The Tunnel (2011) Poster

(I) (2011)

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"It's not our job to question it"
lost-in-limbo9 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"The Tunnel" is a low-budget Australian Indie horror feature that goes about the novel path of these found footage / interviews narratives which sets-up the incident as if it's actually occurred and looks at the aftermath during the same time. It might be unremarkable in its developments (virtually from the beginning we know who survived) and have its flaws, but still it's effectively uneasy (especially when the investigative news' team search for a story under Sydney's underground train network becomes a brutal fight for survival) and the characters are given enough depth (mainly with reflective / afterthought interviews) to build upon a real genuine sense of believability.

The story follows that of a TV journalist and her crew looking into the state's government initial idea of using the abandon train tunnels under Sydney as water recycle plant. However the homeless use the tunnels as shelter, although officials released reports otherwise. But for some reason the plans were scrapped, as now the government doesn't want to acknowledge it and this might be due to the constant disappearances of the homeless. With these cover-ups the crew decides to check out the tunnels themselves, especially after a somewhat frightening interview with a homeless man who once lived in them.

All build up; but it does a very good job in its structure by balancing out the intrigue with suspense, fear and the occasional jolt. Sure there are some questionable details in the plot, but never did it bother me. When the hectic nature erupts (after it's progressively slow groundwork), the story becomes a little shapeless and we are never quite sure to what's actually going on never does it go into explaining all that much (especially the crew's encounter with something quite scary) and by the end its still rather ambiguous. However the experience does leave you with a chill, other than confusion. I don't know what to make of this underground dweller. Its stays pretty much hidden. The movements are purposely jerky and quick. Sometimes its towering outline figure shows and of course the glowing eyes they just stare you down. Something is kind of hinted when the crew come across its lair, but little if nothing is explained about this dweller who stalks the underground tunnels. There's one scene; the only death scene we see is truly an eerie rattler. The dank setting is unique as the vast underground tunnel system makes for a windy labyrinth of darkness and claustrophobia, but other than the pitch black what creeps up on you is the unsettling echoing sound FX or simply a lack of it. Cinematography is important to infusing atmosphere; as expected hand-held camera-work which can be fuzzy or unfocused and this is demonstrated in many angles as numerous sequences have characters running about. Nothing all that distracting or nauseating, but well executed to say the least. Then there are the interviews, which do have a sincere quality to them. Performances have a nice grounded edge to them, never overplaying it but still rather involving in their illustrations of the ever-changing moods. Impressive turns by Bel Delia, Andy Rodoreda, Steve Davis and Luke Arnold. Director Carlo Ledesma uses many customary devices, but these are resourcefully pulled off with such precision and a real eye for detail in the horror stakes.

A familiarly solid, chilling and crafty little horror Indie feature.
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vtfnnvjx24 April 2024
This is a really well made found footage horror about a cover up by the Sydney government and the documentarians who seek to expose them. Things do not go according to plan when the crew go underground only to discover the politicians were right to abort all plans. I won't say any more for fear of spoilers.

I gave this a 7 because I found it really effective and claustrophobic. The filmmakers explain early on why they are filming everything which covers all bases, I find sometimes in found footage horror this sort of thing takes you out of the experience especially when there's only supposed to be one camera but there end up being multiple camera angles, this film does a good job of explaining that.

My only criticism is there is a character called Tangles which I found to be a rather hilarious sounding name. There is a point in the film where they are looking for him screaming out his name and I couldn't help but laugh as this part of the movie is supposed to be serious but the sound of another man shouting "Tangles!!!" Over and over again had me in stitches.

All in all a solid found footage horror with a daft character name that distracted me.

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I've seen much worse
PsychoBeard66631 July 2020
Found footage has been done to death, but this is a lot more interesting than your usual shaky cam.

Decent premise with an intriguing antagonist.

