Blast Vegas (TV Movie 2013) Poster

(2013 TV Movie)

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One very bland destruction, nowhere near enough to blow anything off the map
TheLittleSongbird3 November 2013
There has definitely been worse movies on the SyFy Channel, and Blast Vegas- or Destruction: Las Vegas- is one of those movies that you should try to watch without expecting too much or take it for what it is. Unfortunately even when trying to do that, Blast Vegas came off as a real mess. Barry Bostwick is okay and at least he tries to have some fun, and the attack in the underground parking does have some excitement and tension. The rest of the acting is very bad though, Joe Dante and John Landis are wasted in literally irrelevant cameo appearances and Frankie Muniz's lead performance is both uncharismatic and charmless. With the characters they are so cardboard and poorly developed you cannot root for any of them and some even do things that are infuriatingly ridiculous. The dialogue has no spark either, it's either very bland, it's very shallow-sounding throughout, or too reliant on the silliness, and sadly the silliness is not fresh or witty enough to be effective. The story has one good scene amongst the numerous but soulless action sequences, dull pacing, disaster scenes that lack any kind tension or sense of danger(not helped by that the characters show no signs of being genuinely concerned about what's happening) and dramatic scenes that are frankly predictable and ham-fisted. The movie is not cheaply made- well apart from the special effects which look hurried and poorly textured- but shows no sense of style, and the direction is similarly characterless. The music plays too much of a dirge and isn't memorable enough in the slightest, at no point either does it do anything to enhance what's happening. In conclusion, has a couple of redeeming merits but a very. very bad movie that is really bland with no character, energy or soul. 2/10 for Bostwick and one good sequence. Bethany Cox
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Sand Blast Vegas
wes-connors19 July 2013
A crate from the "Cairo Museum" is car-jacked, but the sword inside the box manages to arrive at a Las Vegas casino, where it is put on display. There, college students gather to smoke, gamble, drink and have sex. The young men and women are very attractive, except for script-described "runt" Frankie Muniz (as Nelson). With less height and hair than his hunky buddies, Mr. Muniz is given almost no chance to get laid. However, Muniz meets his female equivalent - frumpy Maggie Castle (as Olive) - and the two are mutually attracted. She's not unattractive, but assumes a frumpy posture...

After the jeweled sword is stolen by Muniz' buddies, it "unleashes power like the world has never seen." The sword is said to have originated in 1425 BC. It appears to be cursed - but how and why events occur may require a second viewing of "Blast Vegas" (if you dare). The characters have some ideas. Local "lounge lizard" singer Barry Bostwick (as Sal Rowinski) manages to keep up with the younger cast. A secondary romance holds promise for Michael Steger (as Oren) and Jillian Nelson (as Amber). Andrew Lawrence (as T.J.) knows how to trip over cables nicely. Chris Ridenhour's music is good...

Most interesting is that, in this "special effects" movie, the best sequence does not depend on the effects at all. This scene occurs when Muniz and Ms. Castle are in an underground parking structure. There, they are assaulted by scruffy Steven Schub. Here, director Jack Perez and Mr. Schub inject all the tension and excitement that is missing from the rest of the artificially staged story. The scene is not connected to the movie, but it makes more sense - Schub is a working class man resentful of "rich kids" vacationing in Vegas. His ancestors probably carried stones used to build the Egyptian pyramids.

**** Blast Vegas (7/18/13) Jack Perez ~ Frankie Muniz, Maggie Castle, Barry Bostwick, Steven Schub
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Vegas barely survives Spring Break.
michaelRokeefe21 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
SyFy cranks out another bomb. A gaggle of friends attack Las Vegas for Spring Break; on the agenda is getting nerd Nelson(Frankie Muniz)laid. One of Nelson's dimwit friends steals an ancient Egyptian sword on display mocking the warning of a curse. Nelson strikes up a friendship with a plain looking girl named Olive(Maggie Castle)and it is nerd love at first sight. Uh Oh, the curse kicks in and the city that never sleeps becomes ground zero for an unusual sand storm fueled by massive tornadoes with hurricane-like winds. Nelson and Olive realize what is happening and discover the way to stop Vegas from being blown off the map. The group of friends gather to hunt for key elements to stop the curse. Good thing that legendary lounge lizard Sal Rowinski(Barry Bostwick)is willing to show the Spring Breakers shortcuts through underground tunnels to find the way to keep the bright lights of Vegas from going out forever. Lame as lame can be. SyFy's gamble on this one craps out quickly. The special effects don't do anything to redeem the silly script. Other members of the cast: Jillian Nelson, Summer Bishil, Andrew Lawrence, Adam Walker with cameos by Jon Landis and Joe Dante.
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koretsky19 July 2013
This movie is as bad as a summer in Indonesia, without air/con. Watching it injured my soul: ultra-bad comes to mind. It is similar in smell to old sneakers, soaked in a swamp and stuffed into Icelandic shark cheese. Life is not fair and this movie proves it. The CGI made me hate computers as a rule, despite a career utilizing them for pure purpose. Luckily, this film was commercially supported and there were some delightful adverts during the break. I've enjoyed many holidays in Las Vegas ( none of which involved the mixed-metaphors written herein) and can say safely that no great English/Egyptian sword threatens a visitor: on the contrary; beware of gonorrhea and of crabs.
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Shield your eyes, because this.... ah, just forget it...
paul_haakonsen22 August 2013
Another SyFy Channel movie bites the dust... uhm, I mean sand.

