Grand Theft Auto V (Video Game 2013) Poster

(2013 Video Game)

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'Bring me my cougher or I'm gonna cut your arm off!'
siray16 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Trevor is just love!! He has these tough guy looks and energetic and humorous dialog that makes him better than the other two characters. I think I'll spend the first few weeks playing only him before Michael and franklin.I laughed so hard when he was shouting at the cops chasing after him,he isn't much of a hot-headed guy, he's cool most of the time(at least for the time I was free roaming).Most of the gta fans see him as a sociopath but I think Michael deserves to be called that too.A big thumbs up to the voice actors for bringing life into these characters.

I started exploring the massive world GTA V offers and I must say the craftsmanship is simply stunning. It is clear that it was designed and implemented by people who really wanted to produce something that was revolutionary, and without skimping on the details.It seems almost limitless. From AI cars flashing their high beams when you're driving on the wrong side of the road on a collision course with them, to the seamless integration of the radio stations with the world you're in, to . . . well, a dozen pages could be written on the details alone.

The world is massive! If one word could sum up the game I think it would be 'detail'. Every aspect of the game is as detailed as possible and it is easily the best game ever made respective of the technological possibility in 2013. For instance, the AI of the people walking down the street is almost creepy, it seems like these are living people. The dialog is truly impressive, I believe that this game could compete with some of the best films around.Fantastic acting, worthy of film awards, breathtaking graphics, beyond realistic physics, and just enthralling game-play make this the first truly next-gen game that goes beyond just better graphics, pushing the limits of what I thought was possible.

Rockstar is genius for a making this game so immerse, so realistic, but yet manages to keep that funny, satiric GTA feel. Congrats Rockstar, you deserve your success.
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To Live or To Die In Los Santos
85122229 December 2016
Greetings from Lithuania.

To say "Grand Theft Auto V" (2013) is an amazing experience in (almost) every possible way is like to say nothing. This game is pure and simple masterpiece.

I won't say anything new that wasn't said millions times before. GTA V is a must own and play for almost anyone who enjoys perfect games. You have like literally and open world in which you can do anything, and everything is done so good, so great. I beat this game on PS4, and to be honest the control at the beginning felt awkward, but its just like for 5,6 hours - then you will get use to them and it will be just awesome. And there couple more minuses (story mode) - i didn't find any purpose for your crews skill levels - there aren't many heists in the story itself (or maybe i missed something). And other thing is sometimes very frustrating controls of the characters when you there is action is some very closed space, thankfully there weren't many of those. And the last thing is a targeting system when you are in a car flying on some 120 km/h - good luck in to shooting some specific targets.

That said, GTA 5 is almost perfect. The story narrative, screenplay, acting, voice acting, directing and whole craftsmanship is the best there can be. And i even just started to scratch the surface of GTA Online. Overall - one of the very best ever.
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I thought it was overrated until I played it
Puroo11 July 2021
After I joined college I started playing PC games, and that was the time I began learning about gaming outside of Nintendo. Open world games were something that really fascinated me, so that was the genre I started from. I played Assassin's Creed and Watch_Dogs, but I didn't understand why normies liked GTA so much. I thought it must be because they don't know about bigger ad cooler games, until I tried GTA V myself. And I have to say, boy was I so wrong! This really is something unique, something I couldn't get in any other open world AAA game I had played to that point.

GTA V is something I'd call the era defining game of our time. It has everything we want: A good story, interesting characters, a dynamic open world, interactive NPCs and most importantly, it can run on any device (other than Nintendo and mobile phones). I have a habit of playing games linearly, that is, going from point A to point B. I only care about the story of a game and explore the open world only after I complete the main story mode, so that I can delete the game in case my laptop starts going slow (it's an Nvidia 940MX), and also because I have too many unplayed games in my library and I'd choose to finish them rather than look at a game whose story I've already completed.

And that made it even more engaging; because the story is really gripping and funny at the same time. In the beginning I was annoyed when Michael was shown the first time, putting his gun on Franklin's head. But after Michael's family left him I was really interested in knowing how he will fix things back. But then the scene shifted to Trevor. I was really annoyed, and I would always shift to Michael to finish his quests. But after I replayed the game after it became free on Epic, I realised Trevor's story was the funniest of them all. Now Trevor has become my favourite character of the three.