Where this falls down is the documentary format of them cutting away to explain what happened. Plus the sad documentary music that plays over scenes where it doesn't belong and takes you out of the movie.
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Serious Chills
peter-shoobridge21 July 2011
In watching this movie it helps to forget Blair Witch et al. While structured as a pseudo-documentary and using various forms of "found footage", The Tunnel has more than enough individuality to lift it beyond the merely derivative. The plot contours become increasing plausible as the film develops - the movie does a fine job of drawing in the audience and creating the suspension of disbelief essential in the thriller/horror genre. The tunnel setting is inherently disturbing and disorientating. Think of it as a "ghost hunter" episode gone horribly wrong. Watch it alone at night and tell me you don't have to look away occasionally...
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Paranormal Activity, Blair Witch & Rec ...
nessundorma-123 May 2011
First thing first... Turn OFF the lights, put your headphones on and send everyone from the room away and ONLY then ... click PLAY!

I can tell your right now, that if you are fan of all mentioned movies, you will most probably like this one too. There is everything you would expect from "real" horror movie.

I was tensed when I was watching & I can say it is interesting and probably the most realistic of all similar movies. Not because of the quality of the movie, but because of this can REALLY be true. Don't take me wrong, I am not saying that I actually believe in this, but it is more likely to happen than all of the "predecessors"

I don't want to and I will not spoil you experience from the movie, so I will not tell you what is really going on or what will they discover down there, but I will say, that you will be scared. If I would imagine myself in situation like that ... oh my god!

The movie has great scene and it has stupid moments. As the title suggest, there will be dark. Every good movie shows just a glimpse, this one is not different. Maze underground, only feint of light, creepy sounds, strange movements, loud breathing and ...

You will see... but I can recommend this movie if you are a horror fan. I was expecting less from this one. Despite the fact, that there are some elements, like "randomly" places cameras on the ground, always shooting the important thing or running and screaming and still shooting the right direction and things like these, pretty decent movie.

There is only one thing from holding me give more points ...When I first saw Blair Witch I was thrilled and really scared! Most of all I BELIEVED in what I have seen that time, I BELIEVED that I was watching a "REAL FOOTAGE". After couple of months I have found out, that it was a fake and nothing of it happened. This time I don't believe... maybe it is based of true story maybe not, I don't know and I don't care. Couple of years ago it would be 9/10.

The most important thing for me in this case is ... Really good movie! To believe or not, it is purely up to YOU!
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Good effort, but a couple of major flaws
scootmandutoo8 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I respect the film-makers for putting out a well-crafted film. The acting was uniformly competent and, outside of a setup that took a little too long, was directed fairly well.

If there had been no "Blair Witch Project" and the other, similarly 'real' movies, than this would have been rated higher. But all this pseudo-reality stuff has been done before, so there is no novelty to the approach.

Add to that, the fact that the actors are all credited at the end of the movie and one of the primary intentions for this film (to make you believe it actually happened)goes out the window.

After showing at least one actual murder, that this should not have launched some sort of official investigation is just absurd. It may be implied that the government has covered this up, yet it still is highly implausible.

The biggest flaw, for me, is the storytelling device of showing the 2 survivors from the beginning. Also, when one includes the emergency call played at the start, it is very clear early on who the dying person is. Why do something that will telegraph who will live and who will die? It just saps a big chunk of suspense from the movie.

So, again, nice effort and creative marketing, but...ultimately...not something I would watch twice.
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It's alright
mirindamirinda5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't even begin to explain how utterly annoying and pointless the commentary from the characters was throughout the movie. They state what they feel, as if we couldn't figure it out ourselves. They also sometimes just straight up explain what will happen or what has happened not a second ago , for no reason. They stop doing that for a while, and while it lasts, the movie is actually pretty tense, but then it comes back a few times... Also, showing the demon talking and not killing any of the main cast immediately made it less scary. If I ever decided to rewatch it, I'd honestly just skip to like 40 mins in, and watch from there.
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Great Film! Indie horror at its best!
smilliekurt19 November 2015
Carlo Ledesma's "The Tunnel" is a first class example that all you need to for some great horror is some awesome camera-work and an even better script. Too many movies rely on huge million dollar budgets and first class-CGI and come up relatively short of being great or even good movies in some respects.

