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The sickest film I've seen in a long time.
jhpstrydom8 December 2009
Of course I have seen films like MARTYRS, FRONTIER(S) and JACK KETCHUM'S THE GIRL NEXT DOOR but I have to say INSIDE was in a class by itself in terms of the ending, it was so bloody and violent I had trouble wrapping my head around what I just saw.

At first I wanted to hate the film and kick myself for buying it but later on I couldn't stop thinking about it, especially about the ending, very few films have had that effect on me, so in the end I thought maybe it was a good film, because I can't even remember the last film that had this particular effect on me, so I'll go ahead and say among all the graphic violence and all the intense moments there was actually a very unique experience.

If I could give good advice to all male horror fans, don't think of this as the ideal date movie, it might cause a few problems in your relationship.
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Weird, Brutal, Violent...
alucardvenom18 April 2008
I'll try to make it short without spoilers.

Movie is fast paced, brutal, bloody, violent and gory as hell. Recently I write review for another brutal movie from France - Frontiers and told how gory it was. Well this movie on my surprise is even bigger gorefest.

Delle is perfect as psycho stalking woman. You don't know who she is, but you know that whenever she shows up, it's not a good thing. During the movie you can see her madness and you can pray that it doesn't happen to you, but at the end you can feel some sympathy for her and understand why she started all that bloody rampage.

This movie is will keep you on the edge of the seat from the beginning to the end. It's not just brutal it's also very creepy. Hollywood filmmakers should learn how to make a good horror movie from this one. This is a pure horror masterpiece that we've been waiting for years to come. I was hoping if this would get cult classic status but as I see it now, it's already instant classic since it rocked every goddamn horror fan.

Recommended to every horror fan, this is MUST see, but try to get UNRATED version. I've seen rated version and it was already gory, now I'm looking for unrated version.

To all other people who are not familiar with this kind of movie and to those who are not horror fans, keep telling yourself "It's only a movie, it's only a movie... "
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The First Cut is the Deepest...
Xstal24 September 2022
... although the ones that follow aren't that shallow.

What would you do, a stranger's coming after you, just a day before you birth, with a rather heavy girth; finds a way into your home, from room to room she walks and roams, like a demon after blood, of which there ends up quite a flood (or a torrent or a deluge, take your pick).

The fantastic Béatrice Dalle, who gave us one of the most outstanding performances of her career in the brilliant Betty Blue, gives us another intense interpretation, as a stalker/house breaker intent on causing chaos and carnage, while wreaking havoc and mayhem - which she achieves with some aplomb and more.
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Fully lived up to the hype!
Connor_Kenway13 September 2015
This is a movie about every mother's worst nightmare; the fear of having your baby taken from you. A relatively taboo subject, that get's tackled masterfully in this flick. I was thoroughly surprised at how intense and beautiful this movie was, given that it largely takes place inside a house. This film is disturbing, violent and bloody but it isn't without artistic value. This is extreme art house cinema, with lots of symbolism.

The high- and low-key settings is used beautifully and really draws in the viewer and encourages you to think about what you see, while forcing you to concentrate about every scene. The colors are used so excellently, so subtlety and yet not so subtlety if you know about movie symbolism. It directly affects your mood and sets the tone perfectly, along with the intense and sad music. This is a movie, that makes you feel something that you don't want to feel, but that it reminds you, that you are alive.

Even though I didn't understand a word they said (watched it without subtitles), I understood everything as it unfolded right before my eyes. That is no easy task to accomplish for a movie, spoken in a language you do not understand. After waiting many years to watch this film, simply because I thought the plot sounded incredibly generic, my only regret is that I can't unwatch it. Not that I thought it was too extreme, but simply because I haven't watched a movie yet that holds up to this amount of artistic value, and certainly not in the horror genre. I have watched a few art house cinema, but I thought they were boring. I have yet to watch any of the other movies from the New French Extremism, but I can't wait to get started.

This is not a movie for the faint of heart or pregnant women. But if you like extreme, thought provoking horror and films, that isn't extreme just for the sake of controversy, then you're gonna love this. I will definitely buy this movie to add to my collection sometime soon.
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Lots of gore
dar04177 October 2020
Just one knifing/ stabbing or shooting after another with lots of blood and a decent story. There are a few scenes that made me look away and I can tolerate a lot of violence. YOU WERE WARNED.
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Claustrophobic and Intense
pmdawn4 June 2008
First thing: If you don't like blood or gore, stay far, far away from this. Also, don't watch this if you're pregnant. Really.