The graphics are really realistic. And the best part is, if you have a high end PC you can download mods to make the game look as realistic as possible. There are even mods for bringing your own characters like Superman or Hulk, and the best part is that Rockstar, unlike other AAA companies (read Nintendo) encourages players to do it rather than punish them for the same. The NPCs are also very interactive. They behave just like how any person in real life would. Being an indie game developer myself I know how much effort goes behind doing this.

Just by looking at GTA V you can see how much love the developers poured into making it. The game has been available for every console from the 7th generation and will also be for the 9th generation. Gaming companies should learn from Rockstar and take this example for their games too (especially Ubisoft, Assassin's Creed II would have been so awesome if it was remastered for PS5 and Xbox Series X). I really hope GTA VI is able to outperform this game. They can take as much time as they want, I have no problem with it.
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The Perfect Game for Everyone
BadgerStorm434521 April 2020
Grand Theft Auto V is one of the most Universally praised games of all time. This juggernaut of a game lives up to the hype and exceeds it. With 40-50 hours of story and an incredibly packed online mode, Grand Theft Auto V would already be considered one of the greatest games of all time, but including its vehicles, customization, acting, weapons, comedy, depth and messages about a modern America, this game cements itself above some of the greatest games of all time and may just be the greatest game ever made.
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Very enjoyable gaming experience with lots of character, color and fun
bob the moo13 December 2013
In the city of Los Santos, a young hustler falls under the wing of a former criminal living a difficult retirement. Circumstances lead to the pair to have to do a job to pay off a debt – a job which gets national coverage and draws unwanted attention from a former partner, corrupt cops, ruthless movie moguls, rival gangs, aggressive fitness fanatics and many others.

I have played this game series on and off over the years but (criminally) did not play the former one based in Los Santos but instead rejoined with GTA4, a game I enjoyed but not one without its flaws. The good news with V is that the game keeps the strengths of the fourth game but makes many improvements which produce a much more fun and enjoyable experience across many aspects. The first thing to say is that the world of LS is technically amazing in terms of its attention to detail and beauty – it is hard to describe to people who decide they do not like these games, but to see a glorious sunset from a hillside, with perfect shadow effects and vegetation movement and know that someone designed and made this, not just filmed it, is something that hit me over and over throughout the game. The map is enjoyably large with diverse landscapes and character and I still find great pleasure in just going around in it even if I have nothing specific to do.

The story is solid enough for the game even if it is rather generic and overblown. The characters are quite clichéd in some regards. Michael's story for instance is not so imaginative and generally I found him the least of the characters. Franklin is similar but covered by him being the "intro" character, so I stayed close to him throughout. Trevor is a wonderfully violent and funny character and his entrance is memorable and really shakes the game up. The events of the story are necessarily overblown but this is part of the fun and generally I liked the flow to it. The many supporting characters are great fun and the energy and color of it all does cover up for the fact that the story is not really that complex or engaging at times. As it is though, it is about events and set-pieces and the game provides plenty of fun memorable missions (admittedly as well as a handful of awful ones), and in this way there are loads of missions to replay and enjoy and, most importantly, this game actually allows you to load them to do just that.

Side missions add color and fun and, although I do miss ongoing missions like the vigilante ones from IV, there is still plenty to do. The range of vehicles adds to this and I also enjoyed how much easier they are to drive than in the previous game. Weapon customization and the range of them provide fun destruction, although the police are a lot more aggressive in this game than in IV, so it is harder to go on a rampage and make it last. In theory the Online world offers endless gaming – I tried it for one evening and it was fun despite all the issues, but the community seemed messed up and very reliant on having an existing group of players – it looks fun but I'm just more of an offline player these days.

Grand Theft Auto V is a great game, even if you "only" play the days and days of content in the single player game. Technically the game is astounding with its attention to detail and just the sheer beauty of the audio and visual design of the whole world. The plot is solid enough to do the job while the characters (main and supporting) are colorful enough to engage while playing through missions which are mostly enjoyable and offer plenty of big set-pieces that are overblown and fun.
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Outstanding, Rockstar you've done it again!
AndyDufresne9517 September 2013
One of the most highly anticipated games we have seen ever and it has not disappointed. I have been a fan since the very first GTA entered my console a number of years ago and have played them ever since with great enjoyment and GTA 5 just tops the rest.

