Olympus Has Fallen (2013) Poster

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mirror, mirror on the wall...
ivko14 May 2018
If you live long enough you'll notice something funny about the way movies are made in Hollywood. Every once in a while, particularly during summer months when studios are rolling out their blockbuster hopefuls, you'll see a couple of movies released that seem to be mirror images of one-another. Not exactly the same, but similar enough that it seems like they must have some common ancestor.

The reason why this happens is pretty straight forward and has to do with the unusual way the movie industry works. Often, the scripts for movies aren't developed in-house by the studios, but rather purchased from freelance writers who come up with an idea and then "pitch" it to multiple studios looking for a buyer.

The process works for both the writers and the studios. There is a catch, however, which is that the person pitching relies upon a studio honoring an informal agreement not to use an idea without compensating the creator. The problem is that less scrupulous studio executives will have no problem passing on an idea and then blatantly copying it for their own movie. And even though everyone involved knows what's happening, it's pretty rare for anyone to actually sue over it, so it tends to keep happening.

A famous example of this (famous in the relative sense) happened with the movies 'Deep Impact' and 'Armageddon'. The original author who pitched 'Deep Impact' watched a studio exec take copious notes during the pitch, pass on it, and then rush to create a script and get his ripped off version made in time to compete with 'Deep Impact', which was purchased by another studio.

This usually happens when someone creates a script that captures the zeitgeist; that taps into an idea that just clicks with what people are talking and thinking about and it becomes the "must have" idea of the year.

Unless you're an industry insider, it can be difficult to know which movie was the original concept and which was the ripoff, but generally the original idea will be more polished and well thought out. 'Armageddon', for example, famously had such huge plot holes that the cast was complaining about them during filming.

'Olympus Has Fallen' (OHF) came out around the same time as 'White House Down' (WHD). Both movies feature an attack on the white house with an invading force, aided by a turncoat secret service agent, conquering the presidential security in an attempt to take him hostage. Both movies also have a protagonist who isn't secret service, but has some connection to the agency and ultimately proves that he deserves to be guarding the president. Both movies involve protecting a child caught in the crossfire. Both have failed attempts by special forces to re-take the building. Both involve explosions that destroy the building. Both movies involve forcing a change to foreign policy. And so on, you get the idea.

I don't know which was the original, but I have a guess. The movies were made during the presidency of Barack Obama. After he was elected, there was a lot of speculation about whether he would be the subject of an assassination attempt. To African Americans Obama represented an almost unbelievable event: one of their own elected to the most powerful office in the nation. And there was a great deal of angst about losing him violently, the way a number of prominent black leaders had been lost in the past. I think that was the kernel that sparked the original screenplay; this clash of the old power base and the new one in the symbolic seat of national power.

To my mind, WHD was the liberal take on the idea while OHF was the conservative counter. WHD featured a charismatic black president clearly modeled after Obama, right down to his attempts to quit smoking. The villains are white supremacist types backed by the old-guard military industrial complex who are fearful of the changes the president was making to foreign policy. And the protagonist is a millennial trying to prove he was worthy of the responsibility of protecting the president, perhaps an analogy for the young political activists that brought new methods of campaigning to Obama's election.

OHF, by contrast, features a white male president with villains who were almost exclusively Asian, and rather than representing the supporters of the status quo they are actively looking to tear down American force abroad, suggesting that the bad guys can't stand how effective the traditional American foreign policy is. In other words, the message is "we are winning and they are getting desperate". Even the protagonist is more representative of the target audience: a middle-aged man with a penchant for defiantly vowing to destroy the villains and defend our way of life.

Neither movie is particularly deep; it's mostly about the action sequences. In other words, these are popcorn movies. But I do think it's interesting how two such similar base ideas can manifest such different messages. While WHD is about the (then) rising tide of the progressive political movement and the supposed fear within groups that traditionally held power in the US, OHF is all about the traditional conservative message of Jingoism and the need to protect ourselves from the parts of the world that don't share our values.