This is one hell of a horror movie, quite literally. What you need to know about this is that there's a pregnant woman in serious peril. And by peril, I mean, torture, gore, revenge, lots of blood, death and... scissors.

Like Irreversible, Sheitan, Ils and Maléfique, "Inside" is yet another proof that the best horror these days are coming from Europe (France, Spain and Germany specially). Filmed with what appears to be a micro-budget, most of the action occurs in a small, two-storey house. However, the talent of those involved with the film make this irrelevant.

One important thing about this film is that is very good at maintaining tension and suspense, something that very few gory movies do. You know you're watching something terrible, but you can't look away for curiosity's sake.

Many interesting details in the movie, such as the victim's house number, black cats and overall a feeling of dread and death. Worth watching twice for catching these pearls.

Anyway, as a last minute warning, THIS IS VERY violent and graphic. The ending was great and haunting, and with the exception of a scene or two that didn't really make sense and thus seemed somewhat out of place, this is a solid horror and fans of the genre won't be disappointed.

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The most extreme, brutal, creepy home invasion flick.
Fella_shibby6 June 2016
I first saw this in 2008 on a dvd which I own. Revisited it recently to put up a review.

When I first saw this back in 2008, I was blown away by its relentless nature.

This is most definitely one of the most extreme films I have ever come across.

One important thing about this film is that is very good at maintaining tension and suspense, something that very few gory movies r able to.

This movie will keep you on the edge of the seat from the beginning to the end.

The score and sound effects r excellent. Made on a pretty low budget, but the acting n direction is top notch.

It's shot in jus one house n has very few dialogues. Definitely not for pg-13 lovers n shud not be seen by pregnant females.
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Uninvolving but superior gore-fest
Otto_Partz_97322 May 2008
'À l'intérieur' pulls off a surprising feat: it manages to take a concept that is, by its' very premise, provocative, and make it remarkably uninvolving. It performs this reverse alchemy by an unrelenting series of missteps, in both minor details and choices that the characters make, or don't make. Every time you get close to being sucked in by the action, you are suddenly ripped out of it by something that draws attention to the contrivance and implausibility.

Having said that, I still enjoyed the film due to the performance of the two leads and the remarkable, atmospheric direction. In fact, all of the actors were fine, doing their best with what they had to work with. In the end, this is a gore-fest, and at that the creators succeeded in spades.

I can't recommend this to anyone looking for an involving story or the kind of suspense that demands that you lose yourself in the film, but if you're looking for an 82 minute ride through a great looking charnel house, you could do a lot worse.
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I have never seen a female attacker be so violent or so relentless outside of Japanese cinema
christopher-underwood29 July 2008
Just shy of maximum score because so much of it was so dark. Having said that I'm not sure I really wanted to see even more than I did of what was going on in this gruesome, gory French horror. A real achievement, particularly as a first film, this pulls no punches whatsoever and surely sends a clear signal to US film makers who seek to produce such fare. Don't mess about - just do it. But isn't this just the most harrowing and bloody, violent film ever? Well, maybe not ever, but that remains believable and involving from beginning to end. Where you want to look away but the action is so compelling you cannot. When you hope maybe there will be a pause in the nastiness but the makers just crank up the awfulness again and again. I have never seen a female attacker be so violent or so relentless outside of Japanese cinema. A remarkable achievement.
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Somewhat stretches believability
polkaband9 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There a few things wrong with this movie that have schlock elements that if they had been fixed or handled differently would have propelled this film to greatness. SPOILER ALERT:

1) First Issue is the accent music playing during certain violent scenes. It sounds kitchsy - almost like something Tarantino would think would be cool to play when it would have been far more effective minus these moments.

2) The audio separation from the 1st floor and the 2nd floor seemed hard to believe. Everything that went on on each floor seemed to be completely isolated in regards to audio. The inability for anyone to readily hear what's going on upstairs or downstairs on multiple occasions stretches believability.

3) I find it hard to believe the remaining cop didn't call for backup once his partner got shot from the car. This is difficult for me to get over.

4) The face burn at the end didn't seem quite to take as well as it should. This woman would have been in insane pain and probably unable to see period. Also the fact that her head didn't snap back from the flame is a bit weird - normal human reactions would be to snap your head back from the flame.

5) The "prisoner" in the cop car tags along via handcuffs and the cop gives the guy a gun? Also - considering a life/death situation - that would be gross negligence on the part of this cop to bring this arrested dude into this situation. Not too believable - the arrested guy is there simply to be another victim.

