch it many times over. I would love to see another showdown one day, before Robert Englund is too old. Doesn't even have to follow on, just needs to be to the same level as this film. Or if we could have an ultimate smack down all heavy titles battle it out awesome horror match up!
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kosmasp2 April 2007
The movie itself is alright. It's exactly what it says! Freddy vs. Jason. And while we might never see my favorite movie be made (Ash vs. Freddy vs. Jason), there might be another movie around the corner, maybe involving M. Myers.

But back to this film. It delivers what it promises, the battle of the titans. Wrapped up in a nice story. And while all is good, I can't stop wondering, if there wasn't any way to make more of that particular premise ... The movie is fine, but it's just not excellent.

And one thing is for sure: Kelly Rowland plays one of the most annoying characters that I have seen in a long time. Now either she is a good actress and played that really well ... or she is a bad actress and that showed on screen (I personally think it's the latter).

A nice teen horror movie, with two of the most recognised horror characters out there!
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Surprisingly good
jpintar13 January 2004
I thought that Jason and Freddy were fossils of the 80s. I was wrong. This movie works well. I liked it better than the overrated Scream movies. Freddy and Jason make a great team. This is an exciting movie with two cult figures meeting on screen for the first time. The fight is satisfying. 7/10
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For a mute murderer, Jason Voorhees sure felt like the hero of this piece
DarthBill31 March 2004
Freddy's dead and he can't get the old killing spree going again, so he wakes up Jason Voorhees to scare the kids into wetting their pants so Freddy can feed off of their fear. But like the sorcerer's apprentice, Jason, once turned on cannot be turned off, so Freddy faces off with Jason for the right to be the #1 serial killer while a bunch of busty idiot girls look on. And as we all know, after the endless line of sequels, by this entry the killers' are our friends so really you're rooting for them and not the idiot teenagers.

Of the teens, Jason Ritter is the only one who seems to know how to act (shame about his dad, John Ritter). Monica Keena is cute but she needs to lose the implants. What is Kelly Rowland doing in here? Robert Englund's as funny as ever, and Ken Kirzinger is a capable Jason. I still don't see why New Line Cinema didn't want to bring back Kane Hodder though. They say they wanted to take Jason in a new direction, but they DID NOT take Jason in a new direction. Jason's still the same hulking mute murderer he's always been, just a tad taller and bigger than before (and somehow he's got both of his eyes back). I don't see a big difference between Kane, Ken and all the rest, but Kane has professed great fondness and dedication to role of Jason, so I feel that if Kane was willing to play the part again (and it's hard to find people who are willing to be all painted up in gory make up mind you) then New Line should have accepted his services. It did feel that they were trying to make Jason out to be the more sympathetic of the two killers, but that doesn't change the fact that Jason killed the bulk of the film's teens.

Well, anyway, you get the usual dose of sex, drugs, violence, rock & roll and below par acting. So truly turn off your brain and enjoy the mayhem.
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You know the words by heart, now here's a change in the music
Quinoa198416 August 2003
That's what I felt after seeing this film, Freddy Vs. Jason. Right when they introduced the characters I knew them so well, their personalities, emotions, motives and all, that not one human character could have (or would have tried to) surprise me with ingenuity in their performances. So, that's the downside to Freddy Vs. Jason, a downside that will either poke the viewer harshly in the ribs, or will just remain as the typical, expectedly lame backdrop for the match-up. I felt a little of both, though I tried to be confident that the main show would be worth the Hollywood-ish mish-mash.

The main show, however, is the only reason to see the movie: Freddy Kruger (Robert Englund), the old gent from Elm Street, is down in hell wanting another grab at 'his' children, so he implements a sort of decoy in the form of lake-boy Jason Voorhees, who begins slaying far more than Freddy could want to see for someone other than himself. So, he decides that it's time to kick some a**, and that's when the fun begins.