From the characters to the amazing graphics it is easily the best game I have ever played, after playing The Last Of Us I didn't think the graphics could be topped but they have and then some.

With the selection of 3 characters to play it adds that little bit more fun and you get a more in depth view of the person you're playing, and of course GTA would not be the same without the crazy dialogue and damn right funny events that happen.

Borrow,Beg,(don't steal) and get yourself a copy. 10/10
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The gold in Rockstar's mine.
DrRedMustacho26 December 2013
This game is absolutely beautiful, even the most minimum detail in the game is amazing. Rockstar has carved a beautiful sculpture over the last years. The beautiful storyline, graphics, characters, EVERYTHING. Now GTA not only has 1 as said before, but 3 characters, Franklin is struggling the life in the hood with his home Lamar Davis, while also fighting The Ballas. Michael is a retired bank robber and a father of 2 kids, James De Santa, and Tracey De Santa, with her wife Amanda. Trevor is a psycho trying to sell drugs and nuclear weapons to the Chinese. They will team up to: Steal banks, work for the FIB, hang out, and more! Also I can honestly say. This game, is one of the MOST detailed game since Red Dead Redemtion. The weather effects, dynamic events, Strangers and Freaks, and ACTIVITIES! But also there are a lot of COOL Easter eggs. BUY THIS GAME NOW!

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This has to be the best game I've ever played!
Snyder-matthew2320 September 2013
I just want to start off with this: BUY THIS GAME! This is just brilliant with beautiful graphics and great, fun, and hilarious characters. By reading the other reviews I'd think that they really love this game too. My favorite characters are all of them. I think they all have great stories and fun to play with. The cars are really fast and awesome! The weapons are awesome! Everything is just amazing. My favorite part of the map would have to be the beach. I just love going there and stealing bikes and making Chop chew on civilians! I would like to finish this by telling you to tell your friends about this and buy this game now!
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Game of the year, 2013.
The_Light_Triton19 September 2013
The Grand Theft auto series is a juggernaut of everything - Money, Fun, Controversy, Sex, drugs, the works. But us fans of the series would not have it any other way. every time, Rockstar always hits the jackpot.

In this 5th installment of the series, Protagonist Michael De Santa is a retired criminal who committed a series of heists and bank robberies in his past, and has retired to a more desired life up in the hills with his family. But not all is as it seems. His wife is more attracted to the young tennis coach and the yoga instructor, his daughter puts herself out like a prostitute, and his son is an overweight Generation Y bum who doesn't work, but has plenty of time to smoke weed and insult other gamers on FPS games. He himself is miserable, drinking during the day and starting arguments over nothing.

But not only is Michael a protagonist, so is his old friend Trevor, a maniacal redneck who lives to cause chaos and anarchy, but making money in the process by selling crack and arms. But to Trevor, Michael might as well be an angel, because Trevor is a real maniac.

The last protagonist is franklin, a streetwise hustler who repos cars in a time of economic uncertainty, as well as deal with his homies in the hood as well as his strange aunt.

I want to review this game, piece by Piece

Story 6/5

I'm sorry, but this game's story is just so complex and amazing that you can't help but think rockstar went the extra mile. they did an amazing job, and it shows. No matter what kind of hero you like, this game gives you 3 choices. Me, personally? I like playing as Michael or Trevor, but franklin just isn't my kind of guy. There's one mission early in the game where Michael does yoga, and it's probably the most boring mission yet, but the other crazy missions and moments in the game more than make up for it.

Gameplay 5/5

This game's gameplay is almost perfect, albeit a few skips in the framerate when things get hot. other than that, good cars spawn often enough (Much like in 2002's Vice city) and car customization is great. You can also buy clothes and do haircuts for the characters, but some are limited, like Trevor, who can only have a mullet and a bushman beard as special haircuts.

there are lots of fun additions to the game, like animals and scuba diving. so if you're a sadistic maniac and love hurting animals (which look like they were copy and pasted right from Red Dead Redemption) or maybe you're an aquaphile and want to go for a swim, this game has lots to offer. look around and see what you may find.