Besides all of these problems - I somewhat enjoyed this. I feel that if they had cleaned up a few of these issues - this movie could have gone from half schlock / half Funny Games to a full on serious movie. Unfortunately I had to suspend my belief on multiple occasions that ultimately left me with somewhat indifferent. Bleak ending is good though.
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stopped in its tracks by unbelievable characters and behavior
GnarlyBark30 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
if you are going to make a horror/suspense/gore flick that wants to be taken seriously, like this one obviously does, first of all you need believable characters that the viewers can take seriously. unfortunately "À l'intérieur" sets a new standard for ridiculous and inexplicable character behavior.

*SPOILER* the supposedly "scary" antagonist is a fairly skinny woman who manages to kill 4 grown men including 3 armed police officers, one male teenager and 2 other women...with scissors and knitting needles. this is mostly possible because the officers in question obviously never received any kind of training in how to manage potentially dangerous situations and suspects and pretty much everybody except for the main protagonist fails to put up any kind of resistance whatsoever. little wonder really. since the killer-woman is obviously super-human, any resistance would be futile. she can enter a locked and barred house without making any kind of sound, she can see perfectly in the dark where others need flashlights, she can somehow grab a knitting-needle hidden in her sleeve while a fairly strong looking police officer has one of her arms locked behind her back and she obviously has some kind of hypnotic powers that force everybody to turn their backs to her even though she's highly suspicious and hold perfectly still while she takes her sweet time to stick them with super-human strength. *SPOILER END*

it's really sad too because technically the movie is fairly well executed. the camera and lighting work nicely, the gore effects are fairly convincing, the sound effects are juicy and the music brings some fresh ideas to the table. best conditions for a suspenseful scary gore-flick...if only it wouldn't be lacking so much in substance and believability.

4/10 for the technical aspect but i would only recommend this movie to someone who's seen EVERY gore flick there is and just HAS to see one more.
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À L'Intérieur - the geometry of a microbudget wonder!
chaosrampant9 February 2008
The best reassurance that the Hellraiser remake is in good hands, is actually watching Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury's first movie. Once the credits roll, it becomes very clear why the team behind À L'Intérieur comes with Clive Barker's seal of approval.

The signs were on the wall. If Haute Tension and Scheitan were not enough proof that France is the epicentre of euro horror right now, this one just hammers the point home effortlessly. Taking a very simple premise (pregnant woman attacked by maniac woman in her house), the same awareness of scope and budget that made Saw effective, GALLONS of blood and a European flair for atmosphere, À L'Intérieur is simultaneously emotionally draining and bruising. The story takes place inside a house and that's it. It's more like three rooms actually. Very straight-forward and simple. That's called budget-awareness Asylum. And yes, it's very short too, clocking at a measly 78 minutes (5 of which are the credits). But, frankly, it couldn't have been anymore. It was enough to leave me exhausted.

There are easily more gory or more disturbing movies out there, but I can say that À L'Intérieur left me satisfied in both departments. There's something disturbing about pregnant women in peril and combined with scissors, exploding heads, custom built flame throwers and stabbing in the balls, it's gore heaven with the occasional cringe-worthy moment.

The violence is relentless and numbing. The splatter, of the same spraying variety that made Haute Tension's first half so beautiful. A particular scene of blood spraying across a wall would make Dario Argento and fans of Tenebre proud. Although, unlike HT, there are no gimmicks and ridiculous twists here. What makes À L'Intérieur so effective by comparison is that the violence piles up and leads to a climactic finale. And the final image is haunting beyond words...

Some people might be eager to dismiss it as torture porn, a hack term often thrown around these days. It might be so. But unlike rubbish like Hostel, it's packed with atmosphere, tension and has its heart set in all the right places. In the end of the day it's a horror movie. If some people want their horror watered-down, harmless and PG-13, the big studios will have something in store for them. À L'Intérieur is for the rest of us blood-hounds.

Anyways, grab it if you can find it. It just goes to show what you can do with a relatively small budget and DV technology.
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What a twisted "Christmas" movie, LOL!
prainey-4800412 June 2020
I honestly have mixed feelings about this: On the one end, I loved the tension, creepiness & graphic gore of this movie! Very effective & will stay with me...

On the other end, I feel there were stupid, unbelievable decisions made by quite a few characters, including the lead, that kind of took me out of the movie and required more suspension of disbelief than I was ready to give. Not to mention the graphic gore was way over the top & completely unnecessary at times (i.e. gore simply for the sake of gore, not to drive the story/plot in any way).