Natasha ( Bel Delia ) is a reporter that is working on a story that she feels is going to be make her career. We're introduced to Natasha's crew early on with Peter ( Andy Rodoreda ) seemingly in a constant power struggle with Natasha. Tangles ( Luke Arnold ) and Steve ( Steve Davis ) are the goofs on the crew and make up the rest of the party venturing into the tunnel. Australia is going through a water crisis and the government comes up with a plan to tap into the huge reservoirs that are trapped in Sydneys' underground tunnel system. Natasha senses that it could be displacing the homeless that use the tunnels as an escape from the city that has forgotten about them. Sound like a setting for a great horror film? You're not wrong. Eventually Natasha and her film crew start to uncover a much bigger story. It seems that the homeless that use the tunnels are starting to disappear and no- one knows where or really seems too care. The government seems to be turning a blind eye and no one is allowed near the reservoirs as Natasha finds out the hard way when her contacts turn her down. Eventually when they get into the tunnels, they find out the hard way that some stones are better left unturned.

Without giving too much away, the "creature" is shown sparingly and more of the terror and horror come from the limited light sources and the viewers' imaginations. My friends and I still have arguments to this day as to what exactly was hiding in the tunnels as the shots are somewhat vague, but extremely effective. The movie starts off on a slow burn, setting up the events that ultimately lead to a life or death struggle down in the tunnels.

The Tunnel is a movie that is best viewed with an open mind and a couple friends. Classic indie horror at it's best, it's also proof of the quality of horror movies that Australia has been churning out in the last few years. Although not as famous as "The loved ones" or "Storage" , This movie is a prime example that not all scary things come with a million dollar price tag.

One of my all time indie favourites... Watch this movie and you'll be looking over your shoulder every time you venture into a concrete tunnel in the park alone.


Stay scared friends.

Kurt Smillie.
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Slow telling of a weak story
naff-sound16 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Another mockumentary..In my opinion this movie was hardly worth 5 minutes of the time I spent watching it. Very long build-up, which isn't actually building up a lot - certainly not tension or sympathy for the characters. I found it mildly amusing how desperate the movie tries to induce an understanding for the motivations of the protagonists - and utterly fails. The very scarce action is spoiled by a jerky hand-cam, which is definitely not adding to the overall credibility of the storytelling since it is clearly employed to omit any scene that would have cost actual money. Adding credibility may have also been the idea behind the constant use of annoying effects mimicking a malfunctioning digital camera -they are laughably inauthentic! That at least shouldn't have been hard.. The viewer has a clear idea who will survive in this picture after he's watched the first 20 minutes .. and since this is literally the only content of the movie (four people going in the tunnel- two coming out) one has seen the whole thing at this point. This movie got a ridiculously high overall-rating & I actually have an apt theory about personal acquaintances of the filmcrew writing some of the reviews - don't get fooled.. I am a friend of horror movies. I ain't here to bash a movie because it happens to be a genre I don't like and understand. I really dig indie movies with a shoestring budget: a well- told story doesn't need state-of-the-art effects to support it. I quite like the mockumentary approach in more recent filmmaking - i have seen great flicks that work with it & I don't mean the trendsetters exclusively. The Tunnel is just an uninteresting, amateurishly executed movie, not because but in spite of being an Australian Indie. I learned after watching that it was made available for free. Well good on them. It's still shite.
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Going Underground....Surprisingly effective.
PippinInOz19 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Just in case you missed it: SPOILER ALERT!

Now if you are reading this from somewhere else on the Planet other than Australia and think 'Well, they would say that wouldn't they' - I'll be honest. Australian television and films are something I am normally very disappointed by. Yep, I love Chris Lilley's stuff, also loved The Proposition, but....even films like 'Animal Kingdom' and 'Lucky Country' which got very good reviews and are very well acted - do you know what? They did not 'suck me in' - I hate to admit it, but got bored by both of them and gave up - yes, they are critically excellent films, but - I was sorely disappointed: the voice in my head said: 'Oh, here we go again....'

Still with me? Good.

So it was a genuine shock to discover this little gem on Foxtel this afternoon. So ready to be disappointed again that managed to miss the first fifteen minutes - no matter.