And oh yeah, this is the first GTA game that gives you 3 different characters to pick from. So switch between characters and check out what they're all up to at the moment.

Music 4/5

This is the first grand theft auto game in which rockstar has created an original soundtrack, giving it a red dead redemption feel during missions where tension runs high. Hearing a fast paced techno tune while running away from the police is always a good time.

The game's OST is actually the weakest link in the chain, as a majority of tracks will not appeal to the game's main fans. There's no lack of pop music, With Britney Spears and Rihanna (Niko Bellic: Hooray.) but a big lack of thrash metal. That's where thrash originated, and that's where it should at least have a station! The game at least doesn't have Taylor Swift. Thank God.

There's a classic Punk Rock Station and a classic country station, which in it's Advertisements, claim that modern country is full of sissies and crybabies. I could not agree more.

Controls 5/5

The game's engine is the same as GTA IV, but with a few improvements. these ones take time to get used to, but once you do, just hit the gas and go crazy. the fighting mechanics are the same, but this time, you don't have to scroll through your weapons like in IV. This time, you can pull an RDR and bring up a weapon wheel, and pick your gun from an array of choices.

Overall - 10/10

I think this game will get Game of the year from whatever awards show gives those out. with 4 years of development, a $265,000,000 budget, and a massive storyline which will take a while to get through, there will be no shortage of fun for those who play it.
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This game is pretty grand. It's worth playing.
ironhorse_iv9 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I had a blast, playing this game. It was very wicked! The games of Grand Theft Auto has anyways been like that. It also known to be very controversy, due to its violent criminal themes, scenes depicting torture, and the game's treatment of women. It makes sense why, certain people don't like this game, all. After all, the point of the game is to rise through the ranks of the criminal underworld, by stealing stuff and committing acts of violence. Still, it's no different, than reading a crime novel or watching a gangster film. Yes, there are those that will act upon what they see, but for the majority of people, playing it, just need a safe outlet to outset their disturbing thoughts about society. After all, we humans, aren't known for our sainthood. Everybody has a dark side. There are a lot of things, human do that makes people, angry. I would, rather have people take out their anger on a game, then do harsh things to people in real life. Grand Theft Auto V takes the concept of nonconformist to a large epic open world scale, allowing the gamer, nearly free range in the fictional world of San Andreas. Developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games, the game allow the player to play as any of the three criminals; first is Franklin Clinton (Voiced and motion capture by Shawn Fonteno), a young inner city street thug, trying to move up, and away from his dangerous ghetto street lifestyle. Then there is Michael De Santa (Voiced and motion capture by Ned Luke), a retired con man in his 40s, going through a mid-life crisis with his family, whom takes Franklin as an apprentice. Last is Trevor Phillips (Voiced and motion capture by Steven Ogg), a redneck meth dealer that is so crazy and dangerous that he might be a threat to his old partner, Michael. The missions flit between their individual stories and an overarching plot line that involves all three. This three-character structure makes for excellent pacing and great variety in the storyline, but it also allows the actual act of switching between them. It's cool when you pick a character and the camera zooms out over the San Andreas map, closing back in on wherever they happen to be, where the character could be doing nearly anything. Each one has their own skill set. Michael enters bullet time in combat, Franklin slows down time while driving, and Trevor deals twice as much damage to enemies while taking half as much in combat. Each character has a smartphone for contacting friends, starting activities and accessing an in-game Internet. The game can played from either a first-person or third-person view. Players complete missions—linear scenarios with set objectives—to progress through the story. Players can do, nearly anything from melee attacks, to firearms and explosives, or take selfies with their camera, to fight enemies. They also can take vehicles, such as airplanes, cars, tanks, and others to travel, across its large map. Players may purchase properties such as homes and businesses, upgrade the weapons and vehicles in each character's arsenal, and customize their appearance by purchasing outfits, changing haircuts, get tattoos and others. There are rarely any restrictions, although story progress unlocks more gameplay content. Developed in tandem with the single-player mode, the online multiplayer mode Grand Theft Auto Online was conceived as a separate experience to be played in a continually evolving world with up to 30 multiplayers. Additional content has been add, since the release, allowing more things, to do, such as The Beach Bum, Christmas, Valentine Day, and other update, that added more jobs and customization content for players. The gameplay is very challenging, but not complicated. It's a lot harder to get away from enemy AIs here, but it can be done with sneak attacks or stealth. The police force is bit more gun-ho trigger happy than the previous games. Even the minor touch against them, could spark a- all out 5 stars brawl. The game is beautiful to play, as you can notice a lot of detail and work where into making this place into a reality. This game is light years ahead, compare to a lot of recent games, in its digital technology. The story, they have is gripping, thrilling, and yet darkly funny. It is a leap forward in narrative sophistication for the series. It's astounding, how intelligent and sharp-tongued the satire of contemporary America is. I love the spoofs of entertainment shows, social networking, politics and life, itself. The game has tons of interesting supporting characters, both allies and enemies. Some of my favorites are: Lazlow (Voiced by Lazlow Jones), an insecure radio host and Lester Crest (Voiced by Jay Klaitz), a computer hacker. Others characters are somewhat annoying like Franklin's friend, Lamar Davis (Voiced by Slink Johnson) & Trevor's lackey, Wade Hebert (Voiced by Matthew Maher). I really wanted to shoot them. Without spoiling it, I like that others characters from the previous games in the series return in Grand Theft Auto V, as well. Overall: Grand Theft Auto 5 feels like breath of fresh air, compare to the grey and gritty world of Grand Theft Auto IV. It is one of the very best video games ever made. I do recommended. Check it out, when you can.
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Best Game Ever Made, Grand Theft Auto V is incredible.
jadmolga14 July 2014
Anyone who gives this less 9, there is really something wrong with that person, seriously. The great soundtrack, "multiplayer", many customization options, controversial missions and lots of mini, complex places, amazing graphics, the actual contemporary story and pretty much everything its just beautiful. Being honest, since Grand Theft Auto San Andreas I haven't been this satisfied/happy for a video game and worth it. The faults in the system aren't reason enough to hate the game. I've actually spent dozens of hours with Grand Theft Auto V, and I definitely plan to continue. GTA Online in one word: perfection, your ambitions are the limit and basically you can do whatever you want. I can't wait to see whats next with Rockstar and of curse the actualizations of the game.
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An Honest Review
generationofswine4 November 2020
I wasn't playing video games when IV came around, and... if it weren't for COVID I wouldn't have picked them up again, at least not new ones.