I'm sure there are other French horror films (I haven't seen), but I can't help but compare it to "High Tension" (2003) & "Martyrs" (2008). One has graphic gore, but is too over the top, and the other has graphic gore but each violent scene has a purpose & drives the overall story, respectively. The violence of "Inside" is like a combination of the two, but is closer to "High Tension". The French seem to love their women serial killers!...

Overall, I liked "Inside" more than I didn't & I'll mildly recommend it, especially for gore-hounds! A soft 6 out of 10 for me.
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gore, gore, gore... and then some more gore
kgottlicher1 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The only shocking thing about this slasher is its rating - 7.0?! Obviously, some people are REALLY easy to please/shock.

First off: if the events take place on Christmas (totally irrelevant for the plot, by the way), why is all the foliage GREEN (as in late-summer green)?! And this is not Australia, mind you, this is France. Call me pedantic, but such "oversights" are inexcusable and foreshadow all the bad that is to come.

Secondly: the occasional in utero CGI shots of the baby (besides being completely unnecessary) are so laughably cheap that I can't fathom how come MORE people didn't find them tragically detrimental, especially since more often than not they appear when the "tension" is at its highest and totally destroy it.

Thirdly: comparing this flick to "High Tension" (another French slasher over-hyped by patriots and the easily shocked) might mislead those who've seen it into believing "Inside" has some "psychological" undertones (i.e. that the killer is a projection of the protagonist's alter ego, like in "High Tension"). But it does not. This is as physical as it gets.

A basic rundown of the plot (SPOILERS AHEAD!!!): A pregnant couple has a car crash in which the guy dies. Sometime after, the grief-stricken pregnant widow Sarah gets attacked at her home by a "mysterious" woman, who apparently wants to harm her and/or the baby. Is she real or is she a figment of a conscience burdened by the "survivor's guilt"? Is Sarah symbolically fighting some inner demons? Is she another Rosemary from "Rosemary's Baby"? Nope. Turns out, the attacker is very much real: she was also in that car crash and lost her own baby. And now wants to take Sarah's as her own, killing everyone in her path.

Boo! It's like all interesting movie premises have already been beaten to death and sucked dry, so what you get is one-dimensional, improbable nonsense like this.

What unfolds in between is some of the most unlikely string of events you're ever going to encounter on celluloid, all heftily slopped with buckets of gore. Logical behavior goes out the window, as "plot development" only serves to string two ridiculous gory scenes together, and with it any chance of this movie rising above the slasher level. Now, that may be fine if that's your cup of tea. But "Inside" wants to be so much more.

The problem as I see it is two-fold. Firstly, most people have grown numb to blood and violence. I've spend my childhood in a war zone in Yugoslavia and can blissfully slurp a tomato soup while watching even the most goriest scenes around. Others have grown numb through news, internet and an overabundance of movie violence. Now, that may be unfortunate psychologically speaking, but for aspiring horror directors it means they must try harder to scare and scar us than by drowning their flicks in self-serving, senseless gore.

Secondly, even those faint of heart will grown numb if you beat them over the head with non-stop pointless violence. It gets to a point where it starts being comical. Like in the last "Rambo".

Back to the plot. If your viewer is perplexed by the illogical behavior of your characters and is constantly going "Why?", how do you expect him to be shocked? For instance, Sarah never attempts to escape through the bathroom window (or any other windows, for that matter). The woman (a regular citizen up until then) manages to outmaneuver and kill three (THREE!) armed police officers, because police is, naturally, incompetent. When Sarah comes in the room looking for a weapon to defend herself, instead of any of THEIR weapons (including a grenade launcher), she goes for a POKER! Logic? Anyone? And then, later on, possibly exhausted by all the gore, she goes to bed mid-action and falls asleep like a baby, only (of course) to be attacked by the ever-awake killer woman. She even manages to inadvertently kill her own visiting mother, mistaking her for the killer: an implausible event which serves no other purpose then to give us a nice shot of a squirting jugular and up the ante on the "sickness" with some unnecessary matricide.

To a similar end, you also get a scene in which one of the officers (previously shot pointblank in the head) magically resurrects and proceeds to beat SARAH (not the killer woman, mind you) with a truncheon across her pregnant belly (why? WHY?!), causing Sarah to spurt buckets of blood from her vagina. Sick? Would have been, if the scene made ANY sense at all. And if it wasn't interspersed with yet another laughable shot of the pathetically computer-rendered baby inside her.

And the score? Sudden, loud, cacophonous sounds during "scary" scenes. Yaaawwwn.