To die-hards of both series (I like a few from each series, and personally, I'm more for Freddy than Jason in the genre because at least Freddy can give some funny dialog in terrifying moments while Jason stares blankly, except for when his mother calls him) this is like seeing two legends standing up in the ring for a prizefight. Each one has their weaknesses, but they each know who to throw their punches with style, and (we hope) that they can stay invincible until the last round. I won't reveal who wins (they're enough skeeves on the message boards doing that), but what I can say is that if it only wasn't for the people in the movie (I'll exclude the Jay rip-off since he garnered the most laughs) acting so blandly, strategically like how they're told to do in such a piece, this would've been a near excellent horror movie. Never-the-less, that could be considered moot, since that's what's to ALWAYS be expected for these gobledy-gook slasher pieces. The point is, I didn't leave the theater feeling swindled by the hype of the matching (unlike how I would if they ever, EVER decide to make a Superman vs. Batman piece of drek). C+
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Hmmm, Good Movie But I Got A Better One In Mind.
Sockfilms19 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK I liked this movie, it was good for a V.S. movie. There was enough Freddy V.S. Jason time to keep me satisfied, but it's a bit one sided don't you think? I kept score at home (Im a NERDlol) and Jason PWNED when it came to kills. Freddy killed one person directly, while Jason had himself a bloodbath. I do acknowledge that Freddy indirectly killed some people and fought great for a guy in his position, but COME ON! Heres my main problem with the movie: IT Ain't A MATCH! You've got Jason a super strong killing machine, that's ALL HE DOES! Then there's Freddy, hes scrawny in comparison and doesn't kill people off the bat like Jason. Freddy likes to play with his food. You can see the obvious problem. The match I wanna see is Michael V.S. Jason. Two killing machines who don't mess around. Plus, Michael can take a punch from Jason. We're talking about two huge guys! That would be an even match up. And this is coming from a huge fan of Freddy! Freddy is just better when he can take his time to play mind games and kill horrifically! Freddy needs a new movie. Are you up to it Mr. Englund?
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Ridiculous, but that's what makes it so Enjoyable,
lesleyharris304 July 2015
Freddy vs. Jason is a mediocre movie with a fun, albeit very stupid, storyline and an average cast. There's no doubt that it's a ridiculous movie, but that's why I enjoyed, it was so bad that it was actually good, not a single scene sent a shiver down my spine or made me scared, but watching two horror icons, Freddy Krueger and Jason, battle it out to the death, was very simple, mindless fun and it's probably better that it didn't take itself too seriously, and Robert Englund and Ken Kirzinger were very confident in their roles. It's obviously a very weak movie in general and it certainly wasn't critically acclaimed. my biggest issue is that there is way too much build up, too much scenes between regular people, it really should have gotten straight to the point, the scenes without Freddy or Jason simply bored me. The other actors in the movie are brutal, they are all very amateur teenage actors, they seemed to be struggling to deliver their lines, and there is certainly no one the audience will be upset in seeing get killed. Freddy vs. Jason is dumb, simple fun, it's great to watch with friends and mock, but if you're looking for an actual horror, I wouldn't recommend it.

After Freddy Krueger resurrects Jason Voorhees, he then becomes forced to take him down himself.

Best Performance: Robert Englund Worst Performance: Jason Ritter
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If you know what you're here for, you will be pleased
switchboard8516 November 2020
Considering the relatively mediocre depths both the "Friday the 13th" and "Nightmare o Elm Street" franchises have sunken to in the past, this is quite the crowd pleaser, just so long as you know what to expect from a title like "Freddy vs. Jason".

Yes, the non-killer teen characters may as well have numbers instead of names and they seem to go out of their way to move the plot or offer themselves up for slaughter, but that's to be expected at this point and this movie isn't trying to reinvent the wheel. Instead, it tends to lean into its slasher trappings and embrace them in a fun, self-aware way that doesn't come off as annoying or pretentious like "Scream". After all, you watch this movie to see how they bring 2 of the biggest 80's horror icons to do battle in whatever form that takes. As far as that aspect is concerned, you definitely get your money's worth and not just in terms of a Mortal Kombat style deathmatch, but the clever ways the filmmakers use the characters' lore to actually draw them together in a "plausible" way that actually makes this a proper sequel to both franchises and doesn't feel totally disjointed for the sake of a one-off crossover. While this definitely shouldn't be anyone's introduction to either character, it also doesn't require an encyclopedic knowledge of the past 17 movies either.

For fans, this is loads of dumb, tongue-in-cheek fun with just enough of everything you love from Freddy and Jason (not least of which being a respectable body count)
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An Insult To Both Franchises.
Pat_ChoKo24 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps no other horror film in history, at least in the Slasher sub-genre, was as anticipated as Freddy vs Jason. After spending years in development hell, the film was unleashed onto the public in August of 2003. Oh boy....

