Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (Video Game 2021) Poster

(2021 Video Game)

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I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite game collection on the Citadel!
graystripe3889813 July 2021
I was a young boy who had never played the Mass Effect trilogy. I tried to play the first one and like a fool I grew impatient with the controls and ordained it an obsolete game. Cut to a month ago when I bought this collection and decided to indoctrinate myself into the Mass Effect lore. This game gave me chest hair and turned my water into hard whiskey.

If you've never played these games, please don't sleep on them. If you're looking for a game to sit down and spend hour upon hours playing, look no further. Some of the finest sci-fi to ever be made. Also bonus point because of Miranda.
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MrDjangoForever19 July 2021
I first played The Original Mass Effect when it released on Xbox 360 back in 2007 & threw out each year that past, I was even more anticipated for the next game in The Trilogy. When I completed Mass Effect 3 in 2012, I was really sad that it was over as for me it's one of the best game franchises of all time! & possibly the best video game trilogy ever made! I never expected before playing the first Mass Effect back in 2007 that it would go on to be one of my favourite video game franchises of all time that I played threw multiple times & after all these years I have had a chance to play threw this amazing trilogy again Thanks to The Legendary Edition! The Entire Trilogies Story is breathtaking as It's your story and your choices matter as You decide how your trilogy goes either threw what choices you make, who you meet & how you interact with them, who you let live or let die can change the way your playthrough goes as you can have so many different experience threw different playthroughs. You play as Commander Shepard either Male or Female as both Voice actors did such amazing performances as Shepard is one of the most iconic video game characters of all time! You should experience playing the trilogy threw both versions of Shepard. Mass Effect has amazing Lore from the different types of Alien races while exploring their Alien Worlds & the history and culture that makes the galaxy feel even more real. The Trilogy has Amazing gameplay & missions taking you across the galaxy in some of the most beautifully made levels that are action packed, intense & fun wether it's main story, side missions or dlc there is plenty of content to keep you busy for months. My favourite part of the trilogy is the companions you meet as they are in my opinion the best companions of any video game as not one of them is bad as they are all fleshed out brilliant characters with brilliant back stories that accompany you on your missions threw out the galaxy as you can build better relationships with them and even romance them as for me the companions feel like real people, like old friends I haven't seen in a long time and it was a blast to see them again after all these years. If you have never played The Mass Effect Trilogy then I recommended that you should because it will be one the best gaming experiences you will ever play.
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The Perfect Trilogy
tadavies-1556817 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Only 3 years ago did I first play "Mass Effect" on my Xbox. I placed in the disc expecting a simple space drama with aliens and fighting. By the end of the third game I had fallen in love with every character and had genuinely cried at several points across the series. As soon as I could I pre-ordered legendary edition and I wholeheartedly believe it is one of the best purchases I have ever made.

I'll keep things brief here but go in depth on the individual game posts.

3) Mass Effect (2007) 8/10. The game that kickstarted the franchise is a classic and is essential for anyone who's a fan of RPGs. Creating your commander or going with the default is your choice. For new players I'd suggest the default Shepard as this provides the easiest gameplay. This game established the brilliant and inventive world of Mass Effect as well as setting the foundation for the future of the incoming reaper threat. The companions all have something interesting to bring to the table allowing for genuine drama and heartbreak later down the line.

2) Mass Effect 2 (2010) 10/10 this game gives more of a backseat to the story and has its main focus as the characters. From the start of the game you're told that you most likely won't survive but you have to save the galaxy. Everything from the first game is improved and we have a much bigger crew which actually makes sense considering the stakes. Every companion brings something to the table, even the two I disliked in the form of Jacob and Zaeed. I enjoyed that the crew didn't always get along and you needed to gain their loyalty and settle arguments, and that final battle is a truly epic spectacle with heart and action that I'd argue rivals some modern films.