I could go on and on about all that is wrong about this movie, but anyone still reading this has already wasted enough time on it, so do yourself a favor and don't go watch it too (a benevolent advice that far too often goes ignored around here - myself being guilty as charged too).

A shallow, illogical mess of a movie for the faintest of heart and undemanding. Pulls nothing but cheap gory punches. Go revisit "Rosemary's Baby" for the 100th time if necessary.
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Laughable attempt to disturb
Cujo1083 May 2010
A mother-to-be is menaced by a strange woman who traps her inside her own house. What does the stranger want? Why, her unborn baby, of course. This film received a great deal of praise from the horror community, but when I watched it shortly after it's U.S. DVD release, I didn't think it was worthy of any of it. Since I blind bought it back then, I figured I might as well give it another chance. Alas, this film didn't improve at all upon my second viewing. French horror seems to be all the rage among fellow genre fans these days, but where films like Haute Tension and Martyrs succeed at being more than envelope-pushing for the sheer hell of it, Inside fails miserably.

I'm a fan of Béatrice Dalle. She's fantastic in 37°2 le matin, and her menacing performance is easily the best thing about this film. To be frank, it's the only thing this mess has going for it. Alysson Paradis is the victim, but pregnant or not, the film didn't give me much of a reason to invest in her character. Clearly, this kills any potential suspense factor. Another suspense vacuum is the rampant idiocy on display here, most notably from the police. A cop's two partners just disappeared into a dark house where gunshots emanated from. Am I to believe that the moron would head into the house with his latest arrest handcuffed to his wrist, all without calling for backup? Then there's the thing with the circuit breaker, and it's just absurd. I also didn't care for the inside shots of the baby at all. I thought it was an awful idea, made all the more annoying by the obvious CGI and ridiculous expressions the baby would make. Was I supposed to be disturbed whenever this popped up? If anything, it was amusing that the directors thought this would work in any way, shape or form.

Now, onto the film's sole reason for existing... The gore effects are wet and brutal. They're not always convincing, but they're very graphic. And that's all there is to Inside. Honestly, this thing is basically just one big excuse for pushing the envelope with gore effects and attempted shock factor. There is no depth, no suspense, no scares... It's a revolting bore. I'm surprised by how well-liked it is. This belongs at the bottom of the barrel with other French drivel such as Sheitan and Frontière(s). The only true horror that comes from watching this is realizing that something so bad is actually being praised to the heavens.
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Incredibly gory thriller that is surprisingly intelligent and artful!
Schwenkstar29 February 2008
One of the goriest films I have ever seen. Blood spews, spouts, spurts, and sprays from just about every body part, and the blood is splattered, splashed, smeared, slopped, and sloshed in just about every nook and cranny of the house.

Normally, I would immediately reject the film as nothing more than pure exploitation and try my best to forget about it, but with this picture there was something more to the proceedings than just it's blood soaked surface. Indeed, there was a great amount of intelligence behind the gore, providing ample subtext about motherhood.

For instance, director Bustillo made the strange choice of fogging the mother's home, giving it a dream-like ambiance that suggests an outward manifestation of the character's subconscious. As a result, we begin to question the validity of the proceedings - Is the black-cloaked woman a representation of the protagonist's fear of motherhood? Is the bodily torment and self-mutilation a response to the protagonist's guilt she feels for causing her husband's death? Many questions are raised and the only answer given is rather simplistic and contrived, though still logical enough to be acceptable. However, it is still ambiguous enough at the film's conclusion to allow for further pondering.

In addition to the rich subtext (and on a more visceral level), the film features stylized direction and beautifully executed sequences of creeping dread and pulse-pounding suspense that are simply a joy to behold.

However, despite these wonderful qualities, the film delves into its violent excess to an unnecessary degree, most likely only to provide shocks rather than further develop its potent subtext. Also, the inclusion to the police officers and their rapid deaths seemed pointless, and though one could argue that they were a representation of the husband's own death and her inability to save him, I would argue that there were simply included to increase the body count and add a few more shots of gooey, gunky gore.

If the gore wasn't so repulsive, I might have said this was my favorite horror film of 2007 as the intelligence and skill that went into the making of this film is very much evident. Unfortunately, Bustillo indulged a little too much in adding shock value to his film, causing him to undermine many elements within his own picture.