Whatever the case may be, OHF was successful enough to green light a second film 'London Has Fallen', which is a continuation of the themes, only with (primarily) middle-eastern villains instead of Asian ones, and an upcoming 'Angel Has Fallen'. Personally, I thought OHF was decent but unspectacular. I enjoyed it enough when I saw it on HBO or Netflix or wherever, but I probably wouldn't pay to see it in the theater.
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Quite entertaining actually...
paul_haakonsen24 December 2015
While "Olympus Has Fallen" is an entertaining and thrilling movie, it does however run on stereotypic fuel; one man who save the day and saves all of America.

The story is compelling and fast paced, right from the very beginning. And it keeps its high tempo right up to the end. Sure there were some very predictable moments and situations that even a blind man saw coming a mile away. But despite that, director Antoine Fuqua managed to put together a wholesome entertaining movie.

The action sequences are good and well executed, coming off as believable, despite it being one man against 28. And the way that these sequences were filmed just puts you right there in the action.

As for the acting, well, with a cast as this, you know that you are getting your moneys worth. Gerard Butler really carried the movie quite well. The movie also brandished talents such as Aaron Eckhart, Dylan McDermott, Angela Bassett and Morgan Freeman.

If you enjoy action movies then you should sit down and watch "Olympus Has Fallen", if you haven't already seen it, because it is quite entertaining.
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Olympus Has Fallen — America is under attack, to hell with logic
AvidClimber16 April 2013
Olympus Has Fallen is yet an other US president oriented flick. A ton of action and special effects with almost as many logical flaws.

The acting is good, particularly Morgan Freeman (to a lesser extent: Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart) and there's no denying the roller coaster ride, but it has many shortcomings. Aside from the usual suspension of disbelief, logic fails at almost every turn. Then there's the poor dialogs, the easy retorts, the one dimensional underdeveloped characters, the incredible body count, and the overly flag-centric pride.

It's action based entertainment for sure, but not much else.
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What "Die Hard 5" should have been.
dvc515922 March 2013
I find it ironic that Gerard Butler, a Scotsman, as disgraced Secret Agent Mike Banning, embodies the spirit of John McClane much more than Bruce Willis did in that last dreadful outing. If anything, Butler has done nothing more than to cement his reputation as a bankable and likable action hero for the new generation in this old-school action movie. He has a commanding presence on-screen, quips wisecracks, bleeds when it's crucial, and dispatches the bad guys in a methodical cross between Jason Bourne and John Rambo. Not even the fine supporting cast (Morgan Freeman, Aaron Eckhart, Angela Bassett, Robert Forster, Melissa Leo, Dylan McDermott) can take away Butler's limelight.

Indeed, Antoine Fuqua's "Olympus Has Fallen" is not only terrific entertainment but a terrific throwback to the pivotal 90's action movie, the Die Hard clone - and this film ("Die Hard" in the White House) is another reminder of why the trusted formula works, even if it has been dormant for nearly two decades (the last good big one being Peter Hyams' "Sudden Death").

From the moment the film's main action start, the film doesn't stop running. The bad guys, hoo boy do they mean business. Rarely, if at all, have I seen this much brutal collateral damage in an American action film. Americans citizens get mowed down by bullets from ground and air forces. The all-American (Scottish) hero represents freedom and justice, and the bad guys represent every American's worst nightmare. I haven't seen this much political incorrectness since "The Delta Force". Having said that, Rick Yune surprisingly makes for an effective and nasty villain, who is relentlessly cold, smug and procedural in his mission, following the formula perfectly. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

It's fast, it's loud, it's preposterous, and yet I enjoyed every minute of it. The film is chock-full of sensational and well-shot action sequences/special effects, but its biggest strength is its cohesion. From start to finish the plot moves smoothly, and you can tell who the good guys and the bad guys are. The characters are established, their motives clear, and that's that. The action sequences do not simply skip to each other, they flow perfectly like a stream, thanks to crisp editing. Simplicity is key here, and convoluted plots do not fit in the formula (hear that, "Die Hard 5"?)

Fuqua is no stranger to action, having helmed the solid "Shooter" six years ago. Here he ratchets up the action up to a 10 (CGI is present but used reasonably), and he remarkably doesn't hold back on the tension. It's no "Training Day", but it more or less hearkens back to an Antoine Fuqua who made "The Replacement Killers". Just thrilling fun.

