"Star Trek: Picard" Two of One (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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What they've done to the Borg Queen
jimmyw-815737 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All right... not a totally bad episode... but some thing are not ok guys.

What have they done to the Borg Queen?,.... come on. She was the ruthless Borg Queen, se was all "assimilate" and "resistance is futile" as a Borg is. Now what is she???... she wants to talk, to chit chat... to dance.. what !? She makes Jurati perform... she seems now a Q...

Not good ... not good.
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Garbage mixed with treasure!
garabedian1238 April 2022
Such a strange episode. First we have the flashback cliche. Lets start in the middle of the episode and flash back. Why? No Freaking reason at atl..

Picard's robot body was hit by a car and now he is stuck in his head? Your gonna have to walk me through that one because im lost. And guess what. Laris can go into his head meaning the next episode will be a complete filler episode...ohh boy!.

And Dr Soong is definitely not from this time period. A whole life of genetic engineering means he would have started in the 1970s...And he has futuristic technology. Are they still pretending he belongs in the 21st century? Why?

You know what this episode we really about. The dr's boobs.
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A bit boring
zachelkins-070618 April 2022
Idk, this episode wasn't super great. Not only that, but the glaring issues in writing are leaned on purposely?

Astronauts are legit screened and prepped to not panic, same with fighter pilots. It happens, but it's asinine to think they'd send someone to space that's in the middle of a mental breakdown.

The first 3 episodes were good, and the overall arc is interesting enough. But there still are a lot of aspects that when you walk away and think about it you go... that could have been fixed or better, and it's embarrassing it wasn't.
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Thank the stars for small mercies
Cragsidebarry11 April 2022
Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the episodes are getting shorter each week?

So far, episode lengths (in mins) have been:: 56, 54, 47, 45, 42, and then this one 39.

By that pattern we will hopefully be down to less than 30' of dross by the end of this pitiful season.

On the plus side that means less dross to sit through, I guess.
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This season feels like a drawn out to episode
mattmcg-2388111 April 2022
While enjoyable, this season of Picard is feeling like a long, drawn out TV episode - sort of like what happened with the TNG's Insurrection and Nemesis. Back to back short episodes #5 & #6 plus the filler feel of Capt Rios's little side adventure, have the appearance of padding for time. Surprising that Stewart would "unretire" as Picard for this "meh." Season 1, while not perfect by any means, had more of an epic fee to it, plus brought closure on the Data storyline.
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Suspend disbelief and it's fairly enjoyable.
asp51978 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I want to preface this with the fact that I enjoyed Stardust City Rag, and I know I'm in the minority there. To that point I was looking forward to this episode because it is very similar, except with significantly fewer lost eyeballs.

Like SCR, this was absolutely the weakest of the season thus far. That doesn't mean it was terrible as this season is still an improvement from the last. Agnes is just fantastic this season (still a weird concept for me), Picard's pep talk was a highlight for me personally as someone who's struggled with anxiety and depression before, but Soong hitting him with his Tesla was just plain stupid.

The twist at the end was decent, but I'm really tired of Q having nothing to do. With the Renee storyline seemingly over it seems overall like whole act one went out with a bang, act two went out with a whimper.
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I wanna see a sci-fi series
lahilaastravnar7 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Instead for the third time I saw an episode that takes plaece in a almost contemporary Los Angeles: good for the budget probably, but tedious.

Picard had a complete substitution of his body with a synthetic one at last episode of first season, but:
  • a 2024 hospital is judged better to heal him;
  • a 2024 doctor didn't recognize the artificial nature of it.

It appears absurd to my eyes.

Good actors, but bad plot.
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Ocean's Cringe
vsek8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am sorry but these writers can't even get in a story from A to B in a way that makes sense. They are no Star Trek or science fiction fans and the lame references in all these episodes are put in by another department. We're back at the shallows of season 1, people. Strap in:

First off, I don't get Talinn. She gets downright flirty with Picard, giving him looks and smiles - but she is supposed to be a completely different character than Laris, right? Why do they do that? To keep reminding us of Laris and that Picard will get together with her at the end? It's very distracting. She is also a bad time agent (whatever). Just a few choice words and she lets Picard break all the time travel/watcher rules for some reason.

This whole mission on earth seems full of holes. Here, they proclaim that they only have to secure Renee Picard for another 10 hours until she goes into astronaut quarantine. But isn't that quite a stretch? From there until the launch could be numerous attempts at her life! Who is keeping her secure in quarantine?