Flawed yet still a good movie.
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Trades in getting under your skin for over-the-top shocks...
InfiniteCinema1 May 2008
I am actually sorry I can't give this film a higher score. There are moments so strong and deeply shocking (and one genuinely disturbing and unforeseeable moment) but those are drowned out by so many over-the-top (albeit extremely well done) acts of violence. The set-up is simple but effective in terms of suspense. For those who may complain that they need more back story to sympathize or care about the lead I can understand that. However for this viewer it was enough that she was pregnant and seemed reasonably nice (and distraught over the misfortune that begins a movie which helps buy more sympathy). If nothing else my heart was with the little baby in the belly. Plus the actress does well with her thinly written part. The set-up begins in an understated way that leaves you tense and on guard. Very well done so far. Once the action of the plot begins it still is on the right track. Then the violence begins. One act of over-the-top violence after another. This viewer is a fan of over-the-top violence but it depends on the film. Something like this where the premise is disturbing enough already would have gained more from drawing out the suspense and slowly building up the violence. By the time the film reaches its conclusion we've been so numbed and accustomed to the relentless violence that the end does not pack nearly as much punch as it could have and the deaths kind of blur into one another. The movie no longer becomes about a pregnant woman in peril. Over halfway in it feels more like a gore fest, preferring instead to go for well crafted shocks instead of hitting you with just a few but heavy acts of violence. To put it simply it blows its wad way too early. However there are moments here and there that emerge from amongst the splatter fest that point to two directors with great potential (I won't spoil). Beatrice Dalle is great as usual. A nameless character that could have become just another stock killer in the hands of the wrong actress feels alive in Dalle's hands while still retaining an air of mystery. I recommend it...but reluctantly. I recommend it for sure to the gorehounds (for the record this reviewer is not opposed to gore considering that Argento is adored by this reviewer for example). Also very much recommend it to Dalle fans (which this reviewer loves as well). But for those who are neither of the above I recommend it for a strong beginning and for a dulled but nonetheless strong ending and for two or three great moments in the between.

P.S. The few CGI effects were terrible and should have been cut out altogether.
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Unbelievably brutal and emotionally draining. This is not to be missed!
LoneWolfAndCub1 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A few years back, when the words 'Japanese' and 'Horror' were said in the same sentence, ears would rise and interest would immediately peak. Now, replace 'Japanese' with 'French' and the reaction will still be the same. A l'interieur (aka Inside) co-directed by first timers Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury. It is hard to believe that these two men could create a debut that is this good, this intense, this...ferociously insane bloodbath. Think of Alexandre Aja's 2003 horror 'Haute Tension' (which was also a brutal but excellent slasher) mixed with Halloween and toss in Dario Argento's style (particularly from 'Tenebrae') and you have Inside.

Bustillo does not bother with a story that is in-depth or very large for that matter. In fact, it is rather simple: Sarah (Alysson Paradis) is a young photographer who recently lost her boyfriend in a car crash and she is still grieving over her loss. It is now Christmas and she is alone and expecting a baby the next day. On Christmas Eve she is visited by a Woman in Black (Béatrice Dalle) who wants to get inside the house for reasons unknown. However, soon enough, she is in the house and her goal becomes crystal clear. She is after Sarah's baby and she will do anything to get it...absolutely anything.

There are many techniques that make this film as good as it is. First and foremost, the setting. The majority of the film is set in Sarah's house, furthermore, most of this is in her bathroom. This makes for some extremely intense moments and real feelings of claustrophobia. Also, the two leading ladies give such powerful performances which really assists in getting us to feel what they feel and think what they think. Sarah's determination to survive and fight back is realistic and gives the movie a powerful vibe and theme of a mother's love for her unborn child. La femme (the Woman in Black) is comparable to The Shape (Michael Myers) from John Carpenter's 1978 slasher classic 'Halloween.' For the first 20 minutes she appears as a silhouette, not speaking, just standing and watching. Creepy and chilling are just two words which describe her in the first part of the movie.

Now onto the parts of the movie discussed the most...the copious amounts of blood. And let me tell you, once the blood starts to flow it never stops. From the moment we see our first drop the movie moves at such a breakneck pace it is hard to keep up. I was literally on the edge of my seat while watching these parts, that is how intense they were. Not only that, but the gore was so realistic and brutal at times I found myself covering my eyes (which I rarely do in any film). Blood sprays, crotches are stabbed, throats are slashed, faces are burnt and heads explode. The finale is soaked in blood and features one of the most depressing, disturbing and gruesome endings I have seen. No one will be able to leave the movie feeling well...I felt emotionally drained and ill. Movies rarely do that to me.

Ignoring some lapses in logic and a fairly bland revelation (not really a twist), Bustillo and Maury have created a refreshingly brilliant horror movie that proves that: horror is not dead and that the French are now producing the best horror movies seen in many years.