Of course the plot isn't original. It's a genre picture, and what I pay to see in a genre picture is its skillful craft and cohesive plot. This film has both, and resurrects the Die Hard clone from the grave. Here I thought I was getting bored of action movies. The genre is dying, you say? Here's a solid kicker.
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Action packed. Expected storyline.
0U20 February 2020
What a dumb, fun, entertaining movie this is. There really is no real story in this movie, other than an attack on the White House. Then it's just straight up "Die Hard" after that, and it's so beautiful to finally get to see a good "Die Hard" movie again. Gerard Butler plays Mike Banning, who is basically just British John McClane. And then we have Aaron Eckhart as Benjamin Asher, the POTUS and Morgan Freeman as Allan Trumbull, the public speaker. They are very good too. This is just a very dumb action movie, and those are the kind of movies that I really love to watch.
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Best Die Hard rip-off in a good while
Leofwine_draca17 January 2014
Forget airs and graces here: OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN is a straightforward siege-based action flick, heavily indebted to DIE HARD and its ilk, offering maximum thrills and spills and little else besides. It's hardly a thinking man's movie but it does ably do what it sets out to do, which is to offer plenty of action, high stakes and suspense.

The story is, in essence, DIE HARD in the White House and there's no more or less to it than that. Gerard Butler is good value in the action stakes (as we already know from 300, so it's a shame he's been wasting away in dumb rom-coms ever since) and the intricate plot sees a huge squad of terrorists kidnapping the President (an unlikely Aaron Eckhart), leaving Butler the only man on the ground with the power to stop them.

The action consists of a handful of brutal hand-to-hand fights and shoot-outs augmented with some CGI stuff of plane attacks and missiles; the CGI isn't great but it's better than you'd find in a B-movie at least. Morgan Freeman shows up as one of those guys whose business it is is to offer sage advice and look worried in equal measure, while Rick Yune tackles the role of lead North Korean terrorist with relish.

OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN isn't perfect by any means; it's occasionally cheesy, occasionally silly, and mostly far-fetched. It could also do with some more action, what there is is a little limited considering the running time of two hours. But it IS a perfect piece of action entertainment, the kind of switch-off-the-brain fun that I look out for in a movie.
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God Bless the United States of Fun-Stupid Conservative action movies
Quinoa198426 March 2013
Like Milius' Red Dawn (though not quite as accomplished technically), it's both completely indefensible substantively and yet a very enjoyable action film all the same. It knows what it is - jingoistic, idiotic drivel - but it's well shot and competently acted idiotic drivel if that makes sense.

Fuqua, in the mold of Milius, really has his heart-thumping loud and proud as an All-American, but he injects real red-meat and vigor into his direction of the action, which has its chaos but is never hard to follow or disorientating (or it's more controlled chaos to put it another way). Gerard Butler is... as good as he can be, which means he's alright, as an action hero for the first time in a while, and more believable than a Leonidas or whatever. Aaron Eckhardt was just one second away from accidentally yelling "RACHEL!" ala Dark Knight. And Morgan Freeman looked mostly tired, but could still command the screen better than half the rest of the people in the room save for Robert Forster. Oh, and did I mention this movie has a lot of logical gaps (Dylan McDermott's character, for example), and the CGI, such as when a certain rectangular monument is destroyed for no real reason except for cinematic eye-candy, looks so awful that your Windows 95 screen-saver was more convincing? There is that.

Olympus Has Fallen has an innumerable body count, effectively nasty-cum- stock villains, dialog that is to-the-point and story driven (even if that story, again, can be pretty stupid, and when it comes to those nuclear launch codes really needs a Dr. Strangelove in a wheelchair to come in and explain it to the Pentagon people), and I had a fun time watching the violence ensue. Perhaps when stacked up against actual bulls**** like Taken 2 or a Die Hard 5, its cinematic sins are slightly less egregious- it borrows from other films, liberally one might say (a little *original* Die Hard here, Air Force One there, any given hostage- crisis flick there, oh and how about most 24 episodes crammed into the climax), but somehow it trusts its audience to either be dumb enough to enjoy the ride, or that the smart people know its dumb but can enjoy its own dumb logic on its own terms. In other words, it's patently absurd, and all it's missing is a bald eagle to swoop in at the end to congratulate the heroes.
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focuses much on action and forget the script, more if you like action movie, this may please you
miguelneto-7493612 July 2016
Olympus Has Fallen is another film that focuses more on action than on the script , at least the action scenes are fun to watch , plus the script sins with many errors , the steering gets far more in the course of the film he loses control , the cast is interesting , is Gerard Butler who is making more action films , he's fine , have Aaron Eckhart which is good, and the excellent Morgan Freeman 's fine too , the special effects are competent , the action scenes are good , the plot is simple , the soundtrack is average , you do not notice it much , Olympus Has Fallen is no better action movie in done, more is far from bad, the action scenes are cool. Note 6.9
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Turn off your brain, relax and enjoy the action ride!!
kobold-2313 April 2013
We've asked for a real Die Hard movie, for a very long time.