The pseudo documentary style is done so well, drawing on the documentary codes and conventions any television viewer will be familiar with. The acting was excellent and you will believe and feel for these people who head off larking around into 'the deep depths' of the City.

A big thank you to all involved for making a film that is genuinely nerve wracking to watch and proves you do not need a huge budget to scare the bejesus out of people. There were moments where scenes went on a little bit too long for my taste, but that is a minor complaint.

An even bigger thank you for making a film in Australia that does not feel the need to keep shouting out 'We're in Australia!' like a nation of amnesiacs. Please stop it. It is embarrassing and cringe inducing. Yep, it is set under the streets of Sydney, but it could be any big City. The 'Australian ness' of the characters always comes second to the actual story and characterisations - which is how I think it should be.

If you want (and I do - very much) you can read this on another metaphorical level as well, but that is up to you. (Journalists becoming the hunted, the hidden depths of the soul, the invisible and forgotten people etc) If you want a film that grabs hold of you, entertains you and keeps you on the edge of your seat: please do give this a go. It is much better than any of the supposed scary horror big budget films seen in the past 12 months.

Such a surprise! Oddly disconcerting and genuinely frightening.
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bikey127715 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Quick synopsis of the plot; a TV crew decides to investigate the abandoned tunnels under Sydney because of what they believe to be a government cover-up. They are absolutely right. It is a cover-up.

First of all this is one of those first person footage shaky cam movies. To make it more documentary-like they include interviews with two survivors of this trip. I have nothing against movies shot this way. It can be very effective if used properly. Cloverfield is an example. And REC is an excellent horror movie. One of my favorites of all time. I read some reviews where the reviewers complained about the lack of mystery about who survives and who doesn't. Honestly, I can watch about 10 to 15 minutes of any mindless slasher movie and predict which character is survival material and which ones are 100 % cannon fodder. It does takes a long time for the movie to really get going but I thought the long intro makes the plot and characters more believable. The acting is OK and the characters aren't just props and one dimensional buckets of blood running around screaming until they get killed. Don't get me wrong, this is not exactly Oscar material here but its better than your average low budget horror movie.

I give it a 3. The plot is decent. At least it wasn't an insult to my intelligence. The characters are believable. I didn't find it boring, despite the slow build-up. BUT the problem is the ending. The last third of the movie is set in the tunnels with some jumps to the fake interviews with the survivors. The writers did a good job with building the tension but they really screwed up the ending. The last sequence of REC is a really good example of how effective the first person view combined with a night vision camera can be. Sadly The Tunnel exposes all of its flaws. There is a mildly creepy scene involving a policeman and the monster or whatever is hunting them in the tunnels. It is followed by a lot of running around the tunnels and screaming. And jerky camera movement. But if you are a horror nut like me, you're going to tough it out because you want to see the conclusion. Basically you want to see what exactly is chasing them around the tunnels. You would hope for some kind of an explanation. What is it? How did it get there? Where did it come from? None of those questions are answered. We really don't even get a hint. In a nutshell, this movie has no ending. Its like a murder mystery movie or book that ends without revealing who is the murderer. Incomplete and thus flawed.
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Holy crap...
thehomicidal20 May 2011
I'm not going to lie... I downloaded this movie as soon as it was released (legally, look it up) and before watching it I didn't have high hopes for it. A *free* horror movie? How much effort could possibly have gone in to it?

Apparently a lot.

While the actors were fantastic and the set was amazing, what truly blew me away was the sound. Just the oppressive silence broken only by drips or footsteps. Sound can really make or break a horror film and in this case I can honestly say it worked!

As a general rule, if you hate "found footage" movies such as Paranormal Activity, The Blair Witch Project and Quarantine then give this one a miss. Otherwise by all means have a look! It's free! I know for a fact that I will be buying the DVD as soon as possible.
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A chilling found footage
TheAverageReviewer27 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie does include a lot of tunnels but its not a good thing.

This movie is about these journalists/rookie TV station that wants to explore the tunnels under Sydney due to homeless people living there but however there is a darker story inside the tunnels.