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Scary, Disturbing, Bold and Gore
claudio_carvalho10 August 2008
While driving in a rainy day, the pregnant photographer Sarah (Alysson Paradis) crashes her car against another one in a road with no survivors. Four months later, in Christmas Eve, Sarah decides to stay alone at her home, grieving her deceased boyfriend Matthieu and preparing to go to the hospital on the next morning for the delivery. During the night, a stranger (Béatrice Dalle) wearing black heavily hits on her front door asking to get inside, but Sarah calls the police and the woman vanishes. Later, while sleeping, Sarah is attacked by the woman that broke in her house with a pair of scissors and she runs to the bathroom. During the bloody night of terror, the woman attacks Sarah's visitors and discloses to Sarah who she is and what she wants.

"À l'Intérieur" is one of the most brutal and gore low-budget movies that I have ever seen, comparable to "The Descent". The story is scary, disturbing and bold but the storyline is very simple and with few characters; therefore it is not difficult to guess who might be the evil woman in black. Very few directors and writers would dare to submit a pregnant woman to the graphic violence of this slasher, therefore for the fans of the genre like me, the debut of the promising Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury could not be better. There are some flaws along the story, like for example why Sarah does not shout out when the police rings the bell and arrives in the living room; or why Sarah does not use the revolver the detective had given to her; or why the last detective has not called for backup when he heard the gun shots. Last but not the least, this movie is not recommended for sensitive persons and pregnant women. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Invasora" ("The Invader")

Note: On 22 February 2014, I saw this movie again.
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A perfect mix of tension, suspense and graphic gory death!
GoregirlsDungeon24 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The opening scene is inside one of two cars involved in a fatal crash. A very pregnant woman looks over at her dead husband and speaks his name as blood gurgles from her mouth. The credits flow over graphic ultrasound images and we are introduced to Sarah, the survivor of the car crash four months later. It is the day before she is to give birth. What follows is complete and utter insanity. Not only is this film full of brooding and intensely suspenseful moments but the gore factor is through the roof. A perfect mix of tension, suspense and graphic gory death. Watching a very pregnant woman being terrorized is nasty enough but there are actually moments in the film where they have the audacity to show the action from the fetus point of view. I think that is wonderfully evil! It is not for the squeamish and certainly not for those who are not fans of the horror genre. But for those of us who have watched hours of obnoxiously bad tripe, when a film like this comes along it is a beautiful shiny beacon of Horror light! There is only one ever so brief scene between Sarah and a cop near the end that I just thought was out of place and didn't work. Pure, bloody brilliance!! HIGHLY Recommended!
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Pretty Insane stuff really, but flawed
dschmeding13 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, you have to grant that this is a real decent horror debut from France. "A l interieur" is a really strange mixture of a classic slasher movie with thriller elements. In some ways it reminded me of "High Tension"... the bleak colors, the female main actors and the raw violence. But this one takes it to another level... some scenes were pretty sick with bizarre fountains of blood spraying and you get a home made c-section without anesthesia thrown in to top it off. Now thats not all... the atmosphere of this movie is damn tense so this is no splattermovie by any means. Plotwise, well... A pregnant woman survives a car crash, loses her husband but is about to give birth to her baby when suddenly a strange woman stalks her and breaks into her house. From here on the whole plot is set in the small house where she hides in the bathroom from the maniac who wants to steal her child. Unexpected family members and cops all end up in pools of their own blood and gorehounds will be happy with this one for sure. Anyway I was expecting quite something since the obscure maniac seems to be connected somehow. But when the movie exposes the connection it seems like dropped in after a long tension build up... and its really lame. In the end the movie loses itself in gore and gets pretty stupid. The lobotomized zombie guy could have been so creepy but WTF is the crazy living room scene supposed to mean? In the last 15 Minutes a lot of things seem random... this and the closing is just about what really dropped the bar for "A l interieur" after a real strong opening. So to keep it short... this is a damn bloody, sick and tense movie with some real nice cinematography and a minimalistic creepy score. But the plot is absolutely stupid... I wish they had worked that one out and we would have another french horror highlight. This way its impressively gory and raw but thats about it. With a plot like Hellraiser at his hands I am interested in Bustillo's result anyways.
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This crap gets a 7.1?!?
Muvibuff776 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say I'm a pretty big horror buff and it's been quite a long time since I saw a film as offensive and irritatingly stupid as Inside. The story concerns a young pregnant woman who is menaced in her home by another woman who wants to steal her baby. One wonders why the villainess doesn't wait until the baby is born to sneak in and snatch it (the story reveals she's waited 4 months already and the baby is due to be delivered the next day), considering the incredible ease that she sneaks into the house undetected. Things might have gone better for her. Of course, this would cheat the hack filmmakers from the money shot they can barely contain themselves for: the ugly extended shot of a woman being cut open with scissors (love how passively our heroine endures this, by the way). This review could go on and on for pages cataloging the ludicrous behavior of the characters, but I won't bother; rest assured, though, this movie has an extremely high "oh, come on!" quotient. I wonder in what alternate universe a woman the size of Beatrice Dalle, carrying only the aforementioned scissors, could break into a house and kill 6 people, 3 of them armed with guns, and not get caught or killed. Welcome to the world of Inside.
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This is an amazing horror experience
tsabala813 July 2008
I watched this movie about a month ago, and it still haunts me.