We've asked for a real R rated action movie, for a while.

We've asked for a decent and crazy actioner for a long time.

There you have it. Olympus Has Fallen is the movie that has everything you were waiting to see. Thankfully, Bruce Willis is on vacation ( just like he claimed several times, in Die Hard 5). So, he is nowhere to be seen, thankfully. We have a good amount of violence, shootouts and action.

It's important and really honest if you like the movie for what it is, a fun, crazy and silly action movie with some good lines and some good acting. So, like it for what it is, but don't hate it for what it isn't. It's not meant to be a serious, edgy and visceral movie. It's Die Hard in White House, plain and simple.

You'll find the same old plot holes that similar movies had, but don't be scared. The flaws won't take away the fun you'll have with the flick.

The movie is not for kids or babies. It's very violent and they don't hold any punch regarding the display of violence and brutality on screen. Woman, men, that doesn't matter. Headshots, impalings, explosions and lots of deaths. That's about it.

Don't walk to the cinema, expecting to see a serious and complex thriller. This is a action movie that doesn't stop until its ending. You have 25 minutes of "building up" and after that, the action is pretty much nonstop.

Yeah, you'll see patriotism, but then again, a movie about the White Houlse wouldn't forget anything about it.

Finally: Go watch it for the action and some of the acting.
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Die Hard in the White House! 7/10
leonblackwood26 August 2013
Review: I quite enjoyed this Die Hard in the White House type of movie, but it doesn't have the wit and cockiness of Bruce Willis. That not to say that Gerard Butler didn't do a bad job, and its good to see him taking a break from them annoying Rom-Com's. The storyline is quite good and there is loads of action from beginning to end, which makes it feel shorter than 2 hours. The ending is a bit corny, and I'm sure that the body count is more than Rambo, but that's what makes the movie enjoyable. You can definitely tell we're the $70 million budget went with all of the explosions and plane crashes which looked pretty impressive. Enjoyable!

Round-Up: After watching Morgan Freeman in Oblivion, the make up team obviously went for the old look because he looks like he needs to make another bucket list. Gerard Butler really did buff up for this film and he does pull off the whole action hero thing. I also liked the guy who played the villain because he was quite cool and collected and he never got excited, even tough he was going to blow up America. All of the other actors seemed to be dropping like flies throughout the movie but its a great watch.

Budget: $70million Worldwide Gross: $161million

I recommend this movie to people who like there political action movies with a Die Hard concept!. 7/10
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I never write reviews but I have to make an exception for this one...
josefscharfen12 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the movie would be good - 7.1 rating and excellent actors. And that's actually all, which is good about the movie. So unrealistic and playing the lowest nature of human being, I have actually left the movie theater sad and disgusted with the fact how many people actually cheered out loud during the movie.

a) A plane makes it to D.C. before being intercepted by two raptors, which get shot down and after that only ONE raptor is sent to deal with the threat. b) Disregarding the fact that half of the army would already be all over D.C. when the two jets got shot down, the terrorists are now advancing towards the White House on foot - Humvees and choppers are sent out from across the river and the humvees get there first??? c) all the SS agents just run toward the bullets d) president gets captured and the U.S. chain of command will let the nation be destroyed just because of one man e) WH doesn't use the super secret weapon to defend the premises but somehow the terrorists are able to operate it??? f) Blowing up unarmed ICBMs will destroy the nation??? g) At the end when Butler calls in that they are okay, it takes them 5 mins to get out of the building and no one is going in???