First, let me say that I am a huge fan of both franchises. I was raised on these films, and although some of them in both series', hit below the mark in many areas (Jason X, Freddy's Dead, etc.) none of them reached the lows that Freddy vs Jason plummeted to.

First, the film really doesn't have the feel of either series. Instead of the stark visuals and above average cinematography that we're used to seeing from the Friday the 13th and A Nightmare On Elm Street films, Freddy vs Jason looks like something you'd see in a direct-to-video release.

Next, the acting in this film is absolutely dreadful. I know some would say that neither series was known for it's Oscar caliber performances, but never has it been this bad. Plus, even if the acting was up to par, we wouldn't care, because none of the characters are likable... AT ALL.

Of course, what would Friday the 13th and A Nightmare On Elm Street be without their respected patriarchs Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger? Neither are given justice in this film. Jason seems to have changed ethnicity between films, and the Freddy-mythology that even the lesser-quality Freddy sequels was built on has been drastically altered.

Who could forget the trademarks of these films: The special effects? Well, in this one, Jason looks like a seven-foot homeless person who, thanks to a particularly robotic and stiff performance by Ken Kirzinger (who should not be mentioned in the same sentence as Kane Hodder and Ted White) does nothing more than stand on his mark and slowly swing his machete, which even seems to grow by several feet between scenes.

The Freddy make-up in this one isn't consistent either. It looks like a paint by numbers project which not even Robert Englund can bring to life.

The writing is also particularly bad. Many scripts for FVJ were rejected. The question is: Why wasn't this one thrown into the fire with the previously rejected scripts? It's THAT bad. Characters spout exposition in nearly every scene, Jason disappears for a good 30 minutes (without explanation), and the dialog is brutal. ("Freddy died by fire, Jason by water; how can we use that?") See what I mean? The film is more of a spoof on the genre than a full-fledged entry.

The title is also misleading. This film is not really Freddy vs Jason, but Freddy and Jason vs Teenagers. Only in the last 20 minutes do the title characters fight, and it doesn't really pay off. To say that this film is anti-climactic would be an understatement.

As fan of these films, I find this movie insulting to both the previous films, and the fans as well. As bad as some of the other sequels may be, this one takes the cake as the worst in both series'.

1/10, although I'd give it a 0 if I could.
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Freddy Vs. Jason
HorrorFan198412 April 2020
The much anticipated battle of horror begins as it's Freddy Vs. Jason in a winner take all fight to the death.

With Jason X having taken place AFTER this film chronologically, we last left off with Jason Voorhees being dragged down to hell by Freddy's claw in the 9th film of the Friday the 13th series. As for Krueger, we haven't seen the character since he was sent to hell by his daughter in Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare.

We start this one by seeing Jason living a repetitive hell at Crystal Lake where he murders the same campers over and over again. Freddy appears as his mother, which we all know is Jason's weakness, and tells Jason to go to Elm Street to kill the children. Freddy's motivation is that he can't come back in people's dreams unless they are scared of him. The plan is to have Jason kill on Elm Street and for Freddy to get all the blame and glory which would resurrect him into their nightmares.

We meet our main crew of teenagers, including our lead heroine Lori. After Jason murders a few of them, the adults start mentioning Freddy Krueger as a possible suspect considering the terror he brought to Springwood years ago. Once he is mentioned, Lori has a nightmare about man with knives for fingers. Freddy is back! Despite appearing in teenagers nightmares, he still isn't strong enough to kill - luckily he has Jason for that for the time being.

Meanwhile, we are re-introduced to Westin Hills the psychiatric hospital that we last saw in Part 3. The staff are giving the patients Hypnocil, the once experimental drug that Nancy Thompson took to suppress her nightmares. Lori's ex-boyfriend Will is stuck in there after seeing Freddy kill someone. Will escapes and connects with Lori, which prompts them and other friends to fight back against Freddy and Jason. During all of this, we have Freddy Krueger battling with Jason Voorhees for ultimate glory as the biggest and baddest horror villain of all time. Who will out do the other? And will any of the Elm Street children survive?