Wow, this movie was really, really cheesy and bad. Sure, this is a SyFy Channel movie, but still I gave it a chance. You know, it could just happen to be one of those rare SyFy Channel gems that actually entertain and prove to be watchable. However, such was not the case.

The story in "Blast Vegas" is about an old ancient Egyptian curse striking down upon Las Vegas, with a blistering sand storm, threatening to kill all people in Las Vegas. And of course it is up to a handful of college kids on spring break to stop this supernatural curse.

Indeed, the storyline was just laughable and nowhere resembled anything that had any purpose whatsoever. There is simply no fun or entertainment to be found in this movie.

The CGI effects were bad, pretty bad. Especially because there were so many flaws and errors in them. For instance, a massive sandstorm blasts Las Vegas for a long time, yet there is no single layers of sand to be seen anywhere. And people venturing openly into this sandstorm have no problems having their eyes wide open - no sand gets into them, and then need not even shield their eyes from the stinging sand. Right, very nice touch right there.

And I just laughed so hard when the group was in the bowling alley. There were debris cluttering the desks, but nothing on the floor. But it gets better, if you pay attention to the background, all pins on the bowling lanes are still standing erect.

One thing also comes to mind, why would a Las Vegas casino have a thousand year old sword lying around where anyone could just pick it up, take it and leave with it? This was just idiotic.

Also, after a prolonged and constant blasting of a sandstorm in Las Vegas, you'd think cars and people would be off the streets, as surely there have been some kind of emergency broadcasting issued. But no, as the storm continued to roll across the city - without leaving anything covered in sand, mind you - there is still a lot of traffic on the roads.

The storyline in "Blast Vegas" is irrelevant and pointless to say the least, and you never really think that there is any overwhelming danger in any way threatening the people in the movie or the city.

The one good thing about this movie was the acting. It was sort of spoofy and held in a very low budget B-movie style. Intentionally, or just because even the actors didn't buy into this storyline and script, well, who knows? Some things are meant to remain buried underneath the sands of time, as is the case with this movie.
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Best avoided
ib190313 June 2021
The only redeeming thing about this movie is that it is short but unfortunately it still manages to drag it's way to the finish line.

Poor script, terrible acting and laugh out loud special effects. I understand budget constraints and B movie status but really why bother when this manure is the best you can come up with. A little bit of research and a bit more care and attention to detail might have made it a bit less awful but why bother if this is the best that you aspire to... the director's philsophy obviously.
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A Disastrous Fantasy: Ouch... That Hurt... Are My Eyes Bleeding?
P3n-E-W1s318 June 2017
I love disaster movies, they're one of my favourite forms of light entertainment. They are full of improbable probabilities about the future of our planet; that at their best, make us take note and think, what if(?) At their worst, they usually make you laugh, even though it's unintentional.

So when I read that the writer, Meyer Shwarzstein with screenwriters Joe D'Ambrosia and Tom Teves had added a fantasy element I thought I'd give it a go...

The mistake was mine. My imagination had already given life to the synopsis... The film falls woefully short in every way.

Firstly, the acting was so awful I was wishing the cast would die off quicker. Even Frankie Muniz, who has proved he can act was terrible. The only decent actor in the whole film was Barry Bostwick who does a great job of portraying a constant gin drinking, wash-up, slightly sleazy, lounge piano player. It's because of Bostwick the film got the rating it did from me.

Secondly, the director handles the story material ludicrously. There is no way anybody is going to believe any of this modern fantasy tale. I know it's meant to be lighthearted and comedic but it even misses here. There are too many holes and continuity errors that are glaringly obvious, as well as some impossible situations. These are evident in other disaster films, though in this movie they are less forgivable because of how the story is handled. The pace and flow are so muddled it gives the movie a disjointed feel.

Thirdly, the special effects, are way below average. Though most movies of this ilk are low-budget the effects are usually well created and carried out to maximise the power and atmosphere of destruction. However, in this film they are so unrealistic my attention was actually broken, as I shook my head in disgust.

The writers and directors of this film should have watched Sharknado and others of a similar vein; then they would've had some idea on how to handle the subject material.

I couldn't in all good conscience recommend this film to anyone. Though if you find yourself kidnapped by Jigsaw and forced to watch this movie then you can take some solace in the fact that at least Barry Bostwick may keep you from going insane...
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Effective in some ways, but needed more social tension & meatier subtext
Wuchakk26 June 2017
Released to TV in 2013 and directed by Jack Perez, "Blast Vegas" (aka "Destruction: Las Vegas") concerns a group of college guys vacationing in Las Vegas, three of whom steal an ancient Egyptian sword from an exhibit and unwittingly unleash a colossal sand storm with other magical things, like a huge sand cobra.