And two things are absolutely worst: 1) Cheap and cheesy nationalism that should actually make people beware is still working to stir up some pretty strong emotions, especially among those whose necks are two feet wide and heads cleanly shaved. I was absolutely horrifies how many people stop thinking when a flag above WH has bullet holes in it and start punching the air, yelling and all together start behaving like animals... It's actually pretty scary, no wonder some people were scared of garrison state after the Cold War started. We are not far from it today... 2) I wonder who REALLY paid for this crap. So cheesy and appealing to the lowest animal nature of dumb people portraying North Korea as new terrorist threat??? (To be fair in one part of the movie they had to say that people in Middle East were celebrating when seeing the WH captured) How lame and pathetic is this... Yes let's go to war with every single country that doesn't necessarily love the United States. At least from the audience I had to sit in, you would probably get good 50 volunteers for the first lines.

Absolutely appalling and scary experience.
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Shoot the boredom.
sujanfaster22 March 2013
If I was a critic I would have written this movie off. Saying that its just one of those movies with the same old plot with a bit modification. This is true, but as an audience I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.

The best thing about this movie is its pace. You won't know how fast the 110 minutes go. There's not a minute you feel bored. The attack sequences are bit over the top, but if you are a drama lover, you won't be disappointed. The storyline isn't much to think about but the screenplay is apt. Its a good thing that the director Antonie Fuqua keeps things simple, doesn't dig too much into the conspiracy stuff and also doesn't include any unnecessary twists.

Gerard Butler does what he does best, fight bad guys. Aaron Eckhart as the stern faced president reminds you of Harvey Dent. Morgan Freeman probably is there to strengthen the star value in the film. But its the villain Rick Yune with his evil smile who impresses.

This is an out and out entertainer, don't think too much, just be in the moment and watch this movie.
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Action packed - Gripping performances - Unrealistic, though highly entertaining
D-Gal10 April 2016
This is the second time I've watched this film, and I liked it just as much as the first time I watched it.

I've always been a logical thinker since I was able to understand things in life fully, and some of the things strike me as highly unlikely or improbable in this film, but though as seemingly far- fetched and unrealistic as "Olympus Has Fallen" is, it's a great film to just shut the logical side of your brain off, wind down and simply enjoy the thrill-ride of sheer action and suspense.

The film is predictable and somewhat overly patriotic at times (especially the ending), but it's still awesome fun and leaves you hanging on for the ride.

The scrip was pretty good, the acting was excellent and the characters were kind of 2 dimensional but the atmosphere of the film itself makes it feel less important.

I was pretty bummed about the special effects to be completely honest though. For a film that had a 70 million dollar budget, you'd think they'd put in a little extra time and effort making the special effects look somewhat real at least; surely the actors weren't paid so much that cuts were made to CGI. It seemed a little, how do I say it... Cartoony? Oh well, the special effects were only a tiny portion of the film, I guess.

I'm yet to watch the sequel to this film, "London Has Fallen", and I'm not expecting a flawless film at all, but although it may be just as far-fetched and implausible as the first film, I'm hoping my point of view will be very similar; fun-filled, action packed goodness.

If you're a person who enjoys some excellent shoot 'em up scenes with a story that makes sense though as improbable as it may be, then this film is definitely for you! If solid action doesn't particularly fit in your area of enjoyment, then avoid this film and watch something else.

8/10. Great fun!
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Dumb Hard
adrongardner31 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The entire movie I kept waiting for Leslie Nielsen to show up. This has got to be a parody right?

Olympus Has Fallen is the most blatant, and dumbest Die Hard scene for scene copy that has, or more likely, will ever be made. I don't know how security cameras, sub machine guns, rocket launchers or bunkers work, but I'm sure I know they don't work like they do in this movie. This is like a really bad cover to a great, iconic song. Same words, but man, is it painful to experience.

Not only does every single actor in this movie talk with the Jack Bauer and Batman Begins gravel voice, I think this movie is racist and discriminatory too. Not even toward the Koreans, it's also downright Anti-American. Look, there's some dummies that come and go from all levels of our government, but this movie makes reality look pretty sweet because everybody in this one is freaking IQ flat lined. The FBIs Johnson and Johnson (no relation) at the Nakatomi building were smarter than anybody in this one.