I really felt glad seeing the imagery of Sydney AKA my Aussie pride but thats besides the point.The acting was great with all of the actors doing really well. The found footage was great with adding in every possible shot available in to the scenes. I really liked the tunnels i'm not sure if every room there was in this had the contents but it looked really authentic otherwise. The monster/ person in this was actually pretty cool i'm not gonna spoil it but its basically a jockey/beast oh and by jockey i mean the football kind( you see what i mean)

It was actually pretty scary and tense at some points so i have to give it bonus points for that.

I give it 7 out of 10 gouged eyeballs
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Clichéd disappointment
lurch-jones18 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Had high hopes for this, however, just another derivative docu/lost tapes horror film. The setting was interesting and the initial build up was different and engaging enough to maintain ones attention. The female lead was weak, and incredibly annoying once the running/screaming began. I liked the breaks to interview; Steve the cameraman was quite plausible though wont get any awards for his performance. The "secret" in the tunnels was quite scary though I was left wanting to see more of it. As for the ending, well talk about running out of ideas. I know we can't expect explanations from film makers but I kept saying to myself, "it can't end here surely." And it did!! Disappointment.
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Another small masterpiece from Down Under
Maleplatypus23 August 2011
Now, I'm really not into this type of "horror" movies (especially not Blair Witch or similar) but this one really looks so real and documentary that almost makes you forget what it's all about. Excellent production for almost no money at all: perfect acting, subtle editing, those details that make you believe... No, it wasn't scary at all (at least not for me). It is just what it would be if somebody really tried to do what these people did. Of course, Americans would send an army of armed & packed up kids and annihilate everything probably, but that's not the point. This is (only) a movie. The art of deception and make-believe. And it does so in every moment. Highly recommended even to the people not horror-fans. Just see what you could do when you lack budget but not artistic experience, know- how and proficiency. Go for it.
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The best Found Footage ever
ozyhmandias7925 December 2016
I welcomed this movie with a moderate dosis of skepticism, at first. It was an endless summer evening and my poisonous boredom required a powerful antidote. My fault was simply not being accustomed yet to the extreme form of realism of this exceptional horror sub-genre, and I believed a movie shot in a dark environment would only get me confused or, in the best hypothesis, a strong headache. I was completely wrong. I couldn't move my eyes from the screen for the whole time, completely hypnotised by the intensity of the plot and the (astonishing, considering I didn't know any of them before) performance of the actors. But the most important consequence of this movie is what is left after its end : questions. Deliciously unanswered questions. Watching this movie guarantees the arrival in your brain of mindblowing questions like : "could this happen in my town? Is something lurking in the dark beneath modern civilisation? At what cost do metropolitan areas expand? What do they leave behind, unseen and unexplored?" I felt pure excitement after "The Tunnel" ended. I hope someone else can experience this as well.
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Really Enjoyable Found Footage Film
dfa12037414 January 2015
After hearing stories of homeless people living in the vast tunnel system that is below the city, and some reportedly going missing, politicians in Sydney suddenly scrap plans of using the tunnels as a water-recycling plant but they deny why the plans were scrapped. Upon hearing this, a journalist, along with three members of her film crew, decide to investigate the story. During the crew's investigation it soon becomes apparent that someone - or something - is stalking them, and it all quickly becomes a fight for survival.

This movie is shot documentary style by showing footage that had been recovered from the investigation along with two of the crew members - cameraman Steve Miller and journalist Natasha Warner - retelling their stories of what happened to them. It is actually all very convincingly done and even though you know it's not real, it does make you think at times if the incidents actually DID happen.

The creep factor for this movie is actually really good, and because it's shot from a first person's perspective, you get drawn into what is actually feel as if you're lost in the huge labyrinth of tunnels with the news crew. There are a good few moments you get to see what is stalking the crew but you never get a full-on clear view. However I think that's a good thing because this film is not about gore and what you can plays on the fear of imagination and what is lurking in the dark. Sometimes what you don't see is much scarier than what you can see.