But COVID hit so... XBox. And GTA V, honestly took me for a loop when I started off playing three different people, then ended up playing Franklin, only to switch to someone different. It was jarring and erratic, and I just wanted to follow one character and stay with them...

... until Trevor came in and... HYSTERICAL.

The world pops more than San Andreas did, it pops almost the same way that Vice City popped. The music is fun, there are more variety to the stations.... but the talk radio lacks the humor of the previous installments and you really don't have that wait to open up other parts of the city that seems to you clung to, hoping that the next mission would be the one that gave you a little more of the world to explore.

But over all, it is a heck of a lot of fun. It's entertaining. It's rich, the story is funny and brutal at the same time and the characters are.... well, they are all characters.

Couple that with the heist movie feel and it's a solid winner.
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Amazing and awful.
Analog_Devotee4 August 2021
The single-player story mode: 10/10

The online multiplayer mode: 1/10

The online in this game managed to derail this company's approach to DLC entirely. Remember Undead Nightmare for Red Dead Redemption, and Ballad of Gay Tony on GTA IV? Yeah, we'll probably never get DLCs like that from this company ever again. From now on it's going to be all about adding cosmetics and vehicles in the hopes of people saying screw it and buying in-game currency with real money instead of playing the purposely dull and repetitive missions with tiny payouts.
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Online sucks
julianvinnesholm24 February 2021
Today, a certain overpowered, rocket powered flying "motorcycle" obliterated my cargo worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, which I was expected to drive across the state of San Andreas (California) in a huge truck with a top speed of approximately 10 km/h, using one of it's 20 heat seeking missiles. I had also spent a few hundred thousands of dollars and hours producing the cargo. How do they expect me to do these missions when I can't use an invite only session while doing these missions? Seriously!?
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Grand Theft Auto V Review
Moviememmer13 February 2021
  • Great story & characters
  • Amazing extravagant open world
  • Great side activities and missions
  • So much freedom
  • Amazing graphics
  • A-grade voice acting and animation
  • Deep gameplay
  • Great customisation
  • GTA Online is a complete video game of itself