I also have to wonder about Renee Picard in general. Astronauts always train with at least one replacement astronaut. If she drops out, no problem! Why does it have to be her? It's also very strange that her coworkers are oblivious to her obvious mental issues.

Pondering poverty and inequality the last weeks, now the crew is mingling, laughing and drinking with the upper crust. Rios enjoys a good cigar and comments on the fabulous food. It's like the episode forgets that the last episode happened. Thanks, writers!

Raffi still gets the medal for worst Starfleet officer. Not only does she keep seeing the deceased Elnor, but her only objection to Rios visiting the female doctor is that the relationship would be "built on a lie". HOW ABOUT THE TIMELINE? Raffi also seems to be tempted by the bottle again - therapy in the 25th century sucks!

The tension completely goes out of the window like a dry fart when Agnes Jurati (enhanced by Borg Queen) performs a musical number so well that ALL the security guys that chased Picard forget everything. No, really, that happened. It was so cringe and stupid. It's like the show thinks it can afford to take a pause from the awesome plot!

It's really telling that these writers can't even write basic logical chains of events! There's a blackout but the spotlight behind Jurati on top of the stairs switches on in just the right moment! And the band knows when to play and what to play! And they're not confused who this lady in red is. Coincidentally, the security guards also forgot that they arrested the very same lady in a red dress earlier, for some reason.

You never wanted to see the "resistance is futile" Borg Queen to bow in front of clapping rich people? Well then fast forward around this particular stinking pile on the road. That's when the Borg Queen jumped the shark. And it's all the fault of resident "genius" Jurati who couldn't bother to keep her distance from the Borg Queen.

Conventiently, the show forgets its dismal first season again, when nobody is commenting on Picard being an android. Upon his collapse, Rios suggests the help of a 21st century doctor! Talinn scans his brain with her future tech but seems not to see that he is an artificial lifeform. Although the defibrillator makes some sparks, it seems the writers don't really know how to handle this. They seem to forget that last season, Jurati was lauded as a top cyberneticist - maybe she could help?

There seems to be some urgency to wake Picard up whicht I don't understand. Why? Because he knows Q? How does it help the mission anyway? "We need Picard to get our future back" - that seems a line just made for trailers and episode recaps.

The part with Soong worked for me. Although I wish this part was in another show. Spiner is excellent and gives a stellar performance!

It's just a stretch that his 23-year-old daughter never looked her dad up on the internet. What is she doing all day alone at home?

Seems like this episode was just there for the pep talk of 2 minutes and getting Patrick Stewart immobile for yet another completely different episode inside his brain.

It was jarring when 20-something Renee Picard tells the over 90-year-old Picard "Your mother was lucky to have you." It doesn't seem something you tell an old man.

One short pep talk later, she is fine and will continue the space program. How unstable is this woman??

Producer logic: "Hey, these DS9 episodes with jazz music and singing were popular, let's do one of those!" It's like a chef asks you what your favorite foods are and then puts them all on the same plate. Then he is confused why you didn't like your meal consisting of Donuts, Ravioli, Sushi, Bratwurst, Tantanme ramen soup, Schnitzel and Kimchi Udon.

Bonus questions:

  • Soong is basically a cancelled, publicly disgraced "mad" scientist, yet they let him on the board (for NASA?) and welcome his donation money - why?

-Where did Picard's earpiece come from?

-How did they contact the doctor?

-Why wait before standing in line for the party until Agnes can sort it out? It's better to have some senseless drama, right?
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Well, well, well....
jamisonjohn7 April 2022
I actually enjoyed this episode. It wasn't overly complicated, emotions were expressed without an over emphasis on the subject, acting was great, directing was great, a fairly solid episode. I like the premise. Hopefully this keeps going.
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A Bit Slow
cheryl-y-oconnor9 April 2022
Whilst I am enjoying the series generally I found this episode a bit pedestrian. I do feel that the storyline could be moved along somewhat quicker. I hope the next episode moves the plot along at pace otherwise it might just send me to sleep! This whole episode could have been condensed into 20 minutes easily.
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What am I actually watching?
CarfelMA9 April 2022
This episode was so idiotic and boring. Agnes singing was the most ridiculous idea in writing. The singing abilities of Allison Pills was not the issue. The overdramatic stupid scene when she appeared in the dark starting to sing was an embarrasing moment for Star Trek. But honestly I less and less see Star Trek in this show each week. The characters (Picard & especially Seven) are ruined, the stories boring and confusing. And Agnes is the most annoying character. It is hard to watch the humour the writers try soooo hard to put into this show through Agnes. Why do they even do that? It is not cool although they actually try exactly to accomplish that - but fail. It is not necessary and it makes me not to be able to take "Star Trek Picard" serious.
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Alison Pill & Orla Brady fabulous, others less so.
bosporan7 April 2022
Alison Pill is superb as Jurati this week, she is given a core role and she nails it. Loved the backseat driver humour with the Borg Queen, the whole thing is reminiscent of Number 6 (Tricia Helfer) in BSG and this feels deliberate with the choice of red dress. On a side note, no more singing please! Orla Brady is wonderful as-ever playing Laris/watcher.