Now, we all know that this style of movie has been done before - for example REC, Quarantine, and the superb Blair Witch Project - but if you enjoy these kinds of POV horror movies then there will be a very good chance that you'll enjoy The Tunnel. Definitely recommended.
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Waste of time
anaa_eu15 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
You're not gonna see nothing new here, this movie is a bad mix of the Blair Witch, Cloverfield and countless other movies. But that's not what makes the movie bad, there's tons of good movies around that are not exactly original.

The acting is very bad, not convincing at all; the two main actors are boring to death and for me they just don't seem to be your usual horror movie type, which makes the movie seem too fake.

But for me the lowest point was the interviews the characters are giving through the movie that makes you already know who died and who didn't, maybe they thought it could be a original idea but it sucks completely. You don't want to know who survived, it's boring to watch a movie already knowing what happens. Plus the interviews are so not believable, they tell the story like they're talking about something like the stock marketing.

I could go on and on about how bad this movie. If you're looking for an awful movie, here it is! Otherwise, don't waste your precious time.
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Good but also a little irritating
rgriffiths-9893929 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't mind the found footage, Im used to that now since pretty much every other horror film seems to be doing it, but I thought the documentary style interviews were pointless and irritating interruptions to the action. They simply repeated what was happening in the film and were completely unnecessary. It feels as if they put them in there as a way to add a twist to the rather overdone found footage genre, but it works about as well as when people try to make Shakespeare more edgy by making the cast dress as Stormtroopers or something else totally ridiculous. I did like the monster-at least we got to see a bit of it, but I hate it when the mystery surrounding these things isnt explained -I cant tell if it's a crazy human, a science experiment gone wrong, an evolutionary freak, and neither do we know why the government is trying to cover it up instead of just sending in the army to sort it out. We aren't told anything about the monster so once again, Im left with an unsatisfying ending, but at least Im lowering my expectations now because every other film seems to think its acceptable to do this. And with that, Im off to watch some X files.
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Another Shaky Camera Movie
westsideschl4 January 2012
Let's try facts instead of paid positive reviewers. (1.) Over 50% of the movie is composed of "talking heads". You don't know what talking heads are? It's a cheap production technique where all you see is someone's head talking to the camera; often in a monotonic pseudo-documentary style to save a money, cover a lack of the following: acting, sets, props, plot and to lend a deceiving sense of credibility to a story. (2.) The Blair copycat formula of poorly lit places with shaky cameras e.g. Quarantine, (Rec), Poughkeepsie Tapes, Wicksboro Incident. (3.) Storyline is of the usual investigators of a make believe or highly exaggerated haunted "whatever" story. This one's a subway. (4.) Over 40% is the isolated claustrophobic running nowhere as seen from the point of view of a camera (or two). In this case, as is usual, we have normal lighting which seems to randomly switch off followed by viewing through a low light camera. If watching the walls of a subway tunnel is exciting then this is time well spent. (5.) Scary part is always very brief, in this case, just seconds. A very blurry figure that likes to make groaning sounds (how creative) and snatches someone so quickly it is also just a blur. (6.) Ends with usual talking heads' actors telling us how frightening it all was followed by few lines in credits telling us who lives on and who just disappeared.
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"When The Lights Go Out"
Clintborari29 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A shaky found-footage film is something that usually doesn't entice me. Upon writing this review I have never seen such films as the Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, or V. H. S because I just don't find these types of films compelling viewing.

The Tunnel does share a similar concept but is also portrayed a lot like a documentary. It took me a while to get settled into the film because of its style, and I was starting to get agitated for some action. I feel you either love or hate the way this is shot. It has quite a slow build-up, so if you can battle your way through the first forty or so minutes, then I think you will enjoy the second half of the film, and be way more engrossed with the actual mystery.

What makes The Tunnel appealing is how gritty and believable it was produced on such a low budget and with such a short timeframe. From the news stories at the start of the film to the breakaway crew interviews throughout the feature, this seems like a very convincing story. And you end up accompanying the Journalist team who are trying to expose a government coverup as if you are one of them.

What this film also does very effectively is that it gradually builds up tension. The film spends an awful lot of time establishing the characters. And as an Australian myself, I honestly feel that I could relate to any of the characters and their personalities because let's be honest most of us Aussies at a time, have behaved or spoken like a bogan.