Freddy Vs. Jason is a very good movie bringing two of the most legendary on screen serial killers together to do battle. Being a fan of both series' , there are definite flaws. One being that New Line Cinema doesn't hide their bias for Freddy over Jason in my opinion. It's to be expected considering they created that character while as Paramount was in charge of most of the Friday films.

Also, this isn't scary to me anyways which I guess it doesn't have to be. It's a fight film with the two killers facing off against each other. The final battle between Freddy and Jason is epic for sure. I really wanted both to succeed in the end because it would suck to see one of the series be truly over. Being a New Line film, we get tons of past Elm Street material including seeing Westin Hills again which I enjoyed. Many references to previous sequels are made.

In terms of acting, we get Robert Englund back as Freddy Krueger for sadly the last time at this point. He rocks the role yet again, being creepy and comedic at the same time. Ken Kirzinger does a wonderful job as the creepy stalking Jason, I was fine with the switch from Kane Hodder to him. For the teens we get stellar performances from Monica Keena as Lori, talented singer Kelly Rowland as supportive best friend Kia, and Jason Ritter as Will.

I highly recommend Freddy Vs. Jason to all horror fans. It is a great duel between the two legends, and we get plenty of teenage bloodshed along the way as well.

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So awful it made me angry.
cecrle30 May 2004
This movie is a perfect example of soul-less corporate nitwits sitting around and hatching a hollow excuse to drain the pockets of stupid teenagers. I'm not exaggerating when I say that the script probably took a few hours to write. The movie has no cohesion, no flow, no pacing, no plot. Some special effects like the morphing look professional, but that's the only professional thing about this movie. Full of stupid cliches designed to relate to teenage audiences (raves, slang, plastic surgery references, pointless shots of smoking and drinking, etc.). This makes the original Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the Thirteenth series look like masterpieces of American cinema. Of course I *knew* it would be a bad movie, but I thought it would be bad in an enjoyable way or at least entertaining in parts. But it's not enjoyable. It's depressing to think that American audiences are being fed this kind of drek (and giving it fairly good ratings, by the looks of IMDB's polls!). So slapped-together, so hokey, so empty of any atmosphere or scares or anything worthwhile to redeem its existence. If you see this movie and don't think it's AWFUL, you seriously have something wrong with you. Seriously. Robert Englund (the actor who plays Freddy) shouldn't have sunk so low as to accept the role in this movie--he couldn't have needed the money *that* badly. All in all, I think this movie represents the inevitable extinction of the human race.
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Evil vs Evil - awesome slasher movie about Freddy and Jason my all time favorite decent horror film!
ivo-cobra824 October 2016
Evil vs Evil two favorite slasher icons goes on each other Freddy vs Jason an epic battle fight. It is one of my personal favorite horror movies. Two titans of terror enter into a horrifying and gruesome showdown -- Winner kills all! This is the last good film and underrated gem in the horror genre franchise and it is my favorite slasher film I love it to death! This the last good Freddy and Jason film in which both the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street franchises were both rebooted. This is the last Freddy movie in which Robert Englund performed the last time his character Freddy Krueger. I watched making off this film in 2003 and I saw an interview with Robert Englund reprising his role as Freddy for this film.

I know Robert is old so his stuntman was doing the stunts for him. I rented VHS Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare in the video store that summer in 2003 because I am the biggest Freddy fan I always loved Freddy Krueger in all his movies except part 5 and the remake I still own Part 5 on DVD and Blu-ray collection. I am getting this movie on Blu-ray after new year that it is missing in my collection. I am a fan of Jason Voorhees the best movie that I really love to death is Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI (1986) the best one in the franchise apart from Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter, Friday the 13th Part III, Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood and the original movie of course I love them so much to death.

Plot: The two biggest icons of the slasher genre finally meet in "Freddy vs. Jason" in a frightening showdown in hell! Banished there for eternity, Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund) devises a plan to manipulate Jason into continuing his work, hacking up the teenagers of Elm Street. All goes well at first until Jason realizes he's been duped by 'the dream master' and is none too pleased. Coaxed by surviving teenagers Will (Jason Ritter), Lori (Monica Keena), and Kia (Kelly Rowland), Jason and Freddy descend up Crystal Lake for a battle royale!