  • None

Verdict: The perfect sandbox video game to do everything and literally anything. A compelling campaign alongside an online mode where countless hours can be spent. Definitely worth every cent.

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Best GTA
Ashcropolis17 November 2018
Masterpiece. The best GTA ever made. And also the best rockstar game ever.
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GTA 5 still holds up
moisesfajardo11 August 2018
They did a great job making it look real. Especially the traffic.
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The setup is a beast song.
DustinRahksi23 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I've been playing GTA for a long time now, they all featured the same format and play style, point a to point b. None of the games raised the bar as high as this game. The biggest improvement is the story, I felt previous games were more enjoyable when you're a blood lust madman, but this games story was addicting unlike any other. I love great stories, and this one is one of the finest of the generation. I'll talk a little about the mechanics, but mostly about the story and characters. The main story will take you around 24 hours to complete, pretty standard. I did it over the weekend, three days of noon till midnight.

The game play: It's pretty much GTA 4 style controls aside from a few innovations. You can actually customize weapons in this game, considering games like "Scarface the world is yours" had this way back when, it's too little too late, but appreciated. The stats boasts for characters is back. The graphics are almost identical to Red Dead Redemption, aside from the facial animations, here they can pull off more realistic expressions. The feature to switch between characters at almost any point is a great new mechanic. Got nothing to do, lets go see what Trevor is up to, oh he's throwing someone off the side of an overpass, cool. I haven't noticed any new cars yet, in fact they took away my favourite car, the black Sabre GT. And finally an open world game that allows property purchase, if you can make the money the business is yours. But 150 million for a golf course is a ridiculous amount to earn. The map is about the same, if not bigger than Red Dead. You spend most of your time just driving though. The game does look beautiful at times, especially when you factor in night time or when it's lightly raining. The game physics are nothing new, but it does frustrate me to unbelievable levels when the cars spin out from hitting a pebble. The animations for Chop, are probably the best for any dog in a video game. The presentation is double that of previous entry's. I'll add some more here when it comes to mind.

The missions: Wow, they really improved the missions ten fold. There some big set piece moments that are great, without distracting you from the game. I can only remember one mission from GTA 4, the bank heist. But here there were at least a dozen. The heist at the bay town, was crazy. Securing a prisoner from atop the FIB headquarters, while switching characters, was a brief but memorable moment. Sometimes it's just the dialogue or actions from the characters can make a mission. My favourite was Family reunion with Michael and his family. But there were a few times it got disturbing. When Trevor is sneaking around The Lost's trailer park killing them, and the whole thunderstorm going on at the time, it's just great. The torture sequence of the prisoner was a bit out of place though.

The characters: I'm just going with the three main protagonists. I liked all three of them, even when Trevor is being a psychopath, it's hard not to like him. Franklin was the most stable out of all of them. Michael seams to have been based off of Michael Madsen, even down to the way he walks. Trevor is the most memorable, one of the best characters in the franchise, even probably best character of the year. He's a madman in ever way shape and form. The banter between M and T is all over the place, one second it's a nice moment, and the next they are at each others throats. The writing is really well done most of the time, but there was a few moments that didn't sit right. I was appalled there was even an option to kill Trevor and Michael.

Now I have only played through the single player missions, so that's all I can say for the game. I haven't done any of the side missions, leisure activities, or even watched TV. That will be added in here once I have completed those. Is it game of the year, well it's a close second to The Last Of Us, both of these had phenomenal stories and characters, but TLOU played my emotions much harder. Anyone that gives this anything lower than a 9 is just kidding themselves, Rock-star put years of hard work into this game, every aspect is top notch, aside from two glitches that required a mission start over. It is by far the best GTA game ever, it raised the bar, and set a new precedent of quality.
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A video-game that's like a blockbuster movie; only better.
Grand Theft Auto V (GTAV) is a modern milestone in modern-gaming; the open-world is vaster than previous GTA series entries. Rockstar Games has given the world MANY golden-eggs of open-world gaming, like Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto III & IV and L.A. Noire to name a few. These games cease to be fake when you play them; you're immersed in world-class game design from one of the very best development houses in the world.