Did I mention how dumb this movie is? Don't you have to Arm a missile BEFORE you detonate it? Can you evacuate 30k US troops from the DMZ in 30 minutes? Or, you know the part where they send in the Navy SEALs knowing their own weaponry will cut these brave men down and the CSA, played by Robert Forrester for payday, refuses to call them back after 5/6 helos are smoking? Wait, these guys are probably still alive, they can get out of the chopper and get the job done...

Nah, the movie lets them be dead for the sake of the script so Butler bad dude can go in there and clean house. Even though all his security codes should be revoked for the White House after 18 months reassigned. :( My head hurts.

As an American, folks, I want to publicly apologize for this thing. Also, what the heck hit that first SUV at the beginning of the movie? I still have no idea what that was. But then there I go trying to think. Everything I've been taught to do, my entire life. You know using my powers of deduction and all that education, man forget it. You'll only suffer.

Live free or Dumb Hard. With a Vengeance Harder

P.S. hashtag is shift 3
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If you don't like violence they why'd you watch it?
allenkillszombies30 March 2020
Fun popcorn flick. Lots of action and Gerard Butler kicking ass. If your not a fan of violent movies then why'd you watch it?
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Just turn your brain off and enjoy the ride. Warning: Spoilers
Gerard Butler is an ex CIA agent who happens to be near the White House when terrorists take it over. It's up to him to save the day. It's Die Hard in the White House pretty much and Butler is just as bad ass as Bruce Willis and almost as funny. It's incredibly violent and over the top and just completely ridiculous. None of this would ever happen. Like, they would never take the president to the same bunker as guests from other countries. Those people would go to a different safe room. Still, as unbelievable as the plot is, it sure was a fun movie. It was a roller-coaster ride from beginning to end. Aaron Eckert plays the president and he is pretty tough too. If fact everyone is tough in it, even the female secretary of state who really takes a beating from the terrorists. A lot of people take a good beating on both sides. The White House takes a good beating too. Good beatings all around! You may be surprised by a few twists and details in this, but the general story is pretty easy to predict and follow. I don't think that will get in the way of enjoying it. Just turn your brain off and enjoy the ride.
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The most preposterous and ridiculous 'DIE HARD' redo yet but it is entertaining.
Hellmant25 March 2013
'OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

It's been a long time since we've had a good 'DIE HARD' rip-off! We used to get them all the time; 'DIE HARD on a bus' ('SPEED'), 'DIE HARD on a plane' ('PASSENGER 57'), 'DIE HARD on a boat' ('UNDER SIEGE'), 'DIE HARD on a train ('UNDER SIEGE 2'), 'DIE HARD at a hockey rink' ('SUDDEN DEATH') and many more. 'DIE HARD at the White House' was inevitable and it's the most preposterous and ridiculous 'DIE HARD' redo yet. It is entertaining though. Surprisingly it's the first of two movies dealing with the same subject matter this year. The Roland Emmerich helmed 'WHITE HOUSE DOWN' comes out in June in which Channing Tatum plays a cop touring the White House who must protect the president (Jamie Foxx) from terrorists there. I hope that's even better but this one definitely doesn't disappoint.

This White House invasion film revolves around a Presidential guard named Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) who's let go from his White House position after he fails to save the president's wife (Ashley Judd) in an automobile accident. President Asher (Aaron Eckhart) doesn't want to be reminded of the tragedy so he has Banning removed from his security unit. When North Korean terrorists take over the White House, and take the president hostage, Banning makes his way into the building without being noticed. He then takes on the terrorists one at a time as he communicates with the acting president, Speaker Trumbull (Freeman), and the Secret Service Director (Angela Bassett) outside. Dylan McDermott, Rick Yune, Melissa Leo, Radha Mitchell and Cole Houser also co-star in the film.