1) Mass Effect 3 (2012) 10/10 now I understand this is a controversial first place but I loved it. From start to finish there's emotion, humour, brilliant character moments and action. All the characters we love have their arcs finished in satisfying ways. There's heartbreaking decisions, conflicting moral choices and the struggle to unite a galaxy. Leaving Earth is the best opening to any of these games where you just need to survive. And that final battle of taking back Earth is a strong emotional victory lap that's well-earned. Is it self-indulgent at times, yes but rightly so. The Citadel DLC is pure fan-service but it does it masterfully and is self-aware at how goofy it's trying to be. All the characters come back making for a fun time while also carrying a somber tone knowing they're all going into the crescendo that is stopping the reapers. The highlight of this for me was the visits to Shepard's apartment and the party where each character basically got an emotional or fun goodbye and at the end all got to get loose and laugh one last time. This was a perfect ending to me and I was left heartbroken but happy at the end.
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"Its Been A Dam Good Ride" "The Best"-Comander Shepard
MovieVanguard22 July 2022
The Mass Effect Trilogy is a testament to writing in games how we can be transported to other worlds and taken on the adventure of a lifetime and find ourselves on a journey that we experience with unforgettable characters who melt and break our hearts through untimely deaths to tear-jerking goodbyes, the Mass Effect Trilogy has it all.

I have been with the series since the first game back in 2007. And have been replaying the trilogy countless times seeing all the different outcomes ( Of which there are many) and have been a die-hard fan ever since.

There is so much good I can say about the game but it's best if I start with its strongest aspect, The characters, and races of the Mass Effect World.

Mass effect features a wide range of interesting and diverse characters from the regular everyday human, to the Big brody Turian with a heart of Gold, To the isolated Quarian who shines through all, and to the beautiful Asari and their cunning intellect, as well as The Salarians, Batarians, Volus, Elcor, Hannar, Vorcha, Protheans, Krogan, and Drell. There are so many characters featured across all the known races.

The main side characters that accompany you throughout your journey are what makes these games great each game gives you a selection of characters to get to know and to take on missions with from fan favorites Garrus Vakarian and Tali Zorah you will form bonds with your crew as you journey through the Milky Way Galaxy. Talking to them and learning their backstories and alien cultures are what make this game extremely immersive, the world-building is spectacular through dialogue with characters to the scenery via combat and the hub worlds.

The combat in the games evolves from game to game and sees drastic improvements in the 3rd game. The gameplay revolves around a 3rd person cover-based shooter with tactical elements thrown into the mix, you can command your squad of two to use their abilities to help you progress through the levels.

The choices you make throughout the trilogy define what kind of experience you will have and it will be unique to you when you play the journey should feel your own so make the choices that you feel you would. The game has nail-biting life-or-death decisions that could result in the loss of a companion or saving the life of the character you care about.

This is my favorite Si fi franchise of all time I have loved it since 2007 and I still love it in 2022.
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Favorite Gaming Trilogy
tonytompkins9612 July 2022
Absolutely masterful! Love this trilogy so much. Had an absolute blast playing through these games! ME2 is among the greatest singular games I've ever played and this having all 3 on one game makes it even better. When I finally reached the ending with the character I had played all 3 games with, it brought tears to my eyes. 10/10.
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My favourite game series
eleigherschliephake16 December 2022
The Mass Effect series will forever have a special place in my heart. The characters, the music and the story are still state of the art. And to experience that now in modern graphics with improved combat is a gift. The first part is the best when it comes to world building. The second has the best characters and especially with the illusive man one of my absolute favourite characters. The third has the best combat system and the most emotional decisions. Only the ending is not perfect, but not disappointing. I'm really looking forward to the fourth one, but even Andromeda is worth playing. Play Mass Effect!
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"Ever Miss Those Long Elevator Rides?"
nrshultz-6644615 June 2023
Sound the bell, roll out the carpet, open the gates, for the king has returned with remastered graphics and high fps. This is the definitive way to play 3 of the most important games ever made. On par with Half-Life and Halo Combat Evolved. Mass Effect 1 gave us a fully functional diologue tree and strategic gameplay as well as and i say most importntly, character development. ME2 too everything a step further and added more romance options and an upgraded combat system that lets you truthfully say to yourself, "I have SUPERPOWERS." Ever wonder where Until Dawn got some of their ideas like character development and choices that will affect the future of the story and the characters alike? Mass Effect did it first. I havent even mentioned the compelling narrative. The story is amazing and will have you hooked in in minutes. These games require you to watch your back and what you do at each turn, often locking you into situations that you have to think your way out of. In conclusion, the Mass Effect series changed gaming and this is the definitive way to experience the original trilogy. If your skipping out on this glorious package, you are missing out on a truly life changing experince.
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World's best game trilogy
PenetratorGod14 October 2023
The Mass Effect games are set in the 22nd century. The discovery of ancient technology developed by the extinct Protean race has enabled humanity to realize its dream of interstellar flight and, as a result, find its place on the Citadel, a giant space station that serves as a center for politics, trade and commerce. The main character of the series is Commander Shepard. A defender of peace, we can also choose the image, gender and background story of the protagonist. Depending on the player, our main character can also be a villain.