If you somehow haven't played this game yet, get one right away damn it! GTAV needs to be played to be believed.
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The Best Game I Ever Owned That I Don't Wanna Stop Playing!
Marcusrecon1812 October 2013
I been Playing Grand Theft Auto since the Series was first out. Its been like in my whole life. But Grand Theft Auto V, Is an Awesome, Hilarious, and Shocking Game I have ever Played. First of all, The Graphics are Amazing. The every bit of details on the characters is outstanding. The Graphics of the City, so Realistic. Now, The Story is Excellent. I found myself Laughing, Sad, And sometimes very shocked. The story has a good plot and and nice characters to begin with. The Intro, Best Intro in the GTA Series Ever. The Freemode is fun. You always have something to do. Its Fun and Exciting. Now, GTA Online is the Best Online Yet. You can Freemode in Online and drive around the Los Santos or Sandy Shores. I like that you can customize your own Character. The Non-Stop fun doing missions and Buying House or Pimping your Ride. You can Have Non-Stop Fun in this Game. Grand Theft Auto V is a Very Fun and Excellent Game Worth Buying. Thats why I give it 10/10.
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Good game
michaeljnrb5 March 2019
Really cool game grand theft auto tho high swear words etc
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I love it! Amazing and never gets old. I love Rockstar Games.
deadmau5_while7 April 2020
Well, like the title says it, I love this game and it is amazing to this day, new content every week. Rockstar Games truly is amazing and unbelievable.
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Story mode Review
YNQXD21 October 2021
The Details are so amazing, the control in the vehicles is easy and fun and the 1st person was great to complete the story from another perspective, unfortunately, they destroy the timeline in GTA Online.

P. S. My Review does not include GTA Online.
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Probably the most disappointing game of all time
Big_Boar18 May 2015
Anyone who gives this game a 10/10 is either insane, is being paid by Rockstar, is about 12 years old or has never played any other game before. It is without doubt the most disappointing game of all time and a 6/10 at absolute best and the scores the 'critics' have given it just proves the fact that they are not worth reading.

Good - Not very much, but the 3 characters are well designed and the map itself is adequate in size. The overall gameplay is solid and there is definitely some fun to be had with some of the set piece missions standing out in particular.

Bad - Where to start? No ambient hiests, severe, almost criminal lack of interiors, no character progression, development or empire building of any kind, unable to buy houses, unable to enter owned businesses (lack of interiors!), awful, awful story, only around 30% of the map is actually used for anything useful, the friend 'like' % has been ditched so doing any activity with any other character is pointless, the girlfriend system is awful, unfinished concepts (Trevors meth business) and in general just terrible design decisions everywhere. There is a total lack of anything meaningful to do in this game; I mean its all well and good being able to play golf but where are things like dealing etc that can be used to run a criminal empire? Verdict - The most overrated, over-hyped game ever made which is a shame because it could, and should have been great. If you like driving around aimlessly with the option to play a pointless minigame this could be the game for you. If you have a brain though, you will be left bitterly disappointed by an average game thats a 6/10 (generous) and one of the worst games in the GTa series, FACT.
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Story Mode was fun the first 10 times, but online is GARBAGE
bearbow2 June 2021
The story mode of this game is amazing, classic rockstar, but the online is complete and utter garbage. The fact that they are allowing this game to be sold for free on game pass and steam (at one point at least) is the main reason why too. There are so many elementary age children blowing up my cargo with their paid for with their mom's credit card oppressor that I cant even enjoy the main aspect of the game. The community is toxic, missions are repetitive, and the main issue is online. To put all the DLC into the online instead of single player and to fumble it this hard is embarrassing for a company like Rockstar. Guess you can blame Take 2 for turning Rockstar into a company they used to satirize.
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