Negative points, Penelope Mitchell (Renée Picard) gave poor dialogue timing and delivery, though to be fair, her script is contrived and unnatural. It is just possible she was directed to do this so Stewart was not made to look bad, though his performance improved when comatose. Missed Seven (Jeri Ryan) this week, unless I overlooked something.

In-the-round a strong episode.
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Amazing views.
download_pascal14 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The episode is rather O. K., that's why I give it a 7-stars rate. But the amzing view on Alison Pill breasts in the red dress, 'r simply exciting. I would like to say, thank you to Alison and I promis to do a challenge on the pictures, easy to find on the Net.
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Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing.
Andromeda44828 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The prop department for TOS and DS9 created pipes labled GNDN, incidentally it describes this and the previous episodes.

They really do go nowhere and they really do nothing.

The story isn't bad, as a concept I like it. But this awful format (season long storyarcs) makes it unbearable. The story is too long for a movie but has the content and quality which should only last an episode.

It's like I'm watching Das Boot, with worst writing over a 7 week period with random B-roll footage and cuts to black with the timer/countdown from 24.

I like the ideas. I really do, but they've dragged it out too long.

There was a nice callback to Enterprise, Picard gives a Picard speach. Jonathan Frakes is having fun directing.

But when you consider that the ending is always blunt, and half the episode is stock footage of LA. You do just have to wonder why this story is taking a season.

It only just occured to me that we barely even have any character development for this ancestor. The only screen time we've had is her in a simulator and her in a therapy session.

I have zero care or attachment to this character, or not nearly enough given the weight that rests on her shoulders.

It's not awful, but it's far from great.
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yet another episode with no beginning and no end
violab7 April 2022
I am really not a fan of season long arcs, especially when the individual episodes have no closeures, not story arcs of their own. There was also nothing Star Trek about this episode.
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Party Rock Anthem
southdavid4 August 2022
Jonathan Frakes is again at the helm for this episode of Picard and, though it's more to do with the writing rather than anything particularly notable about the direction, the return to (at least) acceptable episodes continues here.

Having successfully infiltrated the party, Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Talinn (Orla Brady) watch an increasingly anxious Renee (Penelope Mitchell) convince herself to withdraw from the mission. When Jean-Luc goes to talk to her, he's cut off by Dr Soong (Brent Spiner) who is there acting on Q's (John de Lancie) behalf. Increasingly corrupted by the Borg Queen (Annie Wersching) Jurati (Alison Pill) is starting to enjoy some benefits, but there is a price to be paid.

Admittedly, this edition uses a rather trite trope. We see early that the episode is going to involve things going badly for Picard and then we flashback to earlier in the evening to see how it unfolded. Much of the cast has very little to do in this one, with Seven, Raffi and Rios largely just attending the party and looking concerned when Jean-Luc gets hurt. I'm largely unmoved by this storyline with Renee. It feels unlikely that a being of unbelievable cosmic power would use that to try and influence things in such a small and contrived way. Speaking of which, what has happened to that plot point about Q losing his power, that doesn't appear to have come up again. I'm not the first person in these reviews to point out that Picard's robot body doesn't appear to have carried over into this season

I like the storyline with Jurati and the Borg Queen more, perhaps because I like both actresses and enjoy their interplay.

It's hard not to feel like this is spinning the wheels a bit though. The show seems interested in exploring this mysterious back story in Picard's youth and, in retrospect, everything we've seen so far seems like convolution on the road to getting us there.

More fun than some of the previous episodes have been, but still feeling like it a season that can't settle down into the story that it wants to tell.
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It has its moments
snoozejonc26 May 2022
Picard is hurt and we see the events leading up to what happened.

This is an okay episode that focuses mostly on characters, but for me it depends how various plot threads go in later episodes as to how fondly I will remember it.

Events at the gala continue throughout the episode, which allows for several glamorous shots of characters in tuxedos and dresses. The best scene involves a nice speech Patrick Stewart delivers, however the star of the episode for me is Alison Pill who not only looks the part in that red dress, but generally has the most entertaining moments.