I love this movie and cast did an excellent job. Chinese director Ronny Yu directed perfectly this short horror flick that I absolutely loved it. Robert Englund was excellent in his last role as horror icon Freddy. Ken Kirzinger as Jason Voorhees did a wonderful job. Ken even played Rusty Nail in Joy Ride 3, honestly he did a wonderful job and I like him. Monica Keena as Lori Campbell was great heroine in this movie and she was a great sole survivor. There was also Brendan Fletcher in this movie I remember him from Anatomy of a Hate Crime (2000), as Mark Davis a prisoner who escaped from jail and Jason Ritter as Will Rollins they both did great. Kelly Rowland as Kia Waterson was also good.

This movie is not like any old crossover. The link between Freddy and Jason is really amazing and the whole concept of Freddy vs Jason is really cool. A great movie overall. This is no ordinary clash between to classic characters. At first it might seem that Freddy and Jason are working together but you are sorely mistaken, this quickly turns into a fight to the death. These enemies fight and travel all the way from Elm Street to Crystal Lake. If you like Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th or any horror/thriller for that matter then this movie is definitely for you. It is possibly one of the best horrors I've seen.

I am a huge fan of Friday the 13th for the reason it's more gory classic horror movie franchise than jump and A Nightmare on Elm Street. So this made for the one of the best movies ever with the perfect mix of gore and jumpiness. Have a spare pair on underwear when you watch:) Things I love about this movie: Freddy cuts Jason's fingers off, gouges his eyes out, and then proceeds to whack the hell out of him with his Own machete bad-ass scene! Even though, not "completely" a Freddy movie, this one still deserves to be in the A Nightmare Elm Street favorite horror movies franchise. I enjoyed it. And I don't care what anyone says, Freddy kicked the living **** out of Jason.

I liked the practical special Effects and special FX makeup for Freddy and Jason they were pretty good and I love them.

The rest of the cast and the director does a really great job.

Overall: I am giving a 10/10 -- an outstanding score, this is the final Freddy movie in the franchise that I consider the last good Freddy movie. Here we got a killer from Camp Crystal Lake and a killer who haunts in your dreams. But they made Freddy loose his powers and he needed the kids to be afraid so he could be strong again while feeding on their fear, but how can he do that when he's not that effective in his nightmares? Of course! Jason! I love this movie to death!
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Kids Killed, Freddy & Jason After Each Other
Rainey-Dawn18 January 2017
So bloody awful it's pretty good just for the final battle. Comical, fun battle between Freddy and Jason. People die by Freddy and Jason. I guess Michael Myers is at home watching the action, most likely giggling to himself.

It's all about Freddy taking over Jason so Jason can kill the Elm Street kids. All this will free Freddy from limbo and everyone will remember the name Freddy Krueger. Kids are killed. Freddy and Jason battle it out in The End.

I like this one fairly well, it does have a little bit of the vibes of the original Elm Street film mixed with the 13th franchise. This one takes a little bit of time to get going good, about 20 minutes, but once it gets going it's kinda fun to watch. No it's not a great movie but it is fun in it's way.

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Used to be a guilty pleasure
knowicki146 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Used to be a big guilty pleasure of mine. It was never a traditionally good movie but one I found entertaining to watch. Well after watching it again for the first time in a few years, I've come to the realization that this movie is just straight up bad. It's called Freddy vs. Jason but they don't actually fight until the last 30 minutes of the movie. The first hour or so of the movie is just a bunch of stupid teenagers making really dumb decisions and getting killed. None of the kills are even that memorable, especially compared to some of the more interesting kills in the Nightmare franchise. The films biggest flaw in my opinion is that for most of the runtime, the film is just boring.
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Chop Chop Chop, Slash Slash Slash!
movies2u26 August 2003
Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)