The movie was directed by Antoine Fuqua (of 'TRAINING DAY' fame) and written by first time film writers Creighton Rothenberger and Katrin Benedikt. As unbelievable as it is it's still somewhat suspenseful and the action is decent. Butler makes a good action hero and it's amazing how much he resembles Mel Gibson in his day. Fuqua definitely knows how to direct an action film like this, the impressive cast is a little underused but they do add some credibility to the laughable premise. Not nearly as cool or entertaining as a 'DIE HARD' film but it is a decent redo. If you're a fan of 'DIE HARD' rip-offs than you're almost sure to enjoy.

Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75ldnaJSPKw
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Crazy, Outrageous, Corny but Oh So Much Fun
Michael_Elliott27 March 2013
Olympus Has Fallen (2013)

*** (out of 4)

Former Presidential guard Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) finds himself going up against a group of terrorists who have overtaken the White House and now have the President of the United States (Aaron Eckhart) held captive. Banning must go thru the White House to save the President's son as well as try to save the main man before the terrorists get ahold of what they're after. Look, if you're walking into OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN expecting some sort of heartfelt political drama then I'd recommend leaving before the trailers are over. If you're looking for an outrageous, over-the-top, corny, goofy madhouse then this here will be your cup of tea. There's no question about it but director Antoine Fuqua does a terrific job at keeping the action moving at a fast pace and giving us some characters to root for. The film really does seem like a throwback to those films of the 1940s that were made when the U.S. was involved in WWII. Those films were very patriotic, waved the U.S. flag proudly and didn't give a darn about anyone else. This film certainly waves the flag with the villain being North Korea and I must admit that I was a little shocked at how blazing the film was in painting them as pure evil. I was also shocked to see how many guts this film had because at no time did you ever know where the story was going to go because you even have women getting beaten, which is usually something that doesn't happen in these type of films. The action is pretty much non-stop after a somewhat silly opening where we see the "tragic" circumstance that leads Banning away from his job. It doesn't take long for the guns to start firing and we're treated to all sorts of fights, explosions and violent deaths. The film is really over-the-top in terms of its story but it's equally matched by the graphic violence, which just makes for a fun time. There's even a torture sequence, which contains some hilarious dark humor. The cast is another major plus as Butler has no problem playing a sympathetic tough guy and of course Eckhart can handle his part. The supporting cast is just as fun and includes Melissa Leo, Dylan McDermott, Morgan Freeman, Angela Bassett and Robert Forster. Again, the plot itself is pretty far-fetched and there's no question that the film doesn't try to be anything other than a popcorn movie. I think it really succeeds all around and is certainly one of the better action pictures so far in 2013.
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Great movie
RobTheWatcher24 July 2021
Despite a few gaps in realism and competency of the White House.. this movie was very entertaining and action packed. It felt like a new Die Hard. Also imagine Joe Biden as President during this and try not to laugh.
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Enjoyable Action with Character
LordJiggy23 March 2013
First, you know this film was pitched as "Die Hard in the White House." Yet, given that limitation, the film manages to avoid a number of pitfalls that have crept into the many lesser imitations of the first (and still best of them) "Die Hard." It's the characters in the film that keep it from being too much of a cartoon. The lead character, played by Butler, has had a fall a grace. In a more clichéd film, he'd be a broken, embittered alcoholic (e.g., Kevin Bacon in "The Following") who happens upon a chance for redemption and salvation. Instead, Butler's Secret Service agent is getting on with his life in a desk job, disappointed, anxious to be of more use, but not a shambling wreck of a human. He is a career professional, and when the events of the story take place, he reacts like a professional. The wisecracks are few (he doesn't "kill n' quip") and understated, which makes them more effective. Other characters have small touches (especially Melissa Leo) that make them distinctive and worth rooting for. A very welcome touch is the way the film-makers foil our expectations...they've seen many of the same movies, and rather than follow the cookie-cutter approach of bad scripts, they twist those situations to make them new and interesting.