The sound effects were engaging and worked wonders for this film. The eerie silence in complete blackness with only night vision to guide the team. The only other sounds you hear are heavy breathing, the crackle of footsteps, or faint water coming from the pipes above and dripping onto the tunnel floor.

The scene with the chair in the corner, and the flashlight illuminating the blood on the walls gave it such a powerful atmosphere that it keeps your eyes transfixed intently on the screen. It felt terrifyingly real, and you feel quite tense watching the team, and knowing they are in such a dangerous and confined space.

Something is lurking in the darkness, and the good thing about this film is it doesn't give away its mystique. We don't know what exactly is living in the tunnels. It could be a vampire, a deranged human, a zombie, or an animalistic creature. The good news is we never see it clearly, and so we are never desensitized to whatever lies beneath.

We can gather that it is intelligent, and looks more like a human than an animal. And it seems to almost torture its victims by expelling their eyes from their sockets.

If only we had more stories to go on. This really could have opened the door for such a fascinating story.

For example, It could have been soldiers, or prisoners of war that have been experimented on by the military in the tunnels, and one of the subjects had survived all these years by resorting to cannibalism, by eating the homeless so that it could survive. And after so many years of navigating the darkness, it has lost its sight, while learning to thrive in the tunnels. Maybe that's why it takes the eyes of its victims because it desperately wants to be able to see light. This is just my vivid imagination of an interesting tale.

The ending was a little underwhelming, and pretty dull. Which in my opinion dampened the entire film overall. However, with such a tight budget the decision to cast a cameraman as an actor was an absolute genius, and due to the nature of the film, it paid dividends.

The stalker in the tunnels was terrifying, and truly something you fear in cramped passageways, and without the ability to see. I was quite surprised by this film, and if you get the chance then you should give it a go.

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The new norm
thales-6304510 July 2021
The Blair Witch Project has a lot to answer for this genre of film. It's the same old stuff. You watch it to see what it is in the end but you never do. It adds nothing different. Bad camera viewpoints, out of focus shots and a lot of screaming a good film does not make. Worth missing.
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Very Intense.....
TylerMW198422 May 2011
WOAH..... really wanted to switch this movie off as I was practically on the floor I was that much on the edge of my seat! I'm not really into he shaky camera/found footage movies as the majority of them lack creativity and seem to copy off one another and end up relying on cheap scares or the same old jump out of your seat scenes..

This was something else, I was shaking at one point and was finding myself wanting to turn it off, making excuses to walk out the room just so I could compose wimpy as I sound, i'm a massive horror fan, but this movie had me quite a nervous wreck!!!!! I can't praise this movie enough and would definitely recommend to horror fans alike!
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Journalistic Nightmare
sakhelentaba4 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't know what to expect going in so I switched off the lights, cranked up the volume and WOW what an intense ride!

What impressed me most was the right ingredients that make a great horror experience

1. Never reveal the monster too early - they did this well and only your mind had to fill in the blanks which scared you even more

2. The characters weren't making silly decisions for the most part. When they realized they were in over their heads, they knew they had to leave the place and one of them insisted they stay together and not separate. They also learned what worked to keep the monster at bay

3. Sound - nothing beats sound to create an intended mood and they did it flawlessly here!

This was a great time and if you enjoy watching found footage movies, add this gem to your collectiom
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I came out of the tunnel with a bitter feeling
trashgang15 January 2013
Another one that fits into the shaky found footage flicks like we have seen a few last years from worse to good. Like in the torture porn heydays we had a lot of trash coming out. This here was okay but not what i expected from it. Having seen Chernobyl Diaries (2012) it fits in perfectly in that region.

This doesn't had anything to do with paranormal activities or whatsoever. This could be real if you want. In fact, it all looked real but once in the tunnels you think monsters or freaks are running around. There's something down there but it doesn't really reveal itself. And it's there were it lacks on suspense and horror.

On part of the way it was edited and so it looked like a real documentary but I was left with a hunger. Have seen so many flicks about tunnels but The Tunnel I will forget. I would recommend End Of The Line (2007) if you want to have your panties wet.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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