Taximetristi (2023) Poster


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Sad taxi drivers
M0n0_bogdan15 April 2023
One of the better Romanian scripts for a comedy from the last 10-20 years. Obscenities aside, its vignettes are pretty good and tell a deeper story but the story from underneath it all is the one that is grounded and pretty real, emotion wise. We get to know these two characters, these two sad taxi drivers - fun fact: trist in taximetrist means sad - to their very core, we understand not only them but a very big chunk of their generation, my generation.

We no longer blame the government but we are looking within when something doesn't go our way. We blame ourselves, we are maturing from this point of view. We are getting there. There was a glimpse when one of the drivers wanted to go the political route but he was destroyed, when a client opened his eyes its all his fault for the situation he is in. It's the capitalist way.

Beside this, great sound and a different coloring of this night life, not usual to romanian cinema.
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Bitter-Sweet Slice of Life
TheMustardNerd28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While I'm all for reading diverse reviews of movies, this time it feels like me and eerybody else have watched different movies. Or maybe ours perspectives are just that different.

So in this review I would like to give a different perspective of this movie

First of all, the characters are complex and memorable. The two protagonists are Lica (Alexandru Ion) and Liviu (Rolando Matsangos). The two characters are polar opposites and they cover two social archetypes: Lica= The loud and arrogant yet sensitive worker and Liviu= the quiet, shy and polite worker.

Now let's dive into Lica What makes him such an interesting character that has two sides: 1. One is bold, vulgar, loud and arrogant. He claims that he has a strong sense of morality, and that he'll follow them in any situation. He's also very transparent about his beliefs, his plans, and opinions. When he encounters a person who doesn't respect him he'll get aggresive. He's not afraid to be loud and vulgar, because he thinks that he's high in the social hierarchy of the working class. Nothing new, right? But there's more; 2. His other side is pretty soft actually. He has a very fragile ego, and he'll panic whenever put in front of a threat. It's not that hard of a task to humiliate him. He's insecure, ready to humiliate somebody. And with each interation, we see hw he strugles to make himself feel good, and not accept that his childish behaivour has consequences. We also see a more relatable side of him, one that temporarily tries to makes things better.

But what about Liviu?

He's pretty much the opposite of Lica: From meeting him, we learn that he's a grounded, quiet, introverted worker that tries his best to make his life better. He's friendly and quiet inoffensive, and rejects any negative factors, both external and internal. But as the story goes forward, we see his tougher side. Unlike Lica, he is mature and has a strong set of morals. He tries to not associate himself with pleasures and be focused on doing his best work. He also strugles to keep himself together and not pop, constatly reggresing his negative emotions.. But from what? Basically, we later learn that he has a pretty depressing life. His wife, Veronica (Victoria Raileanu) lost interest in him, claiming that their romantic and sexual life is gone. She is very vocal about her desire to escape poverty and monotony. Liviu tries to hold himself together, to run from his condemnation, and to pretend that everything is fine. One scene that I want to talk about right here, right now is the final argument between Veronica and Liviu. It's an intense disagreement. Veronica talks about how she would rather be a whore in a foreign country than stay with him. And he loses it, and becomes aggresive and abusive.... Lica, being a witness to this, tries to mollify the interaction, but it's all in vain......