The action is well done and exciting. It's not a perfect film, but more than competent, continually engaging, and, in the highest praise I can offer, worth full price.
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This Movie Kicks Serious ASS!!
ActionFan-Reviews19 April 2013
Now over the past little while Gerard Butler has given us some movies like "playing for keeps" and "chasing mavericks". I respect him for trying something different but let me say that in this film he's back doing what he does best - cracking skulls, literally!. Now this film will be for those guys like me who are tired of movies being toned down for a PG 13 rating. It's a brutal and bloody throwback to the glory days of action cinema in the 80's/90's. this film combines elements of other great action flicks like die hard,under siege, red dawn, independence day, the raid: redemption and many more you could think of. Comparisons aside,It stands well on it's own to many of the classics iv'e mentioned. This flick would of been perfect for guys like Stallone, Schwarzenegger or Willis twenty years ago.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend this film to people who need to go through every little thing to see whether that would happen in real life. Because this film is escapism at its best and too much thinking isn't required. Now if your a person who wants a fun action packed film where you just sit back, munch on popcorn and enjoy the fun, I would highly recommend it.

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What a Horrible Movie
Quinn91325 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First of all this rant is going to be filled with SPOILERS so now you are warned.

Where do I begin? Do I start with how the antagonists all have magic bullets and the secret service agents don't or that the good guys are too stupid to seek cover when being fired upon. Maybe I should start with the plane that decimates DC and how it wasn't even questioned on the radio till it was flying over DC. Or maybe how Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) is giving information to Speaker Trumbull (Morgan Freeman) and says that were forty terrorists and now they are down to twenty-eight. Seriously, I think Banning killed over six so out of all the other agents they killed the other half.

My biggest angst is that Kang (Rick Yune) is torturing people for some codes and the President (Aaron Eckhart) keeps saying "Give him the code he will never get mine." and when it finally comes to the point in the movie where Kang needs his code it is ALREADY in the computer. What happened? How did Kang get his code?

Also, the fact that they gave into the terrorist demands over the life of the President is hysterical especially when they bring up the phrase "We do not negotiate with terrorists.".

Overall, I thought this movie should have been renamed a comedy because I have never laughed so hard at all the ridiculous inaccuracies and weak story line.
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Great Action Movie
liam_nb14 September 2018
While this movie is definitely unrealistic and stupid in every possible way it still is great action and honestly pretty good character which for a movie tagged as pretty much die hard what do you want, watch this movie and enjoy a lot of really dumb fun scenes it's one of the rare dumb action movies with what looks like an actual budget and effects just don't expect great things from the sequel.
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What "Die Hard 5" should have been...
KineticSeoul13 April 2013
Well Gerard Butler is back to his roots on what he does best. Instead of constantly doing romantic comedies, which some are watchable. But he is just better with these types or roles. The actions and character interactions are quite predictable and generic but the direction it goes makes this a entertaining popcorn flick. Especially since the people in the White House or has anything to do with the White House are all just darn charismatic. It has Aaron Eckhart as the president of the United states and he is a tough and charismatic president. If I think of a modern day American president, Aaron Eckhart just pops in my head or at least someone that looks similar to him. And it even has Morgan Freeman as the speaker of the house...Nuff said. And Rick Yune who is basically a North Korean terrorist actually somewhat stands out as the main villain. Well at least way more than Will Yun Lee from the crappy "Red Dawn" reboot. The plot is basically about the North Korean terrorists taking over the White House and only one man is capable or at least put in the situation to fight back. And although some parts just gets really dumb, it's still entertaining to a degree. When it comes to action movies this is generic as it gets for the most part. But it's just very entertaining to watch Gerard Butler as the secret service guy kicking ass and taking names. Overall this is a very watchable popcorn flick. And is a good throwback to the 90's action movies even if some of the one-liners can get really really cheesy.

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Plot has more holes than the bad guys!
khamilton-1125 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Gerard, where did it all go wrong! I remember Butler as a good actor on his way to being great. He has the personality and the talent to do so much more with his craft. This was formulaic with an absurd plot - which constantly contradicted itself. The entire US foreign policy changed to save the President. No, don't think that would happen - you just get another President. A major sequence where they torture staff to get missile codes with the President vowing never to give his up - which he doesn't, but they somehow tap it into the computer anyway. Eh??? The fight scenes are beyond dumb, the assault on the white House - might appeal to a ten year old. The C140 attack, was so cringe worthy as to make me actually rise out the chair. The General in the control room!!! Stop it. And the flag waving cringeworthy speech at the end - do any Americans still buy into that type of faux patriotism. I so hope not.

You take one look at the cast, and think this must be OK. In fact, you look at the cast and think this might be great.

It's not.
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