To start off, I think that any fan of any series of movies will come back for the next sequel and the next and the next etc., no matter what kind of garabage is placed in front of them. Freddy Vs. Jason wasn't complete garabage, it was okay. Freddy Krueger is now powerless since the children of Elm St. are taking a certain drug to stop their dreams, so he consults Jason Voorhees to kill the children until Freddy has power to kill again, but Jason goes on a rampage and won't stop killing in what results in a final battle of evil vs. evil. Ronny Yu, director of The Bride Of Chucky makes a neat direction in this movie, and his certain style of filmmaking added a touch that none of the Elm Street of Friday the 13th films had before. Of course, Robert Englund returns as Freddy, but Kane Hodder (who has played Jason in most of the films) is replaced by another actor. Kelly Rowland and Monica Keena pretty much lead this movie. I also noticed Katharine Isabelle from 2002's TV movie "Carrie". I have to say that fans of either series will be pleased, but other horror goers may not. Also, do not, I repeat do not watch this if you have a weak stomach. It's about one of the goriest movies I've ever seen. Bottom Line: Fans will be pleased, others will not. 7/10.
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briandwillis-8382522 October 2020
This is about as good as a film called Freddy Vs. Jason could possibly be. The title alone promises silly camp and the film delivers while cleverly tying the two franchises together in a fairly smart way. I really didn't know how they were going to pull it off, but the writers make a very solid case. A lot of the teen characters are underwritten or dull, but people came to see Freddy and Jason slashing through an entire town of people and that's what they get. Pretty satisfying ending as well.
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Horror comedy
elliotjeory29 October 2018
A decent horror comedy. Perhaps if they made it more serious and scary it would of been a lot better. Instead the comedy varies from intentional to unintentional which is confusing. It is however always good to see the Freddy and Jason characters and it is better to see them in this then the terrible 80's sequels. The worst thing about this film was Kelly Rowland. Absolutely awful.
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Hate to Love
christopherbirk-ny18 May 2023
This is one of those rare films that's so incredibly bad and yet very entertaining.

I don't know if it's just for the fans or not, could be the case. I was never a big fan of Friday the 13th but I was always a big Freddy fan.

This movie literally ruins both franchises, has the worst characters in any movie I've seen and to top it off these horrible characters make the most idiotic decisions ever seen on film - and yet STILL it entertains me.

It's worse acting than a porn, the script HAS to be written by a blind 12 year-old and STILL entertains me.

The film has some of the worst lines in history and STILL it entertains me.

It's beyond fascinating how I can find it entertaining, when I can literally find not one positive thing to say about it. I think it all just comes down to (for me) spending a few more minutes in the company of Freddy. Because I cannot for the love of me figure out how else I can be entertained by the utter piece of garbage..... But I am! AAAARGH! That's all I can say!
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Shocker movie with an impressive and bloody duel of the two terror titans
ma-cortes26 July 2005
The picture deals upon the resurrection of Jason (Ken Kirzinger) and Freddy (final movie in which Robert Englund plays the role of Freddy Krueger) who are lurking and killing a young band (Monica Keena , Kelly Rowland, , Brendan Fletcher and special mention for Katharine Isabelle of cult-film Ginger Snaps (2000) a Canadian werewolf film) afflicted of demented nightmares in Elm Street , a deputy (Lochlyn Munro) will investigate with fateful consequences .

The film takes accent as the entertainment as the guts and blood .The grisly murders are creepy and scary, they are realized by means of subjective camera in the stabbing shots , becoming the viewer the murderer. In the movie there are shocks , horror , tense , suspense , screams and great loads of blood and gore . This scary picture blends the events developed in Crystal Lake where emerged the killer Jason and happenings from Elm Street which came out Freddy . The lake at Camp Crystal Lake was also being used to film the final scenes for X-Men 2 (2003) at the same time this movie was being filmed. , in fact the two film casts even stayed at the same hotel. During lasting the film , Freddy and Jason carry out an extreme slaughter and gory massacre of adolescents and being used in the nauseating and gruesome assassinations al kinds of tools : axes , knife, saw ,and cleaver ; until the final confrontation that results to be spectacular, violent and spooky . From the start to finish the terror action and dark humor are continued and that's why it is amusing . It stars the terror idol Robert Englund and Ken Kirzinger standing at 6'5" -1.96 meters- tall, is the tallest actor to date to play Jason Voorhees . According to Robert Englund, his Freddy make-up was so thick that he couldn't tell how hot it was from the fires during shooting . When he got in to have his make-up removed, it had bonded itself to his face. The motion picture is rated ¨R¨ for crude and cruel killings and scabrous violence which tends to revolt and disgust and the stomach churns , it is only apt + 18 , isn't for squeamish . The film turn out to be entertaining as well as fast- moving . And the horror pace was well directed by Ronnie Yu . The flick will appeal to Freddy and Jason saga fans and terror cinema enthusiastic.
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Peanut Butter and Jelly were great too until someone put them in a jar together...
rhyatt125 March 2005
This is the movie you always dreamed about when you were 10 years old. But looking back, you also dreamed about stood slapping Macho Man and mud wrestling Miss Elizabeth in the square ring, so what did you know?