Second of all, let's talk about the script. The script has a shocking sense of realism. The cursing honestly, while innapropiate, gives the movie a raw view on reality. But to be fair, I understand why for some was too much. The movie was trying to present flawed, almost pathetic characters, that only ones like them would talk like that. I've heard that this movie has no story: I disagree. Instead of the characters going on a specific mission, it's a journey of viewer witnessing the characters having to deal with the reality that they refused to explore. The Starting Point would be the characters' introduction, with their masks and monotonous lifes. And the end of the journey would be the characters, being ht by reality, but they don't manage to fix their lifes, even with this lesson. Throught this entire movie, the characters have been condamned to living a hard life, and each and one of them processed this in different ways. This is obviously trying to symbolise the condemnation of poverty and how life as a taxi driver can feel like a maze with no end, no escape, no light at the end of the tunnel. So if we look from this perspective, it's not a journey of the characters, but a journey of the spectator taking a look at characters that embody average people with, unfortunately for a majority of people, average problems. It's up to the audience to deduce the message. And this is shown is the movie in a surprisingly elaborate way. For example, each client of Lica is also a way for the movie to show his personality, and how he deals with poverty. His story is more of a reality check, where his pride is smashed. His first client is a pretty soft and quiet person, easy for him to make himself look mature and successful. The next scenes feature him humilating a young woman, that is later revealed to a familiar face with a lot of authority (Maria Popistasu). She shows him a different perspective on life, one where he is the fool, where he is not mature and not successful. And just like we've said, him actually being a sensitive person, a coward, he doesn't fight back , his courage faded away and he become submissive and humiliated. From now on, he tries to mock his clients, trying to make them look foolish and to make himself look good. Of course, he is hit by reality again, the feeling being temporary.

The directing is good, the actors are good, and overall I think this movie has a valuable message, presented in a competent, admirable way.
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A brave take
erichreinholtz24 July 2023
Throughout the entire film, you can clearly tell that the script was adapted from a theater play. The main focus is on character-to-character interaction.

In a world (country) full of movies made solely for cheap laughs (some good laughs ngl), this film has a unique and brave take, attempting to exert different feelings than the Romanian audience is familiar with.

The film has a bittersweet vibe, showcasing very real-life, relatable scenarios. Many people from different backgrounds may identify themselves or, at the very least, empathize with certain characters.

It is true that the film could have been executed better, however I still gave an 8/10 for braveness and the unique take it provides.
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Better than Teambuilding
ramona_cantaragiu25 January 2023
This movie is a slice of life story following two cab Bucharest cab drivers. The main characters are very well fleshed out and you can clearly see them evolve as they encounter various customers, each with their own life lesson to impart. The dialogues are well written and the type of humour is coarse but intelligently done. The story is bleak as it focuses on the fact that the working class is left with no means of getting a strong financial foothold under a rampant capitalism that splits people into dupes and bosses who know how to make money on the backs of the dupes. The movie is beautifully shot and I want to salute the presence of Micutzu here.
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Backseat taxi drama with full load of local lingo
unpopicakbill27 April 2023
This is no gem, no revelation, no world changer, not polished, no kind art, but also no fault.

The story is very Romanian in the cultural sense, there is no base line, it starts up, it goes down fast, then up, then down etc, and then in the end it goes really down, but then life continues, despite everything else.

Once in the story, which presents the fauna of nightlife for backside couches of taxis in Bucharest, one gets to de-bone each vertebrate in the same high-up vs low-down style of the coin and back-side situation. And it works, it feels a little short, with less of the background included, but it goes bullseye to the problems, the nature of people, the characters, and it obtains in the viewer, at least the one accepting the screen story, a real development.

Aiming for that base line, that one needs to put its life in balance.
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Why the hate?
victorvsl19 April 2023
This movie will make much more sense for the people who know a bit more about the hood life in Bucharest. I personally know people talking exactly like the taxi drivers in the movie.

It's a real emotional rollercoaster - you can go from laughing to crying in a time span as shot as a few minutes. Some of the scenes presented in the movie are so realistic that I could easily relate to them.

It's definitely not a 10. Not an Oscar-worthy movie. But I did give it a 10 for encouragement, as it's one of the best Romanian movies that hit the theatres in the last couple of years. Hopefully, it will raise the bar for Romanian movies.
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From tears of laughter to tears of sadness
lex13117 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I did not expect to like this movie as much as I did. It was quite a surprise. Especially since I just came from the airport with a taxi and had a long (and pleasant) conversation with the driver who had an interesting story about him transitioning from football player to olympic canoe and now taxi driver in Bucharest.

I was really impressed by Maria Popistasu and Alexandru Ion. The conversation between the two about capitalist sex had me in tears when he went a bit overboard and she reacted, the look on both their faces made me laugh so hard I woke up my kids.