The premise is a pregnant woman who has lost her boyfriend in a car accident, then fast forward to her being about full term. In the Beginning I was feeling shades of The Descent, which is my favorite horror movie of the past 10 years. The next 30 minutes or so are admittedly, a tad boring, but then, the Lady In Black shows up....Why? she wants the baby....why? Go rent this movie and find out.

What ensues is one of the goriest (and not for gores sake, it is justified) and most uncomfortable movies you will ever see. By uncomfortable I don't mean torture porn or crap like The Strangers, but the violence on some ends will make you say "OH my god!!!" and on others just make you cringe....Please, any person who claims to be a fan of the horror or even action genre, see this movie immediately.....the final frame will haunt you for weeks, because you will truly know what a movie monster is
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My Bloodlust is Sated, if ever it existed
DuskShadow29 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
For the now, for this halloween season, I have sated a bloodlust I never needed to sate, because I never really had one. Yet after watching this film, I am almost good. Though I will continue to watch horror and thrillers and mysteries, this film was just a nonstop increasing gorefest.

I wont spoil anything as the synopsis on the main page is descriptive enough, but don't see this while eating if you are easily upset by blood and violence. At times the characters ( cops especially) in this film were dumb as all get up, and perhaps that is just a return to the trope when it comes to the overall thriller genre( though cops are pretty dumb, by nature. Police forces don't want anything but grunts).

So Though I want to hate much of this film, I want to like much of it, and must give it a medium 6/10; not sterling, but okay.
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Useless Trash
pearl182 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I can only blame myself for having watched this ludicrous film to the end. After all, it was on cable and all I had to do was change the channel. But I didn't and now I'll have hideous images burned into my memory for a long time to come. The plot is so unbelievable that it is humorous.

A pregnant woman who is about to give birth at any minute is allowed (and chooses) to stay home alone on Christmas eve in a remote area. Her best friend, mother and doctor all oblige, of course. Yeah, right. After a psycho woman in black (who knows her name and personal situation) knocks on her door asking to use the phone, the pregnant woman calls the police who later reassure her that "she won't come back" and she hence decides to spend the rest of the night alone anyway. Yeah, right. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that she is a seasoned photo journalist hardened from the trenches at the ripe old age of what, 25?

It only gets worse. The psycho woman manages to magically appear in the house, terrorize the pregnant woman with scissors, buckets of blood and gore follow. A squad car comes by later to check on the pregnant heroine, the two cops realize something is up (perhaps it was the two slashed bodies in the stairway or the girl with her hand pinned on the wall with scissors?) and manage to be killed by psycho woman before even calling in for backup? Yeah, I can buy that. Then the remaining two people from the squad car, a cop who has leashed himself to a perp they arrested, decide to go investigate only after hearing shots, again without calling for backup. Psycho woman takes them down too all alone. Did I mention that the perp was a north African teen they arrested due to riots going on in the presumably nearby projects that night? There must have been a social message there but I was too nauseated to notice.

The worst part of this film, aside from the silly plot, shallow characters and senseless gore, is undoubtedly Beatrice Dalle. Why on earth she chose to accept such a ridiculous role is beyond me. Although perhaps it's because she hasn't had much work since the cult classic Betty Blue in 1986? She is unattractive, unbelievable and frankly annoying. How she has remained even on the fringes of the scene for so long baffles me. But now I'm getting personal.

My only reason for taking the time to write this is to purge my self-loathing for having watched such trash. People will undoubtedly watch the film despite anything they read here, and judging from the glowing reviews on this site, there must be something that I missed. Actually, that's quite a relief.
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