This movie is the worst product to ever come from such a great 10 second brainstorm. Everything about it was wrong from the set up to the finish. The idea that Freddy is no longer feared and must resurrect Jason to inflict terror and subsequently nightmares back into the masses is lame even for a movie about a zombie with a hockey mask fighting a disfigured demon who wears a derby.

Sure these two guys were great in their own respective universes, but how did it ever get to the point where someone decided to financially back this movie? Like I said before, the idea of getting Jason and Freddy together sounds great...until you actually sit down and think about it. Apparently nobody ever did that with this idea and we all got stuck with it.

The movie is made up of numerous horrible rehashed ideas that aren't worth mentioning or remembering. Luckily I can't remember most of them.

So I'll skip to the final scene which gives us the big fight between Jason and Freddy that we've all been waiting one and a half hours and 15 years for. The CGI is so obvious that each character could have been given a life meter and an on screen time limit and nobody would have noticed. The fight scene itself was jazzed up with so many Matrix style flips and kicks that Bruce Lee himself may not have been able to beat these guys in a one on one kung fu match.

This movie is proof that you can't relive the past. Jason and Freddy should have been left alone so people could dream about how great it would have been to see them fight. Unfortunately now we all have been slapped in the face with the knowledge that fantasy is always better than reality and movie monsters don't disappear once their respective careers fade away, they go off and study kung fu.

Now put your Miss Elizabeth posters back in the closet and sell your copy of Freddy vs. Jason on ebay.
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I for one had fun watching this movie.
atinder21 December 2009
I for one had fun watching this movie.

The plot Two of the most remembered eighties slasher film icons finally clash together, film fans have long been awaiting. Trapped in Hell when the authorities of Springwood manage to erase all evidence of his existence (and thus the fear that gives him his power), nightmare spirit Freddy Krueger comes across the soul of the equally infamous Camp Crystal Lake mad slasher, Jason Voorhees. Taking the guise of Jason's mother, Freddy resurrects him and commands him to start terrorising Springwood, hoping to instill enough fear that the name Freddy Krueger gets out again so that the ensuing panic makes Freddy strong enough to return a seventh time. The plan works, but Freddy soon discovers that Jason, true to his nature in the past, will not stop killing, and is taking each of his victims. Determined to retake his position as the most feared killer in Springwood, Freddy devises a plan to sedate Jason into unconsciousness in order to battle him to the death. In the meantime, a small band of survivors who learn what's happening make their own efforts to not only ensure Jason's victory, but to return him to Camp Crystal Lake.

The most of the movie is good but Some scenes were bit over the when Jason was getting tossed like a rag doll which I did not like the ending was a little disappointed.

I did like Jason Kills in this movie was really good gory deaths scenes (4ponit for that).Freddy Dreams had some really Creppy moments (3 Ponits for this).

Acting from everyone was really good. I think this movie could have been a lot better, It Still is a really good movie 7/10
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10 Years later & all we get a script that was written only in 10 minutes!
HCG71421 August 2003
"Freddy Vs. Jason" is one film I'm adding "not" only my Worst FIlms of 2003"list, but I'm also adding it to my "Worst Horror Films" list!

"Freddy Vs. Jaaon" qualifies for the Turkey award for worst film, or even a "Raseberry Award for worst film of 2003, along with a Raseberry Award for worst director.

I was really expecting a lot more style from director Yu, who I thought did a great job with "BRIDE OF CHUCKY".

The movie was just boring with scattered plot twists her and ther ethat never seeme to go anywhere but into a big vat of laughable dialogue and bad acting!

Like one critic stated, and I 100% agreee: "After more than a decade of brainstorming, here's what New Line has: Freddy and Jason stage a contest to see who can kill the most teenagers. Jason surges ahead, Freddy gets jealous, so they go at each other. The end."

"Freddy Vs. Jason" was all hype and build up because the studios knew that in the true horror fans hearts this movie was not going to live up to its hype. I was so excitied to see "Jason Vs. Freddy", & after waiting for almost 10 yrs; I went opening night, what a waste of time and money. I almost walked out to see "Open Range".