A few minutes later, Lica trying to connect to his last client by telling him how he lost his love brings you again to tears, this time sad tears.

Yes the story, although sprinkled with funny moments, is a sad one and it is beautifully said and put on film.

My only grief is the movie was so short, I didn't want to let go of the characters so soon.

Congrats to the writers, director and cast!
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Taximetristi (2023): A Snooze-Inducing Catastrophe
nikolay140919 July 2023
Oh, where do I even begin with Taximetristi (2023)? I had such high hopes for this movie, but boy, was I in for a major letdown! I mean, I must say, I wasn't just disappointed; I was positively stupefied by how awful it turned out to be.

From the very start, it's as if the filmmakers conspired to bore me to tears. The plot was so cliché and predictable that I could have written a better story in my sleep - which, by the way, I practically did because this film was so mind-numbingly dull that I couldn't help but doze off!

The characters were just as lifeless as a taxidermied animal. I felt no connection, no empathy, and certainly no interest in their fates. It's like they were trying to make a statement about existentialism, but all I got was a headache from rolling my eyes too hard.

And the pacing! Oh, don't get me started on the pacing. It was slower than a tortoise wearing cement shoes. I kept waiting for something, anything, to happen, but it was just one long, tedious snoozefest.

I have to give them some credit for the cinematography; at least, the visuals were somewhat decent. But, alas, a few pretty shots do not a good movie make.

It's truly baffling how a film like this even got made. Did anyone read the script before greenlighting this disaster? Were the actors sleepwalking through their roles? I wouldn't be surprised if they were, considering how easy it was to doze off while watching.

In conclusion, Taximetristi (2023) was a total waste of time. If you're suffering from insomnia, maybe consider this movie as an alternative to counting sheep. For everyone else seeking entertainment, steer clear of this snooze-inducing catastrophe. Save yourself the agony and watch something that won't make you question your life choices.
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I loved it!
popazumaria18 April 2023
The actors are really great. In some parts you can see they play a part, but in smaller roles nothing major. The dialogue feels natural, small parts where it seems scripted. The plot is really interesting. It's also funny I laughed a lot. To be honest it's a lot better than I expected. The only issue I had is that I wanted more of it. I think the industry in Romania just gets better and better.

I didnt mind the swearing, It s a reality we live in, people swear a lot. A lot of movies have a lot of swears not only Romanian productions, so I think people who talk badly about this movie should start watching Disney Channel and stop complaining.

I also liked the story, It was cohesive and well tought.

I will give it a 9/10 just because It felt a little scripted at times. But if you compare it with Teambuilding this one is a 10/10.
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Absolute waste of time and electricity
dalacul30 April 2023
Why is the movie so high rated? Just because it shows really well our reality that most of viewers live in?

  • "Funny"
I barely smiled twice with no laughing at all the entire movie. It is supposed to be a comedy. Some other users said they were crying. I have absolutely no clue why. There is a somehow sad part, but I've seen muuuuuuuuch better emotions presented in a lot of other movies.

  • "Made me cry"
Spoiler-free, what happens "sad" in the end is a very childish situation based on lack of communication between 2 characters. All main characters are over 30 years old. I am in my 20s and can still say they were childish discussions.

  • Lack of a story
The movie is more like a collection of little stories. More than half of the script is based on 2 taxi drivers having some car rides that do not lead anywhere.