The concept of the Borg connection to Agnes works well enough for me and is the most enjoyable aspect. At this point though I am struggling to retain an interest in what Q's master plan is all about. Also, Jeri Ryan has been wasted so far in the show and this episode is the worst example so far.

Jonathan Frakes does a great job at making the various plot threads as cinematic as possible, but the writers haven't given him a lot to work with. It depends very much on what happens next, but it feels like the plot is being somewhat stretched.
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Nope. Done with this now....
johnmarley2510 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...just how low are they going to take this? It's some of the worst writing I think I've even seen. Terrible development of once strong and long-established characters, interactions which make no sense to create false drama, the sassy Borg Queen/Agnes split personality arc is just ludicrous. Brent Spiner's shoehorned part. That whole singing routine, what the hell were they thinking? ST "Picard" is now just total garbage.

Think I'll continue to remember TOS/TNG/DS9 fondly and avoid this new "era" of Trek. A hideous imitation of sci-fi that once was great.
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Good filler episode but many hidden things!
jeffdreamweaver9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so first off let's talk about Agnes! Or shall we call her the Borg Queen from episode one of season two! Reasons: That Queen specifically asked for Picard's help. Didn't kill anyone, only stunned them. Then she gets infected by the Queen in the past. Also a damn good voice!!

So it appears Kore may be a clone....one of many. So Soon goes from cloning to artificial life forms down the road....

Very short episode but a lot of seeds were planted as to the outcome.
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jaypaytonb9 April 2022
Such a strong start to the series! But i was always a little worried about the time travel element in the series theres just not enough story to drag this out over the entire season . So now we are stuck in endless episodes of the 21st century heres the problem! We are already in it! We know what its like The story isnt going anywhere maybe we should i dont know? Have a trek through the stars???
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Emotions run high... Warning: Spoilers
...or should I rather say low. It's a well paced episode and besides the obligatory estrogen shocks, not quite as woke as usual these days.

I find it interesting that these superwomen pretty much always have a nervous breakdown, and end up in dire need of saving, mostly by a guy. This time, the guest protagonist targeted by the regular protagonists for saving, has a nervous breakdown bordering to a psychotic episode, not exactly inspiring the kind of confidence, a vital skill required to command a cutting edge mission, certainly the pioneer mission to Europa.

With Q, albeit without his usual 'snap his fingers; make it so powers', still managing to disturb our delicate flower, our guest protagonist enough it not only demands a Gentleman like Jean Luc to the rescue, no! His whole team and a Romulan time-traveling watcher for good measure! Are you kidding me?

As you may or may not have been able to deduct from my middle aged white males inveigh muttering, your in for quite a ride and a lot of fun.
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Please go back to the first episodes
info-354-5495598 April 2022
Your first episodes were absolutely amazing, whats going on why are we slowly degenerating into a soap opera on earth. This is startrek people come here to see some stars and action, first episodes were beyond amazing, now i find myself reading news while this plays in the background.
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More ridiculous than is immediately obvious
pjdickinson-278227 April 2022
This very uneven show continues. The producers knew this was going to be as boring as hell so it's been top loaded with a flash forward which is nonsensical for an obvious reason. I don't think anyone noticed how stupid it is. It descends into complete silliness with a musical number that comes as a surprise and not least for the band. Remarkably, things get even sillier with an unfortunate event but what's most weird is the script is awful and the writers seem to know it. At one point a character says "What if it's mental?" and I couldn't have agreed more. The episode is mental. In other news Orla Brady forgets she's not supposed to be Irish a couple of times but the director didn't notice and it's quite entertaining. Jeri Ryan spends a lot of time standing around with a look on her face that says "Thank God I don't have a lot of lines in this one" and there's a subplot revealed very clumsily that has potential even if it is just another ball being juggled to make this appear more interesting than it is.
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Potential was all it had
roxann-170117 April 2022
Ya know - they had loads of scope to explore the role of endorphins and how it powers the Borg - they had incredible scope for Seven to have a deeper role in this plot - had it gone somewhere...i was almost excited. But Shades of Grey held more interest, they took too long to get to the point. 7 minutes of plot. A much loved characters presence is not enough to hold a fans approval. Q, Seven, Picard, Guinan...yet no complexity in plot. They had TWO WHOLE years to come up with this. Is it too late to change the script.....
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Oooooh I like this ooone!
MrDavidCJohnson8 April 2022
What's not to like FINALLY A STAR TREK PICARD EPISODE! FUN musical and a piece of the puzzle of a good story arc. Now some filler ... Sauce for the goose! Excellent!
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