Or as another critic stated: But "Freddy vs. Jason" doesn't have any of the creepy suspense that graced the first "Friday" movies, and very little of the Daliesque dream imagery of the early "Nightmares." It's just a slam-bang succession of gross-out mutilations, played for giggles".

The worst thing was the mistake in locations when the went from Springfield which is in California to Camp Crystal Lake which I believe in New Jersey. Yeah it only takes 2 hrs to drive across the US!

Here's a tip: Kelly Rowland (of Destiny's Child) stick to music! Your a bad actress in a really bad film!

No offense but Roger Corman should have directed "Freddy Vs. Jason". He could it have done it at 1/2 the cost and made a better movie.
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The Ultimate Battle Between Evil And, Um Well, Evil
Smells_Like_Cheese11 November 2003
Man, I felt like this was a presidential campaign. :) Who would you vote for in this awesome battle? Me? Freddy all the way, man! I'll give you that Jason's bigger, but he's such a Mama's Boy, Freddy is just down right mean. But this movie was so incredibly awesome and such a treat to horror fans.

If you are a fan of the Friday the 13th series, this had so many tributes to the originality, sex, drugs, alcohol, stupid teens, and cliché bad acting. We had our slutty girl, the smart but always sexy girl who's a virgin, the funny stereotype black girl, a geek, a stoner, the sensitive boyfriend, and two of the coolest boogeymen of all horror cinema.

The plot, at first I had questioned how they'd do it. I mean, we got a killer from Camp Crystal Lake and a killer who haunts your dreams. But they made Freddy loose his powers and he needed the kids to be afraid so he could be strong again while feeding on their fear, but how can he do that when he's not that effective in his nightmares? Of course! Jason! Jason is like his bubble wrap, he assumes Jason will probably go away or he'll be easy to throw away after the job is done. But he surprises Freddy by staying and for the ultimate battle of who's victims are who.

This was just such a blast to watch. Classic horror cliché's and the best battle of the ultimate boogeymen were just too cool. The ending is a cliff hanger, but you have too many votes going towards both sides. We could never decide who is the best at the gore... Freddy! :D Sorry, I just needed to say that. But I think all horror fans will enjoy the battle scenes and the gore. It's just a great tribute to our favorite killers!

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What did you expect?
aidanratesmovies27 November 2020
A solidly entertaining, and enjoyable little horror flick- Freddy vs. Jason can never decide if it is more of a parody or if it wants to actually take itself seriously, but in the end, it still provides for a decent viewing or at least what you could come to expect. The film is led in performances by the talent Robert Englund, his portrayal of Freddy more charismatic than ever. Ken Kirzinger also provides a decent performance as Jason, but obviously there is less to work with considering his circumstances, however he still manages to make it quite fun- although at times some of the things he does can be a bit ridiculous. The pacing is rather good throughout, I was decently entertained throughout the whole film, and although the look of the film isn't anything grand- the fight scenes between Jason and Freddy are quite fun to watch, and easily the best parts of the movie. The acting besides its two leads is pretty awful, there are either completely over the top, stupid, or incredibly cliche. There are several plot holes throughout, as well as some things that just plainly make no sense. But if you are able to turn your mind off for a little while and just try to enjoy it, the film can be pretty entertaining, and pretty fun for any horror fan to enjoy. My Rating: 7.5/10
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Freddy Vs. Jason or: Why Horror Films Have A Bad Name
Fred-8610 September 2003
You would think that a movie in planning for 10+ years would be tremendously better than this film is, but no. New Line went and put another nail in the horror genre's coffin (no pun intended). This film not only bastardizes both series, but horror in general. The director, Ronny Yu, apparently has no concept of "directing" and seemingly has no knowledge of these two franchises. The story goes from completely unoriginal to absolutely hokey. Acting is the worst in any film I have ever seen, non-professional included. One scene that is truly appalling is when Jason goes on an ultra-psycho rampage (more than usual) and begins slaughtering unobtrusive teenagers right and left. I know this is a horror film, but it is totally disturbing and there is no reason for it. I suppose the producer's felt the only way to save the film was to pour onto the audience a never-ending flood of blood and gore. And boy does it keep coming and coming and coming. After it's all said and done this film is the worst of the worst to be released in a long, long time; and if you must see this film, like I did, by all means go to a matinee.
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