From the first game it becomes clear that the real mortal danger to the races inhabiting the Milky Way is an ancient race of machines that cyclically harvest the galaxy from organic life. In the second part of the game, Shepard enters into an alliance with Cerberus to solve the mystery of the disappearance of entire human colonies on the outskirts of the Milky Way and begins to track down a race of Collectors who are trying to hasten the impending invasion. In the third installment of the series, we can observe the invasion as Shepard must gather as many allies as possible in order to win, or at least try, in the final battle.

In the games included in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, the action is played from a third-person perspective. The driving force behind these games are the overarching missions that push the plot forward, accompanied by numerous side missions. Along the way, Commander Shepard is joined by other companions, with whom she eventually forms friendships and romances. Our command center is the Normandy, a state-of-the-art spaceship that we use to travel by selecting targets from a map of the galaxy. In addition, it's a kind of mobile base, where we can move freely during breaks in the execution of missions. Although in the second and third installments of the series we move only on foot, in game 1 we can also use a four-wheeled vehicle, the M35 Mako.

An important feature of the series is of course the combat. Battles take place in real time, during which we can not only shoot accurately, but also use various combat skills, telekinesis-like biotics and give orders to our comrades. By eliminating enemies and completing missions, we get experience points and advance to the next levels, gradually developing the protagonist and accompanying characters. In addition, many missions can be solved by talking, not by violence. And here we make choices that affect not only the course of the story, but also the character of our hero and his relationship with the team.

All games in the enhanced version support 4K resolution at 60 FPS. Character models, animations, textures, shaders and more have been refreshed and improved. Numerous gameplay elements have also been improved, the developers' goal was to modernize the somewhat dated formula of the first Mass Effect and unify the mechanics across the trilogy. Shooting and inventory management were improved, the balance of experience points was rebalanced and the character creation screen was modified. The combined version of all three games has a gameplay time of between 60 and 120 hours. It is also highly replayable with endings that change depending on the choices made.
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A look with fresh eyes
gremanas1 November 2023
Unlike most of the people that played Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, I haven't had the chance to try the original trilogy first. And unlike most of this series' fans, I wasn't a teen when I first discovered this series.

So from a perspective of a man in his late 20's this was one hell of a adventure.

The gameplay as a shooter was quite easy, I started my first and only playthrough on the hardest 'legendary', if I'm not mistaken, difficulty. And it was just the right amount of challange, sometimes getting stuck in the are or action segment for multiple minutes and being forced to fully utilise every ability and weapon in order to progress forward. So if you're not new to shooters, I recommend going straight to the hardest difficulty.

But the story and the dialogue is where the game really shines... I don't want to get too much into detail and spoil anything, but I'll describe the feelings that I had during the week I played and a few months after I finished the game:

I found myself listening to the song from the credits of the first game daily. I felt in love to some of the characters, I felt real grief and sadness when things didn't go too well. And after it was all over I was left with the feeling you get after finishing a super long and good series or reading an amazing book, that feeling of emptiness, when you feel like you're missing something. Those who know what I'm talking about will understand how good this game must be to make a person feel this way.

So please try it, even if you're bad at shooting, theres a difficulty option that basically just let's you enjoy the narrative. This game is truly one of those stories that make you want to lose your memory so you could just relive it all again like the first time.
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A fantastic trilogy that is far ahead of it's time.
parrot00720 February 2024
If I were to be more specific, Mass Effect would probably be a 9 and Mass Effect 2 a 9.5.

The first chapter in this trilogy was great because of its dialogue, pacing, good rpg elements etc. ,without question. But also without question, some of its controls felt a little old school and stange. I still like them, but I also prefer the second game's improvements in many ways. Mass Effect 2 would be close to a 10/10, because of its interesting story and expansion of the universe and characters, including returning, and many new version of the universe. Just a really outstanding rpg that holds up really well in this updated version.

I have not completed the 3rd game yet, but I beleive so far they have done a great job stringing events together across games. It all comes down to the ending as everything does, I guess.
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