I generally like TV-budgeted MOTW (Monster of the Week) movies. "Gargoyles" from 1972 is Exhibit A. "Blast Vegas" has a great setting and an interesting MOTW, albeit ludicrous. With a setting like Vegas you'd expect a lot of comely females and the movie delivers to a degree, particularly in the first act. Most of the settings involve the group of protagonists traveling in the basements from one big casino to another (trying to stay away from the storm outside). It's reminiscent of the group in "The Poseidon Adventure" where they traveled through the unseen innards of the vessel. In regards to the gargantuan sand storm and peripheral menaces, like a deadly cobra and an escaped tiger, the producers could only do so much with a TV budget. All things considered, the CGI storm looks fine, as does the cobra, but the tiger looks too fake. Yet this is somewhat expected in a flick of this ilk.

Beyond the setting and MOTW, it's the story, characters, suspense and subtext (mindfood) where a movie like this stands or falls. The plot's good but the group of protagonists needed something. Frankie Muniz works surprisingly well as the unlikely hero, as does Barry Bostwick as his amusing supposed-mentor, a Vegas lounge lizard. The females, however, are weak, except for Maggie Castle as the non-hero's potential frumpy babe. The cast desperately needed someone like Cerina Vincent in "Sasquatch Mountain" (2006), Erin Karpluk in "Wyvern" (2009), Cindy Busby in "Behemoth" (2011) or Rebekah Kochan in "Flu Bird Horror" (2008).

As for suspense, it was okay. One sequence in particular was effective, the one involving Steven Schub as a working class thug, resentful of the "rich kids" who vacationed in Vegas. But suspense is created as much by the rising tensions between group members as the threat of the MOTW and this is the movie's weak point. The same with the subtext, which amounts to (A.) don't fool with ancient Egyptian magic (rolling my eyes) and (B.) even a likable "runt" can get the right babe if he plays his cards right. The second is good stuff, but it's not meaty enough to sustain a movie. As such, despite the numerous exciting things going on, "Blast Vegas" is curiously boring and isn't worth mentioning in the same breath as those four Syfy flicks noted above (take that as you will). However, it's still worth catching if any of the aforementioned positives trip your trigger.

The film runs 86 minutes and was shot in Indio, California (and, presumably, Las Vegas, at least establishing shots).

GRADE: C/C- (4.5/10)
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Hard to Believe
bakodel10238 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Gave it a 2, because of humor. What happened to Elvis? After we were attacked by a man eating tiger? He died. Again? Now considering that the Stratosphere is huge and it falls down into an arena and is very small there, it makes it very hard to believe. If you notice you can see an awful lot of newspapers around but where is the wind that would have moved them around. I love the rolling Hot Air balloon that destroys things on the side of the road but most of those things are way out of reach from the balloon. And when does a snake push someone into a trash compactor. I know SYFY means well and the plots are good but really, take the time and spend a little money.
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nogodnomasters9 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a made for US TV. The sword of Thutmose III (The Napoleon of Egypt) is taken by some college kids and placed in the ground by a Vegas pool. This sets off a series of attacks on the city, mostly by a sand snake twister. A small group has figured what what it takes to stop the attacks and goes about the task.

The film was designed to be campy, but was no "Sharknado." Barry Bostwick plays Sal, an overly stereo-typical Vegas has-been piano player. He thanks a single person clapping and plugs his album on sale in the casino lobby. An Elvis impersonator asks Olive (Maggie Castle) if she has seen Elvis 68. "He has left the building." While this is not knee slapping humor it is typical of what is going on in the film.

With other and better disaster films out there, I can't see wasting time on this one, now on a multi-pack of 12 films.
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Really bad, even by genre standards
Leofwine_draca12 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
DESTRUCTION: LAS VEGAS is a particularly stupid disaster-themed TV movie featuring a starring role for an all-grown-up Frankie Muniz, star of TV's MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE. This one sees a whole group of youthful idiots heading off for a fun weekend in Vegas, only to accidentally unleash an ancient Egyptian curse when they get their hands on a magic sword. It's as dumb as it sounds, chock full of particularly bad CGI sandstorm effects and some remarkably bad acting. The only fun comes from a scenery-chewing Barry Bostwick in support and brief, random cameos from Joe Dante and John Landis.
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I did not recognize any of the actors.
Bernie444415 October 2023
I did not recognize any of the actors.

A sword, owned by Thutmose III from Egypt, finds its way to Las Vegas. A party group locates it and sticks it in the sand. Just like the Arthurian legend only the true warrior can extract it. In the meantime, its curse launches a headache in Las Vegas. Can this be corrected in time, or will we be subject to lions, tigers, and bears "oh my?" Watch and see.

One of the better disaster movies. If there's a cliché out there that it forgot to include that was an accident. They miss their opportunity to change olives and olive oil.

The actual filming location is Indio, California, USA.
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A Really Bad SYFY Channel Movie
loveablejohn-466293 April 2019
This movie was pretty much bad in all respects from the acting to the poorly written script but it did have some good comedic and action scenes. The special effects were horrendous for the most part but the cinematography was decent.
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It's a comic
nikopol-779642 March 2020
Never seen anything worst! Ultra low budget movie.
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