  • Lack of character development

  • "It is extremely realistic"
First of all, it is your reality. In mine, there is extremely few swearing. Secondly, so what it is realistic? Seen so many movies and series with realistic events that made me feel something. This movie just made me disappointed for losing my time.
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Excellent thought-provoking movie!
andreilungu-6463826 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't understand the hate comments. The way I see it, "Taximetristi" behaves like an impressionist novel: we only experience a brief, raw sequence in the complex lives of the characters. Details about their lives are gradually unraveled to the viewers and we have to assemble the puzzle ourselves while only being given one small piece at a time (like learning about the hardships and the broken relationships of the characters). It captures perfectly the "hood" life in Bucharest and the way in which different characters adapt to it (with raw, unfiltered words and intentionally obnoxious behaviours). The film is intense, with moments of laughter and deep sadness, and manages to make us, the viewers, feel like passengers in a taxi: we get into the car not knowing anything about the driver, then find out a series of diverse and intriguing pieces of information about the driver's personal life, with joys and sorrows, and after we reach the destination and exit the car, we move on towards our homes and our own lives. But even so, we can't stop wondering about how the driver's life will turn out to be, and most probably we will never know (such as Liviu's relationship with Veronica). There is also an overall irony concerning Lica's life: he goes from bragging about seducing a policewoman to deeply regretting the end of his former relationship, and he goes from making fun of a gay person to begging another gay person to have a beer with him so that he could stop thinking about his misery and loneliness, even for a moment. This is "Taximetristi".
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Good plot
Wordwhisperer25 January 2024
A good movie, not a great one, but a good one. Some characters are strong and the actors that protraied them did their job. The story is pretty good, some slices of what happens in the city at night, with happiness and sadness, with joy and anger, love and hate, it's all there. For some of them it could have done a bit more, to offer a context, or to find out what happened next, but in the end, as a taxi driver, this is exactly what you see: take people from point A to point B, drop them off and that's it. You go back to your live, you don't know what happend to the ones you travelled with. Good job!
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andreeacucu11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The film is not your typical cheap, dull plot that other scenarists try to sell you.

You might even get a taste of life's harshness from it. The actors have performed in a distinct way than in other Romanian movies.

I don't know/understand why it has been such a big fuss about the language. It's nothing but the truth. The focus has been solely on the depressing existence of taxi drivers, with no additional sparks added. This is in contrast to the typical unfortunate individuals that one encounters in today's society

The movie is not boring, yet the reality might have an impact on those how do not understand how life really is outside their corporate/usual pink life. Keep an open mind.
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The worst script ever
vladarius23 April 2023
The worst part isn't the fact that they are all just swearing all the time, is the script. I couldn't watch the whole movie. At the half of it i stopped because it was boring. The script goes nowhere. How can you make a movie like that?

The worst part isn't the fact that they are all just swearing all the time, is the script. I couldn't watch the whole movie. At the half of it i stopped because it was boring. The script goes nowhere. How can you make a movie like that?

The worst part isn't the fact that they are all just swearing all the time, is the script. I couldn't watch the whole movie. At the half of it i stopped because it was boring. The script goes nowhere. How can you make a movie like that?
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WORST by far.........waste of time!
hartdmuth19 April 2023
I really appreciate the effort that the Romanian cinema production and all this industry implies does the last years. This one is a major failure! Worst by far!!!! Wasting time!

The short, each client story's supposed to be funny, but are not. Three times, parts are freezing on some boring dialogue with no ending. I don't know customers or taxi drivers, both way's, that could stand/accept such attitude or way to talk to someone. So by all means this should be catalogued as Sci/Fi drama and definitely not a comedy. Inspired by true stories from the taxi drivers and Bucharest nightlife? Come on, please!! Get lost Theo....dore!!!
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posticaalexandru5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Idiotic script, but the acting is worse than the script.

Never laughed once this entire ''movie''. The only ''acting'' they do is swear, all movie long.

The IQ needed to watch this movie is at a 5 year old level.

I'm 34, lived in Bucharest for many years, this ''movie'' is simply trash.

In this ''movie'' you are taught that if you do honest work, no matter your job, and don't make a huge lot of money, you are automatically an idiot, a stupid person (like that feminine character sais so many times, who's an interloper wife or whatever - practically she didn't achieve anything on her own, she just offered her ass).

You are told on the other hand that if you hustle people, if you're slick, if you lie, cheat, break the rules, offer bribe, rob people, you are doing a good thing and you are cool, this is the way to go.

This is the behaviour these ''actors'' and ''director''/''producer'' are encouraging in children nowadays. This is the society these guys want to live in, as they so proudly promote it in they garbage production.

Watch IDIOCRACY (2006) - this is the world in which these ''actors'' and ''director''/''producer'' are living.
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